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Posts posted by Wrrtyuuiioop

  1. Great big plus point â¦â¦l you live in England.


    That means you should have quite a few well stocked Music Instrument Shops within a couple of hours travel of you.


    I live in Lancashire and I have about 20 shops within an hours drive.


    What I am getting at is to take a trip to a store or two and play what you can.


    If you happen to live within travelling distance of Manchester then PMT have a huge store there which will have all the models that I am about to quote on display.


    If you are thinking up to about £2000 then you are in no mans land as there is the Korg Nautilus just under, the remainder of possible models are a few hundred less. Over £2k you have the Korg Kronos, Yamaha Montage and Roland Fantom plus a Korg Pa4X arranger.


    At about £1500 check out the Korg Pa1000 and Yamaha PSR SX900 arrangers.


    At up to about £1200 you will find a Roland FA, Yamaha MODX and a Korg Krome Ex.


    Try and play as many of these as you can.

  2. Korg Kross 2.


    Small body but with full sized keys, runs on batteries, very light weight.


    I would not consider a Casio CTX, I bought one as a stop gap. It lasted the weekend, flaky OS, and it would not store registrations reliably.

  3. That's a question better addressed by U-He. It's technically possible, as the new iPad Pros use the same processor as the Apple Silicon desktop Macs. But, iPads use a touchscreen interface and iOS, and the Macs use a keyboard and mouse and MacOS. Much of the underlying code is the same, so the process of supporting both MacOS and iOS going forward should be much easier than in the pre-Apple Silicon days. And with Apple allowing universal app purchasing, developers can sell you their software once and have you be able to download and use it on both iOS and MacOS. Apple has also created some developer software which helps in moving software from iOS to MacOS, but not the reverse so far as I know.



    Getting back to your question: either Apple would have to create a "desktop mode," allowing an iPad to act like an Mac when a keyboard and pointing device are connected, or U-He will have to develop a version of its synths that can run on iOS and be functional with a touchscreen interface.

    We will get some news from Apple on its software developments coming in the fall at WWDC on June 7th; U-He might be able to give you some info on its plans sooner.


    There was an article out today on MacWorld about just this issue with Apple's own Mac software not running on iPads:



    The keyboard accessory can have a built in trackpad so some form of code will surely be in the iPad to interact with the accessory?

  4. I nearly order a new iPad a couple of months ago but after doing some research found the rumours of new gear in the Spring so decided to hold off.


    So glad I did.


    Only disappointment is the new 11 inch iPad does not have the XDR display that the 12.7 inch version does.


    Credit card time on the 30th

  5. Not necessarily so.


    Yamaha market their beginner ranges from the very young to newly retired.


    My local music store sells Yamaha Genos keyboards primarily to players well into their seventies.


    Imo, Kronos is aimed not just for all ages, the demographic is being able to afford one.

  6. The Roland A series does work with both a PC and a Mac.


    This range has been suggested to you before in another thread and in another forum.


    I did even say that setting it up on a MAC is not straightforward as it is not plug and play.


    It certainly was the quietest of any MIDI keyboard that I have owned or tried

  7. The Op wants to connect an iPad to a keyboard.


    Using the Camera Adaptor plus a standard USB A & B cable is the cheapest option.


    The Korg Plugkey is near enough twice the price and it is only Lightning to MIDI plus audio and hence another interface will be required to connect the Plugkey to an iPad.


    If as expected a new entry level iPad is soon announced then all these discussions may be moot if said iPad has a different socket arrangement. This is why the Op is imo best advised to wait for a month or so. Even the humble iPad Mini is expected to be updated with a faster socket.

  8. Depends.


    Upon which iPad you buy.


    At present the current models have a USB C or Lightning socket.


    An iPad with a Lightning socket, then the accessory needed is a Camera Adaptor, the type with a USB type A socket and a Lightning socket. Then a standard USB A and B cable (printer cable) will be all you need.


    An iPad with a USB type C socket will need a cable with USB type C plug to USB type A socket. Again the standard printer cable, USB A and B will connect up to your keyboard.


    The above are all Apple accessories readily available, but do be aware that cheap clones may or may not function.


    Do also be aware that updated iPad"s are expected to be announced in the next few weeks, it is the iPad Pro is the model expected to be updated to the A14 chip but a much cheaper iPad a sort of entry model is rumoured to be announced.


    At present I use an old iPad Mini a 32Gb version which is pretty full, it has a Lightning socket so I have a Camera Adaptor and a standard printer cable that connects the iPad to my keyboard, this has worked for me for the past five years with various keyboards.

  9. As an I Pad ages it get to the point where it cannot be updated.


    My iPad is one such device and it is stuck at 12.5.1, the latest version is 14.4


    It is also 32Gb and full and I do not even have all the Apps that I used to have on my prior iPad which failed so I am using an old one that we happened to have.


    Older iPads were also 32 bit hence pretty well useless.


    Trying to economise will be false economy.


    128Gb minimum either new or refurbished would be my suggestion.



    IPads backup automatically to the icloud where there is limited capacity free storage, so a small monthly fee is needed to buy additional storage. My Wife got a new iPad last year and the icloud backup loaded all the current apps and data she had on her old iPad, hence it was a very simple process

  10. Nobody can tell you what to buy, nobody.


    There is only what works for you, what feels right, what sounds right.


    These are my own findings of the last time I tried playing guitars back to back in a store that has hundreds on their guitar wall.


    Fender Strats, I do not like the feel of the necks


    PRS, necks are worst than the Strats


    Yamaha Pacifica, good quality, reasonably low cost, neck better than Fenders


    Squier Strat, feels OK, next better than a Fender 5x the price


    Gibson SG, it sounds pretty ugh


    Epifone LP, balance good, neck good, tonal range very good


    Gibson LP Studio, a no fuss guitar, better build than the Epifone, nice neck


    Hence go into a store and try as many as you can at the price point you want to play.


    It is all down to personal taste.

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