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Posts posted by Biggles

  1. I am in England where our road fuel 95 RON petrol (gas in the US) is equivalent to $9 a gallon (US Gallon).


    It is not just road fuel costs, anyone here with a Tesla or full Electric will also be suffering as the cost of electricity has rocketed upwards in the last year.


    Last time I filled up my car which has a 75 litre tank capacity it cost me just over £100 ( $125 USD ) which is the first time ever it has cost over £100.



  2. A lot a very varied advice each with its pros and cons.


    Totally depends upon what you want from the digital image as to the best method to use.


    Paper photos themselves vary dramatically in surface finish from high gloss to deeply embossed, so a flexible system is needed.


    It is widely accepted that scanning at a 300 dpi resolution will give a very good quality digital image.  As I often want to printout on A3 photo printer I scan at a resolution where the print will be as sharp as possible so a bit of trial and error works.


    For 35mm slides a specific scanner intended for that purpose will give a mush superior digital image.


    Taking an image with a mobile or DSLR you already own will be the quick and dirty and cheapest method, do bear in mind that the resulting colours of the JPG file will vary if different devices are used as the processing in the device to create the JPG is not to an accurate standard for archive purposes.  Shooting in RAW is a better way, save the original as is, and always use Save As when correcting and processing the digital file.


    Scanning yourself is or can be time consuming so do consider outsourcing.


    My Wife has an All in One printer that scans OK but its quality is way behind my 30 year old dedicated Epson A4 scanner that by some miracle still works.

  3. 100% grounding issues in the guys home.


    First thing discuss it with the guy, he potentially has a significant issue, perhaps a potentially dangerous one.  Suggest he has all his electrics tested by a different company than the one who did the install.


    If there are faults and a simple one being a loose neutral then a spike can results which will blow any electronic circuitry that is not protected and protection does not come as standard.


    Invest in the test gear as shown prior and not just at this guys house but anywhere you want to plug in your kit, test the power supplies.


    Go to a DIY store and buy an RCD adaptor, plug in and then plug in your multi gang power lead that has inbuilt spike and transient circuitry.

    Installing electrics, testing them and testing portable kit was part of my job when I was a Chief Engineer in the building industry.


  4. 20 hours ago, KuruPrionz said:

    The assumption that the pick hand does "really minimal movement" is incorrect. That it is the right hand in all cases is also incorrect. 😇

    It is not uncommon to use the fretting hand to activate a note, just for one example. You are assuming a very static guitar technique, I would put forth that not many players use only simple strums and plucks. I will also point out the obvious, that keyboard players must coordinate both hands or the music becomes chaos and also that the guitarist's fretting hand and picking hand are doing very different things simultaneously as well. There is a complex "inter-independence" at play in both keyboards and guitar, no two ways about it. 


    The picking hand generally controls the tone of the string(s), the attack and decay (muting) and it is a common technique to use the picking hand to "pop" harmonics, sometimes with the thumb, sometimes with a finger and sometimes with a wrist. 

    The picking hand also governs the timing of what is being played. It is a busy hand and many things can be done while the fretting hand is in a static position (and vice versa). 

    Playing a fretting hand riff using hammer-ons and pull offs while picking hand is creating another pattern on different strings is a fairly common technique, you've heard it and maybe didn't think about it too much.


    While I (and many other guitarists) do use a pick, I also play a variety of fingerpicking styles, more hand inter-independence. 


    None of this "differences between guitar and keyboard" discussion can be wrapped up in a simple box and set on the shelf. The human variable is too vast to describe easily. Cheers, Kuru 😁

    You have made a lot of assumptions there about what I wrote, nowhere did I mention Finger Picking


    Oh course the right hand moves, BUT when as I stated you are playing with a Pick the fingers hardly move compared to how they have to move to play a keyboard and being a finger picking guitarist is totally different.  When using a Pick the range of movement of the right hand along the strings is way less than it is when playing keys so your analysis is completely wrong. 


    Even subtle movements of the Pick are a result of moving fingers BUT the fingers move in unison.


    Hence getting all fingers on the right hand to move independently is a major task for someone who has played guitar for years, been there done that.


    Playing lead guitar my left hand worked far harder than my right, I hammer on, bend etc but again the action is co-ordinated with the right hand and the Pick.


     So add in getting both hands working independently is double whammy for any guitarist.

  5. Your brain needs to rewire itself to undertake the independent actions of both hands.


    Only constant repetitive actions will make the rewire work.


    Guitar, right hand is only really minimal movement if using a pick, the left hand is the one that presses the strings onto the frets, but its actions are co-ordinated with the picking of the right hand.


    You have taught your brain that left and right hands work together and this is not the case on a keyboard, hands and fingers work independently.

  6. What a load of claptrap is that quote.


    Since when is a $6000 keyboard a colouring book?

    For many starting out learning to play keyboard do so with a cheapish Casio or Yamaha and then move on as they improve and develop a love of playing.


    For many home players an Arranger or a DP with arranger features is a one box solution to those who do not want to be bogged down with a MIDI system or boxes and wires galore, they just want to play.


    Any adverse comments against an Arranger is pure snobbish and a disservice to the millions of kids and youngsters out there practicing on their $300 keyboard.

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  7. Forget chasing keyboards, simply find one with the keybed action and overall physical size you seek and plug in an iPad, iPhone or Laptop.


    I found some of the Arturia plug ins/apps have very good 70’s EP sounds.


    Analog Lab and the full V Collection are worth checking out.


    There are hundreds of iPad apps that provide great sounds.


    Products like the Casio CTS1 will give you 12 EP tones so this may be the cheap keyboard you are looking for and if the tones are not what you seek add your iPad



    • Like 1
  8. Hire a mobile battery pack with a conditioned output.  A small mobile generator without a conditioned output will likely have a very questionable voltage waveform, OK to power lights and site building equipment but not anything with electronics.

    The image below shows a home pack that is available.


  9. What is sycophantic is a bunch of people back slapping each other pretending they are actually enjoying themselves whilst still being very happy that A N Other actually walked away with the alocade.


    As for the speeches, are there Oscars handed out for the most meaningless drivel spouted.


    Don’t care who won, did not win, most movies today seem to be made for individuals with very limited brain capacity anyway.





  10. Ever Decreasing Circles …… by that comment I presume that you in the UK so how about some hits from there?


    Walk in the Black Forest - Horst Jankowsky

    Elergy - Jethro Tull


    Imagine - John Lennon


    Whiter Shade of Pale - Gary Brooker


    Prelude to War - Jeff Wayne




    Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto in Bb minor



  11. I spent a lot of time and effort researching and learning the FA, then spent about six hours in total playing one on multiple visits to the music store 10 minutes away.


    I discounted the FA because it was a very old design and old sounds, that was nearly 30 months ago and the FA has not been updated since.

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