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GAS - who's got it?

Dave Bryce

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So, anybody got any cool new toys recently?


If not, what's the most recent gear purchase that you made? How are you liking it?


If you haven't bought anything recently, what have you got your eyes on?





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Ive really been satisfied with my studio for some time, so I havent purchased much of anything lately. I did buy a Korg OASYS PCI nine months ago or so, and it really is a great-sounding piece. Other than that, it has only been some Canare cable.


What do I have my eyes on? An ash-bodied Telecaster :) Ive decided to learn to play guitar!


Dont worry...I still love my Nord Modular. :D

Go tell someone you love that you love them.
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Funny you brought this up. I made a list this week and am trying to stick to it.


My last toy was SonicSynth and I am very happy with it. I dont know that I need any more sound creation equipment, hardware or software other than some samples though I was very tempted by the new Roland SH-32. I ordered a BIG Quik-lok system and am looking forward to getting my little studio area organized. Then I will start selling off anything that has not been turned on in two years. Early this week I created a list and will try to force myself to stick with it.


1. 88 note hammer action controller.

2. Studio monitors.

3. Reverb unit.

4. Effects/delay unit.

5. Good controller for the B4, either keys or just a draw-bar module.



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My Sweetwater Gear Exchange Page

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I got it bad. GAS has awoken within me in a big way. I just got the C1 microphone, which I'm happy with so far. I have a small remainder of a musical budget to work with, but it doesn't even come close to handling my current "must have" list. Here are some samples, in no particular order.


1. A cheap but clean ASIO compatible soundcard to dump into my underpowered softsynth machine. Hold your nose, but I'm thinking an Audigy.


2....and some softsynths, obvioulsy. I still don't have the B4, which is shameful. I'm interested in the NI B4/Dynamo combo deal.


3. More gigasamples. My hot list currently is

--Dan Dean's solo strings,

--Kip's (Bardstown) accordions (as I've said before, I like to fancy that I'm Astor Piazzolla--Bandaneon,Dan, I know...)

--a New Piano, maybe East-West's Steinway, maybe Bardstown's highly touted Bosendorfer.

--Sonic Implants' Silk Road sounds fantastic! Check out the demo. It's stunning.

--A heavier drum kit, maybe Real Drums (recommendations please)


3. DAMN do I want a nice acoustic guitar. My Alvarez rather bites. I've been playing Taylors, Martins, Larivees, and some Guilds. I'm really digging the Larivee. The Taylors I like are all 2k and up.


4. Hardware:

--I want a different flavor pre than Mackie XDR. One channel is fine, but I'm not willing to pay 2k for it.


--A stupid little headphone amp so my new recording project--a shoddy boy's singing comprising 4 non-singers, can all record at once. I'd build one if I owned a soldering iron and had a clue.

--I'd like another outboard compressor, maybe an RNC, for my radio theater project.


It just goes on and on.

Check out the Sweet Clementines CD at bandcamp
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Toys toys toys.....

Pluggo (if you haven't shelled out the 74 bucks - what the heck are you waiting for?)

Akg141M heads - I know the standard is sony, but I really prefer the feel of these to my sony's , sound quality is pristine!

Waiting patiently for my waves gold bundle to arrive, still on back order.

I love tax return time so much. :P


I am suffering serious GAS for reaktor 3, I've been waiting, and now it seems kontakt is coming out, so I don't know which is better. Also, the Unity sessions look sweet. K-station, Sherman filter bank II, Orbit rack, rs7000 (so bad I need pepto)...


Come on, who doesn't lust??? ;)



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I'm saving for this:




The flagship V-Session Set gives drummers over 1,000 unique sounds with enhanced dynamics and sensitivity, powerful COSM drum modeling, onboard effects and an intuitive icon-based user interface. A sleek new metallic red color, improved hardware and incredibly dynamic new V-Cymbals make this the most powerful and complete V-drums system ever.

Features: TD-10 Percussion Sound Module with TDW-1 Wave and System Expansion Board, yielding over 1,000 high-quality sounds with enhanced dynamics, extensive COSM drum modeling, plus new V-Cymbal Control . 3 x PD-120RD 12" red dual-trigger mesh V-pads for snare and floor toms. 2 x PD-100RD 10" red single-trigger mesh V-pads for rack toms. 2 x CY-14C 14" V-Cymbal Crash with natural cymbal inertia and choke capabilities and dual positional sensing (edge and bow). 1 x CY-15R 15" V-Cymbal Ride with natural cymbal inertia, simultaneous three-way-triggering (edge, bow, bell) and positional sensing. 1 x CY-12H 12" dual-trigger V-Cymbal for hi-hat. 1 x FD-7 Hi-Hat Control Pedal for realistic hi-hat control from closed to open. 1 x KD-120RD 12" red V-kick pad for fast, natural kick drum triggering using standard kick drum pedal . V-Session Stand in red metallic; stronger and newly designed drum hardware.



Phil "Llarion: The Jazzinator" Traynor


Smooth Jazz

- QUESTION AUTHORITY. Go ahead, ask me anything.


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Originally posted by Magpel:

--A heavier drum kit, maybe Real Drums (recommendations please)

I have Real Giga Drums and I don't know that I like them as a primary set. There is just something about them. It may be that the first set has a very week bassdrum. You know about first impressions.


Consider Battery. Good sound, good price, and an expansion is due out with more natural drum kits.



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My Sweetwater Gear Exchange Page

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I'm suffering terribly from GAS pains (but my digestion is superb- fortunately my mother-in-law keep me in hot peppers from south of the border).


Waiting eagerly for a Gefell M-900 mic to be delivered, it's backorderd, argh!


Got to get a real reverb and to my great surprise found a very sweet native software one from Vincent Burel, about $600 for reverb, eq and some fx plugins. That's on the shopping list. Mostly I strongly dislike software reverbs, even the good ones, don't know why.


Got a nice old clarinet, using it a lot for recording.


But the worst thing is that I NEED a Captain Nemo analog modular. Got the first component, the dual analog filter from Vermona (sliced out of the Mephisto and put in a rackmount unit). I want to mix and match different modulars from different manufacturers, and have to learn some basic skills to build from kits. NEED some Metasonix tube modules eventually. NEED man, NEED. Not want. :)



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Oh yes, I've got GAS - waiting now for my ADAM S4C-As (maybe next week, Dave?). Recent purchases: Z-Sys digital mastering EQ, a second M-149, a Royer SF-12, a pair of 414TL IIs, Crane Song Spider, Tacoma Chief guitar, Young Chang studio console (for the house, so the grand could move to the studio)...um, I know there's been a couple other things in the last 4 months, just can't think of 'em right now.


Scott (painful GAS sufferer)

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I've got the worst kind of GAS, becuase I'm pining in the fjords for equipment that doesn't exist.


1) a digital piano that's as small and light as the P80, that has really good acoustic piano sounds and really good Rhodes sounds, where the piano responds like a real piano, the Rhodes responds like a real Rhodes, and there's absolutely no audible velocity-switching in either. I should be able to choose whether it outputs in stereo or mono. The mono output should be a true mono output, not just a sum of stereo samples, which invariably sounds crappy.


2) an analog or va polysynth that sounds as good or better than any classic analog polysynth, but that has a truly user-friendly interface such as the NL3, with its circle-of-leds knobs.

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Oh, boy, do I have GAS. Painful GAS. I'm going to to act on it, too. My birthday is the 25th. I'm finally going to buy a K2600XS.* Talk about GAS: I've already read the entire manual online.


*This means that on the 26th, Kurzweil is going to announce the brand new K2700XS which, of course, in addition to making my new keyboard obsolete will make the K2600XS drop to half price the price that I paid for it. :D

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It must be the season, the coming of Spring, 'cause now I want everything *you guys* want, too, even Cameron's wish list, which I really couldn't even understand--slicing off mephistopholes, grafting it onto to Beezulbub, what?
Check out the Sweet Clementines CD at bandcamp
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I've been waiting patiently for Melodyne to arrive from Germany. I can't wait to try it out!


As Dave knows, last month I picked up a pair of Dynaudio Acoustics BM15As for a price I couldn't refuse. It was a nice step up from my Event 20/20 bas monitors , IMHO. I may still pick up a pair of ADAM S3As later this year; but in the meantime, I'm saving up for a ProTools HD 192 system and paying off the piano my wife, friends and family teamed up to get me as a combination Christmas and birthday present!


I love having daily access to a piano again! It's no Steinway, but it's far better than nothing and surprisingly good for an upright.


Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I bought a DVD-RW/CD-RW drive that arrived yesterday. My excitement was tempered however when I discovered that, although it's just like the SuperDrive in new Macs, it won't work with any of Apple's new DVD writing software. On the other hand, mine is a DVD-RW/CD-RW drive, while Apple's is merely a DVD-R/CD-RW drive. Hey, it was cheaper than buying a new Mac; and it works fine with Toast. I'm waiting for the G5s!

Enthusiasm powers the world.


Craig Anderton's Archiving Article

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What's the most recent gear purchase that you made? How are you liking it?


My latest is a Korg OASYS card for this `puter. I absolutely love it. So far, I'm so busy enjoying the synth sounds in it that I haven't even gotten as far as setting up multis. I can't believe I only paid $300 for it. It's by far the best buy I've made for music gear. :)


What have you got your eyes on?


Honestly, right now I'm focused on learning to get the most out of my OASYS, Triton, and Cubase Score. I'm sure this will keep me too occupied to worry about new stuff. My next big purchase will be an 88 note digital piano/synth/controller. That's not urgent yet because I play a real piano with my Triton on my primary gig. If it was MIDI'd, I'd be in keyboard heaven! Now, if I were to get my hands on one of those Minimoog Voyagers I'd probably get GAS again. I kinda hope I don't get that opportunity before I can afford it! :)


Peace all,




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Originally posted by Magpel:

It must be the season, the coming of Spring, 'cause now I want everything *you guys* want, too, even Cameron's wish list, which I really couldn't even understand--slicing off mephistopholes, grafting it onto to Beezulbub, what?

Hehe, the Mephisto is the ultimate piece of dreamware. I have an old analog synth from the DDR (really analog, no chips and such), the Vermona synth. (John- the synth bit right before "life will show me..." is the Vermona recorded 2 tracks dry and line-in) The guy who made it and his buddies have had a dream of making a new version of it for more than a decade now.




Apparently in order to finance the dream, they've been selling parts of it in inexpensive but very high-quality rackmount units: the filter section, the phaser section, and now some kind of mini 1HE monosynth. They're very personable to deal with and the factory looks suspiciously like a refurbished barn.


Been going apeshit with the filter unit since getting it a few weeks ago- it can squeal and squawk like a cyberchicken but it's best IMO for subtle silky stuff.

Gotta try some auto-wah clarinet tomorrow.



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Aarrggh!! Y'all make me SICK!! Things are arriving within weeks for those of you who ordered SOMETHING! while I waste my days away starring at this dumb computer screen in various music gear websites, wanting to download the real thing, and it print out so I can end my GAS-attack!!! Aarrggh!! I NEED HELP!! I NEED TO SEE A SHRINK!! Damnit, I want a Korg Triton, a Roland XV5080 or the Fantom, Kurzweil PC2R, and a Emu XL7-- ALL FULLY LOADED!! AND I WANT A BETTER FREAKIN' SOUND CARD TOO!! Aarrggh!! I can go on and on but I won't! Now I have a headache! LOL!!


Just kidding y'all. But there are times when I'm like: "Oh my gosh! I gotta get that!" I never go over-the-edge about it though. Yeah, right... :o;)


I wish my dang on tax refund checks would hurry the hell up and get here so I can go shopping at _Mars Music_--hint hint :rolleyes::D

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Added a MOTU 24i expansion, now have 32 analog ins - plenty!


Just installed DP3.02 tonight. MOTU customer service says that DP3.1 will be a free upgrade from 3.02, but will be more expensive to upgrade from 2.71. I just ordered Recycle 2.0, so the REX2 support in DP3.1 will be great.



- a realistic drum loop library (like the drums on Busch's cover CD tune)

- a new master keyboard, currently use a Korg N1, waiting for the eventual next generation Triton

- a decent mic and AT 3 so I cut a decent spec vocal on my demos

- a control surface for DP3 (like a SAC-2K)

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Well, I went through a bit of a shopping spree right before I left the US, since I knew the prices here would be outrageous. Let's see:


Wavestation SR

Very happy with it. Front paneling editing close to impossible, but I have sound diver. Very unique sounds, and seem to sit with the rest of my synths just fine. Picked it up from a really cool guy in the bay area that was actually the Oasys tech suport guy for Korg.


Emagic SoundDiver

Very cool. I was tired of having separate editor for all my synths. I like the look, still having some trouble with it, but overall I like it. Already organized most of my patch collection, nice to be able to backup my synths efficiently once in a while with new edits and stuff.


Peavey PC1600x

I like it a lot. Haven't been as useful as I was hoping it would be, but not by fault of the product, more my way of working. I haven't gotten into soft synth as I would like, but I am slowly getting a little more control of my synths. 16 sliders is too much for the synths I have, but I think it will come in handy once I do get more involved with softsynths. It's a solid product and does what it's supposed to do well; I got a handle of it right away.


PLG AN and PF Cards for my CS6x

AN: Very cool concept, cool sounds, BITCH TO USE. The implementation into the host synth absolutely stinks. If anyone wants a more detailed list of the problems I encountered with it, I'll do it in another thread. But, I finally got a handle on it, and I like it a lot. I think it's a very decent VA, and I am starting to get a lot of real time control between the pc1600x and the sliders in the CS6x. It's very powerful, it's a pity yamaha botched up the implementation and the documentation (i've seen bad manuals were info wasn't cleared or details were missing; this is the 1st where whole features are not explained anywhere. :rolleyes:

PF: Acoustic Piano doesn't do anything for me. I bought it so I could have one instrument (the CS6x) to do it all, and obviously I did get there. I kept it for the ep's, doesn't eat up the polyphony in the cs6x, but overall, a big disappointment as far as getting a working piano sound in a synth.


Traded my qs6 for a qsr

I didn't want to ship yet another keyboard (man, I'm still hurting with the shipping costs), plus the thing was 5 years old and the action was showing the wear and tear (I'm not exactly a light player). One more qcard slot, less space, more sample ROM. Nice :)


Shure Beta 57A

Just wanted something half decent to record vocals. Works great, better than most 'home-studio' guys have around here. If I even get serious about it, I'll invest in a nice condenser mic. For the time being, it works great.


Hum, I think that was all.


I wish I had replaced my monitor 1's/RA100. They are fine, but I could have done better. Also wished I had bought some more sample RAM for my k2000R.


Not likely I will buy anything soon... probably looking at a nice preamp.

Korg Kronos X73 / ARP Odyssey / Motif ES Rack / Roland D-05 / JP-08 / SE-05 / Jupiter Xm / Novation Mininova / NL2X / Waldorf Pulse II


American Deluxe P-Bass, Yamaha RBX760

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*This means that on the 26th, Kurzweil is going to announce the brand new K2700XS which, of course, in addition to making my new keyboard obsolete will make the K2600XS drop to half price the price that I paid for it. :D [/QB]


One thing I know for sure is that the Kurzweil products will turn black instead of purple ! Maybe get a Black K2600XS vs a purple ?


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Originally posted by GuestUser@GuestUser.com:

[QB]I've got the worst kind of GAS, becuase I'm pining in the fjords for equipment that doesn't exist.


1) a digital piano that's as small and light as the P80, that has really good acoustic piano sounds and really good Rhodes sounds, where the piano responds like a real piano, the Rhodes responds like a real Rhodes, and there's absolutely no audible velocity-switching in either. I should be able to choose whether it outputs in stereo or mono. The mono output should be a true mono output, not just a sum of stereo samples, which invariably sounds crappy.


2 You know ....I did try the General Music PRO Mega3 piano at NAMM . Best rhodes sounds I ever heard !

I could not complain about the piano sample as well !


It's not as compact as the P80 (sorry) , but if you find one at a store ...it just may impress you !




PS....synth ? K station fron Novation . Maybe ?

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I am looking to add onto my small setup at home !

I currently use my Ketron SD1 and Tascam 788 HDR .

I have an OM3 + OM2 microphone . I have 2 small

ROland MA12c monitors . That's it !



I want a condenser mic !

I want good monitors at an affordable price !

I would like to get a Sony CDRW33 burner !

Soon and very soon ...........................................


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Well, I WANT to have GAS, but the manufacturers are not cooperating.


I have Logic 5, a Logic Control, and an ES2 on order. (Wait! Wait! Wait!)


I have a Voyager on order. (Wait! Wait! Wait!)


I'd like to get a new Mac, but nothing runs on OS-X yet. (Wait! Wait! Wait!)


I'm lusting after the Universal Audio UAD-1 plug in farm card, but it's not available for Mac yet. (Wait! Wait! Wait!)


What IS it with these people? They won't even take your money! Is this any way to run a business? :D

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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Last major purchase was Korg Karma (like it a lot!). That was last summer, so now waiting for Karma MW software and OS 2.0 which will allow the introduction and creation of new generated effects as well as other enhancements. Have to wait until May!! which really means maybe by summer? nitecrawler :cool:
"Time to head down that old Colorado highway pardner."
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I'm straddling the ditch here.


I want either:


24 track HD recorder.(Alesis, Tascam, Mackie, Fostex?)

Digital mixing desk.




Mac G4.

Logic, Cubase?

Audiocard, audio interface?


have not decided where to go yet.


But the computer way will probably be more expensive since I then need plug-ins, softsynths etc.

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