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Analog Poly Synths?

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Hey guys, I've been GASing lately for something with knobs and sliders I can grab, with midi (most likely to be controlled by my new ax-1, yup I'm a soon to be proud owner of a "strap on midi master controller" :D ) I've been looking at Juno-106's and they seem to have grabbed my attention and held it. Firmly. I've always liked how they look, and I like the (at least seeming) simplicity of the interface. (I've never actually played one.)


So I was wondering if you guys could help me out. I'd like to keep it under $200, under $150 would be a plus :thu: . Definately want to have poly, so I can do pads and etc. Mostly I'd be using it for leads and basses though.


Thanks in advance, Mike.

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I have never seen a Juno 106 that was that cheap that was worth owning. Mine was a bit beat up, but everything works, and was almost $500 3 years ago, and they don't depreciate too much, as far as I know.


This kinda begs the question, if you are using a portable controller (Casio AZ1 owner here), why do you want to reach over to the keyboard to play with the knobs and sliders? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of being mobile? Just asking. Assign MIDI controller numbers to the gadgets on the controller, and play with them from there. I am not that familiar with the Roland, but my Casio has sliders, wheels, and buttons that are all assignable, and are a blast to play with, while staying on the run, as it were.



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Well, i guess you're right about the knobs and sliders things, but I'd probably have patches set up for when I'm using the ax-1 and I'd be in tweaking mode when im standing behind it or when I'm editing. I like everything to be right there when I'm editing. (the Roland really only has patch recall buttons, btw) I just like playing with knobs and sliders, ya' know? :D


As to the prices, theres a few out on eBay that say they're in pretty good condition for $150 currently.

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No, i didn't get a real analog yet. I'm terrible when it comes to picking out a synthesizer, if I could always afford to just buy a top-of-the-line, expensive synth I would just do that.

I went over to Vintagesynth.com , looked at every synth, and made a list of the ones I'm going to search for on ebay. Some are mono. Too bad I'll probably never see most of them on ebay, like the ones vintagesynth says are around $200 and from 1975. I'd love to have like five of them!


I wish I knew more about Synthesizers though, because each synth's description usually tells if it's digital, part digital, or fully true analog but in different words, like VCOF or something. I'm just assuming everything before 1979 is true analog.

The Junos and Moogs look like smart choices because there are a nice amount of replacement parts for them on ebay and a lot of the other synths are aparently very hard to master tune.

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I don't know what Junos you've been looking at on Ebay, but I've also been in the market for one, and they've been selling for $300-400 pretty consistantly. You must have seen one that was early on in the auction.


By the way, on a related note, I've been reading alot about this problem with the Juno and its voice chips acting up. Apparently virtually all Junos suffer this problem. My question to Juno owners is: how much of a PIA is this? It's my understanding that the chips are expensive and hard to find, so I'm a little wary now about dropping the cheddar on a board that will require constant maitenance. Is it worth it?

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Look for used Studio Electronic rack mount midi-based analog synths. They RULE.

Used monophonic synths should be in your range.

Look for an ATC (around $500) with a mini filter.


I've owned a cherry Juno 106 (w/plastic case) and even an MKS-50. I find these boards have a distinct "female" quality to the sounds, and others agree. Great if that's what you're looking for...


Also owned the OB/Matrix. Nice, but not quite the smoothness of the american made OB (these were made in the far east somewhere).


Marion Systems Rack - I always wanted to try one of these.

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Originally posted by soundscape:

Originally posted by The Captain:

I've owned a cherry Juno 106 (w/plastic case) and even an MKS-50. I find these boards have a distinct "female" quality to the sounds

Hmm, that means not "fat" enough...?
Or the opposite.....

What we record in life, echoes in eternity.


Montage M7, MOXF8, Electro 6D, XK1c, Motif XS Rack, PolyEvolver, Voyager, Cobalt 8X, Univox MiniKorg.


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Yeah, I was assuming that the prices wouldn't double overnight on the few that I was watching. They did :(:P . But, I've also decided not to go through on my keytar purchase (would have been a novelty at best, anyway) so that puts my budget up a little bit.


And as for the voice chip, i also saw a couple out on eBay in around the $100 range, +/- $30. So yeah, that seems to be a bit for a chip, but I've seen a couple junos that have recently had the chip replaced. Hopefully that means it either won't break again or it'll live longer than a stock chip would...


And as for fatness... well lets just say i have a thing with effects and it'd probably be running through a s#!tload of them :D

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GAS - Gear Aquisition Syndrome, the uncontrollable urge to spend vast quantities of money on the object of your desire (new gear) thus alienating your wife & ensuring you get to sleep in the garage for a month :D

Gig rig: Motif XF8,Roland A37~laptop,Prophet 08,Yam WX5~VL70m.

Studio: V-Synth GT,Korg DW8000,A33,Blofeld,N1R,KS Rack,too many VSTs

Freefall www.f-music.co.uk

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Well, you simply aren't going to find an analog polysynth *with knobs/sliders* for $150. Even monosynths with knobs (i.e. Pro-One) tend to fetch at least $500 and up. Your cheapest option for an analog poly with realtime control would have to be the Juno 6/60/106 for around $350. Also look into Akai AX-60, might go for cheaper ($250 maybe) and it's got sliders.


There are of course a lot of rackmount and/or knobless analog synths that might be in your budget (Roland JX series; SCI Six-Track, Multi-Track, Split-8, Max; Oberheim Matrix 6/6R/1000; Crumar Bit-One/01/99; Korg Poly-61; Cheetah MS6; etc, etc.). You can always get a Peavey PC1600 or Kenton Control Freak to get realtime control over it.


I have a hybrid synth Korg DW8000 which sounds very analog (VCF/VCA) but with digital waveforms, I hooked up a PC1600 to it, and voila, a nice sounding "analog" poly with realtime control. Cost: used DW8000 $150, used PC1600 $80. Check it out.




The control box can be used with any knobless synth that supports sysex or CC.

Kurzweil PC3, Yamaha MOX8, Alesis Ion, Kawai K3M
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+1 on the PC1600. Mine sits on top of my Ensoniq SQ80, and wears many hats, from voice programmer, to MIDI mixer, to VST editor, etc.


Great way to get real-time control of synths that may be running short in that area.



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just picked up a Peavey PC1600 upgraded to an x and I do have a Korg EX 8000 module version of the DW 8000 so I gotta try the peavey with that sounds good havent used the EX for ages.

spose there is a template download somewhere on the net for the korg.

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Originally posted by AUSSIEKEYS:

just picked up a Peavey PC1600 upgraded to an x and I do have a Korg EX 8000 module version of the DW 8000 so I gotta try the peavey with that sounds good havent used the EX for ages.

spose there is a template download somewhere on the net for the korg.

Yes there is. Go here: http://www.defectiverecords.com/pc1600/pc1600.html


Scroll down a little, you'll find DW8000 template there. It should work fine with your EX8000.

Kurzweil PC3, Yamaha MOX8, Alesis Ion, Kawai K3M
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