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READ ME: Searching for info on this forum

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Steve Fortner made an excellent post in the Forum Policies thread about using the search function to help find what you need on this forum...but it's a bit hidden in that thread...


Given the amount of new people who come here searching for info and unknowingly ask questions that have been asked and answered many times before, I thought that it'd be a good idea to give this post it's own thread:


For people who may not be aware of it, I'd like to call attention to the search function built into this bulletin board software. From any screen on the Keyboard Corner, click "search" in the small, horizontal menu that reads "my profile | directory | search | faq | forum home." A page will come up with a number of variables and search fields, which are all pretty self-explanatory. This is an ideal place to begin if you're arriving here with any questions like:


What's the best keyboard to buy for a beginner?

What's the best keyboard amp or powered PA monitor?

Brand X vs. Brand Y: which is better?


as well as if you're looking for anything pertaining to a specific keyboard, sound module, piece of software, etc.


Please search first, then feel free to start a new topic about what the search might not have satisfied. You may find a lot more of the needed info than you expected is ready at hand.


This is the best way to balance the fact that "what keyboard should I buy?" is always a legitimate, worthy question that deserves thoughtful, sincere answers, with the fact that more veteran members see this question a lot and may not have unlimited typing time.

The search function is your friend... :thu:



:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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  • 5 months later...

I can personally attest to how wonderful this feature is!


A couple of days ago my Alesis QS7 suddenly, inexplicably went out of tune. I typed "QS7 out of tune" into the search engine and, lo and behold, up pops a three-year-old thread with the solution!!


Ain't this internet thing grand?

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  • 1 month later...
Hi, I could not find what I am looking for through the search function so back here to ask for help. I am looking for music books for keyboard that include tone,layer tone, and rhythm suggestions for particular songs. I play by ear and so not need help with chording which all music books display. Are there keyboard song books or song guide lists available that provide tone and rhythm suggestions for songs? I have a Casio 1800 keyboard and it is just through trying various tones/rhythms that I come up with a good sound combination for a particular song. I will really appreciate any help! Thanks!! :)
Always enjoy music!
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Originally posted by seekthetruth:

Hi, I could not find what I am looking for through the search function so back here to ask for help. it is just through trying various tones/rhythms that I come up with a good sound combination for a particular song. I will really appreciate any help! Thanks!! :)

that's pretty much what everyone else does too...

welcome to the club...

"style is determined not by what you can play but what you cant...." dave brubeck
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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This Search engine is totally frustrating.

I tried to look up "Midi Recording" and all I got was ahuge list of recording vocal stuff !? If you are searching for key words in a subject heading, shouldn't they BE in the subject headings that are found??

So I thought I would start a new topic, but now I can't even find a link for starting a new topic!

While I'm bitching, I'll add that for a person with low vision such as myself, this new format is terrible. Having the threads undelined makes them harder to read and also makes it more difficult to use an important function of my computer which reads text to me when I highlight it.





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What happened to the ability to search for only the words you entered? If I want info about the Roland SRX-12, I don't want every post that has the word Roland in it. Am I missing something?


I just tried it, Calumet, and you're right, that's the way it works. Ideally, there should be an option: "find results with all of the words", or "find results with at least one of the words". Or, put such an option on an "advanced search" page - that's what Google does.




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It really has ruined the forum, in my opinion. This used to be my go-to forum for info and now I can't find anything specific...I get results for everything.


While the search feature is different, there were other issues that led to using UBB.Threads. The highest priority came down to importing data from the old forums (flat files) and preserving those threads in the new forums (relational database). The next upgrade will have more search features.


For now, I have hacked in some Advanced Search Tips in a link on the search form. I haven't had time to test these tips since I've been kinda busy lately. Hope this helps.

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  • 1 month later...

Is it just me or is the search function not working???

It was working for me last week when I used it, but for the life of me I can't get it to give me any results!! I'm trying to find some topics on the kawai es4, and I highly doubt there aren't any topics on it!!!

For once the search is NOT my friend...

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Is it just me or is the search function not working???


I haven't got the hang of it yet either.


I used to be able to find specific info by recalling the original poster. But unless it's a recent post, not anymore.


I also miss the ability to search without logging in. I suppose that shouldn't matter since I'm already a member.


EDIT: Use Google. Type in site:www.musicplayer.com followed by your key words. :thu:

"........! Try to make It..REAL! compared to what? ! ! ! " - BOPBEEPER
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
still doesn't work. I tried Roland+vk8, roland +vk8, roland AND vk8, RolandANDvk8. What I get is every thread that even mentions a roland. When is the search function going to get fixed? I've pretty much quit using this forum because of the new layout and worthless search function. The search engine here used to be the best one out there, now it's just as bad if not worse.

"Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face"

-Mike Tyson

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  • 2 weeks later...

Simply the worst search function of any forum I regularly check. I just did a search for "Hammond" newer than last 4 years. I got posts back to March. Now...I have a hard time believing there is nothing on this forum before that.


As I said earlier, this has ruined the forum.

My band Thousand Houses: www.thousandhouses.com
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I should have looked here before starting a new post.. I thought I was stupid... it turns out the whole lot of us are. :grin: :wave:



I am frustrated with the search function and I hope the Master Quinn can help with a fix. Hey Jim :wave::snax:



Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others. Groucho




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I'm just going to keep posting about this until something is fixed.


I just searched "Hammond". No matter what search parameters I enter, I get four pages of results.


Newer than 1 year - 4 pages.

Newer than 3 years - 4 pages.


Yeah. That can't be right.

My band Thousand Houses: www.thousandhouses.com
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The search results are set to display 25 results per page and 100 results maximum. I had to limit these parameters because certain searches were crashing the system.


Search Discussion


You can alternatively use the Google Site Search feature I coded into the Help forum.

I'm about to upgrade to a newer version of forum software. My initial tests do not show much improvement in the search capabilities. After the upgrade, I will begin coding to create a better solution.


Please register your complaints and suggestions in the Help forum.

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Maybe I'm doing something TOTALLY wrong. If someone could let me know what I did wrong, I shouldn't have a problem. I was looking for a thread concerning Stevie Wonder, and what were the best cd's to have regarding his music. I know the thread exists for I recall reading about it.


On the left panel of the search engine, I clicked on the keyboard corner. In the "Keyword Search Terms" I typed in Stevie Wonder for both subject and body. I'm really not sure what "Display Name Search" represents or means. Can someone explain what is meant by the "Newer than" & "older than"? I believe that this post is at least one year old if not more.


Thanks for any help. Incidentally, I'm using internet explorer 7 if that makes a difference.



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Give Search a try now. After the upgrade, I was able to tweak the database engine without bogging the server down. Now you can search back 8 years in any forum and get up to 500 results. I may expand it after a burn in period if things still look good.
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  • 5 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I don't mean to sound like a prick, but the search function here is frustratingly lame. I don't understand how to get around the 6 month limitation like it seems to be described in this thread. That 6-month thing is unheard of for searching (at least in any forum I' ever seen). That alone makes searching practically unusable.


Other than that, the search results are decent. At least if you clikc on a result it will jump to the appropriate post inside the thread, with the search terms bolded. Some forum (hydrogenaudio) just link to the thread, and good luck finding a post if it's a long thread.


The best forum search I've ever seen is the one at donationcoder.com. It's easy to use and gives awesome results. There's no date restriction, the results page shows a preview (a few lines) of the actual result with the search terms highlighted in bright yellow. Then, if you click on the result, it takes you to the post and again, the search terms are highlighted. That is what I call efficient and productive searching.


Let's try to get rid of this 6-month thing, please? There's a lot of good info here that's almost impossible to find right now.

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  • 3 months later...
pardon me for what probably seems like a stupid question. But is there any place I can go on this to learn how to enter search words? I keep typing in words and it comes back with a message that nothing is found. And I'm entering stuff that there should be plenty of threads on. I think I'm not doing the entries right for the searches. Appreciate any help you could offer. Hanny.
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