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OT: Quit Smoking Club.

A String

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When I quit smoking, there were two, really important things. It really helped to have others who could relate to what I was going through and it was important to tell as many people I was quitting as possible so that I couldn't easily back down.


Guitar Geezer has posted that he is quitting in January. There are a few others in here who have expressed in interest in quitting (Nudge, nudge Guitarzan).


I think you guys should all agree to quit together. Post a date in here and use this area to help each other reach your goal.


You can dismiss this, or you can use it as an excuse to try quitting...


Anyone want to join Guitar Geezer with his January date?

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I might get in on that. Gave it a try, once again, this past summer and made it a couple of weeks. It was pure hell.

quote:Originally posted by mdrs:


It's pure B.S., and obvioulsy inaccurate. I suspect it is posted for effect, not for accuracy.


John Petrucci > Johnny Winter

The Edge > Ted Nugent

Guitar One Mag > Guitarplayer

Slash > Carlton

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I know it kind of sucks to have a guy who already quit suggest quitting, but when I saw that Guitar Geezer was going for it, I thought a few others might want in.


A forum is a great place to share the experience and get help from others. Plus, you have over a month to roll the idea around before you commit.

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I'm skeptical of it but I've heard hypnosis has helped alot of people quit.

quote:Originally posted by mdrs:


It's pure B.S., and obvioulsy inaccurate. I suspect it is posted for effect, not for accuracy.


John Petrucci > Johnny Winter

The Edge > Ted Nugent

Guitar One Mag > Guitarplayer

Slash > Carlton

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Excellent idea! :idea::thu: I'm sure all of us non-smokers heartily endorse it! :D I can't tell ya how much nicer it is to play in smoke-free facilities here in Ontario, although it WOULD be nice to see a few more bodies helpin' us suck up all that fresh air.


The support group notion is brilliant! It's why AA succeeds. It's how wolves bring down a moose. It's how ants make off with a sandwhich at a picnic.


We should also support each other in a variety of personal growth areas, be it weight loss(my demon), practice habits, networking, etc.


AA members NEED to be accountable to their peers, on a daily, weekly, or bi-weekly basis, or else they're much more likely to fail. If we account to each other, as A String suggests, these goals will be within reach. Excellent idea!

Never a DUH! moment! Well, almost never. OK, OK! Sometimes never!
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Wellll, I'm a non-smoker, so I can't join in this great quit-a-thon. Apparently the two leading causes of death are smoking related diseases and weight/obesity related diseases.


I'm 40 pounds over my ideal weight, and yesterday my doctor told me to lose weight, or learn to enjoy diabetes. I'm going to lose the weight.


I'm not waiting for January, I'm starting right now. I'm replacing pop with water, and I shall stop eating potato chips and candy bars. I've had a high-cost-low-nutrition habit for too long, and it is time to replace it.










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Well, I'm one of those horrible people who can take them or leave them.


I smoked from when I was about 18 till about 20 years ago then stopped. When I started my new life in England, my partner is a heavy-ish smoker, and I started again for self-defence(!). I only really enjoy French Disque Blue or Gitanes, and I smoke about 1 packet per week.


I did this for about 3 years, then about 3 months ago, I realised I no longer enjoyed them, and just stopped.


About every couple of months I get the desire, so I buy a pack & smoke them, then that's me satisfied for another few weeks.



"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the World will know Peace": Jimi Hendrix


The Geoff - blame Caevan!!!

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after watching my son battle cancer for the last three years, i can't imagine why anyone would willingly take that risk.


so you could give your extra money to a charity like Make a Wish and help some kid that's suffering through a life-threatening illness...


or you could give your extra money to some f**king soulless tobacco company. do you really need to struggle with this? how could that even be a decision? but it will say everything about you. do you give, or do you take?


slow suicide is just as stupid as immediate suicide. if you love anyone in your family, you'll give up the slow suicide. you may not care, but someone will have to care for you.


sorry if i sound harsh, but i would only say this stuff to a friend & i would do anything to help a friend quit...


good lord, i gotta get off this soapbox :D

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Guitar Geezer's "quit date" is January 1st. There are a few maybes, anyone want to commit to the January 1st. date?


If you do, be sure to mention it in here and tell everyone you know that January 1st. is your quit date. The more people you tell, the harder it will be to back out of it.

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So would this be quitting cold turkey? No patches, gum,suppositories?

quote:Originally posted by mdrs:


It's pure B.S., and obvioulsy inaccurate. I suspect it is posted for effect, not for accuracy.


John Petrucci > Johnny Winter

The Edge > Ted Nugent

Guitar One Mag > Guitarplayer

Slash > Carlton

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FJ, I'm very sorry to hear about your son. I had no idea.


I'm an ex-smoker. I was watching a news report on TV where they discovered these internal memos from a tobacco company executive who refered to smokers as "those nicotine addicts" among other things. For whatever reason, that really pissed me off. I got so angry, imagining that this guy was probably making a lot more money than me, living in a nicer house, having a nicer car, etc. and he was laughing at me as I helped him pay for those things. I focused all my anger at this one guy and I decided from that moment that I would not give that guy another cent of my hard-earned cash. That was it, that's all it took. After 23 years of smoking, I quit just like that and have been smoke-free for over 10 years.


So if you really want to quit, (in a Darth Vader voice) "use your anger, feel the power..."


Good luck!!



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I'm smoke-free since about '88. The hardest years were when I cashiered a gas station; for my entire shift I had tons of cigarettes in front of me and it sure felt like I could use them. :rolleyes:


I started when I was about 10, smoking Newports I think. Then it became cool to smoke Marlboro reds (in the box). I quit for a few years, then went back to reds. In the gas station I was chain smoking and getting some headaches so I "cut back" to Marlboro lights. After a while, those hurt too, so I went to Merit Ultralights. It was fairly easy to go cold turkey when I finally quit, as my body was already complaining to me.


Good luck, potential quitters!

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I've been off 'em for 20 years this month. I was 28 when I quit. My son, Derek, was just a baby...he got asthma...went into the hospital in an oxygen tent. I stayed with him the whole time. I thought it was probably partly my smoking (and partly my wife's) that caused his distress. Lo and behold...the Thursday he went in to the hospital happened to be the "Great American Smokeout Day"...coincidence? Don't think so.


You CAN quit smoking. No, it's not easy, but you have to WANT to. I did it by sucking on Hall's cough drops...and unscrewing the end off a click ballpoint pen, and holding it between my fingers like a cigarette, and puffing off it if I needed to. Did it look stupid? Who gives a shit...it worked.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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My wife quit before I did, this helped me kick the habit easily. I just cut down on how many I smoked a day until it was just a case of smoking 1 or 2 a day. Also being the middle of an icy cold New England winter helped. I also work with a woman who smokes and has one of those awful smokers raspy coughs, just listening to that alone is enough encouragement for me not to start up again.
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This January will be 10 years for both me and the Mrs. We had attended one of those Green seminar hypnosis seminars. I think it helped, but the desire to quit is really what gets you there.


One good thing is to write down all the reasons you should quit. It's amazing how many there are! Keep looking at that list and get yourself a little pissed off that Big tobacco has owned you for so long.


Good luck to all.

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Originally posted by Haga:

So would this be quitting cold turkey? No patches, gum,suppositories?

I don't see why you couldn't use the gum or the patch if that's what it took.


I used the gum when I quit. It certainly helped ease me into the non-smoking world.

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Originally posted by FJ:

after watching my son battle cancer for the last three years, i can't imagine why anyone would willingly take that risk.


so you could give your extra money to a charity like Make a Wish and help some kid that's suffering through a life-threatening illness...


or you could give your extra money to some f**king soulless tobacco company. do you really need to struggle with this? how could that even be a decision? but it will say everything about you. do you give, or do you take?


slow suicide is just as stupid as immediate suicide. if you love anyone in your family, you'll give up the slow suicide. you may not care, but someone will have to care for you.


sorry if i sound harsh, but i would only say this stuff to a friend & i would do anything to help a friend quit...


good lord, i gotta get off this soapbox :D

sorry to hear about your son FJ.

and don't appologize. smoking is stupid and i whole heartedly agree with your statements.

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Any who've read.. know my son's hockey team went the distance last year and I had intended to make the promice to quit if they were provencial champions. I kept that to myself because it sounded selfish and moronic. His effort had nothing to do with my addiction.


They won. I woke up out of smokes. I quit that morning without an impulse to have another smoke as long as I live.


Interestingly... I told nobody. I waited until they noticed themselves.


No weight gain.

No replacements like gum, being an ass hole or crap like that.


More closeness with my kids.

More money for everything important.

Better breath, cleaner hands.

More time for anything.

The respect of my family.




Thus far it's the easiest thing I've ever done.

(I just had to try 10 times to get comfortable with it)


Smoking kills you. It's that simple.

No gimicks, no crutches, no alternatives.


Find somebody who loves you.

Do it for them if you can't do it for yourself.


The soapbox has left the building.... :D

I still think guitars are like shoes, but louder.


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Originally posted by Guitar Geezer:


Look what I started :wave:



Yeah a support group would be nice!

I was hoping you wouldn't mind. I know it was sort of presumptuous of me to use your quit date, but it seemed like a good idea and I though that you wouldn't mind.
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I've never been able to give them up completely.


And this notwithstanding the fact that my mother and grandfather died of lung cancer and that I myself am an asthmatic.


I've pretty much cut smoking out of my life since about April, 2000 but if we've had a few drinks, my wife and I will buy a small packet (of 10s). It's also hard to ban friends (and my father) from smoking when they come to visit. I can go for weeks without smoking and then I just HAVE to have a smoke.


But the important thing is, if you're trying to give up, you shouldn't give up on giving up, so to speak.


When I was first trying to give up there were a couple of occasions where I had a ciggie and then thought "right. this is never going to work" and went back to smoking.


Had I been looking at the BIG picture, of course, I would have noticed that I was doing quite well at quitting and that THE cigarette I'd just smoked was the first that I'd had in days.


While I think it's best to give up totally (no if's, and's or butts), if you are trying to quit and find that you occasionally give in to temptation, you shouldn't abandon the quitting.


Just persevere with it.

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I'm a chronic asthmatic, and strictly enforce a ban on smoking in my home, my vehicle, and my personal space. The smoking lounge here is our balcony - great view, shitty weather at times. My heart goes out to people who want to quit, but I have no patience for people who attempt to justify it as a legitimate pleasure, and claim to continue smoking by way of choice - not addiction! Gimme a break! Nobody's that stupid!


I realize that quitting is difficult, and all but impossible without motivation, but smoking is one of the most selfish behaviors people can impose upon others. It nauseates me to see pregnant women smoke, and to see children subjected to smoke in cars, homes, and other close quarters. I congratulate everyone here who wants to quit, or has already.

Never a DUH! moment! Well, almost never. OK, OK! Sometimes never!
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