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Everything posted by Docbop

  1. Prime channel run fewer and shorter ads than even their other Freevee movie channel. At this point I'll watch the couple minutes per hour of ads they run and save the couple bucks per month. I stopped watching Over the Air TV a few years ago because the amount of ads was getting insane somewhere around 12 minutes per hour. As I remember from a class years ago they said..... everything in life has a price tag, nothing is free. So the increasing commercials on Over the Air TV got to be too much, so I pay a small price tag for streaming TV and get fewer or no ads.
  2. Reminds me of a discussing about music artists and how they divide up between those that just want to make it, the One and done types. Then the artistically minded ones who the money is a fringe benefit if it even happens. I think those two categories go back as long as there has been a music industry. A lot of the One and Done type end up with normal boring day gig and a musical weekend warrior playing bars and such, or when I worked at the rehearsal studio they'd be in on the weekends to jam and consume mass quantities of beer. The whole DIY music scene is increasing the number of people who think of themselves as "musicians" and or "producers" but still the mindset of I'm a One and Done or I'm an artist. I loved the scene in the movie Animal House and John Belushi in his toga coming down the stairs and there is a guy with a nylon string guitar singing a lame folksong to some girls. Belushi stops, listens for a second, then grabs the guitar and smashes it to pieces. If that was 2023 the difference would be the lame guy on the stair would have his laptop playing a beat for the girls. Belushi would stop listen, then smash the laptop and throw it across the room.
  3. I treat the Grammy's like most award show I just look at the list of winners the next day for the few categories I like. As I get older I know fewer and fewer names of "big" name artists anymore. I follow some of the new artists so I have an ideas what's going on. I feel I can't comment on something I haven't given a fair listen to, unlike others who listen with their eyes.
  4. Lancaster is the northernmost tip of L.A. county and over the mountain from the coast so we've had days of rain, but no damage I've heard of just some streets flooding that's it. I had a doctor's appointment in downtown L.A. friday and coming home the drive in the desert to Lancaster hard to see because black rain cloud coming in so darker than usual on the freeway, but I was lucky it didn't rain until I was a couple miles from home.
  5. Of all the winners I saw listed the one that made me the happiest to see was..... Meshell Ndegeocello the first winner for the new category Best Alternative Jazz Album.
  6. I remember Wild Man Fischer well from my days of hanging out on Sunset Blvd at night when not working. I believe name was Larry Fischer and he would tell people he'd make up song for them and sing it for a dollar. In the morning a favorite spot for him was outside UCLA at the bus stop. Catch Wild Man at UCLA he would make up a song for you for a quarter. Most the time Wild Man sang one of his song like Merry Go Round that ended up on his album that Frank Zappa produced. I met a guy on Sunset who was hanging out for awhile who worked as a bouncer at some of the clubs, interesting guy always full of crazy stories of things that went on at the clubs. One day we go to get a burger at the Eating Affair (called the Slop Affair in one Love's tunes) and he tells me Wild Man Fischer is his brother. Wild Man shows up and joins us for awhile they were talking about some family stuff then Wild Man left. So I start talking to him about his brother Wild Man he said Wild Man actually makes quite a bit of money singing his songs for people. That Wild Man has a really nice car and will park a couple blocks from wherever he's going to sings for money so people think he just a street person. Wild Man Fischer wasn't as wild as people thought he was. Hanging out in Hollywood and during the day at UCLA campus where a lot of the Hollywood crowd would be during the day was a great time of the 60's.
  7. Just curious as to why. Google is already the one of the biggest collectors of of personal data and knows pretty much everything about you, so what is logging into YouTube going to reveal to Google that they don't know already. Private companies like Google know more about us than the government and the government know way too much. So as the Borg said.... Resistance is futile.
  8. From working as SysAdmin and working with computer security department I know it can be a pain but it's a necessary evil at this point. Users put their whole life on smartphones the one item with more security holes than anything and then gripe about having to have passwords and two factor authentication, but they are also the same people who scream and whine the loudest when they get hacked and want to sue everyone for not protecting them. What what the line from the old Baretta TV show "don't do the crime, if you can't do the time". So don't sidestep security if you can't handle your and your friends data get stolen.
  9. When the son is as much of a badass as his dad Rocco Palladino son of Pino. When Pino isn't available for one of his past artist he worked for Rocco is now getting the gigs.
  10. Guys like Vai are usually pretty cool about meeting fans informally. Try to get ahold of them through their social media and tell them your son is a HUGE fan and if he would autograph your son's guitar. They might say yes and tell you a time to meet them in their hotel lobby and say hello and sign the guitar.
  11. Meh Sounds like he sampled himself but didn't change things enough to be something new other than the lyrics. His voice just sounded old, not like older singers who finding new ways to use aging voice. I'm sure he doesn't need the money so probably just trying to keep is name in people memories.
  12. Boy was this a mistake the level from the SSL to the DAW and other audio software on my Mac are all very low. I contact my Sweetwater sale guy who just said those things should be fine, but here's the tech support phone number. Boy Sweetwater isn't what it used to be in the past if a problem they would of tried to help and then have support call me. Then I put in a SSL support request and all I got was links to what appears as old Mac articles on unity gain. So last night I got ticked I have homework to do and need my gear working. I decide to buy what I originally was going to a Focusrite 2i2 4th generation since that's what so many use and seems to work fine. So local GC is out of stock and take days to get one shipped, so I check Amazon. Amazon stocks it not a Marketplace vendor and Amazon say it will deliver next day. So I place the order last night and it arrived at 11am today. Set it up and works great good levels going into my DAW. A lot of people bitch about Amazon but when you live 50 miles from next city they make life so much easier getting a lot stuff.
  13. As we say back in my developer support days RTFM. My favorite was when I was doing C++ support before it was standardized in the early days and we'd tell people to read The ARM (The Annotated Reference Manual). They buy this hardcover book and want to cry, it was kind of like reading the Unix Man pages which are the dryest reading you'll ever do. I would tell people get a big glass of water and read the Man page for <fill in favorite Unix command>. Below is the MIDI home and all its available of doc's. Read all that and then you'll wish you never asked about MIDI and just assumed it works. https://www.midi.org/specifications
  14. One of my all time favorite albums, with the greatest rhythm section. Bernard Purdie drums Cornell Dupree guitar Eric Gale guitar Richard Tee piano Gordon Edwards bass
  15. Tax you when you buy it and tax you when you sell it makes no sense. Someone cue up George Harrison.
  16. I remember when I first got to hang at recording studios and seemed like they all had Altec 604e monitors or the alternative Urei Time Aligned Studio Monitors that were basically a clone of the 604e coaxial speakers. Then I got my jor at Sound City and it was the first time hearing Tannoy studio monitors those were great.
  17. My whole thing is they are calling it Income tax it's not income in any way. If they said you're acting like a business so you have to collect and pay government sales tax that would still suck but be named correctly. They need to define what a individual is and what limits there are for an individual to sell personal property before being considered a business. So what if I donate my old gear to a charity then I get a tax deduction are they going to say that is income???? Seems like the same BS when they started forcing all online sales to collect sales tax. That was just a scam wanted by big corporation to try and kill off little kitchen table businesses. They make the tax requirements so hard to follow that it over burdened the little business or they had to use a tax service that was too expensive. It's alway screw the little guy and help the big businesses by eliminating little businesses.
  18. Wurlitzer is owned by Gibson Guitar now so there is money to fund bringing back the electric pianos. I hope they just remake the one of the original and not muck it up with modern electronics and effects.
  19. The whole issue for me is why is an individual selling used personal property not a business considered taxable income???? If I sell a car privately instead of trading it in is that taxable income???? They need to establish when is an individual selling used personal property considered a business. They need to set a number of transactions within a year and under that number your a individual. Like when relatives want to give a car or other high ticket item to a family member they instead sell it to the person for one dollar. Then they are selling the car not gifting the car and avoid the gift tax. People will find way around this they alway do.
  20. Going to bring on a new trend in selling used gear.... I'm Mr DX meet me in the ally behind Guitar Center at midnight and bring cash. I'm YC lets see the gear, oh looks good. Lights, scirens, helicopters with night sun lights all abuzz. Your busted Mr DX selling used gear and not reporting it to the IRS.
  21. That IRS page I posted has a link to a page that says that. Click to see IRS page about the delayed implementation and reporting levels.
  22. I never heard of a 1099-K before, but I don't tend to sell stuff. But for those like me who never heard of such a thing here's the IRS page on it. Seems stupid that if I sell something that it is considered income, I'm not a business I'm just someone sells off some old stuff I don't need anymore. Do I have to get a 1099-k from the recycling place to the cans I recycle. This is stupid. https://www.irs.gov/businesses/understanding-your-form-1099-k
  23. and Auratones for the car stereo type sound to check mixes on. The key to any speakers is know what those speakers sound like in relation to rest of the world.
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