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Posts posted by Dannyalcatraz

  1. I have to admit, I'm impressed. This is definitely something I would use.


    The Infinite Sample Sustainer does some of what the Hologram Infinite Jets does, in that it captures or freezes a short Sample of your sound, and holds it. It also appears from the video the at least some of the internal DSP effects are also applied to your Input signal, and not just the Sampled sound? Not certain of that.


    The ISS offers some more conventional treatments for your Samples than the IJ, in terms of Mod & Reverb FX, which may be more suited to more players' styles than the IJ's DSP. I haven't ever used the Toneprint app, nor any of the TC Toneprint pedals, so I can't really address that feature, but it looks impressive, and flexible. FWIW, 3 Toneprint (TP) User Memory slots is 1 more User Memory than you get with the Infinite Jets.


    For the small footprint, the ISS offers a lot more in terms of control than the EHX Freeze, and the S/R is a VERY cool feature. If I didn't already have the IJ, I'd be more tempted by the ISS.



    When did you get THAT?

  2. Honestly, all things considered, 2021 wasn"t bad enough for me to complain about. For the most part, everyone I care about is still on the right side of the dirt.


    Things did go wrong, of course.


    Had to euthanize my older dog after she had a stroke. A couple months later, our other dog ingested a box of dark chocolate raisinets- box and all- and would probably have died if I hadn"t gotten her to the emergency vet. One of my (unvaccinated) cousins is getting a divorce, and his older brother is now estranged from their mom. One friend in OK is still experiencing some serious complications from her bout with Covid.


    But that"s really it.


    In contrast, another cousin got married to a really great gal. Yet another went to South Africa for a weeklong missionary tripâ¦missing omicron"s discovery by hours. (She didn"t get it, either.) A good friend"s son got a promotion. My cooking skills- already tres formidable- improved a bit.


    So really, 2021 was nothing extraordinary. Just regular ups & downs.

  3. A lot of bands that annoy me still have a song or two I can enjoy. Alas, it"s not usually the ones that get airplay. So I get to be reminded of how people around me really enjoyed Spin Doctors, Green Day, or whomever, and it just makes me a tad grumpier, because I"ll rarely get to hear the songs I think they got right.


    Similarly, there"s bands I bought an album of based on he strength of one song, only to be profoundly disappointed by everything else on the recording. Worse than that, though, were the times when I made such a purchase only to find out the song I liked was a REMIX version that wasn"t even on the album*. That got me to buy a few more EPs and singles than I had intended to over the years.





    * the worst offenders in that category were almost all by various sub-genres of rap & electronica artists.

  4. I was in the 8th or 9th grade when the J. Geils Band had huge hits with 'Centerfold' and 'Freeze Frame'. I liked the songs and (SPOILER ALERT!) I do have a 'Best Ofâ¦' CD of theirs with those tracks on it.


    â¦.I"ve never played it.


    The reason is that those songs were- like most hits- a bit overplayed on the main radio stations our family listens to. But in addition to that, they were THE most popular songs among the girls in my school. This matters because the girls were doing a month-long Phys Ed unit on aerobic dancing while us dudes were doing things like archery, handball and other sports in our school"s gym. We could hear the music they were playing.


    After the initial intro day, the girl"s teacher opened up use of the 45 to singles her students wanted to listen to while doing aerobics.


    For the rest of the month, 3x per week, for the entire PE class, the only two songs they played were 'Centerfold' and 'Freeze Frame', over and over and over again.


    Essentially, it was like this:



    So, while I genuinely like those songs, I cannot to this day voluntarily play them on my sound system. I won"t change radio stations if they come on, and I might sing along, but I can"t grab that CD off the rack.

  5. My mom brought Raising Sand home when it came out and I loved it. 14 years later, a 2nd album.


    That"s going to be EPIC! (Loved their first album.)




    Wayne Static died a couple years ago. About a year or so ago, his band mates in Static X tried to pick up the pieces by assembling an album using his last recordings, supposedly supplemented with work by new singer/guitarist, Ethan Dope. Here"s one of the first tracks I"ve heard from that project.



  6. In no particular order, some suggestions from:








    Dwarfcraft/Devi Ever:





    Spaceman Effects:





    Death By Audio:











    Black Arts Toneworks:





    Note: if you like those BAT also made a dual fuzz pedal called the Sarcophagus, which is made of a LSTR and a Pharaoh circuit in the same housing. You can choose to use neither, either, sending the LSTER into the Pharaohâ¦or vice versa.







    Wren & Cuff




    Third Man Records/Gamechanger Audio








    Note: I do not own ALL of these fuzzes, but I do own several of themâ¦and others besides. Those I don"t own are probably somewhere on my G.A.S. list. (Also including fuzzes not listed.)

  7. I've always been more of an overdrive guy than a fuzz dude, y'know? Even back in the day, when fuzz pedals were all there were, I always tried to get a less distorted tone out of the ones I had.

    But recently, I've heard some pleasing tonalities on the other end of the spectrum, kind of a ripping, tearing sort of sound that for lack of a better description, craps out as it dies.

    I think I want to buy a fuzz pedal, but I want the most distorted, sour-sounding, rip-roaring, ear-offending, rawest, disgusting fuzz out there. I don't want it to be capable of producing even a hint of sweetness. No stinky ant bugle fizz either.

    What do our experts in sonic mayhem & destruction recommend?



    Did someone sayâ¦FUZZ?


    I can"t post freely at the moment, but I have many suggestions I"ll post later!


    That said, I"ll point out that companies like Death By Audio, IdiotBox, Fuzzhugger, Black Arts Toneworks, Dr Scientist, Spaceman Effects, Devi Ever and others make/made some sick fuzz pedals that may be right up your alley.

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