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Justin Havu

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Everything posted by Justin Havu

  1. This is a lot of fun! I'll pop in again tomorrow. We should make this a regular thing!
  2. Pulled the trigger for $49. Really liking it so far.
  3. I use a Focusrite Saffire Pro 14 interface. MODX7 into inputs 1 and 2 on the front, for stereo recording. On my back wall are 9 keyboards, which are routed into a Mackie SR24-4, which is then routed to inputs 3 and 4 on the Focusrite. The MODX7 is also connected to my PC via USB as a MIDI controller. The keyboards on the back wall are MIDI'd to a MIDIPlus 4x4 interface, which is also connected to the PC. I can then control the boards on the back wall from the MODX7 through my DAW (Reason.)
  4. Kinda makes me wonder how taxing on the CPU it would be to run multiple Rack instances versus having Rack be multitimbral.
  5. Same here. It sounds great, it's easy to use, and it's super lightweight. Just wish it had aftertouch.
  6. Pulled the trigger yesterday morning. Been having a ton of fun with the CS-80 V controlled from my Ensoniq VFX-SD.
  7. Got an MS-20 Mini coming tomorrow. Can't wait till it gets here!
  8. Man, I miss my MIDIBoard! Ended up trading it for a Keystation 88es 10 years ago because I was gigging with it, and it was just too heavy. It also had a major buffering issue where if I played too many thick chords or arpeggios, it would freeze up. I miss that keybed, though.
  9. What's being discussed is unison mode. The 12 has 12 voices, but there are several unison modes that allow you to stack them in various ways. So, to stack two sawtooth waves, you'd have to set it to Unison-2, which equals 6-voice polyphony. If you use both oscillators, you still get 12 voices, but only oscillator 1 has saw and pulse, oscillator 2 is a square wave, but with interesting possibilities.
  10. The Deepmind is probably your best bang-for-the-buck here. I've had mine for over a couple years, and I love it.
  11. $1999 street, according to a quick Google search. A bit out of my budget.
  12. Another RD-1000 fan here. Love the way the keyboard feels, and the EP sounds are great, especially with the chorus.
  13. Haven't had any experience with the Ryzen CPU's, but I've built several Intel machines for friends over the past few years, and they're rock-solid. That ASUS supports 2 M.2 SSD's (There's another slot in the lower-right under a heat spreader), so I would swap out the two WD 1TB drives for a 2TB M.2 drive. That would also cut down on some of the cable management. Also, bear in mind that 9600KF doesn't have onboard video capabilities. If you want to stick with onboard graphics on the motherboard, you'll need a CPU that has onboard video built in. A step up, and a good bang-for-the-buck CPU would be an i7 9700K. Another suggestion would be to swap out the Noctua cooler with the Scythe Mugen5. It's super quiet, and very easy to install, for half the price of the Noctua. The radiator is offset to one side too, to get out of the way of the RAM.
  14. Just getting into Bobby Caldwell. What an underrated talent he is.
  15. Just updated to V2.0. So far, no issues. Haven't had time to mess around with the sequencer as I've been getting the board programmed for a gig this weekend.
  16. My MODX is out of whack Suffice to say, I've sent it back It doesn't match the feeling of heaven When I caress my DX7 Before Moe posts the catapult There's just one thing I must exult The stanza above was a total crock My MODX is fine, and ready to rock!
  17. Stay stands are distributed by Korg, and made in Brazil, IIRC. I have the 2-tier Tower with a MODX7 and ESQ-1, and it's rock-solid. Takes me about a minute to set up and tear down. Only thing is the included bag is not the highest quality, but it does the job.
  18. I did like the keybed on the XS, but at 18 lbs, the MODX7 is a little more than half the weight of the XS6.
  19. Sold my Motif XS6 and upgraded to a MODX7. Action feels great to me, and I'm a huge fan of the live set mode.
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