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Posts posted by Dannyalcatraz

  1. I don't think we've looked at this one before?


    There are plenty of good Reverb pedals out there, but this one is really out there! It's perfectly capable of giving you a conventional Reverb effect, but that's not why you'd want this. You want Octave Down-shifted Reverb, shimmering Swell effects, maybe an Infinite Hold/Freeze Reverb built in, along with seasick Modulation? Here you go . . .


    Yes, it's Mono, but run it into a Stereo Delay, and prepare to give up part of a weekend. The Rise effect alone was enough to get my attention, the Dream setting invites you to float away.




    Adding another pedal to my G.A.S. list...)


    Andy is one hell of a gear pusher! Talks just enough to let you understand what you"re about to hear, then let"s the gear speak for itself.


    This is another one of those pedals that I probably could emulate with my current gear, but it would definitely take more than a couple to do it.

  2. Good news on the condition being treatable! Modern eye surgery is amazing, as you"re apparently aware. I"m keeping you in my prayers, my friend.


    I just had my eyes examined a couple weeks ago. Doc told me I"m developing cataracts in both eyes...slowly. She anticipates I"ll need surgery in 5-10 years. Or more.


    Silver lining: she expects my myopia, etc. to improve DRAMATICALLY after that, and I sincerely welcome that possibility. My vision is bad but very stable, so my prescription doesn"t change much- the new prescription I got is only marginally worse than from 2016.


    But it"s already really bad. My lenses alone cost @$600 per pair in 2016. With a 20% discount, that"s what they"re costing me in 2021.

  3. Nothing wrong with asking for help here. You never know if someone"s traveled the same road if you don"t ask.


    Dealing with death is part of life, and most people don"t talk about it until they gave no choice. That means they"re going through a stressful situation- one of the most stressful situations there is- with no preparation or guidance.


    Personally, I"m glad you asked, because it shows you"re a good friend for trying to help a friend in need.ðð½

  4. People forget that alongside the wisdom of the ancients is the nonsense of the ancients. The same cultures that figured out certain herbal remedies now known to be real also prescribed ingesting heavy metals and ground-up rhino horns.ð§
  5. Our drummer just finished fire academy and that means 24 hour shits that we have to work around.


    Hilarious typo!


    Anyway, sounds like y"all are doing a good job of keeping your priorities straight and your friendships tight.

  6. Well it's not my usual area of music. But I said I would help however I can.

    In the 1980s, I had a coworker who loved to listen to guitar music. Our desks were next to each other.


    After a while i started bringing some of my favorite CDs. We would work and listen.

    Later i found out that he used to play but, he got intimidated by some of the 80s players-

    the Shrapnel Records bunch are likely suspects. So he just gave up-sold all his gear and quit playing.


    I didn't know what to say to that. i still don't. I understand getting down and depressed-better than i want to.

    I'm never satisfied with what I do. I like when people enjoy it but, there is no 'good enough'. But I still create. I still perform.

    If I don't, there is a very deep, very dark pit with very wild animals, with my name on it.

    Dang! I know & own a lot of those CDs. I also participate in the fine arts, cook, and so forth.


    If I were to take things like this personally, I"d do NOTHING creative. There"s ALWAYS someone better than you at whatever it is you do. Even guitar gods have guitar gods.


    Hell- I was just watching an episode of Chopped, Jr. and watched established chefs marvel at an insight a 14-year old contestant had. She did something none of them had considered.


    Or, to put it more clearly, creativity is not a competition unless you make it one. Looking at others as potential teachers instead of rivals is liberating.


    I wish every potential creator would take a step back and just consider how much work- and luck- goes into the careers of those we idolize. Not as a bar to participation, but as a reality check. There was a pro (whose name I forget) who started his talk at the Dallas Guitar Show who asking , 'Show of hands: who wants to play like me?'


    Several shot their arms in the air.


    'Forget about it. It won"t happen.'




    'Here"s why: I get up, then I practice. I eat breakfast, then I practice. I make some calls, then I practice, I eat lunch, then I practice. My day goes on like that until bedtime- the last thing I do is practice. You can"t play like me unless you can put in the time like me.'


    He meant that, not to discourage, but to provide perspective.

  7. thanks brother Winston, that's really good intel.

    I just had an extended chat with my friend.

    Sorry if this is getting into the weeds but, jezus.

    From what she tells me, her husband was a prolific music maker.

    He has hours and hours of music on Ableton. But as a child, his family ruthlessly pushed him to be 'the best' at everything. Nothing else mattered. The didn't support his music ambitions at all.

    My friend says his music is in the style of-and on a par with, Daft Punk, or Underworld. But he would start something and decide it wasn't good enough and not finish it, or erase it.

    I don't know what happened to him. But it sounds like he just kind of gave up on life. My friend is a singer. Eventually, he wore her down and she gave up singing too.

    She is hoping to carry on his legacy through his music. So sad.

    Just throwing this out there: just like talented musicians have helped Jason Becker"s music reach the world, so might your friend...with a little help. Maybe you. Maybe her. Maybe folks you can find.


    I"ll say that if the music is as described, there"s definitely a market for it.

  8. The reality is, unfortunately, that it may be next to impossible to find out much about these pups. I don"t even know if Trevor Wilkinson sells these seperately, or if they"re unique to his brand.


    Hell...I"m not sure the specs for the guitar list which ones these are. All it says is '1 x Fret-King WHHB bridge double coil, 2 x WDG mini double coils, chrome covers'


    Amazon has these, which may be the same pickup, sans chrome covers:



    And I had to work to find this:


    Y' know what? I bet that guy at the Creamery might know a little about 'em...



    Though, you don't need to remove the covers to adjust the height of the pickups, or the height of the pole-pieces; 's just screwdriver work, a Phillips head for the pickup-height, and a standard/slotted head for the pole-pieces.


    And, if they're made of appropriate material, the covers shouldn't be contributing too much to the "mud". I've always felt that coverless humbuckers were less of an improvement in tone and clarity than their reputation would have you believe.


    I doubt the covers are having much of an impact, too.


    But why do you think The Creamery dude knows Wilkinsons?

  9. The reality is, unfortunately, that it may be next to impossible to find out much about these pups. I don"t even know if Trevor Wilkinson sells these seperately, or if they"re unique to his brand.


    Hell...I"m not sure the specs for the guitar list which ones these are. All it says is '1 x Fret-King WHHB bridge double coil, 2 x WDG mini double coils, chrome covers'


    Amazon has these, which may be the same pickup, sans chrome covers:



    And I had to work to find this:


  10. Ugh! I"m going to have to remove the covers first. This is starting to sound like WORK! ð

    Be careful- sometimes, pickup-covers are soldered to ground, epoxied, potting wax can be excessive and stubborn, and may have melted, leaked and spread- go slowly and with care, finding out as much about the pickups construction details as possible beforehand. They'll probably be pretty cut-and-dry simple to deal with, but caution is better than dismay.

    You may not realize this, but I come from a long line of 'mechanically challenged' people. I may not know which end of the hammer the Phillips head is on, and I"m wary to find out so I don"t get burned...


    Of course, if I DO screw up the pickups, then...I"d have to...replace...the pickups?

  11. Ugh! I"m going to have to remove the covers first. This is starting to sound like WORK! ð


    The Catalinbread Naga Viper was on my list, as was the Keeley Germanium Ecstasy, but I know I have neither as yet. Doesn"t mean there isn"t a treble booster in a box somewhere around here, though.

  12. In no particular order:


    1) I hadn"t considered adjusting pickup height. May try that before committing to a swap.


    2) I could be wrong, but don"t think stacked HBS are the same size as minHBs


    3) I definitely have at least two (and several more, probably) TS style ODs. I probably have a Rangemaster-style pedal, but can"t say for sure.


    4) I like the Creamery"s stuff- I have a HB and a HB-sized P90 in a Teleclone from Rock Beach, and was blown away by them. They have some interesting miniHB options. Notably, not only do they have Firebird pickups, but they have Firebird style full-sized HBs. That"s the kind of thing I"m talking about with the custom winders- if you can think it, they can probably make it...and probably have before.

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