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Posts posted by Biggles

  1. Randy


    Your Pa1000 is only 24 lbs and has everything needed for the usage you seek so why consider something else?


    Family singalongs, an arranger will surely be more useful for these than a DP with limited accompaniment features?


    So I am throwing you a curveball in suggesting you consider a Yamaha EW410, plenty of onboard sounds 2x12W, 18 lbs, 76 keys, can run on batteries and only $430.



    I sold the 700 last year and only have the P121 until I decide what I will buy next but after playing the P121 for three months now I do miss the Arranger functions so the Pa4X is probably back at the top of the wish list.

  2. Ukes are fun instruments to play and own.


    I have two


    Keep looking and playing a Ubass but cannot decide, I particularly enjoyed playing a fretless Ubass, but one day.


    We have a group of us Ukuists (if there is such a term) who meet up once a month but we are currently using Zoom.


  3. Randy


    I have a Yamaha P121 @ $600 which is the 73 key version of the P125, a great DP for not a lot of cash 2x7W and pretty light.


    Consider a Casio S1000 @ $650 or push the boat out with the S3000 @ $850 but this has more arranger features and may well be a better buy.


    Korg now have the EK50L where the L is for Limitless and it includes higher powered speakers 2x10W and more Styles and Sounds than the standard EK50.


    The only thing that would put me off the XE20 is the key action which is Korg"s light touch off the B2N, I do not like this action myself nor do I like the action of the Korg D1.




    At the top of your list should be a Numa Compact or preferrably the Compact X2, with 2X10W onboard, semi weighted keys with aftertouch and very light.

  4. I have a couple of Ukes, a Kala acoustic and a solid bodied Risa which is a Strat look alike.


    They are fun to play and the Risa is way lighter than my Gibson Les Paul


  5. And CEB look after yourself.


    Being more of a lurker on here than poster for 15 years both you ....CEB and Joe are contributers on here i often read. Yeah fair dinkum. You hardly know me but i know you guys.


    If you think about it you give pleasure and knowledge to more people than the data here shows.


    If i was American id say "we're rooting for you"


    But if i said that in Australia theyd think it was an orgy.


    Hee hee. Ah the colloquialism of words eh!


    Hope that gives you a laugh?


    Stay positive. And joke/laugh your way thru it. Its helped me thru pneumonia and the more sedate damaged lung years.


    This is gonna sound weird but hey i probably am weird but having had this lung problem for 20 years the way i coped with it was to treat it like its your badge of honour.


    You know that scar on your face from that motorcycle race you almost won or that missing arm from the great white shark that got you in Bondi when you were competing in the Ironman race. And you still finished.


    Find a thing, a joke, a badge of honour to keep in your head. its just another thing you have or can overcome and have a joke to your friends about it and it will strengthen your resolve. I do it. Ive got thru.


    Or just read the shite I write and laugh your head off.


    Hey i write too much thats why over the years i lurk more than write on here hee hee


    Wise words.


    Whilst quite a few belittle the state the world is in at present and as we see on our News, quite a growing group want an end to the restrictions there is one thing to remember:-


    You are still alive.


    Fail to take this seriously and it could bite you in the ass, then what will happen to all your accumulated kit, sold off to pay for your funeral.


    Stay safe, take little steps on the road to whatever normality will be in the future.


    Enjoy life

  6. I have not bought any Future publication for over 25 years.


    I used to write for a competitor who did not have one single good word to say about the ethos of Future or the content of its mags.


    The mags I did buy then had rubbish content that was long on glossy images yet short on accurate content.


    Not missed anything by not buying any of their mags.


    Their apparent attitude is hence of no surprise to this old guy.

  7. Hmm, which is a greater band, The Stones or The Beatles?


    Neither, there was so much interaction and collaboration not just between them but between all UK bands and individual artists like Bowie.


    The Beatles opened the door on the cr4p cheesey pop of USA artists that was flooding the UK at that time, then all the UK bands blasted through the opened door.


    The Beatles and Stones are and will always be the two greatest Bands ever, eclipsing all others by a Country mile, except for Queen.

  8. Nothing lost by starting Skype lessons, problem is getting students.


    Start up a YouTube Channel and put on a few scripted tutorial videos so students can, see, and hear you.


    Online subscription tutorials are also a possibility, but you would need a lot of video tutorials prepared and available on a hosting website.


    Checkout what others are providing, two of the biggest and best are Justin Guitar and Talking Bass, both have free content and paid for items.

  9. We had a two hour version on BBC TV on Sunday night.


    It did not feature many of the USA based artists just Lady Gaga, J Lo and Stevie Wonder.


    It included many UK artists.


    Standard was pretty dire with many of the young ones not anywhere in tune.


    Elton, terrible

    McCartney, the less said the better

    The Stones, class even given the poor way it was put together.


    Class act Charlie Watts, super cool guy always was always will be.

  10. A 99 year old veteran soldier here in the UK thought that he would do his bit for our National Health Service charities by walking a hundred laps of his back garden with the aim of raising a £1,000.


    Not only did he eclipse this figure in the first day his actions touched the soul of not only our Nation but of people throughout the whole world and donations came flooding in.


    He quickly became a TV and Radio star with daily interviews and his manner has produced a National Treasure for us and a figure of inspiration for people throughout the world.


    We are just watching our BBC TV Breakfast Show where they are broadcasting from his Garden where a Guard of Honour from the Yorkshire Regiment are standing to attention as he complete the 100th lap.


    Captain Tom has vowed to continue as long as donations keep coming in to the just giving website.


    We are so proud of him and of the people who have donated, a huge thankyou to you all for reading this and perhaps following his lead, stay safe.


    So far he has raised over £12,000,000

  11. When I was working in media as audio editor/mastering and the IT person all the video computer had 2-3 times the spec's of the audio computers.

    Yep. I shoot and edit a weekly TV show. My co-editor and I just got new Puget Systems computers built specifically for Adobe Premiere and After Effects. They kick the ass of any other computer in our whole company. Our 2013-era Mac Pro machines were good and stable. These new Puget machines render about 5 times faster.


    Also, I will never use anything other than Premiere Pro again. Final Cut, Avid, and Vegas can go suck a railroad spike.


    Yes Premiere is great but at $250 a year just for Premiere and $600 per year for all apps that is the problem.


    Adobe are subscription only and had I been subscribing for the last 8 years it would have cost me $2000.


    There is only one editing app that sucks and that is Premiere.


    As I advised Da Vinci Resolve is the way to go.

  12. To echo the others.


    Garage Band, its free


    Progress to Logic Pro, it is not free but a one off $200 if I have the funny money which is the USD correct.


    Audacity, its free and I have been using it for years.


    Look up the iRig products for interfacing kit.


    An alternative is a Behringer UMC 204 HD or similar, this is what I use with my keyboard and guitars.

  13. To add to my spec post


    Editing software


    It has improved over the years and currently the best that is available and best of all it is free for none business users is Black Magic Design"s Da Vinci Resolve.


    HD and 4k is no problem with the right spec PC there are limitations with the freebie but that is more to do with the Pro Output formats, the free output formats of MP4, Youtube etc are all there.




    Good luck

  14. Uhoh7


    Very wise words, I hope all members here take the trouble to read all your post.


    Your comment on Cats is very appropriate since a Tiger at Bronx Zoo has Coronavirus, and the think it has been given to her by a keeper who has not been displaying any symptoms.


    My Mrs has just completed a three week online course by the WHO/London for Infectious Diseases and good hygiene and self isolation is the key.


    A 20 second hand wash of hands with old fashioned soap and water regularly will help considerably

  15. I used to build PCs specifically for Video Editing.


    I would suggest the following:-


    Asus or Gigabyte motherboard


    Intel i7 CPU with at least 4 cores


    RAM is related to CPU cores, with at least 2Gb per core so for a 4 core I would actually use 16Gb


    nVidia GPU, now which one depends upon which editing software it is intended for since Adobe Premiere uses the processing of the GPU to help out with rendering the more cores the GPU has the better.


    Power supply depends upon the internal configuration of components but a top quality branded one is paramount as is the CPU heat sink.


    Case, personal choice with plenty of space.


    Hard drives, 1 SSD for Operating system and programs, 1 off c2Tb for storage of media/documents etc, 1 off c 2Tb scratch disk, 1 c2Tb for backup.


    Good luck trying to keep the cost down



    My own PC is an Asus MOBO, i7 6 core, 24Gb RAM, nVidia GPU, 6 Hard drives with two configured as a RAID which is for the media being used and the scratch disc but mine is now10 years old and handles 4k and will easily play 6 streams of video at the same time.

  16. Further to my previous.


    I did play quite a few sub $1000 DP"s before I bought my 73 key Yamaha P121.


    They all are limited in onboard sounds.


    In this price band users seem to rate the Kawai ES110 very highly but the one I tried had a very, very noisy action but this maybe just a poor example, you would be best advised to only buy this after playing one.


    Of the others in order of keybed feel I would place them:-


    Roland FP


    Yamaha P


    Casio S


    As for piano sounds, Yamaha then Roland.


    Once this coronavirus is managed I would suggest a trip to a music store will help you decide.

  17. Whoever suggested or even thought of the meet is an irresponsible idiot.


    Follow the guidelines then add a safety factor into your isolation routine is surely the way to go.


    If someone becomes ill, who is it that then will look after them?


    Do they really want to potentially pass on a known killer virus to the very people who are already putting their lives at risk caring for those who are ill?

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