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My son likes ELP!!!

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The recently-turned-5-yo came into my office awhile ago and asked, "Hey Daddy, what's this music called?"


I replied that it was "Fanfare for the Common Man" by Emerson, Lake and Palmer. He repeated this with some comedic pronounciation errors, and then stayed and listened to all nine minutes or so. Told me to turn it up a couple of times.


Then he said, "Wow, that's cool, Dad!" and left. The boy has taste! :thu:


- Jeff

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Cool :cool: Buy your kid a Moog Voyager, Jeff.


That story reminds me of something me 12 year old daughter said that completely floored me. Last school year, she told me about this music that she liked when she heard it in general music class in school. She couldn't remember the name of the song...it was "Something's Tongue in Something".


Me: "Lark's Tongue In Aspic? You listened to King Crimson in school today?!?"


Her: "Yes, that's it. It was so cool."


What ever I'm paying in school taxes to keep music programs going, it's worth it.

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Bravo! In this hard times of marketing moles, industry greed and labeling of musical taste, the spontaneous interest of kids is the ultimate proof of the talent of bands like ELP, King Crimson, etc. A good, warm feeling...


Now let me add to it: the 5 year-old son of our drummer keeps asking his dad to play over and over again "that music video of the dog". Ahem, some of you guys might know that Rush "Limelight" vintage video starts and ends with a bouncy dog over a winter landscape. To make matters worse, the same guy is having his (outstanding) drummer talents almost equaled by his nephew, who happens to be...err... 12 :eek: ...

"I'm ready to sing to the world. If you back me up". (Lennon to his bandmates, in an inspired definition of what it's all about).
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When my son was in 6th grade he came home one day saying that his teacher had played some Aaron Copland in class that day. I dug out some recordings of the original works and he recognized "Fanfare..." and "Hoedown". I took the bait and played the ELP versions. He proclaimed that they were most excellent, but still liked the orchestral arrangements. Now, four years later, he appreciates the joys of synthesizers and helped convince my wife to buy me an Alesis Ion for my 50th birthday. Just passing down the gear-junkie mentality....




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Originally posted by Rabid:

So Jeff, when he wants to learn how to oplay what are you going to hand him first; a guitar, a drum or a keyboard?



ok I'll take the bait...


a theory book :o


(sorry DH, couldn't resist)

"........! Try to make It..REAL! compared to what? ! ! ! " - BOPBEEPER
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Originally posted by Rabid:

So Jeff, when he wants to learn how to oplay what are you going to hand him first; a guitar, a drum or a keyboard?

ABD (anything but drums) :D


He's been making sounds on keyboards and guitars as long as he's been alive. In terms of actually learning music, I started on keys and found it to give me a huge advantage over kids who hadn't.


If he shows more of an interest, I'll get him into piano lessons starting next year, after he settles into the whole kindergarten thing a bit. We can always strum some guitar for fun in the meantime. He knows two chords (A and D), but can't play them without help until his hands get a little bigger/stronger. But even now, he could cover most of rock if I also teach him an E and a G. ;)


- Jeff

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My boys cut their teeth listening to prog rock, jazz and fusion. When my oldest was in the high school band, he convinced the band to learn Karn Evil 9 and Weather Report's Birdland. Both became so popular that they played them at every football game during his senior year--proof positive that people will like good music if only record labels and media would feed it to them.


There is still hope!

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My 4 year old likes to watch Daddy play the Kurzweil (that's what he calls my K2600XS) and then he wants to play the keys. He can play the first 4 measures of Twinkle Twinkle with one finger. :D Sometimes I can get him to tell me where middle C is. But mostly, he just loves to pretend he's Daddy and touch the neat ribbon controller. :thu:

Brett G.

Hall Piano Company, Inc.

Metairie, Louisiana

Kurzweil Keyboard Dept. Manager


"My dream is to have sex in odd time signatures." - J. Rudess

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