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Everything posted by konaboy

  1. nice, then that explains it, or at least explains why only some people notice. it doesn't make sense though that both the numa and ck would have that effect. First I recorded acoustic and electric on the CK, then did another recording on the Numa. Maybe something got screwed up in the video edit. I never monitor in mono so won't notice.
  2. you know what, I think the yamaha preset has some weird stereo widening going on. i got a hunch you were listening in mono...?
  3. thanks for getting back to me, but I think it must be something on your end...?
  4. I got you covered, here's the first part!
  5. been enjoying mine with a decent pair of seinheiser headphones but on the acoustic piano sounds I hear some slight distortion when laying into it and olaying octaves in the bass. i hear it on the very first default factory patch that loads on boot but even more obvious when changing acoustic piano model. wondering if anybody else has noticed this, or if perhaps mine has an issue, or if there is a workaround? maybe even an issue with my phones, but never noticed distortion on any other boards,
  6. hopefully of some help to those of you curious about the organ models and ck rotary simulator. compared to YC and real miced-up leslie.
  7. nice, that donner has the design philosophy of my dreams, although a cabinet style stand would look nicer than those legs perhaps. not aware of that brand though.
  8. some great suggestions and chat, thank you all! nearly all the recommendations here are slab pianos. There are plenty of those that fit the bill. But I was thinking a nice furniture style DP, sorry, should have made that clearer. I dig my p121, but I want a more luxurious action, maybe longer & wooden keys, more wood on the case & less plastic. I'm worth it! The furniture style pianos have control panels and even touch screens. No thanks!
  9. Oh, I do realise that there are some very expensive "hybrid" pianos that may fulfill these requirements, but then it is usually cheaper to buy an actual real acoustic. I'm talking about the more affordable digital pianos, from Yamaha, Roland, Kawai, Casio etc. Or even the slab DPs, there is nothing that appeals to me.
  10. I've been looking to upgrade my P121 for a couple of years but not finding what I'm looking for. I want a DP that I can just switch on and play. I need one piano sound, nothing else. No variations, no cheezy strings, no acoustic bass splits. The same functionality as a real acoustic piano, nothing more, nothing less. I don't want a control panel or a screen. I don't want app integration, bluetooth, backing tracks, song recorders or any other gimmicks/features. Get rid of all that crap. My only priorities are a great piano sound and action, with good loudspeakers and a nice clean well-built and attractive cabinet. Why does no such instrument exist?
  11. one other related question, during this era I think music was often distributed on piano rolls, did this format support pedalling?
  12. thanks all. the player in the clip is awesome and a great interpretation. i wasn't sure if he was using the pedal throughout, except for some parts where it was clearly used for effect. It was hard to tell because of that clangy and ringy piano. which made me wonder, perhaps these old honky-tonk saloon pianos with worn dampers naturally have more sustain, so pedal is not necessary to sound smooth.
  13. I can't make up my mind on this. I hear guys pulsing the pedal to smooth and ring out the bass notes, but to me it sounds nice, but a bit fake and "cheating"? Isn't there's a etiquette/myth that your not supposed to use sustain pedal for ragtime? And it's good to leave the right foot free for stomping. You could pedal with right and stomp with left but I might fall of the stool. What's your take on it? Do you do it? What about Maple Leaf Rag?
  14. She would no doubt perform equally well, if not better, on any equivalent instrument from the other manufacturers. For me this demo does nothing to persuade me to buy a NS4 over the competition. Imho this video is about an incredible musician and not so much about the instrument. I know that it's not going to sound that good when I play it.
  15. Did you email me the link to you performance @Theo Verelst? Apologies if I missed it, my intention was of course to include all the submissions. Send me the video link and I'll add it to our YT playlist. Everyone is free to upload their version. Send me the YT link and I'll add it to our growing playlist. Link to playlist in video description.
  16. thanks and respect to all the good sports who stepped up and gave it a shot!
  17. is this not the most mind-numbingly boring NAMM in living history? no disrespect to the manufacturers, they are still making great instruments. it's just that they seem to be launching products whenever they want these days, with the help of youtube influencers.
  18. wait, what, a beatmaker that looks like an arcade game? take my money!
  19. amazing duo! and best use of MS20 I've heard to date.
  20. i agree that screen is very ugly but probably practical to angle it. but do we really need a screen glaring at us on an organ? legend, mojo don't need one, nor did the original tonewheel organs. get rid of it please. any advanced tweaking can be done externally.
  21. do drum thrones make decent keyboard stools? i've often wondered about using a keyboard bench for drums and vice-versa? there's a lot more choice of sturdy high-quality drum stool than keyboard benches.
  22. i asked customer service what would happen if I bought a subscription, got the upgrades to latest version, and then cancel the sub. Will they downgrade all my plugins again? I suppose so... we'll see.
  23. seems like the honorable thing would be to reach out to all their existing customers in advance, let us know that subs are coming, and offer us the opportunity to at least upgrade our purchased plugins to the latest current version. doing it this way is dirty and underhand and will piss off all their existing customers, and angry customers are not likely to buy a subscription. i have no problems with the subscription model, but it feels like I wasted hundreds of dollars on the plugins I previously bought. there is no discount if you already purchased any of their plugins or bundles, which doesn't feel right. i've bought dozens of their plugins over the years, but only use 2 of them all the time. I'll keep using them until they no longer work, then look elsewhere for replacements.
  24. love that story dB and I did not know that about you, utmost respect!
  25. amazing, they fixed my two major gripes, a roland synth lacking reverb, and controls you could barely see. nice job roland!
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