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VOL. 6 - Sign-up thread

Dave Bryce

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As any of you who follow the Comp CD saga are no doubt aware, we have elected to try and do a piano performance CD for Volume 6. We have posted the criteria in another thread - if anyone missed it, lemme know and I'll dig it up.


In the meantime, in order to try and establish how much time can be allocated to each person submitting a tune (and/or whether or not there are enough of us interested in such a project to make it viable), I'd like to request that everyone who's thinking of participating in said CD throw their hat into the ring at this time.


I'm in...





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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That's 12...


If only one more person signs up (, at the very least, Marino will definitely do when he sees this thread), we've each got 6 minutes. If it gets up to 16 people, we're down to 5 minutes each.


If we get to 16, I'd probably make it first come, first served. Under five minutes each would probably be a bit too short, doncha think?


Besides, the first come first served thing will probably be a factor anyway...it's been my experience that not everyone who says they're in always submits...




Chillin' in really humid Orlando...thank goodness for AC...



:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

That's 12...


If only one more person signs up (, at the very least, Marino will definitely do when he sees this thread), we've each got 6 minutes. If it gets up to 16 people, we're down to 5 minutes each.


If we get to 16, I'd probably make it first come, first served. Under five minutes each would probably be a bit too short, doncha think?


Besides, the first come first served thing will probably be a factor anyway...it's been my experience that not everyone who says they're in always submits...




Chillin' in really humid Orlando...thank goodness for AC...

d'you callin me a liar?!! :evil::P
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Originally posted by schmoron13:

d'you callin me a liar?!! :evil::P

Nope. Not at all.


However, so far, on each compilation at least one or two of the people who've said that they were gonna contribute have fallen through...not because they lied, more because something came up.




Chillin' in stupidly humid Orlando.



:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Llarion:

Hey, Vol 6 could be a 2 CD set, perhaps... that way people could ramble.

I'll be really honest here, okay?


I don't want to do a 2 CD set, because I don't want to do that much work.


In sequencing and mastering these projects, I have to listen to them over and over...first, to make sure that the sequencing makes sense, next to make sure that the mastering is all nice and even, and lastly to make sure that there are no errors on the master discs. This process takes up a pretty decent amount of time on a single CD. After doing the Vol. 1 & 2 double CD set, I swore I'd never do a double one again.


As it is, I'll be doing 6 and 7 right on top of each other. Having either one of them be a double CD is just too much for me to handle. I'm sorry...I hope y'all understand.


If it works out that there are extra tunes that don't make Vol. 6, they'll probably just be moved to either Vol. 7 or Vol. 8...they won't be rejected.




Still chillin' in Orlando



:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Dave -

You need to turn left at St. Pete and go south for an hour + a few minutes and hear those S4C-As in my 2000sq.ft. live room - or mess around with the 60 or so instruments lying around. Sorry, I haven't finished restoring the Clavinet yet. Or you could grab Nathan Eldred and come down for dinner (he's always up for dinner here), I'll smoke some ducks and make garlic/wasabi mashed potatoes - or we could do filets & king crab...



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Originally posted by S_Gould:

Dave -

You need to turn left at St. Pete and go south for an hour + a few minutes and hear those S4C-As in my 2000sq.ft. live room - or mess around with the 60 or so instruments lying around. Sorry, I haven't finished restoring the Clavinet yet. Or you could grab Nathan Eldred and come down for dinner (he's always up for dinner here), I'll smoke some ducks and make garlic/wasabi mashed potatoes - or we could do filets & king crab...

I appreciate the generous invitation, Scott; and, were I not here with the family, I'd probably take you up on it.


As you know, I fully intend to make it down there...probably not this trip, though.


I love garlic/wasabi mashed...I do 'em myself. Fresh chopped ginger and a dab 'o sour cream as well...yummmmm... :thu:


Hungry now... :D





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by S_Gould:

I'll catch you next time, then. As long as you're still in Mouseland, try the Flying Fish restaurant at the Boardwalk, it's one of their better efforts.

Did seafood tonight out of the park at a place called Fishbones. Outstanding meal... :thu:





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Gee whiz, looks like it's filled up already. I guess I need to check in here more often than every few days... :(


Can I get on the "reserve" list in case one of the 16 who've spoken up so far don't make it in? I'd like to do this, but there's no way I'm gonna be the guy who causes the length limit to drop below 5 minutes!


If all 16 come through, I'll settle for getting in on volume 7, though. After all, I have yet to get in on one of the original compilations. Maybe I'll just plan on that. :)


Peace all,




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Originally posted by Bucktunes:

Can I get on the "reserve" list in case one of the 16 who've spoken up so far don't make it in? I'd like to do this, but there's no way I'm gonna be the guy who causes the length limit to drop below 5 minutes!

The length limit isn't going to drop below five minutes.


I'd say go ahead and do the tune, Steve. As previously mentioned, odds are that not everyone who has said that they're ging to submit will; and, even if they do and we end up with more than 16 submissions, I'll just move whoever gets me their piece last to another project.


Also, it's likely that not everyone will hit 5 minutes dead on, so there may be room for more than 16 pieces.




Still chillin' in humid Orlando...



:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Janet's tune will be short, although I can't asy how short, but certainly won't be 5 mins. I think it might even be less than 3, so they extra time can be distributed.




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