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Official NFL 2006-2007 Thread

Dave Bryce

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Originally posted by antimatter:

Was Gilbride the coach that Buddy Ryan took a swing at way back when?

Yes, because the Oilers, running Gilbride's offense, was scoring too quickly and not giving Ryan's defense enough time to rest; thus setting up one of the biggest comebacks in playoff history for the Bills.
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Originally posted by Magpel:

And speaking of which, I know he won't get the award, but has anyone done a better coaching job than Jeff Fisher this year?

Well, let's see. Jeff has on his resume for this year:


1) An O-Linemen getting suspended for stomping on someone's face with his cleats


2) Usurping his long-time backup's inheritance of the starting role for no reason made apparent to anyone but him, by bringing in one of the worst QB's in the last 5 years (Kerry Collins) to start in front of him.


You want to give him the credit for getting Vince Young ready to start as soon as he has, fine. Vince Young turned that offense around, though, because Jeff's offense NEEDED the mobility that Steve McNair used to have, and Vince currently has, to be remotely effective. Jeff couldn't adapt his system to the pocket-passer he brought in (Kerry) - so it was an abject failure until Young finally stepped up.


So no, I can't say I agree that Fisher deserves Coach of the Year. Not with all the problems they had before Young took over at QB. Seems to me his new rookie is making him look a lot better than he should...

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Originally posted by Magpel:

And speaking of which, I know he won't get the award, but has anyone done a better coaching job than Jeff Fisher this year?

Sean Payton would have to get my vote for coach of the year. He took a team in total dissarray with less talent and turned them into a legitimate contender. They may be the best team in the NFC.


The Brady Quinn sweepstakes is getting down to Oakland and Detroit, altough maybe Gruden is starting to make his stretch run.
Its going to be hard to beat Gruden down the stretch. Nobody is doing a better job at making sure their team is as unprepared and unmotivated on a week to week basis.


A Lifetime of Peace, Love and Protest Music


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Sean Payton gets my vote.


Not only for the gametime coaching but also for his role in talent evaluation. Letting Donte Stallworth leave was a gutsy move, but Payton and the NO front office obviously already knew what they had in Colston, Devery Henderson, and Copper. Their other roster moves have also worked out, obviously.

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Originally posted by Griffinator:

Well, let's see. Jeff has on his resume for this year:

1) An O-Linemen getting suspended for stomping on someone's face with his cleats


2) Usurping his long-time backup's inheritance of the starting role for no reason made apparent to anyone but him

In fairness, that Lineman's error was no more fault of Fish's than TO's supposed suicide was Parcell's. Yes I know one was on field, and one off, but both coaches could only watch and wonder as it unfolded.


The other issue re Volek/Kerry. The story goes something like this--


Last summer, after Steve had gone, and before camp it seemed Volek was not shining in the offense at the rate coach Chow would have liked, while at the same time acting like the 'job' was automatically his now that Mac was gone. Little arrogant maybe? Anyway, someone suggested Volek come in for extra work before camp started. Volek did not. Coach Fisher had asked Volek why he'd missed the "volunteer workouts" etc. Volek told coach Fish he was out of town.. Coach Fish had later confirmed Volek was in town during that period. Fisher felt betrayed, plus Volek wasn't shining as anticipated. Volek went from a starter to a seat on a Greyhound bus..


As far as Jeff Fisher is concerned, yes a large part of his salvation is Vince Young, but that goes with any coach, just as Bellicheck would be Rich Kotite if not for Tom Brady.(Im halfway kidding btw). What Fish has done, is take a rag-tag team regarded as one of the worst in the league in the 1st few weeks of the season, to a team that nobody wants to play right now. Contenders? no, but rest assured the Titans can beat anybody, and just have 2 weeks in a row. A large part due to Vince Young, a larger part coach Jeff Fisher.

TROLL . . . ish.
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I would say either Sean Payton or Lovie Smith.


Payton out front mainly because New Orleans has really come up this year.



"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return."--E. Ahbez "Nature Boy"

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So ultimately Fisher brought in Collins as an F-you to Volek. Talk about cutting your nose off to spite your face. Kerry Collins? I could have quarterbacked that team better than Kerry Collins!!!


Fisher is as much culpable for that lineman's behavior as Mike Tice was for the "party boat" incident up in Minnesota - it's about discipline, and control of your team. TO is TO - we all know he's uncontrollable. Bet your hiney Parcells has control of the REST of that team...


Fisher (and the entire Tennessee front office) should have stepped up in that situation and suspended him WITHOUT PAY for the extra 4 weeks they could have for "conduct detrimental to the team".


Anyway, all that notwithstanding, the QB replacement was the biggest contribution to the turnaround. How much of that was Jeff and how much was Vince is open to debate. I gotta agree with other voices here, though, and cast my vote for Sean Payton, who took over a team that no one believed would be competitive at any point this year, and turned it into a winner.

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Originally posted by antimatter:

I'd just like to a throw a quick vote in for Eric Mangini. The fact the Jets are 7-5 and might make the playoffs makes for a pretty good rookie season.

Good call and a very good rookie season. Sean Peyton would get my vote but I would also like to recogize the job Marty Schotenheimer has done with the Bolts this year.

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- Rush

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Yeah Griff, sean Peyton for me too. Totally agreed!


And no I wouldn't say he brought him in as an F-you to Voleck but apparantly trust is very improtant to him, and he had that with Steve and it paid off. I gather that after that point he knew he'd be starting Vince sooner rather than later in order to save the job/team/season. Best to bring in a jouneyman while he preps the rook.


The stomping, and there where talks of a trade re that incident. Something changed his mind, not sure what though. As far as the team discipline, they have it, but at the same time Fisher has his hands full with Pacman, who's a brilliant player but losses his damn mind in nightclubs.

TROLL . . . ish.
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Now I never said Fisher shouild receive coach of the year consideration, just that he's doing a nice job with a rag tag team, and now suddenly Vince Young is young Elway?


Let me get this straight: Fisher's success turning around the Titans has everything to do with Vince Young, but Payton's success in New Orleans somehow has less to do with the signing of Drew Brees, the NFL's leading passer? Good lord, it's not as if Brees was a secret. The only question was his labrum.


I'm digging the Saints like everyone else, but please take a peek at who they've beaten: not a single team that is currently over .500.


I like Sean Payton. NYG product, after all.


Mangini's a great call, as is Herm, in what has to be the feel good-feel good story of the year.


You could make good cases for Lovie, Billick, and Marty too.

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Originally posted by antimatter:

I'd just like to a throw a quick vote in for Eric Mangini. The fact the Jets are 7-5 and might make the playoffs makes for a pretty good rookie season.

And it's the way they win, too, that's such a striking contrast with their stadium mates. The Giants are prodigal in both senses of the word: prodgiously talented, and incredibly wasteful of that talent.


Mangini's squad plays a quiet, conservative brand of ball that keeps them in games. That's what's called for when your QB has the accuracy of a laser surgeon, and the range. (I keep trying that joke, to no effect...)

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Originally posted by Magpel:

Mangini's squad plays a quiet, conservative brand of ball that keeps them in games. That's what's called for when your QB has the accuracy of a laser surgeon, and the range. (I keep trying that joke, to no effect...)

Well it's hard to hear laughing over the Internet. ;)


But that was very apt and funny, John. :thu:





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Originally posted by steadyb:


The Bengals got a big boost this week from the Browns and Seahawks victories over KC and Denver. They now can control thier fate for a Wild card spot. We'll see how much the the defense has improved when they play Indy .
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It's amazing that no second place team in the NFC has a winning record. With just four weeks to go, is there a single NFC team that's been officially eliminated from a Wild Card spot? I mean, I don't see how the 2-10 Lions could make the playoffs; but then again, each team from second to last place in the conference still has the possibility of finishing 6-10.





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Well, the Lions would still lose all the tiebreakers, so 6-10 still wouldn't get them a spot.


However, I honestly don't see the NFC playoffs as even relevant at this point in the game.


Only Seattle (2-1) and Dallas (3-1) have winning records against the AFC to date.


The 4 AFC division leaders have a composite 12-2 record against the NFC, with New England completing a sweep against the NFC North. Compare that to the 4 NFC division leaders, who have a combined 8-7 record vs the AFC.


Frankly, I have to believe at this point that the AFC Championship will be our Super Bowl this year...

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Its amazing what a difference a running game makes. Watching the Steelers last night they looked like the Steelers of last year. Of course they were playing the Browns but still I wonder how much a win like that will help their confidence?


Oh yeah I almost forgot I saw Bill Cowher smile during the game last night, I kid you not.

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- Rush

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The Steelers can't beat a team that's any good. They have been playing better, because Ben is looking much sharper than he was early in the season. But. we can't make too much of it, it was only the Browns.


Mike T.

Yamaha Motif ES8, Alesis Ion, Prophet 5 Rev 3.2, 1979 Rhodes Mark 1 Suitcase 73 Piano, Arp Odyssey Md III, Roland R-70 Drum Machine, Digitech Vocalist Live Pro. Roland Boss Chorus Ensemble CE-1.


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Too little, too late for the Steelers. Sure, they've got a mathematical chance. At 6-7 in the AFC, though, they basically need 4 of 5 teams to go 1-3 or worse, and three others to do no better than 3-1, while they run the table, in order to make the playoffs.
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I like the fact that with a month to go in the regular season, so many NFC teams are still in it and many of them have to play each other. That makes every game much more important and more exciting to watch.

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Good point DanL!


The point is true that the quality teams and sought after games are all on the AFC side. I think there's a chance that the better games will be NFC matchups!


The 'crabs in a pot' syndrome that faces the NFC will bring out some intense football in the next few weeks. Then once the playoffs start you have parity among every single NFC team, which should mean tighter games early on.


Of course the AFC elite matchups will still be great stuff, but the 1st couple of rounds could end up being boring.

TROLL . . . ish.
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Originally posted by DanL:

I like the fact that with a month to go in the regular season, so many NFC teams are still in it and many of them have to play each other. That makes every game much more important and more exciting to watch.

I agree it makes for some interesting and exciting football. I also thinks it keeps the NFL as a whole more exciting as evry game has a do or die element for more teams than usual.

Begin the day with a friendly voice A companion, unobtrusive

- Rush

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Sure wish my team had the "do or die" mentality. :rolleyes:


As I sat in the stands of the Skins-Falcons game last Sunday, I kept wondering when they would take more chances i.e. be more aggressive.


What have they got to lose other than the GAME?


It never happened.


Regardless of record, schedule and playoff possiblities, a team needs that extra level of desire in order to be successful.


We ain't got it. Too many chiefs. Over-priced vets. Gave up draft picks. C'mon 8-8. :( Go Saints or Bears. :cool:



"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return."--E. Ahbez "Nature Boy"

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Did Indy and New England really get blown out today or what?! :eek:


The strongest team in the AFC has to be the San Diego Chargers. Could this be Marty's year? Certainly is for LT. :cool:



"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return."--E. Ahbez "Nature Boy"

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Go to agree with you on all points PD.


The Pats are in BIG trouble. They dont have the guns to get it done.


The Colts have a chance in shootout, but if you can play some D on them they can be taken.


The Bolts look like the AFC team to beat right now. I still dont think the Ravens have enough offensive power to take it all.


and.... how about them Titans? Vince Yound and Co are going to be fun to watch next year.


And of course...the Bucs continued admirably on their quest for the #1 pick.






A Lifetime of Peace, Love and Protest Music


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Steve, if Indy's run defense gave up 371 yards to Jax, they are in trouble too especially if they meet San Diego in the playoffs.


IMO, the Pats best game was against the Vikings. ;)


Otherwise, NE remind me of a boxer fading past his prime. A big deal is made of them winning with an ever changing core of receivers.


They need playmakers, not necessarily a prima donna. A Marvin Harrison or two. ;)


Yep, I'm afraid Tampa Bay will end up with either Troy Smith or Brady Quinn. Just a matter of Chucky and Bruce deciding which QB they want.


Join us (Skins) in wondering about the poosibilities of next year. :cool:



"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return."--E. Ahbez "Nature Boy"

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