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Congrats to Mike Martin!

Dave Bryce

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It gives me great pleasure to announce that our good friend Mike Martin is Yamaha's new DMI (Digital Musical Intruments) Marketing manager, and as such will be handling product development and marketing for them.


I cannot think of anyone better suited for this gig. I am outrageously happy for both Mike and Yamaha, and I am certain that this relationship will benefit both parties.


Please join me in offering your congratulations and good wishes to Mike in his new job! :thu::D:cool:





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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THANK YOU DAVID! Yes I'm on an exciting new adventure. Yamaha has presented me with a great new challenge and opportunity and I'm anxious to get started.


I'm thrilled to be a position to help shape and mold the products that Yamaha brings to market. So if you have things to say (both good and bad) about the Yamaha DMI products, I'd appreciate any feedback you could provide.


I will miss my friends (who are more like family) at Kurzweil very much and thank them for their support for me during this transition. I hope that this change does not diminish your confidence in Kurzweil products, there will be some cool new stuff in the booth NAMM. This new job simply presents some exciting new challenges, opportunities...and alot less travel. :)


So if you're at NAMM next week you'll find me at the Yamaha booth, I hope to see you there.


Thanks again to my good friend Dave and everyone for your support.



Mike Martin

-Mike Martin



Mike Martin Photography Instagram Facebook

The Big Picture Photography Forum on Music Player Network


The opinions I post here are my own and do not represent the company I work for.

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Are you still selling your CDROM for the K2X?
I'm pulling the website down soon for the KDFX programmed version of the disk at the end of the month...so now's your last chance to get it. The K2000/K2500 version can still be purchased from a Kurzweil dealer.



Mike Martin

-Mike Martin



Mike Martin Photography Instagram Facebook

The Big Picture Photography Forum on Music Player Network


The opinions I post here are my own and do not represent the company I work for.

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Congrats Mike,


With all you've done in comming to the rescue of Kurzweil customers.........this is a HUGE win for Yamaha.........I surely hope they appreciate your talents!


Surreal :thu:


PS Does this mean that it's okay for me to keep my S90 along with my PC2r? LOL......I will see you at NAMM!

Surreal :cool:
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Best of Luck, Mike. Thanks for your continuous support on kurzweil issues.


I hope George continuous to hang out around here, he's been a big asset too on kurzweil issues.

Korg Kronos X73 / ARP Odyssey / Motif ES Rack / Roland D-05 / JP-08 / SE-05 / Jupiter Xm / Novation Mininova / NL2X / Waldorf Pulse II


American Deluxe P-Bass, Yamaha RBX760

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Congrats, Mike.


As a K2500RS owner (and ExpressionMate owner but frustrated user), it was a comfort knowing you were hanging around this board in case I needed help. Young Chang's loss is truly Yamaha's gain.


Second to what the Jeebus says: please improve the chronic state of clumsy Yamaha UI.


If you have to dump a loaded K2600XS to make room for a loaded Motif 8, PM me! ;)

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Mike, huge congratulations!

We Kurz guys will surely miss your inputs... But as others have said, you could push Yamaha into designing something as deep AND easy to use as the Kurzweil... :D

Anyway, I find your piano samples are still the best!! (Ehm, what about a Giga version...) :)

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Wow - big surprise, and big coup for Yamaha. As a former Yamaha-ite, perhaps I can give you my input sometime after NAMM, if you'd like.


I'm sorry that Kurzweil lost a valuable member of their team, but looking forward to seeing great things to come from DMI at Yamaha with your involvement.


Congratulations, Mike!



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WOW Thank you everyone.


Dano wrote:

I guess they gave you E.John tickets as a bonus

David Bryce picked up my "secret" moves here on the forum. First my signature went away...then somehow I got tickets to the Elton John show. Something suspicious here.


you could push Yamaha into designing something as deep AND easy to use as the Kurzweil...
Yamaha is definitely looking for an "outsiders" point of view on several levels. I'm anxious to provide some input. Needless to say they might get sick of me and my big mouth. I'm not as loud as dB (who is?) but I'll make sure my opinion gets heard.


Jeff wrote:

and don't let Athan Billias out-geek you (as he's quite capable of doing).

We sure are going to have a geek fest aren't we? I'll do my best to keep up with him though.



Mike Martin

-Mike Martin



Mike Martin Photography Instagram Facebook

The Big Picture Photography Forum on Music Player Network


The opinions I post here are my own and do not represent the company I work for.

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Congratulations, Mike!! Yamaha's done and been doing some fantastic stuff, you've joined a great company.


We need a full-featured, 61-76 key keyboard that integrates and expands upon the technologies of the FS1R, the AN1X and the VL stuff Yamaha have done.


These have all been ground-breaking efforts, and it's a shame they haven't been addressed yet in an instrument that truly integrates the best of Yamaha's original technologies seamlessly, in a professional-level keyboard.


Best Regards,



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Congrats Mike. Considering all you've done for the Kurzweil community, I'm sure you'll do even more with the Yamaha community.


I'm sure that we'll all keep our ears, and eyes open for all that "GOOD" stuff that's bound to come out.



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Congratulations Mike.


Any chance you could influence Yamaha to make an updated version of the PLG-150PF board with the S700 piano sample from the S-90 on it?

Our country is not the only thing to which we owe our allegiance. It is also owed to justice and to humanity. Patriotism consists not in waving the flag, but in striving that our country shall be righteous as well as strong: James Bryce
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Originally posted by Mike Martin:

Yamaha is definitely looking for an "outsiders" point of view on several levels.

I'd like to echo what Dano and Realtrance said. I'd love to see AN, FM, FS and VL updated and perhaps interacting in a professional board. That's in keeping with the desire of keyboardists to have more control and expression.


I'm sure you have a lot of other pressing issues to consider at the moment though. :)





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Originally posted by Mike Martin:

I'm thrilled to be a position to help shape and mold the products that Yamaha brings to market. So if you have things to say (both good and bad) about the Yamaha DMI products, I'd appreciate any feedback you could provide.

Mike, congratulations on your new gig.


Since you asked for feedback, here goes!


Yamaha has a lot of digital piano experience, there's some really good pianos in the Clavinova line. It seems like the synthesizer line is handled by a separate arm of the company. Can't these departments share more technology and expertise? Why can't the stage synths like S80, S90, etc., share the same piano technology and voicing used in the Clavinova line? Occasionally Yamaha will release a 'digital stage piano' like a P200, P80, P120. These ones seem to borrow technology from the Clavinova line, but the ones like S80, S90 do not. That's the way it seems to me from the outside, anyways. I hesitate to bring up the v-word, but that problem doesn't seem to exist on the Clavinova-type products (except on their Rhodes's), and the Clavinova pianos sound better to my ears, in general. On the other hand, the Clav line could maybe benefit from some of the Rhodes voicings from the S90, for example.


Operating system: I owned a CS6x for a while. I was hoping that if I added piano and AN plug in boards, I'd have a nice little synth. But the way those boards are integrated into the operating system is, pardon the expression, a landmark of bad design. And that whole "offset knob" thing is more baffling than is necessary. Shouldn't musical instrument user interfaces be simple and intuitive? You don't need a manual to figure out how an acoustic piano works, for example, and yet artists keep finding new ways to express themselves on that instrument. Anyway, after several months trying to master the CS6x, I got so frustrated I decided to cut my losses, and I sold it and the plugin cards at a pretty big loss, which still stings.


I've always found something to like about Yamaha gear, there's a lot of potential there. So I think you've got a great job, and I'm envious!

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Congratulations Yamaha!


I only know Mike through his posts here, but I rather think you've just made a great hiring decision.


Knowing how helpful Mike has been to Kurzweil users, knowing that he is now with Yamaha will tend to bias any close call in their direction.

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Mike, please accept my congratulations from Estonia es well! :)

BTW, being Yamaha customer (my monitors are MSP 5 and one of my synth modules is FS1R) can I ask you a question? ;)

The strange thing is that ... I can't find any info regarding FS1R on Yamaha's official site.

Is it disconnected SO LONG AGO that even the manufacturer doesn't care about that product any more? Just curious...

I am back.
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