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Posts posted by Wrrtyuuiioop

  1. Watch this, it is one I put together about my Grandfather.  
    It is intended for my younger relatives who will inherit all my Family History research and it is one of many I have planned.


    Created using video editing software, not iMovie as I do not rate it.  Final Cut Pro or Da Vinci Resolve is better but you can do everything easily on an iPad using Luma Fusion.


    As to how to put everything together, that is not a five minute learning task, it take time to learn how to shoot video, ie the various shots to capture and their length.  How to assemble the media is an art in itself.


    Been editing video for over 30 years and for ten of those I taught it on a free lance basis.





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  2. Yamaha’s will kill you.

    The brain of a Yamaha rider is usually about 20 yards behind the bike, just before the biker enters free fall going past the bike head first before coming to an abrupt halt.

    Buy something sensible and comfortable.


  3. When I was at senior school I started my Bucket List, its changed a bit over the years.


    I wanted to get a Private Pilots license, 30 years later I did.


    I wanted to own a Jaguar car, did that, but not exactly the one I really wanted which was an XK120


    Once I learned how to ski, I wanted to ski St Anton in Austria and Aspen in the USA, both ticked off (St Anton was better)


    I learned how to ride a motorcycle, then wanted to ride it at 150 mph, I did that in Germany.


    I wanted to swim the Great Barrier Reef, did that too


    To see the Northern Lights, one day perhaps


    Visit Machu Pichu, no chance now, I’d die through lack of oxygen


    I wanted to set foot in every Continent


    To visit Venice


    To stay in Raffles Hotel


    To ride The Rockie Mountaineer in Canada


    Currently the most important is to see my Grandchildren graduate from University



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  4. American Producers started Scriptwriters on the Dumbed Down Audience route.


    If we try to watch an American so called comedy of the last thirty years it is cringingly bad.


    Ever since Dumb and Dumber, Me myself  Irene, anything with Will Farrell, The Hangover Series.  

    This list goes on and on and on as to being unwatchable.

  5. Forget tech, computers, Apps, Documents.


    I use the tech from the 80’s an old Filofax with an A2Z index.


    User names and passwords stored there.


    I use a combi of random letters, numbers, capitals plus where allowed special characters


    So no RubyTuesday or AmiRose as my passwords

  6. From your use of £1000 then I presume you are in the UK.


    A visit to a nearish music store will help.


    Rimmers have a very large piano showroom in Bolton and PMT in Salford plus their other stores are well worth checking


    Bonners of course near London


    I would suggest if they could up their budget then there are two Kawai models to consider at c£1200.  

    The Roland FP 90X is c£1500 so maybe a bit of a stretch but it does have the PHA50 action.


    Right on budget at Andertons is a possible wildcard, Numa X Piano 88 @ £1000

  7. Worst result for Football.


    Foul simulations galore.


    Cynical chopping down opponents.


    Time wasting


    Harassing the Officials, the absolute worst, no official should be surrounded and harassed like the Argentines did.


    Many years ago after a match between Argentina and England where the Argentina team hacked and fouled any England player the Manager, Sir Alf Ramsey described the Argentinians as Animals, 50 years later they are still the same.


    Not a good spectacle for the young footballers of any nation to see this on field behaviour as The Norm.



  8. 1 hour ago, CEB said:

    Prog is an after the fact nomenclature invention.  In the day Prog was not a label.  It was simple Rock or Album Rock.  It is what was played on KSHE 95 Real Rock Radio.   Prog didn't exist until the 90s.

    Whilst it may have taken twenty years to get over to the USA and into your knowledge Progressive Rock was most certainly here in the UK in the late 60’s and early 70’s with Yes, Pink Floyd, Jethro Tull, the Moody Blues, Genesis, Procol Harum and ELO.


    In fact The Yes Album charted in the USA in 1973 so Prog Rock had definitely landed in the hearts of US fans of the British Prog scene just as ELP well and truly landed over here and we learned that Englishman Mr Emerson was the keyboard God that he was, RIP Keith a lad from a small town we refer to as Toddy, about a hour away from where I live.



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  9. As most learners start off using a Yamaha or Casio then a brand specific forum related to their chosen keyboard would probably be a better place for beginners to reside.


    Pro rata there seems very few posts here Beginner related and the resources are geared more for Pro and Semi Pro keyboardists.


    Over on another forum there is a whole section just for beginners and plenty of resource links, sadly these are lacking here.

  10. No contest for me, the greatest by a country mile.


    Robert Plant and the Sensational Shape Shifters at City Hall Sheffield


    Next up the keyboard God himself


    Rick Wakeman, seen many times, solo, when a member of Yes, 50/50 talk and play, just in concert, King Arthur, one cannot get enough of RW




    The Temptations at Liverpool Arena, the band was great as usual, it was the loud drunken Scousers that totally ruined it, we left after 30 minutes.


    Bad and Great on the same bill, 

    Belinda Carlisle earplugs required, totally off key.

    she was one of the supports for the outstanding Tina Turner.


    Great and Greater on one bill

    Deacon Blue supporting Simple Minds

  11. On 9/28/2022 at 9:05 PM, stoken6 said:

    In theory, yes. In practice it never happens - it would be a breach of protocol to deny the manifesto of an elected government.


    Of course, it is entirely conceivable that those in power may breach the norms of their office...


    Cheers, Mike.

    Is it not standard practice for any elected Government to ignore the Mandate?


    Are there not Lies, Damn Lies and Manifesto’s.


    I cannot remember any UK Government keeping to their’s remember Thatcher and her “The NHS is Safe In Our Hands”. then she set about demolishing it, privatising huge swathes of it and having Hospitals built by private Companies only for them to rent the building at extortionate fees.


    It is not just us in the UK it is in the USA as a Brit I cannot see how President Trump ‘s “Make USA Great” was actually provided, maybe someone can enlighten me?


    We only see negative press about the ex President.

  12. Back again.


    Great comments so far.


    Let me put on record that I am neither Pro or Anti Royal.


    Given the choice I would rather have a figurehead as head of state than some grossly  egotistical Businessman/General as President/Prime Minister/Chancellor who thinks that they are above the Law and they they can run roughshod over everyone (strike out whatever is not applicable in your Country).


    British Government is not run by a single person, it is supposed to be managed by a consensus of the Cabinet, therein lives the problem, membership of the Cabinet is controlled by the PM.  The rank and filed Members of Parliament are not given the freedom to diverge from the Party line before the respective Whip takes umbrage upon them and cuts their rights as an MP, they are all on a lease.  Hence our system does have its flaws and it is why we are in the state we are currently in, especially today with our new PM causing mischief and mayhem with the policies.


    Let us not forget that Queen Elizabeth was not born to be Queen, the role was forced on her by the abdication of the supposedly Nazi sympathising King Edward IV that forced his younger Brother George into the role.  Going back in history the present Royal Family are not of British origin but they are from the House of Hanover, they changed it to the House of Windsor.  In WW 1 the main protagonist was Kaiser Wilhelm II was in fact the Grandson of Queen Victoria and this led to the change of name to Windsor.


    Whatever fence one is on the side of one thing cannot be changed an has to be acknowledged by all subjects of the UK and Commonwealth is the dedication, loyalty and duty that the Queen provided in the role for over seventy years.


    With the History of, and actual Pomp and Pageantry (which we are by far the best at in the World) being a major draw for visitors to the UK the income that it draws into the UK exceeds the cost of the Royal Purse (housekeeping cash given to HRH for managing the Royal Household.


    Charles III is a very different person to his Mother and time will tell on his influence but I would hazard an educated guess, Status Quo will be maintained.



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  13. Being British myself, the Monarchy is at the heart of our Democratic process.


    Our Government serve not just we the people but they pass the Laws and Regulations signed by and in the name of the Sovereign.


    What you ex Colonists may not appreciate is that our Queen was not just our Monarch but she was a guiding light and a confidant of every elected and many non elected leader of Countries throughout the world including your USA.


    There is nothing new under the Sun and she saw it all and offered Council to all who sought it.


    Our Prime Minister wether they be good or bad are are appointed by the Sovereign and they have it in their power to suspend the Government but not to take over the running of the Government, their role is as Head of State.


    The running of the Royal Household is based on traditions and certain processes and procedures with Duty being the foremost and woe betide anyone who falls foul of the Royal Establishment.  Prince Andrew has and Prince Harry has and they both suffer the indignity and fall from favour and have been stripped of certain titles and ranks. 


    When they were young William and especially Harry were wild and the Police RPS had their work cut out.  William mellowed and fell into line but Harry did not and has not behaved as a Royal should and never ever should he have married who he did.  That was always going to lead the paperazzi on a witch hunt.


    I firmly believe that Charles never loved Diana, her role was to provide heirs to the throne.  Charles’s love has always been Camilla, but as she was married prior the Royal Establishment would never have sanctioned a Divorced Woman being the Mother of an heir to the Throne.


    Do note that the Monarch is not just the Sovereign and Head of State but they are also the Head of The Church of England, and they promise to uphold the Presbyterian Kirk of Scotland.


    Going way back to 1936 King Edward IV was forced by the Royal Establishment to abdicate because an American Divorcee could never be allowed to become the Wife of the King.


    Finally King Charles III is in fact my very distant Cousin, 19th Once removed to be precise.  

    Now there is an argument that the present Royal family should not be where they are as the line of succession since William 1 aka The Conqueror has not been direct, more a wibbly wobbly line but that is another story.


    If you have read all this go get a beer you deserve one.



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