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TC Electronic Sucks

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It's rare when this many people chime in with a negative report on a piece of equipment. Hope H-A gives it consideration before buying as I think Lefty has made the right "fugheddaboudit" decision. I know I would too...


TC can't say we didn't give them a chance to do the right thing...their ship is sinking fast!

Take care, Larryz
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It is really hard to believe that a company would allow all this bad publicity instead of just replacing a defective unit. :idk

That's just bad management.

Just with this thread alone they have probably lost more sales revenues than the cost of many pedals. Not to mention loss of reputation and future business.

Go figger.



The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it." George Orwell


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I was thinking about getting one or two TC Electronics pedals later this year. But after reading all of this, TC Electronics has convinced me to avoid them, and buy a competitors pedals instead. Way to go, TC.


My Boss Chorus has become useless after 15 years, searched the internet for something better since I have to buy another one, was going to get a TC Corona Chorus but after this they lose me as a customer also.

Been round the block but am not over the hill...



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I was thinking about getting one or two TC Electronics pedals later this year. But after reading all of this, TC Electronics has convinced me to avoid them, and buy a competitors pedals instead. Way to go, TC.


My Boss Chorus has become useless after 15 years, searched the internet for something better since I have to buy another one, was going to get a TC Corona Chorus but after this they lose me as a customer also.


Lots of good Chorus pedals out there...


In the meantime, TC Electronics...$$$$$


Get a used TC Electronic Stereo Chorus/Flanger...

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Before this treatment, I was an avid endorser of TC. Granted, they wouldn't have paid me for that endorsement in a million years, but that's okay.


I used to have a plug-in called TC Native Reverb. I absolutely loved the sound of it. TC had a great product at great prices and a fantastic customer service. Now...


All they had to do to make this right was refund my money, way back at the very start of all of this. Instead they chose to string me along for months on end, leading me to believe that they were going to fix things. Then, when it was too late to get a refund, they told me to return it to the store and dropped me. Then, Tore did the same thing here. Lead me to believe they are going to refund the money and then disappear, never to be heard from again.


They owe me more than a refund now. For all of the emails, phone calls, stress, BS and this useless M350 unit sitting on my desk. It's a crappy way to treat your customers.



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I worked in music retail, and the rule of thumb in the retail world, overall, was that if a customer had a good experience, they were only likely to tell one or two friends, but if they had a bad experience, they were likely to share it with ten or more. The simple math was that bad reviews travel farther and faster than good ones. Looking at this thread, I can see that TC has already lost all of us, and applying that same math, I see a lot of lost sales in their future. Viral marketing in reverse?

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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Like I say all the time- in the Information age, customer service is the new main battlefield for business. What WPS said about customer word of mouth was true...years ago.


NOW, a customer can tell the WORLD about their experiences- good or bad- in seconds. And that opinion will last as long as the Internet,

Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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Just read through this thread and I HOPE they make this right!


Is TC Electronics and TC Helicon the same company?


I am looking at purchasing a vocal pedal made by TC Helicon called a voice live play.


But after reading this? I don't know!


The pedal itself is about $250.00 and sounds fantastic, but if I get crappy customer service, then I will probably look at another brand if both companies are the same. Anyone know if they are the same?

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I think we could still call this kind of news going viral, but more in the original sense of a virus-we`re all getting sick from the same company haha...
LOL! I hear you, Skip. I just wish it hadn't cost me so much money to find out. I only get new gear about once a year, if even that often, so this really sucked.


I've taken this to TC's Facebook 'page, and also my own...

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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I think we could still call this kind of news going viral, but more in the original sense of a virus-we`re all getting sick from the same company haha...
LOL! I hear you, Skip. I just wish it hadn't cost me so much money to find out. I only get new gear about once a year, if even that often, so this really sucked.


I've taken this to TC's Facebook 'page, and also my own...


Yeah, just saw your FB post, and 'liked' it.

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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Well, after the Facebook posts, they contacted me and offered to give me a refund. I will be expected to drive out the the store that I bought it from, to return it. They will be contacting me when it's set up (we'll see how that goes...).


So, 8 months and hours of my time down the drain. All just to get a refund and put me back where I was before all of this. While there is no legal recourse for my time and troubles, I was really hoping these guys would make it right. I guess not.

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Do I understand correctly that they want you to drop the offending product off at the store, and wait for them to send you the refund? It's probably just me, but I'd get a receipt for the pedal, signed & dated, from the store.

Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.





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A String, I'm sorry you didn't get a better response, but a refund, even with the high PITA factor, is better than a big, expensive paperweight sitting on your desk. We'll see how long it takes to set up your refund.


I would think after all you've gone through, they'd send you a check and a UPS, or FEDEX, RA #, so you could just be done with it. Don't let them pull a bait-&-switch by offering you credit towards another TC product. Fool me once, as the saying goes.


FWIW, you might look into something like this - Lexicon MX400. I'm not sure if it addresses your needs, but from everything I've read, the Lexicon units work.

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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Over the years, I have recommended TC MANY times. Because of the multiple forum contacts I have, I am probably personally responsible for thousands of dollars of sales.


I will get my money back for this unit, but I am not satisfied with the way I was treated and their lack of caring. In the end, I will not buy another TC product nor will I EVER recommend them again. To the contrary, I will always warn people and refer them back to this thread as a cautionary tale.


I break even on the unit and my hours of lost time and frustration can be my contribution to keeping others from falling into the same trap.


Not that it needs to be said but:


NEVER BUY TC Electronic products!

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