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Everything posted by zephonic

  1. I never stopped loving that sound, but always was afraid to admit it for scorn of the brethren here. There, I'm out of the closet. It feels so good to finally come out! I like the DX7 EP! I LOVE IT! All these years I've been living a lie with ever more realistic Rhodes emulations. But ashamed no more, I'm digital all the way. DX7 and MKS-20 forever, yeah! JD-800 Crystal Rhodes, yeah!
  2. So I just got a maxed out new MBP (M1Max|64GB|4TB) and trying to decide whether to buy lifetime keys for the XV5080 and maybe Zenology Pro, or go with the Ultimate subscription at $200 p/y? Any input is welcome! Good news is most of their stuff has been updated to work natively on Apple Silicon. Once Korg updates the Triton plugin to native AS, those two would make a solid live rig for flyaway gigs. There's something about rompler sounds that just cuts through better than most VI's. I also have Fantom 07 incoming which I understand can also host Cloud stuff onboard.
  3. I feel like you're cherry-picking your arguments here. Aside from FSD, Tesla has totally and irreversibly changed the automotive industry. And despite its shortcomings, Spacex has at the very least reignited the American public's interest in and (political) support for space exploration.
  4. Almost three months in and I'm still having a hard time unlearning to log in with my user name...sheer force of habit after 16+ years...
  5. I think there's so much overlap with the SV that it's hard to make a case for it. Same sounds, same action, same price, very similar UI... I play it at one of my churches, it's fine but nothing really stands out, IMO.
  6. Actually, I only played the DS76 for like 20 minutes, but it felt fine to me. I had to travel and it sat in the house untouched for seven weeks. I'm just glad Sweetwater was willing to exchange it.
  7. Absolutely nobody is gonna miss the keys on a Krome. Great sound, terrible action. That guy came out ahead. I exchanged my DS76 for the Fantom-07. Can't wait.
  8. I had the Deluxe for about a month, really wanted to love it as it ticked a lot of boxes for me. But in the end I didn't really connect with it, so I returned it.
  9. Sweetwater is cool, they’ll let me exchange the DS76 for the Fantom 07 when I get back. Pre-ordered.
  10. Of course they’d announce this a month after I bought a Juno DS76.... Anybody wanna buy it? Never gigged, just unpacked it and played it for a few minutes before I had to travel.
  11. I ditched my NordPiano for a MODX8. Not loving the latter, not missing the former. I liked the Nord but it was just too limited.
  12. They said the Ultra is the last of the M1's, so that would suggest the next Mac Pro will have an M2 or something. And yes, they did say another Mac Pro is coming, so...
  13. Yes, that's what has kept me from going full on dual display. I figure you'd have to go to midfield monitoring, and that just won't work in my little room. With the way I'm set up now, anything larger than 28" would require a major rethink of my listening position.
  14. Apple QWERTY+numpad = $199, I can't see any justification for that price. Apple trackpad is also insanely expensive at $149, but at least there you could say nothing else is as good.
  15. I’m gonna want the M1Ultra, so $3999 is my point of entry. With 4TB we’re looking at $4999 (+tax). I want it, but I’ve been traveling so much I figure a MBP might be a more sensible option... But it’s gonna be one of those two when I get home.
  16. There is a “lite” version, but it’s not sold separately, just a space saving option of the full version for people who don’t need all the toy stuff. That’s what I have on my laptop, just the core library (full version resides on my desktop). it’s not cheap, but I don’t think it’s overpriced for what it is. And it sounds like it is exactly what you need: piano, rhodes, wurly, clav and assorted vintage digital keys. I really love the MKS-20 in there. Here's a list of all the models they included: https://www.spectrasonics.net/products/keyscape/keyscape-models.php
  17. Scarbee used to be my go-to, but its age shows. It sounds smaller and less detailed than Keyscape, which has not only the "LA" Rhodes but also classic and VV models. I mean, I still love Scarbee just as I love VILabs Ravenscroft, but sonically Keyscape is on another level, IMO.
  18. Hmm, I assumed NI was a bigger company than Kawai, but I just learned they were bought last year, so I guess I was wrong.
  19. Have had it for about a week now, not much time to really go in deep, but first impression is that the presets are a bit weak. You definitely need to tweak the knobs for this thing to come to life. I remember something similar from the original Nord Lead, the presets were kinda meh, but then a buddy programmer dialed in some sounds and baaam, it was killer. I like the build quality and layout, not hard to get around on, and thank God there is aftertouch. But I don't know if I'm enough of a synthesist for this.
  20. Rogue Amoeba also makes Loopback: https://rogueamoeba.com/loopback/ Kind of like what Soundflower used to be, imo
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