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Ken Beaumont

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Everything posted by Ken Beaumont

  1. Actually when I hear sappy piano chords, I have mental images of tortured dogs.
  2. The way I understood it, that should NOT have happened. The IRS does not have our DD information, but Social Security does. We got ours on Monday When I did my taxes in February, I set up a one time deduction on April 15th for the amount owed. On April15th at 12:01 AM the IRS deducted it from my checking account. I did expect it, but was hoping they would either give me the difference or also put the stimulus in. That didn't happen. Today I went to the IRS stimulus app to give them my banking info. Because it was suggested to me that they are using direct deposit information and direct deduction may not be where the IRS computers are looking for my banking info.
  3. I owed $830 this year. Yesterday 80 million received their cash, I got $830 deducted. You would think they would subtract it from the stimulus and give me the difference but that would be too logical for any government entity.
  4. I live near Williamsburg VA and on FB there is a stream of a band playing. No audience is shown, they started with masks but the singer quickly removed his. It was sponsored by a local brewery and a local restaurant. It looks like they are on a stage, but really it could be setup in the bands garage. No way to tell. My band doesn't even practice. But I really don't care what these guys are doing. There was no evidence of there being an audience. So its 3 guys jamming over the internet. I spent 20 years in the Air Force so I firmly believe in the concept of liberty. It was less than 10 people, so its following the guidelines. But to see some of the posts on FB you would think that they were killing people on stage. Some people have started posting pictures of their neighbors in the community not strictly following the "rules". A couple of posts wanted to beat up a senior citizen at a Food Lion because his nose wasn't covered just a piece of cloth around his mouth. They even post the damning photographic "evidence". Really? Whatever happened to peace, love and understanding? Please don't take this as political in any way. But some people should worry less about what others do, and just live their "I'm better than the rest" lives.
  5. I don't hate on her. I think its interesting what she is doing. But as of late I have had time to discover a lot of talent through YouTube and patreon that are more enjoyable to listen to. It makes me feel better about generations younger than I am. From most television and late night shows you would think there is a dire lack of talent. It is good to know that is not the case.
  6. I have an FA-08 for my makeshift studio and an SP-6, these are my 'main' boards. I also have a Deep Mind 12 and a VR-09 that get used or not depending on my needs.
  7. Agreed I have been playing his songs most of my adult life.
  8. Another fan here of the SP4-7, I really liked that action.
  9. Bandmix is how I got my latest band. They saw a profile I put up 4 years earlier that I had nearly forgotten and they contacted me.
  10. Unfortunately now you have to kill us all If it were a DOD satellite you might have a point. But no we just measure aerosol particles in atmosphere using LIDAR. But then it is a space "laser"
  11. I have a day job writing software for NASA's CALIPSO satellite. So its natural to be able to telecommute and we are setup for that. As for my gigs and practices, they are cancelled. I'm also finding a lot of time staying in my house. It can drive you crazy. Luckily I ordered an MPC One which arrived last week. So I have been delving into that. I'm currently testing it to work with my RADIAS and D-05 modules. It is a steep learning curve for a 60 year old who has never owned a groove box of any type. It is a good time sink though. You can spend hours just experimenting.
  12. Yes I have contacted them. I was hoping someone might have seen this issue and knew of a way to get past it. Oh well I guess I can take my FA-08 to gigs until this issue is fixed. I usually keep the FA-08 in my home studio. So none of the multis I usually gig with are in it. But I can generate a couple of simple studio sets.
  13. My Kurzweil SP6 is stuck on "loading .....". I have reset the power but it never gets past it. There isn't a flask drive plugged in but I do have a backup of the board. Any ideas what I can do to fix this or am I stuck with Kurzweil support. I bought it about 2 years ago from Sweetwater.
  14. I bought Reaper, just couldn't get with the interface. But for $60 I figure I was helping keep it going for people who do like it.
  15. I'm just wondering since there already is a the Waldorf Streichfett which is inexpensive. And I have several boards and modules with that sample. From what I heard in that video, I can't imagine someone saying: "Ooh I gots to get me some fake sound emulations from a copy of a machine regarded as the worst sounding solina produced!". He stated in video some regard it as the worst of the bunch. What am I missing?
  16. It is on all the versions I have the "Stage" just click "recently played". Beware it records all the time so it can be quite long. You can also export it to a .wav file.
  17. That's an issue I have with the FA-08, I just can't press record and play something. I have to select sequence, initialize the sequence etc. I regularly play connected to my FA and pianoteq has a continuous midi recording feature. So its easy to go back and look at what I played earlier without even telling it to record. I remember my old CASIO had a dead simple record function.
  18. Garage band for free DAW is still quite powerful. Add mainstage and you have all the logic instruments. I regularly begin simple projects in Garage Band and if I find I need logic, I can export it quite easily. Since the interface is very nearly identical, switching mid project is easy. For the first couple years of delving into recording Garage Band was all I used. I learned a lot with a simple simple setup of Garage Band and iZotope plugins. Later on I bought more and more tools hardware and switched to Logic. Home studios can become a money pit.
  19. I will be interesting to see what they come up with. As KuruPrionz alluded it will be a couple of years, 18 months for a first beta maybe if they are really lucky and really good. The quality of the software will depend solely on the quality of the team he hired. So anything is possible.
  20. Back in the 80's I had a Rhodes and a JC-120, sounded great. Weighed a ton !
  21. In the 80's I played a Fender Rhodes into a Roland Jazz Chorus. Both were obnoxiously heavy. The Jazz Chorus was the only thing I could afford that was loud enough!
  22. The end is nigh. A plague of locusts, the corona virus, and now this. Surely this is a sign.
  23. When people in the audience tell you that they can't hear you its a dead giveaway. I have heard so many bands that have a keyboard player but you can't hear them I have to wonder why did they hire a keyboard player? I asked a guitar player / band leader that question once. His answer straight faced was "to sometimes do horn stabs"! The clueless bass player nodded in agreement.
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