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About Dockeys

  • Birthday 06/27/1970


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    Music & beer
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  1. No big surprise here really. Isn’t this what Roland have been doing for years? The original Rd700 had Sx, GX and maybe a third iteration? Same with the 800 series. Most of the “upgrades” nowadays are software based. I guess for Roland if it ain’t broke don’t fix it, and a complete hardware redesign is too cost prohibitive considering the amount of units they shift. I don’t consider this an upgrade in any shape or form. Reminds me of that silly MODX+ update a couple of years ago….slightly increase the ram and change the mod and pitch wheels to more “premium” ones. Laughable.
  2. Hard to compare the BHS and the GHS. I think they’re light years apart. I think the BHS in my cp73 is close to the RH3 I used to have in my Kronos 2 73. I’ve played loads of GHS actions in various boards and they range from pretty good, (p125) to loose, sloppy and not very responsive (Modx). I think the BHS is far superior action. If the modx8 had the bhs action I would buy it again. Then again different boards seem to have different implementation of the same keybed. Makes for very frustrating choices at times.
  3. They’re insane working conditions. Thankfully it never gets that hot over here but if it did I just wouldn’t take the gig. No gig is worth your health.
  4. That demo video has some very tasty playing.
  5. I know it’s a keyboard forum and everyone is looking at worse case scenarios but I’m hoping AI will be put to use for medical procedures. Like a cure for tinnitus; maybe it can amass all of the available research in that area and make some connections that us humans cannot immediately make. Like that laundry and dishes comment above I’d like AI to enable us to become better versions of ourselves.
  6. That’s really cool. I remember having a demo cassette tape that I got from Yamaha that contained the sounds of the DX27 or DX21. In played it to death and both one of them eventually.
  7. Is there an audio interface built into the studio logic? if yes it sounds like it’s using information from that interface and possible another one that you maybe be using as your main interface? That’s what happens to me when I used my modx with Logic. Or occasionally if a patch was made up of several voices each one would transmit a midi signal. I used to find a patch with only one voice on the modx when this happened.
  8. There doesn't seem to be any jazz related drum content in the session player. I could do with that occasionally.
  9. Man that’s disappointing news. I was looking at the 5000/6000 as a possible controller for iPad or MacBook. That’s a big discrepancy. I guess these are marketed as home keyboards rather than stage pianos.
  10. Weight is always a primary issue for me which always rules out the Montage 8’s the Fantom 88, the Kronos 88 etc. I always get the trickle down version. I did have the Kronos 73 for a couple of years which I loved but ultimately it was too heavy. Getting the “lite” versions usually means I sell it in a couple of years as the compromise turns out to be a deal breaker. Usually action. Going to sit down this summer and have a think about selling most of my stuff and maybe going iPad or MacBook with a controller.
  11. On the surface it seems a bit odd putting breakdancing in. I means it’s dancing, I don’t see that as a sport. But there’s no doubting the hours, months and years of effort in people perfecting their routines. It’s not too far removed from the floor routines in gymnastics so yeah why not include it?
  12. Curious to see they still put out updates tho it was supposed to be every 3-6 months in the early days. Hasn’t been one in a while so I figured the CP series was consigned to the archives. Nothing there that I would consider useful. Few extra sounds would have been more useful. At least they’re still supporting it tho.
  13. No sign of it on Mac or iPad app store here yet. Would have thought it would be up by now?
  14. This is good to know. Thanks for your input. I’m going to look into seeing if I can put some additional hardware with a pxs5000/6000 that might enable patch switching to be more seamless. Maybe a nanokonteol or iPad app. I might augment it with an iPad for sounds too but that involves additional equipment like an audio interface. Food for thought at any rate. 👍
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