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Posts posted by Biggles

  1. I quite a few DP"s in the same price range and the action of the S3000 imo is inferior to the Yamaha P125, Roland FP30, and Kawai ES110.


    In fact the only DP"s with a worst action were the Korg D1 and B2.


    Subjective, yes but that is what I found


    Plus with the Casio you will need the manual to hand as its OS is not intuitive.


    You really mean D1 not B1?


    No I meant both the D1 and the B2 Korg models

  2. I quite a few DP"s in the same price range and the action of the S3000 imo is inferior to the Yamaha P125, Roland FP30, and Kawai ES110.


    In fact the only DP"s with a worst action were the Korg D1 and B2.


    Subjective, yes but that is what I found


    Plus with the Casio you will need the manual to hand as its OS is not intuitive.

  3. With nearly seven years under my belt I can thoroughly recommend Retirement from the rat run that is or rather was work.


    Now I do what I want, when I want and with who I want.


    No more rush hour commute, no more idiotic Corporate prats who are only interested in a quick buck at the expense of the quality of life of their staff.


    The sheer bliss of walking our dog in the woods or on the beach or in amongst the hills.


    Yep, Retirement sure beats working for a living.


    Take some advice, between now and the time your Retirement comes, develop activities that you want to take up or expand upon what your interests are, keep active and after a few months being Retired you will wonder how on earth you found time to work.

  4. You are oh so correct with your rant.


    I have my Les Paul guitar listed and despite listing the highest rejected offer on the page there have been five other bids, all much lower.


    This is the text on my listing





    Auto rejection is enabled.


    Highest auto rejected offer so far is a very low £750



    So what do punter think they are going to achieve when they offer less than an already rejected offer?


    Obviously my terminology â¦â¦ a very lowâ¦â¦ is too many confusing words for a guitar player.

  5. Yes.


    I looked at and tried a D1, B2, Yamaha P125, Roland FP 30, Kawai ES110 and a Casio PX S1000.


    The Kawai had clacky keys so discounted it straight away.


    Of the remainder the Korgs came bottom of the list in terms of sound, features and keyboard feel, subjective yes but that is what I found which was a shame as I am a big fan of Korg kit.


    The Yamaha P125 had the best piano sounds but the remainder were just bearable.


    The Roland had the best keybed and almost as good set of piano sounds


    I ended up buying the Yamaha and it served me well but I only bought it over the Roland as there is a 73 key version in the P121 and two of my criteria was mobility and weight

  6. Ahh bugger why are things so bloody unpredictable


    Anyway why I ask is I hope to add something that gives you hope it probably will stabilise in time.


    I had a double hernia operation that took 6 years till the pain finally left. It continually improved over time till I basically now forget I had it although I am carefully about how I lift things.


    Ironically mine wasn't open surgery like yours but laparoscopic but contrary to what they told me It certainly wasn't back to work in a week or so. It was performed around the early days of my lungs condition so as i didnt have puffers my coughing did cause me lots of problems with the post operation healing so that may have increased the duration till it healed..


    What I hope to give you here is that hopefully things will eventually subside in time like mine did.


    Been there as well.


    Pretty sure it was as a result of the Orthopaedic Surgeon being overly rough handling me when my leg was dislocated during the hip replacement operation but proving it is not possible.


    The begger did not even diagnose the hernia, that was my GP.


    Anyway that was soon sorted.

  7. I have a 12' long scar and damaged tendons and muscles that have not healed together correctly so I am still in pain and unable to stand in one place or even walkto far


    Interesting point.


    Col how long since you had the surgery to still have the pain so long and is there any mention it will come good.



    April 2019 was when I had it done, three days later there was a raging infection that necessitated calling out a Dr.


    I have been scanned, more scanned, yet more scanned and Xrayed till I glow in the dark and only two months ago the Physio started some treatment and now the pain is way less, it is still there but manageable.


    All this at the Hospital that developed the first hip replacement procedure in the world.

  8. TIP


    If any of you are heading in the direction of a Hip Replacement please do your research into the options that are available.


    There are more than the one old fashioned procedure that is now available.


    Hence which procedure is best for you is a moot point which may need to be discussed with more than one Surgeon.


    I have a 12' long scar and damaged tendons and muscles that have not healed together correctly so I am still in pain and unable to stand in one place or even walkto far

  9. Anotherscott


    The Behringer B208D imo is not better than the Vox, I have tried three of the vx50 amps (bass, guitar and keyboard models) and they all sound great, only downside is that they are not available in a battery version.


    I had a pair of B208D powered speakers and the PreSonus Eris that I have now sound so much better than the Behringer which btw are cheap and nasty in the plastic used in their construction.

  10. I would simply say to the guy that he is jeopardising a sale and future sales and that he should walk away and never approach you again.


    I took great delight in visiting a Music Store two years after receiving bad service from them, I tried some kit then thanked them and said I was leaving.


    When asked why I was not buying from them I recounted the prior incident and said that the action I received in the Store had cost them £10,000 in lost business.

  11. An arranger will give you all you need in one keyboard.


    Inbuilt Amp and speakers with more power than a digital piano has onboard.


    Battery powered in the main so no need for a heavy car battery.


    With 61 keys

    Korg EK50, or a Pa 700

    Yamaha PSR SX 600 / 700


    Even cheaper

    Yamaha EW 410, PSE E463

    Casio CTX 3000


    With 88 keys

    Casio S3000

    Korg XE20


    I will omit a DGX670 on weight grounds alone.


    An arranger has auto accompaniment of whatever musical style you choose to et up and create a registration so select the preset and play

  12. Great big plus point â¦â¦l you live in England.


    That means you should have quite a few well stocked Music Instrument Shops within a couple of hours travel of you.


    I live in Lancashire and I have about 20 shops within an hours drive.


    What I am getting at is to take a trip to a store or two and play what you can.


    If you happen to live within travelling distance of Manchester then PMT have a huge store there which will have all the models that I am about to quote on display.


    If you are thinking up to about £2000 then you are in no mans land as there is the Korg Nautilus just under, the remainder of possible models are a few hundred less. Over £2k you have the Korg Kronos, Yamaha Montage and Roland Fantom plus a Korg Pa4X arranger.


    At about £1500 check out the Korg Pa1000 and Yamaha PSR SX900 arrangers.


    At up to about £1200 you will find a Roland FA, Yamaha MODX and a Korg Krome Ex.


    Try and play as many of these as you can.

  13. Korg Kross 2.


    Small body but with full sized keys, runs on batteries, very light weight.


    I would not consider a Casio CTX, I bought one as a stop gap. It lasted the weekend, flaky OS, and it would not store registrations reliably.

  14. That's a question better addressed by U-He. It's technically possible, as the new iPad Pros use the same processor as the Apple Silicon desktop Macs. But, iPads use a touchscreen interface and iOS, and the Macs use a keyboard and mouse and MacOS. Much of the underlying code is the same, so the process of supporting both MacOS and iOS going forward should be much easier than in the pre-Apple Silicon days. And with Apple allowing universal app purchasing, developers can sell you their software once and have you be able to download and use it on both iOS and MacOS. Apple has also created some developer software which helps in moving software from iOS to MacOS, but not the reverse so far as I know.



    Getting back to your question: either Apple would have to create a "desktop mode," allowing an iPad to act like an Mac when a keyboard and pointing device are connected, or U-He will have to develop a version of its synths that can run on iOS and be functional with a touchscreen interface.

    We will get some news from Apple on its software developments coming in the fall at WWDC on June 7th; U-He might be able to give you some info on its plans sooner.


    There was an article out today on MacWorld about just this issue with Apple's own Mac software not running on iPads:



    The keyboard accessory can have a built in trackpad so some form of code will surely be in the iPad to interact with the accessory?

  15. I nearly order a new iPad a couple of months ago but after doing some research found the rumours of new gear in the Spring so decided to hold off.


    So glad I did.


    Only disappointment is the new 11 inch iPad does not have the XDR display that the 12.7 inch version does.


    Credit card time on the 30th

  16. Not necessarily so.


    Yamaha market their beginner ranges from the very young to newly retired.


    My local music store sells Yamaha Genos keyboards primarily to players well into their seventies.


    Imo, Kronos is aimed not just for all ages, the demographic is being able to afford one.

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