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Everything posted by Docbop

  1. But isn't that a constant going back forever. Some music become popular, people imitate it to make a buck, then people complain about it's over use.
  2. No, not Al DiMeola s much old Jazz guitarist. Because of other crap he's done after losing his first online school I really don't want to say his name. Funny though he had to guest Jazz guitarist do a few lessons on his school. The one was really great and I later started taking lesson with them and studied with them for over five years. So I guess I shouldn't be so mad at him. <grin>
  3. I would agree that RB is living out his life's dreams with the people he's been interviewing lately, because they are really not the big draws of his target demographic. RB's strength is he's mastered YouTube marketing and monetization in what he creates for his target audience, he's even mentored others on how to build up their YouTube channels. A lot of approaches he uses are similar to a big name Jazz guitarist who was on the early money maker teaching online. He knew what to say to draw in a similar demographic as to who RB targets. That why I see what RB is up to. I liked RB early on, but then started noticing him changing his approach to same at the Jazz guitarist I mentioned and that's when I losing interest in RB and don't don't watch much of his YT's anymore. RB reminds me of the old days of late night TV and the infomercials selling Ginsu knives and food choppers it all marketing game playing.
  4. My change in direction (age catching up with me) to recording focus doing Beats and simple songs I was interested in the Astrolab but same hesitations as you especially for Beats. So was thinking maybe controller and library, but now digging down more into the Akai MPC Key 37 or 61 I seeing that is what that will fit my needs best connecting to my laptop and Ableton. I think the AstroLab next generation probably will bring the missing features and a larger screen. They might of been better to make the AstroLad a module to run from controller.
  5. Back in my recording day I worked on a Elton John horn overdub session for the album Caribou. It was Elton's producer Gus Dudgeon, Greg Adams and TOP horns, the engineer and I was assisting, the mic setup and mic selection was all mine, my big claim to fame. Gus and TOP hadn't worked together before so both sniffing each other out. We started with the tune The Bitch is Back. TOP did a few takes so Gus could check out the arrangement, Greg Adams was still writing when he got to the studio. Then they started to do some takes and Gus kept stopping them and starting over. TOP was not happy so Gus started getting more specific like... bar 5 beat 3 trumpet quarter tone off. Now TOP was ticked off so Gus said come into the control room and take a listen. They come in and are in front of the console listening and then look at each other and say he's right, dam he's got ears. Suddenly TOP respected Gus and was into it. Gus told them The Bitch is Back is going to be the hit record on the album so I want it perfect. They ended up taking the rest of the day to get perfect horns on the Bitch is Back. After that we took a dinner break after dinner in a few hours they put horns on all the other tunes that had horns and even did some organ overdubs. So have to be careful some engineer/producers do have amazing ears. Another fun part of that session is Linda Ronstadt and Peter Asher came later to hang out. Ronstadt started flirting with Doc from TOP on if they could play Country horns. Ronstadt found out quick flirting with horn players was not a good thing to do. Next thing I saw was Linda back on the other side of the control room by Peter Asher trying to stay as far away from Doc as she could. <grin> That session was a lot of fun.
  6. Many are using it for an effect now since T-Pain and I've grow real tired of even the effect. Even when it subtle it obvious.
  7. Someone needs to make a time machine so we can go back in time and stop Cher from recording Believe.
  8. The lineup includes Robert Sput Searight, MonoNeon, and the recently passed Casey Benjamin.
  9. That one hurts for me I remember the Duane and Greg back to their band Hourglass and when the Allman Brother came out I was an instant fan. Then after Duane passed became equally big fan of Dickey Betts. Thanks for all your music you shared with us Dickey RIP.
  10. Been putting together a small recording setup with my laptop and Ableton and think I decided on getting a Akai MPE Key 37 as my other piece of the puzzle. Other item for my wishlist is a good general purpose condenser mic not too expensive and thinking of the Austrian Audio OC16.
  11. Warning no keyboard content, it shouldn't matter but in case it might. GREAT IMO interview with Joe Gore talking about recording with on of my heros Tom Waits and how he gets great musicians to sound amateur and works fast in the studio some very cool insight. The starting about the 28 minute mark in the video they take an off ramp into harmony, Joe who have a classical background gets into how he view the tonality and relating it to 14 century music. I started watching this interview and thought I'd just check out a bit and leave, but it held me spellbound till the end. Part of what got me is over my years playing two the funkiest writers I got to play with later on it came out they had Phd in classical music. Made me remember my young days and music school they would tell us.... If you're auditioning for Rock, Funk, or Pop gigs never mention your music education, it will immediately be two strikes against you. People think if you studied music you can't Rock or get Funky don't say anything until after you have the gig and been working.
  12. Those ads have been running for months on FB offers different brand keyboard and sometimes Gibson guitars. I figure it was some sort of scam probably delays and skyhigh shipping costs, not to mention who know who your giving your private info to. Like others said. if it sounds too good to be true it probably is a scam.
  13. Why wait for your new board if you have ProTools it comes with a synth and there are lots of soft synths some free you can download on your computer and start experimenting with. Like playing any other instrument you got get the fundamentals then you can go to any other synth and apply it.
  14. I just typed "synthesizer lessons for beginners" into a search engine and one of first links was video below on basic components and sound they create. I'm a very visual learner so like the how a lot of soft synths show the wave and how it changes when you do X so I have a visual to try to the sounds. Serum synth he uses in the tutorial is popular soft synth, but there a many out there and a lot of soft synths that are clones of vintage synths. Using the presets on synths I think is another approach you have known sound now start tweaking knobs and see what happens and develop a feel for the component that make up sounds. Nice thing with preset is you can screw things up as much as you want and get back to normal and start messing around gain. Synths are an instrument like you guitar your going to have to spend time learn to play it and with a synth that is changing the basic components of a sound so got get your "Seat time" in with headphone (so you don't drive other nuts) and experiment until you got the fundamentals under your fingers.
  15. Taking a trip down memory lane the first record I obsessed over, Green Onions by Booker T. and the MG's. I was just a little kid but this record got to me, no matter where I was if there was a jukebox I had to play Green Onions a couple times. I would just sit, ignoring everything else and just get into the groove. Stax would be the first record label I would knew of and loved the Soul records they put out.
  16. From the website..... "All the drum loops have been realized by Mauro Battisti using a master keyboard and drum libraries" He also has "Study Tools" on his site including bass and piano transcriptions. https://www.projazzlab.com/study-tools/#drumgenius-transcriptions
  17. Long time fan of Drum Genius better feel than a drum machine I use it for practice. The one I recently downloaded is called Koala its a sampler and beat maker that a lot of people are talking about these days.
  18. Put a string on them like Ben Wa Balls and you can hang them off your stand. You might make some new friends at gigs <grin>
  19. I really love the vocals on this arrangement
  20. Legally sampling is a minefield, but most artists using samples are getting clearance for them and most not artist are approving the clearance. Where that can and does get ugly there are no laws about amount of payment for using a cleared sample the artist can ask for as much as they want. One famous Hip Hop tune used a handful of samples and one of the shortest samples they used was the bass pattern off Lou Reeds Walk in the Wild side. At first Reed refused to clear the sample then came back and said I will clear it for 100% of the royalty. The group was behind schedule and tune they thought was going to just be a filler track so they agreed. The tunes ended up their biggest hit and they have made zero from it. Now others if they don't get a clearance and they feel the sample is key to the record will rerecord the music. The engineers that do this are scary good with amazing ears. Kanye's engineer has had to do it a few times for Kayne tunes. He will rerecord a sample right down to slightly out of tune guitar strings and synths. If a rerecording no clearance is needed. Now what I've done and is to take a drum sample that grooves like crazy then most DAW's today have audio to MIDI convertors and converted and groovy drum track to MIDI and just use whatever drum sounds I want. So I wonder if that will be considered a rerecording? Yes, the legalities of ownership with modern tools is going to interest how judges rule on them.
  21. Came across this last night and nice comparison of the Serato and MPC stem software. Differences but no clear winner.
  22. SMAS 11116 I think was the catalog number for Dark Side of the Moon. It came out when I was working in a record store and we had to write down the catalog number of everything we sold for reordering. I sold so many Dark Side of the Moon albums that fifty years later I still remember it. A big part of what sold that album was how great a recording it was, it became the album to take with you to go check out audio gear, even people not in the rock or Pink Floyd had a copy of Dark Side to audition speakers with. For me when I went to checkout speakers I would take Dark Side of the Moon, Abbey Road, and some Earth Wind & Fire.
  23. I knew him mainly from Robert Glasper but had seen YT's with him with others, hell of a musician. RIP and thank you for the music you left us.
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