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If an OT forum were created, should the sports threads move there or stay here?

Dave Bryce

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There is a discussion up on SSS about the possible creation of an OT forum here at musicplayer.com for things like politics, religion, nonsense threads, etc.


It seems only fair for me to ask those of you who hang out here if such a forum were to be created, do you think we should move the sports threads to that forum, or leave them here?



:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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My desire for organization longs to have all non-music subjects placed in an off-topic forum, but my desire to talk sports with people who are kind to their fellow posters wins out.


Keep 'em here! :thu:







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"The Keyboard Corner

Synths, pianos, software, analog, digital, modeling, virtual instruments...this is the place on the web for discussions, debates, opinions and assistance...plus the occasional pro football thread."


The Runhive threads seem not OT i.m.o.


Keep the OT's here. Dave performs the moderating job outstanding, he keeps the forum clean.


It's not bad to ask the question once a year, Dave.

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I fear change....






Okay, who got that reference?


Seriously though, I like talking sports with my keyboard buddies. The gestalt of this groups is a big part of why I'm here. Moving the OT stuff out of the forum changes the gestalt of the group doing the discussion on those topics. Therefore, they should stay. Dave does an exemplary job keeping this board on topic and civil; in fact it is the MOST on-topic and yet still friendly forum I've ever seen. Plus, when a football reference drifts briefly into a keyboard topic, it's really funny because we all know the people; but if the OT topics weren't here, we'd have no context and it wouldn't be funny anymore. It ain't broke, don't fix it.



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I was born without the sports gene, so you'll probably never see me participate in the sports threads. However, the signal-to-noise ratio here is very well-controlled by our esteemed moderator, and I have no problem looking past the few (and very well consolidated) threads that do exist.


I voted "I don't care," but I'd hate for our Keyboard Corner peeps to have to go to a separate forum for their sports fix.

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Originally posted by Gulliver:

Sorry guys... I had to disagree with you. OT is OT.

Pim is actually correct, Vlad - the sports are not OT in this forum, even though they diverge away from what we normally talk about.


As he pointed out, it clearly states in the forum's description that sports discussions are On Topic...well, football/runhive, anyway... ;)


I'm more asking to trry and get a gauge of how the folks who hang out here feel on the subject.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Yeah, these threads are really part of the whole KC culture. To paraphrase MLK Jr., no one in the MP world is an "outsider" anywhere in the individual forums. That said, local cultures do develop and, obvioulsy, we like ours.


I think the difference between this issue and the political posts at SSS is that our sports diatribes are pretty much confined to 4 ongoing threads, one for each major team sport. There's less of a page 1 space crisis because of that. Easier to ignore if you have no interest. Sure, the post-count of the NBA thread may make you question our priorities...

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Originally posted by DKeenum:

I don't mind the sports threads at all. I do like the fact that politics doesn't seem to be discussed here.

I spend a fair amount of time at alt.rec.bicycles.recumbent and there are a lot of OT political threads which is finally beginning to piss a lot of people off. Some people are leaving a.r.b.r just because of that. ('lot' is a singular noun, correct? lot is / lot are?)


As long as OT threads are marked so, it makes no difference to me whether they exist or not; I'm an adult and I can pick and chose what I want to read and respond to.

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I don't follow sports at all but voted to keep it. It's part of what gives the forum its overall feel.


I don't mind the sports threads at all. I do like the fact that politics doesn't seem to be discussed here.
I learned early on to avoid politics even as a joke. I was surprised to see how touchy some people can get.
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There one HUGE difference between the way we treat our sports threads here versus political threads on SSS:




NFL: One thread. NBA: One thread. NHL: one thread.


This shouldn't bother ANYONE who visits the forum in that 95% of the threads are indeed about keyboard and music related topics.


If there was one or two mondo political threads on SSS, I wouldn't mind at all. I'd probably even participate a bit.


So...keep 'em here.


- Jeff

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Originally posted by RaGe:

Don't even begin to try to localize the neuron that could make you start thinking about caressing the idea of one day maybe moving the sports threads.

Don't mince words, RaGe, whaddaya really think? :D





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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I say move any sports threads to an off topic forum. I don't understand the reason why sports threads are on a keyboard forum. I find sports threads annoying because I come here for keyboard information and chat, not jock talk. If you are going to have sports threads, than why not politics, news, religion, and everything else?
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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Originally posted by RaGe:

Don't even begin to try to localize the neuron that could make you start thinking about caressing the idea of one day maybe moving the sports threads.

Don't mince words, RaGe, whaddaya really think? :D



I don't even know, I lost myself there. Oh yeah, here, I vote NO! :confused: lol ... (leave them here, come on now).
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Originally posted by Jeff Da Weasel:

95% of the threads are indeed about keyboard and music related topics

Well, I wouldn't go that far. But I agree that the sporting threads are easy to avoid, unlike off-topic stuff on email lists. Although the new version of Mail sorts those into threads, so you can avoid them in a group... oh no: I'M off-topic! Ahhhhrgh.... (Sucked into swirly off-topic dimension)


Yeah, leave them.

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Originally posted by petros:

I say move any sports threads to an off topic forum. I don't understand the reason why sports threads are on a keyboard forum.

The sports threads are here because many of us have become friends; and, as friends, enjoy discussing some things in which we have a common interest.


I find sports threads annoying because I come here for keyboard information and chat, not jock talk. If you are going to have sports threads, than why not politics, news, religion, and everything else?
Because politics and religion are very relevant to many people's lives; and, as such, are frequently polarizing and can be inflammatory. It's my preference to avoid potentially inflammatory subject matter in this forum, and I believe that most of the folks who hang out here feel similarly.


Sports, on the other hand (while still being relevant to some people's lives (see steadyb, figure A :D ) is a form of entertainment, just like movies and music are forms of entertainment.


It is rare to almost never that any of the sports threads have become inflamed, and I feel pretty safe in saying that they have never spawned any sort of serious ad-hominem attacks. I am afraid that I cannot say the same about the religion and political threads.


At least, that's my thinking on the subject.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by petros:

I say move any sports threads to an off topic forum. I don't understand the reason why sports threads are on a keyboard forum. I find sports threads annoying because I come here for keyboard information and chat, not jock talk. If you are going to have sports threads, than why not politics, news, religion, and everything else?

As an anonymous identity, you opinion doesn't count, please remove one vote from the "YES" column. ;);)
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