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Steely Dan Concert


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Hey, I just got back from a steely dan concert, and the music was great! Donald Fagen really rocked out on his rhodes. My biggest dissapointment was the crowd. First of all, from what I saw I was the only person under 30 at the concert. It was full of old people (which I suppose is the crowd Dan would attract) that thought they could get up and dance the whole time. It was disgusting watching old people try and rock out while drunk. I think they thought they were young and hip again or something until they looked and me and then they stopped (I think I brought them back to reality). Plus Steely Dan is funk-jazz that is most of the time more mellow music that I wouldn't consider getting drunk and dancing to. Any thoughts?
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What's up with the crack about "old" people over 30!!!! I'm an "old" person by that definition, and I have fun at concerts (without getting drunk)!!!


"Old" people are entitled to a good time too or is that now the exclusive province of young, hip and good looking people?


So, what were the keyboard setups?


"Old" aL

Gear: Yamaha MODX8, Mojo 61, NS2 73, C. Bechstein baby grand.

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The closest the Dan tour was coming to me was Vegas; with airfare and hotel I just couldn't quite swing it.

Interesting comment about the folks getting up and dancing. No matter what show I go to, the two or three people who stand up the whole time









:stark-raving pissed!:

And if I then stand up so I can see, being 6'5", then half the auditorium is screaming for me to sit down.

God Bless DVD concerts!


"Eccentric language often is symptomatic of peculiar thinking" - George Will


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Yeah, those old disgusting music fans should be shipped off to some sort of leper colony style island so we don't have to watch them having so much fun ever again.


I think the guys who made the album in your avatar are in their 50's too.

For shame!

What we record in life, echoes in eternity.


Yamaha Montage M7, Nord Electro 6D, Hammond XK1c, Dave Smith PolyEvolver & Rack, Moog Voyager,  Modal Cobalt 8X, Univox MiniKorg.


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I don't mind old people at concerts because I suppose that is their generation of music. However what I do mind is everyone standing up, getting drunk and dancing the whole time. And you do bring up a good point that some of the performers are over 50. But at least they aren't trying to freak dance-u get where I'm coming from? Old people-no prob

Old people who think they are back in the 70s-I go issues with

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I almost forgot about the rig! Donald Fagen was playing just his usual rhodes (suitcase model). However he did have a backup keyboardist Jeff Young who used a Roland VK-7 Organ, a Korg Triton Pro 88,and a nord electro 2. That Roland Organ did sound great though, and Jeff could really play that sucka!

Check out Jeff Young's solo album, its quite good.

I think its called Songs from a Red Wurlitzer.

And again, I have no problem with old people having fun!

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Us old people who were rocking when you weren't born yet take especial delight in embarrassing youngsters who think that everybody older than them should crawl off and die.


I've decided my mission in life is to show up when you get older and remind you of your current attitude.


Naw, I don't even have to do that - your kids will do it for me. :rolleyes:


Just to be serious for a moment, consider how much closer the last couple of generations are to each other musically (since my generation was the first one to grow up with rock and roll). You were able to go to a concert and appreciate the music in spite of the drunken writhings of your elders making you sick. My daughter is able to appreciate the Beatles, the Who, and Zeppelin. And I never fail to play the original (usually superior) version of the latest lame cover on the radio.


MY parents listened to Lawrence Welk and white gospel (the Gaithers). :freak:




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I do take issue with anyone who sings through a whole concert. Just because you know the words doesn't mean I want to here you sing. Young or old.


Excuse the old persons rant, but that happened to me the last time I went to a Dan show. And it happened to be a 20 something girl. Go figure, young hoodlum drunks.





Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others. Groucho




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Originally posted by learjeff:

Of course, it's OK when you go to a concert and all the young people are drinking and dancing and shouting the whole time.


But old people should know better than to have fun. They look so silly when they do that.




Learjeff, didn't you know that something happens to old people's brain? First when they were teenagers, they like loud heavy music like Led Zep.


Then when they get older, their tastes MUST (this is required) shift to Lawrence Welk (old people polka music -- for the younger crowd). All memories of teenage and younger music tastes disappear. There is a brain change. Desire for dancing and having fun disappears. Desire to sit in a rocking chair increases.


These "old" people dancing in the concert must be deviants. They need to be thrown into a mental institution. Shame on them.


For the "old" musicians, loud electric guitars are dumped for acoustics. Same with keyboards. These oldies start playing classical music only.


This "old age" brain rewiring begins at 30. Anyone who fails to change their brains by the time they are 40 must require therapy. Imagine a person acting the same way all his life...tsk. tsk.

Hamburg Steinway O, Crumar Mojo, Nord Electro 4 HP 73, EV ZXA1


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Weird, I get pissed off at all the people sitting. Who the hell sits at a concert? I guess if your knees are really bad or you just hate the band it's okay. I do that sometimes. But seriously, c'mon guys.


I've seen old people that can rock. Slayer has got to be 40ish and they're still amazing, but most people go the way of Metallica, they cut their hair and start playing crappy jam music. Sorry guys, it's true. Old people in general should not be rocking. I think it's because they forget what it was that drove them to do it in the first place.



I certainly haven't seen anyone get more rockin' as they got older. Clapton wussified Layla, Metallica turned into a jam band, and Jello Biafra stopped playing music (live anyway). I think the only one to get more badass as he went was Rob Halford. Ressurection kicks ass, and is totally heavy. So, old guys, shave your head and get some leather on, maybe there's hope for you yet.

"...Keytar in a heavy metal band is nothing more than window dressing" - Sven Golly


Cursed Eternity - My Band

Dick Ward - My Me

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Originally posted by Dick Ward (MP Hall of Fame Wannabe):

Weird, I get pissed off at all the people sitting. Who the hell sits at a concert? I guess if your knees are really bad or you just hate the band it's okay. I do that sometimes. But seriously, c'mon guys.


I've seen old people that can rock. Slayer has got to be 40ish and they're still amazing, but most people go the way of Metallica, they cut their hair and start playing crappy jam music. Sorry guys, it's true. Old people in general should not be rocking. I think it's because they forget what it was that drove them to do it in the first place.



I certainly haven't seen anyone get more rockin' as they got older. Clapton wussified Layla, Metallica turned into a jam band, and Jello Biafra stopped playing music (live anyway). I think the only one to get more badass as he went was Rob Halford. Ressurection kicks ass, and is totally heavy. So, old guys, shave your head and get some leather on, maybe there's hope for you yet.

Dick, you are da man. ROFL :D I guess I would qualify as old .But you got to love a guy who comes out guns blazing on a thread that would polarize the young and old here at KC. My knee jerk reaction is to go a some big long diatribe about Clapton wussin his way all the way to the bank and yadayadaya...But then I just bust out laughing about how you stay so true to yourself. I mean that in a complimentary way. You got cahones dude. Don't ever change .. or get old :D
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Hey Moog Man - I went to a Joe Zawinul concert the other night. (You *know* who Joe Zawinul is, right?! :D ) He's over 70 (you read it right). He played like a demon, with more energy than any young musician I can think of. Other than playing, he also *sang* and directed a fifteen-piece big band, plus an unleashed rhythm section, in highly energetic, tightly arranged, adventurous music. The audience was mostly over 35; they screamed and danced and sang the whole time. And guess what... the younger members of the audience did exactly the same. :D
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The Steely Dan concert in my area will be outdoors. It's the only way multiple "types" of people can be allowed, it seems.


People will be able to sit, stand, and even lay down. People can drink, eat, and smoke (anything they want to smoke ;) ). You can be on hard floors or on the grass. Adults and minors can attend. If the crowd gets the band to play an extra hour, so be it. Oh, and free parking. ;)


It's at an Indian Casino. The last vestige of Rock, as it used to be in America. I don't go to concerts in America-proper. They aren't any fun.


The 70s-style concerts were the place to get away from anal-retentive societal rules. We didn't go to break things and get arrested, but we sure as hell didn't go to "behave", either.

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Moog-man, No offense, and please do not take it personally, but maybe you were at the wrong concert. That is what music is for. I like it when people dance at concerts, at coffee houses, at beer joints - anywhere there is music. That is what it's for to get people up and on the floor and groovin'. Most of the time when I'm playing I am moving around - I can't help it I have always been that way. It is a central nervous system thing, I guess. That means it is working. If you do not like that, just listen to cd's at home, maybe with a purchased transcription/chart so you can follow along.
"Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown."
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Alright, even though I raised my white flag I still think I should clear some things up. I have no problems with people having fun at concerts, whether they be a baby or a 105 year old. I have no problem with people getting into the music (that what music is supposed to do, right?) and maybe take their minds off of the daily grind. Music also unites everyone- it doesn't matter how old you are, what your race is, or anything like that, it just accepts everyone who is willing to listen. And even though I am young, I don't give a damn about how old the audience is, because as I said, it doesn't matter. The point of this topic was not to affend people of a wiser age, it was simply to bring to mind how disrespectful some people can be. I believe it is disrespectful to the audience and the performers to get drunk and scream the lyrics of all the songs out. If you feel that is the objective of a concert, than well, I disagree with you, but that is ok. I myself was standing up during some of the songs and grooving a bit, but I don't think that ruined the concert for anyone else as the many drunks did for me. I apologize if I offended anyone, this topic was merely meant to bring up an issue and see what people thought of it. Peace.
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Originally posted by Dick Ward (MP Hall of Fame Wannabe):

I certainly haven't seen anyone get more rockin' as they got older. Clapton wussified Layla, Metallica turned into a jam band, and Jello Biafra stopped playing music (live anyway). I think the only one to get more badass as he went was Rob Halford.

You can hardly say that Iggy Pop has made any concessions to age.




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Originally posted by Moog_Man:

I believe it is disrespectful to the audience and the performers to get drunk and scream the lyrics of all the songs out.

I can agree with that. Tell them to shut up or sing louder and even more off key directly at them. They'll get the message.


However, people have gotten wayyyyyy too anal retentive about crowds. Now there are too many rules of behaviour and concerts are ruined for everyone but the current Temperance movement. Black Sabbath may as well play at Chuck E. Cheese. The rules are nearly identical.


That sounds sillier now than when the hippies were saying it 40+ years ago (and I wasn't even there). :P
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Haha. You do realize that Fagen and Becker are 58 and 56 respectively, right?


Those old people are the same people that have been rocking out to Steely Dan since they started playing.


You'll experience an even more drastic experience at a Buffet concert. Ever hear of Parrotheads? :D

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Moog Man - you should have gotten a couple of important things from this thread:


1) KC is led by a not-too-silent majority of litigious old far... oops, I mean musicians;


2) When you start a thread, you never know how and where it's going to end up. It's out of your control.


I guess this is your official "Welcome to the Forum".



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Last 'Dan concert I went to was spoilt by the old fart stick-in-the-mud people who live in Mountain View who have convinced the town to apply onerously low sound level maximums (enforced by monitoring systems put up around the town....shakes head....) at the Shoreline Amphitheater (outdoors). Honestly, the music was like having a small transistor radio on in the background. All I could hear was the whistling, clapping and farting of the other old fogies around me. I'm not going to any more concerts there, that's for sure.


:D (old fogie that dances to the 'dan)TR

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I saw the Dan when they came to Cincinnati in 2000. At times, *most* of the audience (all ages) was up dancing. Especially when they kicked into My Old School as their encore. It wasn't that everyone was drunk, but rather that the atmosphere was just so... joyful! That's the wonderful thing about Steely Dan's music - it has the power to elevate people and bring out the best in them.



Reality is like the sun - you can block it out for a time but it ain't goin' away...
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I saw them Friday in Houston, at the Woodlands.

I'm in my late 30's and felt young compared those that went. A lot of graying, balding men and their wives.

I felt even younger when one of them stated, "I remember my first concert. It was The Beatles." I was like "whoa."

Gotta admit, they had good skunk weed.

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Have to admit it was a wet slap of reality to note the average age of the audience in Dallas and to realise that they were our contemporaries! But the young 30-somethings behind us certainly knew all the words.
"I'm well acquainted with the touch of a velvet hand..."
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Originally posted by mate_stubb:


You can hardly say that Iggy Pop has made any concessions to age. [/QB]


You know, I thought about putting Iggy in that category, but I wasn't sure if he was still playing out or not. Last I saw he was as crazy as ever though!

"...Keytar in a heavy metal band is nothing more than window dressing" - Sven Golly


Cursed Eternity - My Band

Dick Ward - My Me

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