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Everything posted by K K

  1. When AI soon takes control of the interwebz, all vowels will be prohibited everywhere.
  2. Add a little French accent and it's OK. réservations réservations réservations
  3. Some good info here. A decent summary of the K250 sounds appears around 2/3 of the page. Still have my K1000PX with extra soundblocks A and B installed (which makes it identical to a K1200). Missing in the K1200 but that also exist in the K250 are the sounds in the SX, HX and GX modules.
  4. Depends on the MIDIboard version. It is easy to figure out simply looking at the front control panel, namely the logo and the parameter list. The later the version, the better. On the v1, the MIDIBOARD logo letters are not filled in white, as opposed to the later models, and its parameter list has only two columns. On the v2, you see the logo with fully white letters and a parameter list on three columns (last column is incomplete). Finally, on the v3 the logo is like on the v2 but the parameter list has four full columns. For the price to ask, it depends on the condition. IMHO the v3 in particular is still worth big money because of the design of elastomeric hammers striking a capacitance area, which offers incredible longevity. There is nothing comparable nowadays. Fatar actions fall apart after a couple of years. My v3 is 30+ years old and doing just fine.
  5. Define "rock". Define "our generation". Next similar thread will be : Greatest generation ?
  6. Exactly. Let's see... Kronos could become RON, ON, K O O or just O O. Or SONORK if I play Rondo upside down with knives. I think I'll pass on this one. Could become expensive.
  7. ...using exclusively Behringer keyboards.
  8. I've been using DuckDuckGo in Firefox since quite a few years and it still works just fine on my PC.
  9. Yeah, this is where we are on the map. So be careful... We have lots of angry polar bears here that can bite.
  10. At my stupid paranoid job (and it's not even in a "sensitive" or security domain) you are forced to change password every 3 months and use weird characters in them in several different systems and software, etc. Then for each you receive a robot call on your cell to confirm it is you and complete the login typing a randomly chosen 6-digit code. The most fun is that when inevitably you forgot a password and type 3 times something wrong in any system, you get locked and have to call the IT service to unlock it. I would agree with such nonsense if I worked for the FBI or at a nuke silo or something.
  11. Yes there are quite a few fun musical moments throughout the episodes. As you probably remember, this complicated orchestral version of the radio song ends up in a very efficient short one at the end of the episode. Also, it is worth mentioning that the actor playing Niles plays piano very well. When you see him play piano in several episodes either at Frasier's or in his own fancy apartment in the show, it is actually real playing.
  12. I would say any synth weighting more than 100 lbs can probably sound "manly". A Moog modular, a CS-80, a PS-3300, etc.
  13. 1 - To determine such things, modulation is the key (I mean... Modulation is when you move away from the key). 2 - Unless impossible, accidentals should respect the key you're in. So if you are in E major, modulate with sharps or naturals. Use flat accidentals only if no choice. 3 - Study the great composers. You will see there is indeed stuff with more than 7 sharps or flats. Not fun, but that's why they invented tylenol.
  14. See mee Larry sull doh fah, Fah doh sull Ray lah mee see.
  15. Well, the PS-3100 and PS-3300 certainly made Emerson happy.
  16. 13 K$ for that Korg monster is peanuts compared to the recently reissued Moog 55 at 35 K$ and "Emerson" Moog Modular System at 150 K$.
  17. Same here, liked the song when it came out and played on the radio around 1981-1982 and I'm glad Joe is still having a fun time.
  18. Wow indeed. I'm not worthy ! I'll need a bigger credit card.
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