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Everything posted by HammondDave

  1. Latest info on this. I drove up to my partner’s house this week where I store my Numa Piano X, and I plugged the iPad through the hub into the USB port on the Numa and it works! I can play Korg Module and B3X from the Numa and the sound returns into the NUMA’s USB port and then through its output. Exactly what should be happening with the MODX. Considering this is what happened when we played it through Viv Savage’s MODX and it did not work (although it did work on his montage), points to the problem being in the MODX.
  2. Woke up to this… Two Wrecking Crew giants. https://www.musicradar.com/news/david-paich-steve-porcaro-toto-rosanna-africa-original-piano?utm_content=keyboard&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=socialflow&fbclid=IwAR3mBaGdWCa2Ae_TVOpssK6bUh2igoB1K--pbiL_umxhoJ-CHb6awTaWnjw_aem_Aawq7yDB46_A5WoWJedrE6v-xMrukGZ0H_UFr58toXGNa1NohgmaJuwmkqZfztTYDIA#ltzuyh5rnktq0nywmmr
  3. Ever since EV closed their US manufacturing their products took a major step down in quality. IMHO they really are no better than products from Alto and other budget companies.
  4. you can still buy tapes from Streetly…. But who knows how long that will last.
  5. Call me “Totally Mad” as I own one M300 and two M400’s. Regarding reverb, that was only available on the M300 model. The model 400 did not have reverb. What you are hearing in the video is reverb added through some kind of pre amplification. FYI, when I perform I use samples that I recorded from all my studio machines.
  6. Update. VivSavage suggested that I try running VB3 from my iPhone using the same usb hub, and it worked! Obviously an iPad issue, which I will get repaired this week. Thank you Viv and all of you on this site.
  7. Even tried running everything through AUM. No dice.
  8. Yes, it says “IOS Audio”. No other options.
  9. No, they are both open all the time. The performances on the MODX choose which IOS program plays.
  10. I am not hosting these. They are running independently on the iPad. I mostly use Korg Module and B3X on different MIDI Channels. Also, I tried several ways to turn these on and off. For years i plug everything in, and turn on the iPad before the MODX. Yesterday I tried it so many differently ways. No change.
  11. So after performing for nearly 2 years with my iPad Pro plugged into my MODX+ USB port, during yesterday’s rehearsal the sound output of the port stopped working. I trigger Korg Module, B3x, and several other soft synths from the MODX, and the programs receive signals from it, but the audio plays out of the iPad and is not being sent back to the MODX. I have tried several backup hubs, cables, and nothing makes a difference. I plugged in a set of headphones into the hub’s headphone jack, and a stereo signal comes from that. I plugged that into the AD input of the MODX, But the signal is too weak to send to my monitors. Last night I went to my keybro VivSavage’s house and we recreated the problem on his brand new MODX7+, So the issue is not with the MODX. (However, in another strange element of this poser, it all worked fine on his Montage!) Again, this issue came out of the blue. I have been playing this rig this way for over two years now. And this just popped up. I have a gig tonight and really need help. Any ideas?
  12. OK, this should be fun... If you could only afford to purchase one analog synthesizer for studio and/or live use, which one would it be? Oberheim? Prophet? Moog?
  13. Give me two wheels, any day! And I agree, the modulation wheel should not spring back. I use it to add tremolo to my electric piano sounds and having it stay in position is a necessity.
  14. with two M400’s face to face….
  15. But may we talk about JPJ’s excellent Mellotron work? (best musician in that band)
  16. Trying to make sense out of the language that Yamaha uses in its OS is like trying to decipher Ancient hieroglyphics written by a drunk prophet.
  17. For the Rick Beato fans here…
  18. Here we go again…. I watched it and enjoyed it. I am always interested in human stories. And Michael’s story about his father hit my heart. My dad said the same things to me, and it made me cry. Much more interesting than chord voicings and song structure (that you hear about in many musicians’ interviews.). It was a very good balance (for a 1 hour 40 minute interview).
  19. I use a Launchkey 88. Works great. 9 faders that control B3X drawbars. The iPad plugs usb to usb and the sound comes out of the ipad or external speakers. The keyboard is powered from the iPad. Only negative is that there is no volume pedal input. So you have to use and external volume pedal after the iPad.
  20. i knew George Terry from my early South Florida days. He was in a great local band called “Game”. Terrific musicians and singer.
  21. Every now and then I enjoy watching and listening to people reacting to music and performances from the past that we all love. Here is one of my favorites.
  22. Thanks for posting this. It was interesting when he said that the “organ thing” was just too powerful. Personally, I preferred it. When he released the album “Barrel”, there was a definitive change of style, to what you see and hear in this video. Still enjoyed the music, but missed the way he used The Beast to rip into our souls.
  23. Just ordered a 18880 and 18881 yesterday from Sweetwater.
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