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About StansHands

  • Birthday 10/07/1954


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  1. That is the life I am finally living. I'm playing music without the business. Just starting this new adventure - learning the Lydian Chromatic concept with Miles and Monk and Coltrane, and rewriting my songs without triads and converting to 4ths, As I write.
  2. Waiting for my SL Numa X 73. I'm sitting at the door drooling. Won't be here till tomorrow
  3. Thanks for the responses! I gave up playing loud gigs after the guitarist's Bassman amp was in my left ear and it took days to get rid of the buzz. The song "Can't Get Enough Of Your Love" was hot on the charts and we were covering it. I'm just about to purchase a Studiologic Numa X while I study the study a transcription of "Kind of Blue" and record all of the parts, so I need a true representation of what I am playing, in my studio. I've got plenty of room behind me, so I'm getting out the tape measure to plan 6' X 6'
  4. I'm back out, after almost a decade. What are people's experiences about where to put your speakers these days. I've got 2 QSC K8's which is more than enough power for me playing jazz.
  5. I use a MacBook Air M2 with 8g Ram/256 memory; stick my laptop, Focusrite soundcard, USB hub, and an iPad for ForScore, on a standard music stand; no need for AC for a 3 hour gig as my Keylab and Focusrite run on USB power from the Mac. Mac is running MainStage with Analog lab and UVI Grand as plugins. No problem yet. Strap the Keylab to my back, QSC K8 in one hand, bag with wires & electronics in the other, and I'm in and out. Keyboard stand, bench, and music stand on second trip, or use my cart for all, fitting it in my Mini Cooper..Enough room for a groupie too. I travel small and light - dragged around too much gear in big cars for too long
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