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Everything posted by zephonic

  1. Truly one of the greats of the 20th Century. His music will endure. I will shed a tear or two for him, he means so much to me. [video:youtube]
  2. Eme Alfonso, Voy. Fantastic album, a Cuban millenial Sting/Peter Gabriel.
  3. It was a pretty fun race, all things considered. Congrats to Bottas for a flawless victory (and forget the little off-road excursion that caused the yellow flag in Q3). I thought Hamilton's penalty was unnecessary, the contact with Albon looked like a racing incident to me, and without my tinfoil hat I'd almost think they handicap him a little just to stop him from running away with it like he has done in recent years. I do think the SC's are now being deployed too liberally, and it feels like race control uses it to close up the pack and hope for some extra excitement with free pit stops and the restart. Before long they'll bring it out because a marshal sneezed on the track. Great result for McLaren, if they continue this upward trend, the Mercedes PU should enable them to duke it out with RBR next season. I'm impressed with Zak Brown. He had the unenviable job of cleaning up after the Honda mess, but he's getting it done and I believe he has the potential to be up there with Toto Wolff and Christian Horner. I doubt they will get true engine parity from Mercedes, but we can hope that the coming PU freeze will sufficiently level the playing field. You have to wonder whether Sainz is scratching his head right now...
  4. OK, great. When did that change? I tried this around seven years ago, must have been around Mountain Lion or Mavericks, couldn't make it work.
  5. To add to this, IME Mac OS is just not designed with multiple users in mind. As long as you stick to one Apple ID per computer, you're good. But back in the day I wanted to set up two user accounts with two different Apple ID's on the same machine; in the end I gave up. There's no reason why this shouldn't be possible in 2020, it's really some outdated thinking on their part (DRM, etc.) I have not heard that this has been changed. +1 on the Acorn reference. I don't know how many other forumites will clock that and understand it. Cheers, Mike. The A in ARM, right? Yeh, I keep coming back to this, and trying to get used to the idea that my next workstation will not be a Mac. I'll keep a Macbook/iPad/iPhone/AppleTV setup around for general purpose stuff, but at the high performance levels it stops making sense. My buddy does Houdini VFX and built a beast PC for just shy of $6K, 18-core i9 with Nvidia RTX 2080Ti, 64GB RAM, 2x2TB SSD. To get similar performance on the MacPro you're looking at $15K. Mac Pros were always pricey, but at least they were good value at the beginning of their life cycle. It's kind of hard to make that case now.
  6. I had to get this off my chest, so I wrote a song about it. It's not the type of stuff I normally do, but I felt it needed to be said. If you like it, feel free to share. Thanks for listening. [video:youtube]
  7. RIP Jimmy Cobb, groovemeister. I only saw him once, at the North Sea Jazz Festival with Nat Adderley. Pocket for days, he still had that touch and energy. It was a swing masterclass.
  8. That's a good one to get the basic feel down, although I'd prefer to play the right hand on the fifth/sixth for more pleasant harmonic colors.
  9. I think OP means he is looking for a keyboard that will double as an audio interface for his laptop. Most Roland and Yamaha keyboards can do that nowadays.
  10. Well, we may not have a season, but at least we have a Silly Season! Vettel leaving Ferrari, Sainz taking his seat, and Ricciardo off to McLaren. So the two big questions now are, will Vettel stay in F1 and where could he go, and who will partner with Ocon at Renault? I know this is not gonna happen, but how awesome would it be for F1 if Vettel joined Hamilton at Mercedes? And Renault F1 posted this pic of Alonso on their twitter: I"ll believe it when I see it. I"m an Alonso fan, but have no desire to see him struggle in the midfield.
  11. Yes. I keep coming back to him, always. Happy Birthday, maestro!
  12. Bending my own resolution to stay out of this thread, but I think this is important to share. I googled him, he appears to be legit, works at Maimonides Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY. [video:youtube] https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20200407/doctors-puzzle-over-covid19-lung-problems
  13. @OP: I did a new PC build two weeks ago; my son wanted a gaming rig, he ordered the components, and we proceeded to build it together with a little help from Youtube. It"s ridiculous how easy it has become, it"s basically like Lego or K"nex. The CPU coolers come with thermal paste pre-applied, so no more messy stuff either. I"ve been a Mac-guy for the last 13 years, and I remember the bad old Windows days, but this was a swift and easy process. He went with all AMD, because their CPU"s are kicking Intel"s butt right now, and their GPU"s are better suited for his games than Nvidia. He spent just under $1000 for a killer rig that runs rings around my vintage 6-core MacPro. He got a Ryzen 3600X CPU, 2x8GB RAM, W5700XT GPU, and a 1TB M.2 NVME SSD. It"s amazing how much performance you get for so little money, and it has convinced me to ditch Mac desktops. Windows 10 is a mature platform, maybe not quite as robust as MacOS, but most software actually performs better on Windows, if the benchmarks are to be believed. Puget Systems has a very informative website with PC builds optimized for a wide variety of software, including Adobe CC and DaVinci Resolve. Take your time to read through it, and you"ll get a better idea of what it is needed. https://www.pugetsystems.com/
  14. I don't know how you got there, to me that looks like a false negative rate of 75% I have only skimmed over this second study, will try to read it in full some time this weekend. But maybe we should continue this via PM? I wish to stay out of this thread now.
  15. So he replied this morning: Hi. Thanks for your note. This is the link that should have been used⦠https://pubs.rsna.org/doi/10.1148/radiol.2020200642 I find it odd that the NYT article linked to the wrong study (and it hasn"t been corrected as of now), but whatever. I"m actually gonna read this, as a quick glance didn"t reveal anything about a 30% false negative rate, but as promised I will refrain from posting about it in this thread.
  16. I wish I could sing like him, his personality really shines through in his voice. RIP Bill Withers, thanks for the inspiration. Not everybody knows Blackstreet"s biggest hit was based on this song: [video:youtube]
  17. You mean in addition to the ones I already posted about in this thread? How about these: https://fsi.stanford.edu/news/coronavirus-deadly-they-say https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsExPrHCHbw&feature=emb_title And whaddayaknow, even the NYT has a divergent op-ed, which debunks my earlier assertion of controlled narrative lol https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/20/opinion/coronavirus-pandemic-social-distancing.html I have not commented on his integrity, this feels like you are putting words into my mouth. I don't doubt that he stands behind his article. Well, you did not respond to that particular part of my previous post, so let me ask you again, do you feel the reporting on the situation in Italy is commensurate with the data from the Italian National Health Service? I provided evidence, but other than Majuscule nobody has bothered to address that. edit: Anyway, I feel like I'm done here. Clearly, the majority of folks do not need to hear dissenting views at this time, and I think peace and unity are ultimately more important. So I'll take a timeout and maybe revisit this thread when the mood has changed.
  18. Absolutely. Even though I live in the US, I guess my mindset and worldview are European, and I habitually overstep boundaries I didn't even perceive. I've gotten better at navigating American sensitivities, but I still run into trouble from time to time. The Dutch are typically direct and blunt with their opinions, and casually disagree with each other. I've noticed that sort of thing doesn't really fly here, at least not in California.
  19. I don't think I'm blaming the media, I like to think I'm exposing a narrative They don't just report what the experts are saying, they report what SOME experts are saying. For every Dr. Krumholz there is another doctor with an opposing view, you just don't find his opinion in the NYT. My impression is that there is a narrative, and they find the experts whose opinions corroborate and/or reinforce that story. I'm not suggesting evil intent, mind you. As you already suggested, it may simply be a case of scaring folks into doing the right thing. Since I have your attention, may I ask you directly, do you think the reporting on the situation in Italy is commensurate with the data from the ISS I provided? Yes, but the prognosis is based on computer models. In the UK they use the model by Neil Ferguson and co. at Imperial College, London. They originally predicted 250,000 deaths in Great Britain even with max suppression/mitigation, but readjusted that expectation to less than 20,000 deaths recently. What does that say about computer modeling? In the US we use the simulation by Chris Murray and co. from the University of Washington. We only started using this last week, so I have no further info on that at this time.
  20. No, he chooses his words carefully enough. And I don't necessarily disagree with the intended message (if you have symptoms, you probably have it). My point is, the thing you remembered was 30% false negatives, because that's what stands out in the NYT article. But the actual study doesn't suggest that, even if that statement isn't incorrect per se. I will offer up some quotes from the pdf once I get a chance to edit them. Context is all important in these things. I know I must look like a conspiracy nut to many, and that my attempts to put it all in perspective rubs folks the wrong way. But I do believe the media is summarily overstating the threat, and if you compare the reporting on the pandemic in Italy with the actual data I linked to earlier, it's hard to conclude otherwise. However, I believe in intellectual honesty and am aware of my own biases and prejudices. I'm a layman unaccustomed to medical jargon, so chances are that Dr. Krumholz understands the study better than I do. I have emailed him with my questions. If he replies, I'll report back. edit: https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2020-04-02/jobless-claims-unemployment-coronavirus It's reported 6.6 million people filed for unemployment last week, bringing the total since the lockdown to nearly 10 million. This is expected to continue. I'm not even gonna talk about the musicians, we're screwed anyway, but I find the story of our local drycleaner particularly heartbreaking: she has been in business forever, and lost more than 90% of her clientele since the lockdown began. She sent almost all of her staff home and keeps the doors open with just one employee. Beginning of last week she said she could hold out for another week or two, after that it's gonna be lights out. I hope the stimulus package will help her get through it.
  21. Thanks for sharing. Since the abstract of the original non-peer reviewed Chinese study did not mention anything about 30% false negative rate, I just read all 17 pages of the actual study: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.02.11.20021493v2.full.pdf I urge you to read it for yourself, because it illustrates my point. If you don't have time to read the whole thing, read at least the "DISCUSSION" section, starting half way page 8, sentence 163. I would like to offer some quotes from the pdf but it's hard to copy and paste directly because of the formatting, and I don't have the time right now to edit it all. Hopefully I can get to it later. Anyway, long story short: we agree testing is inaccurate, the argument is really about the 30% false negative rate, which is the one thing you remembered and paraphrased before you linked to the article. The tables are on page 13 and 14. Again, please read the study and ask yourself if that suggests a false negative rate of 30%
  22. I understand your sentiment, but let's keep in mind that the vast majority of those infected with Covid-19 will experience a mild illness and recover completely in two weeks. Similar to the flu, indeed, for which there is no vaccine either. I'm not saying that we should not exercise caution, if quarantine helps to protect those at risk, I'm all for it. My posts here are simply an appeal to reason; because right now the media is doing anything but.
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