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FORUM CD: Volume 4 - shall we?

Dave Bryce

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Originally posted by mzeger:

LMAO! Not an original composition, but a masterful interpretation, none the less. Is that a Lowery Genie sample I hear?


I'll consider it a palate cleanser between "Deja Vu" and your next offering.

My child, you need to learn about prodikeys.





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Hey, just a thought...

What if we'd make TWO compilation albums instead of just a one?!? You ask how?


...Separate them by the TWO general "directions".


One would be a kind of "electronically" oriented (could be even strictly instrumental) compilation (in which I'm eager to participate!).

Another one would be, let's say, pop-rock (read: song oriented) CD which could be stylistically more wide and would be a good choice for those who'd prefer to bring in their songs with vocals and with a fair amount of acoustic, natural instruments.

We are dealing with original compositions this time, right? So, having products which are a bit more integral would give us an opportunity to sell more copies (having fun of earning maybe a buck or two for each participant at the same time! :D:D ). What I mean is - let's go for the (TWO!) commercially valuable products.


Wait a minute... we can do THREE of them!!!

And the third could be an outlet for dance music producers. :eek::D:cool:

I am back.
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Vlad -


That'd be a lot of work; and, it'd probably be tough to get equal amounts of each genre for different discs. Some stuff also might be hard to classify...


Besides, believe it or not, they're a pretty decent amount of work just as they are now... :eek:


Great idea, though... :thu:


We've actually talked about getting specific with one of the next discs that we do - I remember suggesting maybe an unplugged sort of thing. I don't see any reason why we couldn't get genre-specific in the future, but I think it'd have to be done one disc at a time.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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If you folks aren't tired of my contributions yet and if there aren't any new contributors I would displace, I would be happy to add a song to the compilation.


I've enjoyed being a part of the previous ones!


Still reeling from the news of Rob's departure, though.... :cry:



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Hey, just a thought...

What if we'd make TWO compilation albums instead of just a one?!? You ask how?

...Separate them by the TWO general "directions"

As cool an idea as that sounds - that's a tall order for Dave to fill. I suppose if there are enough decent submissions, he will do like the first comp. vol 1&2. Judging by the cover cd, Dave has a good ear for song order arrangement. It can be interesting to juxstapose an electronic ditty with a rock and roll tune. Technically, we can commercially release the cd - cdbaby will sell them even without a barcode. But, that'll drive up our costs and the time of all involved with product production.

FWIW I'd hope that there's at least one keyboard track in each submission.



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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Originally posted by Krakit:

Must I commit right now?



Only three musts that I can think of:


1) Must be original music


2) Must be under 4:30


3) Must have a full rez (16 bit 44.1kHz) copy (CD, DAT, .AIFF or .WAV file) to me by 9/30/02


Now, you may be asking yourself - MUST it be keyboard stuff?


I don't think so.


I'm thinking that hese compilations are about the people who participate in theis forum; so - if someone like, say, Lee Flier wanted to submit a piece of music by her band that had no keyboards at all (Geez, Lee, send me the tracks - I'd be glad to drop some Nicky Hopkins-esque piano on it for ya! ;) ), that'd be okay with me.


Those guidelines sound about right to y'all?



Well...not a big deal either way but if I have a vote ;) ...I think contributions should have a keyboard on it somewhere to be part of the Keyboard Corner Comp...if only on the bridge :D
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It would be nice to have (... to distinguish this album from the other two we have done) a theme or concept. Here's a few different strategies we could use.....


- A christmas album? (or other subject)

- A genre album (centered around a paricular genre)

- A "heroes" album? (music inspired by your musical heroes)

- An "instrument" album? (like a piano album or an unplugged)

- a "collaborations" album (where we team up with others)



I realize that any time we focus... we raise the bar, and reduce the number of interested participants. Just wondering how to imbue this album with 'a distinguishing feature' without making it a difficult process.


Or perhaps 'a distinguishing feature' is not as important as I am making it out to be?


Jerry :)

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Originally posted by Tusker:

- a "collaborations" album (where we team up with others)

Actually, Jerry, I thought about proposing this myself. It would certain open up the project to more participants if there is more interest than disc space. I'd welcome collaborating on a piece with someone.
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Originally posted by Steve LeBlanc:

I prefer leaving it wide open...it certainly wouldn't keep anyone from collaborating if they choose.

That'd be my inclination as well.


My take on it is that the more diverse it is, the cooler and more interesting it is. For me, that approach mirrors what we have here - a community of people with varied backgrounds and diverse tastes. That'd be what I'd like to see these compilations represent, if possible.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Steve LeBlanc:

I prefer leaving it wide open...it certainly wouldn't keep anyone from collaborating if they choose.
Actually, it would be interesting to collaborate with someone from another forum. :idea: For example, I'd love to hear my stuff mixed by someone else... Or have someone from the bass forum play on it, etc.....


But I agree with Dave and Steve, it shouldn't be a requirement... just another way to have some fun.

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I notice you mastered the Volume 3 Covers cd. Would you prefer if we leave off any home mastering techniques so that you can achieve a balanced mix faster? Someone at a mastering house said its easier to master unmastered material than to undo what one has already done. Maybe we can mail both versions and you can decide? Just a thought...I suppose I am getting ahead of myself anyway.



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I'm all over this, because I JUST finished a brand new piece, and it's short enough!! Plus, it is technically a collab, as John Kelly from Artistlaunch is taking a guitar solo...




You like?



Phil "Llarion: The Jazzinator" Traynor


Smooth Jazz

- QUESTION AUTHORITY. Go ahead, ask me anything.


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Seen this thread very late (as usual). Of course I want to be in. I have lots of material. I would be oriented toward doing a piano solo, or a string quartet, or a jazz combo performance... anything that's "played". Don't get me wrong, I'm into sequencers and clicks night and day - it's just that my tastes are more and more inclined to live playing and live interaction among musicians.


BTW I still like the rock opera thing, and what's happened to the Beatles covers?! Also, someone suggested to do an entire album of several versions of ONE song... I must admit I find it appealing! (Yes, I'm one of those types...) :D



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Ah I see how it is...you guys are just pulling old tunes out of the closet. cheating? ;)


Well...I've got a closet too but I enjoyed the challenge of composing specifically for The Keyboard Corner too much first time around, so I think I'll be writing something new for this one too.



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Originally posted by Steve LeBlanc:

Ah I see how it is...you guys are just pulling old tunes out of the closet. cheating? ;)

Well, I enjoyed composing a special tune the first time around, too. Fact is, I was thinking of a jazz tune I wrote recently, which I think would be perfect for this project in a piano solo or piano trio version. It would really represent the present state of my writing/playing - whatever that is :D
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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

My take on it is that the more diverse it is, the cooler and more interesting it is. For me, that approach mirrors what we have here - a community of people with varied backgrounds and diverse tastes. That'd be what I'd like to see these compilations represent, if possible.



I agree 100%


Leave it W I D E open. :idea::D:eek:

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Originally posted by Whyhateus:

what type of music dave

No genre restrictions.


Submissions must be:


1) An original work.


2) Under 4:30.


3) In my hands by 9/30/02.


That's it.


...oh, yeah - it'd be nice if there were at least one keyboard/synth part... ;)





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Thanks for the info,

but a few more questions I have this girl that i've been producing out of my home studio,she writes her own songs and we put the music together and my engeenier mixes it in new york,I use protools on a G4 MAC and transfer the session over to jaz disk then fed ex to him because their are no studios in jacksonville florida that I care to do business with.Oh yea dave I use the yamaha ex5,the mc505 and the emu mo-phatt module plus the mpc 2000xl for my drum tracks.

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Originally posted by Whyhateus:

Thanks for the info,

but a few more questions I have this girl that i've been producing out of my home studio,she writes her own songs and we put the music together and my engeenier mixes it in new york,I use protools on a G4 MAC and transfer the session over to jaz disk then fed ex to him because their are no studios in jacksonville florida that I care to do business with.Oh yea dave I use the yamaha ex5,the mc505 and the emu mo-phatt module plus the mpc 2000xl for my drum tracks.



So, what were your questions? ;)





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Llarion:

What format this time? WAV or Redbook?

Plain ol' Redbook audio CD is my preference, but I can pretty much deal with anything that you'd like to send, I believe.


Hooray for TC Works Spark. :thu:





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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