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Posts posted by Biggles

  1. Netflix


    Amazon Prime


    Sky Movies


    Zero need to ever go to a cinema.


    I hate popcorn, I hate it"s smell.


    I hate rustling candy bags.


    I hate the infantile slurping noises of some crappy cola drink being drunk


    I hate the constant talking of the audience.


    I hated paying a pretty large sum of cash to go and see Blade Runner 49 only to be bored out of my mind by ham acting, mumbled dialogue and a movie one hour to long.


    Sofa cinema at home is best where at least I can have my own beer or wine and pause the movie when nature calls.

  2. I have osteo arthritis in all my joints but my left hand is the worst.


    Primarily a guitarist I can no longer perform barre chords or fast left hand runs as my fingers just do not bend enough and the second and third finger just lock.


    To lessen the problem I bought a finger exerciser off Amazon and use it a few times a day to keep the joints mobile.


    Maybe one will help offset your problem.

  3. 140 mm


    I have had mine for nine months.


    Do note that there is a useful Yamaha App in Smart Piano that works well with the keyboard and if the promo is still going there is a free three month subscription to Flowkey which ignoring the limited training system it has some pretty good songs available to learn.

  4. On October 17th 1962 the Fab Four made their first TV appearance from a Studio in Manchester and it was a regional broadcast to just the North West of England.


    As it happens I saw that broadcast and it change my life and I became an avid lifelong fan.

  5. If you look at the detail of the camera on Sony"s website you can see the specs and features.


    My concern relates to the physical size with small controls and menu driven adjustments.


    The biggest concern is that the camera is designed for Vloggers hence for recording the spoken word and video at arms length.


    There is an additional mount that can be used to mount propriety Sony accessory products such as a Mike and Video lights. Check on this as you may be stuck only using Sony accessories.


    30 years of videoing makes me sceptical and critical of kit, especially that which is designed for a specific purpose

  6. Have your requirements changed?


    The ZV1 may be OK as a Webcam and for Vlogging (for which it is intended) but as a camera for recording a performance is another matter and to me is questionable in its suitability.


    Do watch the reviews and note its very compact size.


    I have a compact travel camera and it is a pain to use.


    Maybe your solution is two cameras, a DSLR and a simple HD webcam

  7. A DSLR will work but there is a big BUT, in that it will not work directly.


    Connect up via USB and software such as OSB will be required to interface the DSLR




    Connecting via the DSLR"s output HDMI socket will need to be fed into a caputre device like a Magewell which in turn is connected via USB to your computer.


    Do note that not all DSLR type cameras have audio input connectivity, with the inbuilt mike being pretty poor.


    I have a Panasonic Lumix G series camera with a zoom lens and a connected Rode Video Mike Pro with windgag as my on location combo. This camera records video in many formats and sizes up to 4k


    A cheaper option would be a Bridge camera like a Panasonic FZ 330 which has an audio input socket

  8. Plastic would not be a good choice of material due to its physical properties.


    Square section steel tubing would be much better. It is relatively cheap to buy and the only tools you need to craft an extension tier would he a square, hacksaw, file, drill bits, electric drill and some spanners to suit the setscrews you would use to bolt it together. Also checkout a captive nut kit as these can be very usefull

  9. Bad news, but stay positive.


    Perhaps re-think your teaching business plan and look at options for development going forward.


    Possibly being mobile, taking a DP and three pedal unit with you to students homes.


    Perhaps next time if you go into a Studio again then you only have Keyboards and DP"s for at least with them you have more control over the volume. You and a partner could also operate at the same time if headphones are used or the space is subdivided.


    Our local Music Stores only have electronic keyboards/DPs in their training rooms.


    Discount nothing and keep all options open.

  10. The trouble with individual pedals is that they build up very quickly, add in quality non-daisy chain power supply, a mounting board and velcro and you are soon at $500+.


    Consider an all in one board by Boss, Line 6 or Helix.


    I sold all my pedals on eBay for a total of £700 when I bought an ex demo Boss GT100 for £200.

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