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Posts posted by Dannyalcatraz

  1. I have a few of the ThorpyFX pedals. The demos don"t lie: they"re built like tanks, the controls have a wide variety of USEFUL settings, and- most importantly- they sound good.


    They"re not for everyone. They"re obviously not cheap. While they"re usable for noobs & dilettantes (like me), those have the skills to wring the most out of their gear will enjoy them the most.


    Sooooooo...I"d put them in the same category as some of the better BOO-TEEK names we all know, though. You"re going to get real value out of what you"re paying for.

  2. Ahhhh, the dilemma rears its ugly head!


    The best argument I can think of for getting multiple inexpensive pedals (of any kind) is the cheaper buy-in for experimentation and decision making. The second best is that you almost always get more flexibility in that you can include the multiples on the same rig and set them differently. That makes it easier to change on the fly AND lets you enjoy effect stacking, which is its own reward...potentially.


    Pricier pedals may be more flexible individually. They may also actually sound better, or be better made. Or both. Sometimes they have additional features you want...or didn"t know you NEEDED.


    I know I buy a bunch of expensive pedals. But when I started off, my go-tos were things like my Korg Pandora"s and my Digitech iPB-10. IOW, MFX devices. Why? Because I was really trying to figure out what I wanted as a guitarist. (Now that I know that I"m a hack and a magpie, I just buy whatever shiny thing gets my attention when I"m gear shopping.𤣠)


    So, short of buying a MFX device, since you seem to be shopping for an unknown SOUND as much as an unknown pedal, it would seem the cheaper pedal route might be the wiser path.

  3. Some of those pedal dimensions can be hard to find, especially on discontinued models. Sometimes, the retailers had data not on the builders" actual websites. Go figure.


    Seriously, that's helpful info. My impression was that the Jekyll & Hyde was more on the order of the Rte. 66, or the V1 H2O.



    The Jekyll & Hyde IS; the Son of Hyde is just the Distortion circuit of the J&H as a smaller, discrete pedal. Here"s demos with singlecoils and humbuckers, so you can see AND hear it.




  4. By way of comparison, typical Boss pedal is 4' x 6'.


    The VS SoH is 3.1' x 5.7',


    Emma PisdiYOWat is 3.5' x 4.5'


    The Empress Distortion is 2.5' x 4.5'


    So while they"re not exactly mini pedals, they"re between the Boss and the Keeley DS-9 (which is 2.5' x 4.5', as I recall).

  5. One of my earliest pedal acquisitions was a Visual Sound Jekyll & Hyde V2 OD/Dist, and it has stood tff he e test of time. Sounds good; built like a tank. (VS did a promo vid showing a truck running over a V1 pedal they made to its V2 replacement. The V2 remained playable.)


    I like it enough that I"m planning on getting a V3 version at some point. The distortion circuit was also released as a separate pedal called Son of Hyde. The SoH and V2 are definitely available in your price range. The V3 may be slightly above it.


    The Red Witch Famulus is another solid OD/Dist dual option. New ones are currently running @$180 at Sweetwater.


    I have an Empress Heavy, which is a killer dual Distortion pedal. Unfortunately, it"s about $300 new. However, Empress also has a single circuit Distortion pedal that"s half the price. If it"s anything like its big bro, it"s a good deal.


    The last I"ll mention right now is the Emma PisdiYOWat. Used ones in good condition run @$150, new they run @$180. It"s a truly great pedal for metal, but it can be tamed as well. Might be a serious option if you want to have surprises available at the tap of a toe. And

  6. Caev nailed it. It isn"t the weirdest pedal in the world, it"s the weirdest Way Huge pedal and a play on the team from Dune. Add to that your familiarity with the power of ACTUAL synthesizers as opposed to what guitarists play with...


    And yes, loved those riffs! I have stuff that gets in the same neighborhood, but- predictably- I like having options. There"s a(n un)reason why I have multiple builders" takes on the Green Russian Muff, including one from EHX. Each one is a leeeeeetle different.

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