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Everything posted by zephonic

  1. Another thing that has me confounded is the lack of transparency regarding new piano prices. And many dealers seem reluctant to give you a straight answer. Electronic instruments market seems to be much more regulated, in that regard.
  2. Thanks, Jim. But is that notion of a new piano brightening up after a few months of regular use due to compressing hammer felts a correct one? Or merely a sales pitch? I remember from my few months at the Piano Tech school, the instructor told us that sometimes they'd actually use hair spray to harden the hammers!
  3. Another thing to consider with a new upright would be burn in. I find Kawai uprights a bit too dark, but the rep asserted that after a few months of playing the hammers compress and the sound will brighten up. I wonder how much though? I don't like overly bright pianos, but I do want enough of a change in tone when hitting fortissimo.
  4. In the old country I had a Petrof upright for many years, hated that thing. I see a lot of Mason Hamlins at the stores, the other brands not so much.
  5. I have both Logic and Cubase, and use them 20/80. I’m making an effort to get more into Logic because it just feels beefier, but I’m a longtime Cubase user and it’s like second nature to me. That messes me up in Logic regularly, as muscle memory will use a certain Cubase key command and something disappears in the project. I was also gonna cop StudioOne, but put that on the back burner waiting to see what Fender is gonna do with it.
  6. So after overpaying for a dud of a rental for six+ years, I finally returned it and am now on the hunt for a good upright or baby grand (<5'5). I realize how little I know about the US piano market, a bunch of brands I have never even heard of. To further confuse matters, there's dozens of brands with German names, but actually made in Asia. When I grew up in Holland there were the big three (Steinway, Bösendorfer, Bechstein), assorted mid-tier German, East-European and French manufacturers, two Japanese brands and a Korean upstart. I've been visiting piano stores in the area, but so far nothing stood out to me in my price range (<$10K out the door). Played a very nicely reconditioned Kawai KG-1E from 1989/1990 but that one was more expensive at 13K. I did like a new K-500 upright I played, but another K-500 in a different store was a bit meh. Funny how things can differ like that, I always thought Japanese brands were known for their consistency. I'd be happy to hear any advice (or possible deals in the LA area) anyone would care to offer. Thanks.
  7. I don't take much stock in the 1000+W claims of several powered speaker manufacturers. I have a "1000W" QSC CP8 that is nowhere near as loud as a 25W Mesa Boogie guitar amp or my late 200W Behringer 208D. Power figures do not equal loudness, creative math for marketing is what it is. I like this design, good fit for my monitoring needs. Loud enough? Will need to test drive. edit: No XLR line out, bummer.
  8. I have known of Blüthner as a venerable acoustic piano manufacturer, they are fairly well-known in the old country. But I had no idea they make a digital piano, very curious if this is any good or simply repackaging technology from other vendors. https://www.eklavier.com/en/models/pro88-ex
  9. I'm looking for an acoustic piano to buy, and per chance stumbled upon this Kawai EP-308 which seems to be something of a CP70 competitor? Anybody know about this thing?
  10. I tried the ES920 today. The action felt lighter than expected, honestly. I guess I was thinking more MP11 or VPC kind of weight. Also, the keys felt kind of slippery. Maybe because it was fresh out of the box, idk. The AP sounds were very nice, really up there with the best, going from memory. But the EP's were just adequate. Internal speakers are actually pretty decent, technology has come a long way in that regard. I really wanted to like it more and buy it, because the dealer got it especially for me to try out and he couldn't sell me a P515. I need to find one of those locally to see if it is as good as my memory tells me.
  11. “if it doesn’t swing, why bother?” - Herbie Hancock
  12. Thanks all for chiming in. Still undecided, once I sell the Rhodes I'll purchase the ES920 from a store nearby with a generous return window.
  13. I'm using a Yamaha MD-BT01 bluetooth MIDI device and latency is manageable but noticeable. If you really want to dig in, I think wired is still the way to go.
  14. I have played the P515 and think it's easily the best Yammie DP I've ever got my hands on. It's on my Christmas shopping list, but recently the Kawai ES920 has appeared on my radar and from the Youtubes it appears to be a very solid competitor. I have not yet been able to find one in the stores around here, so I'd like to hear from folks who have encountered one in the wild. Better yet, folks who have played both and picked one or the other for what reasons. Thanks.
  15. Only Italy (1934, 1938) and Brazil (1958, 1962) ever managed back-to-back championships. If France pulls it off, they’ll be the first to do so in the modern era.
  16. So the FIFA got their dream finals. I hope France will get their back-to-back, I just don’t like how Argentina got there.
  17. And Morocco sends Portugal packing!
  18. I think the ref did a whole lot more than just let them play. He was dominating the game and all players (both sides), but unsurprisingly lenient and deferent towards Messi.
  19. it’s 2014 semis all over again Amazing comeback from our guys, only to miss the first two penalties... I think Messi should have gotten a second yellow and thus red, though.
  20. I kinda love that Morrocco is through! Penalties is not a great way to advance, but I do think they were the better team today!
  21. Mbappé is easily the best player in the tournament IMO. Ahead of Messi, Neymar and C.Ronaldo.
  22. I know what you mean. With the hardcore supporters there’s often an undercurrent of aggression and latent violence, which can erupt in case of a lost match or whatever. However, in my experience that is mostly a club thing; club supporters live and die with their team. I don’t think it’s as prevalent with national teams, which are typically loosely-knit temporary collectives that only play together occasionally or for the duration of a tournament like this.
  23. If the Soccaroos had played the entire match the way they did in the last 30 minutes, it would have been a different game. Unbelievable mistake from their goalie and defense to allow Argentina's second goal. Now we have to face Argentina for the 1/4 Finals. Hup Holland!
  24. Thanks, Dave! I think the US team shows a lot of potential, I expect them to do well in ‘26!
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