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Keyboard Corner Compilation???

Dave Bryce

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Sorry to have missed this great thread the first time.


I would just like to say that I'll be glad to partecipate in whatever form it will be decided! However, I got a couple of problems:


1) I am presently going mad on 4 projects at the same time, I don't even have the time to put mp3s on my own site. (Would you believe I'm supposed to write an entire string quartet in the next three days?!?) So I would be very glad not to have other surreal deadlines to deal with, like 5 days.... Not to mention that I would be even happier if I'd have the time to prepare a tune specifically for you guys.


2) I do too many things! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif Seriously, I make so many different kinds of music that I got an identity problem. But I guess that's what personal sites are for.


Anyway, I think this is a great idea.



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Well, I saw this thread just tonight, and Mr David Bryce, me thinks this is great idea.


As I see it, it`s better to use Mp3.com, `cos us, outside US guys can praticipate, and in fact everybody can hear everybody`s music an post his own. Mr David Bryce, CD is not so important then but it can be used as a good way to gain some profit to put in some charity cause, like children without homes.


I would like to repeat: If a CD is printed, than it can be used to gain some money for some charity cause, clildren for egsample.


What say you guys?



Fat But Fast
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Since the spirit of the project is that we can hear each other's music, I think MP3.com (or another such site) is a good format for everyone. Not the best audio quality, but it allows worldwide participation and keeps Dave's responsibilities to a minimum. I also like the 4 to 5 minute time limit idea to get as many pieces on as possible. I think the format should be any style of music, it will be much more interesting that way. I also feel that the works should all be original compositions to ensure a lack of future legal nastyness.


I feel that it should have a keyboard as the main instrument or one of the main instruments, but other instruments should be allowed too. So trading solos with a sax or guitar would be OK, as long as the keyboardist also takes a solo.


Finally, count me in. This is just the kick in the shorts I need to write something new. Thanks Dave, -jl

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A good average time limit for non-commercial music would be somewhere from 6 to 8 minutes, so 7 minutes as an average limit would be better, definitely better than 4, except, again, if the tempo is at 400 or you play 2 choruses! Anyway, I do not want to spoil it before it even hits the road, so, whatever is decided, I will comply with.


I do believe that one should just submit what one does, so it is more natural and, in the process, good. I do not believe than one should do a solo project if he/she normally plays with a band. I suggest we keep this simple, natural and all inclusive. It is supposed to show us who we are, so lets just do that.


I suppose the moderator, Mr David Bryce, has read enough by now to tell us what he things about the organising of the whole thing. Mr Bryce, what do you say?

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Originally posted by synthetic:

Since the spirit of the project is that we can hear each other's music, I think MP3.com (or another such site) is a good format for everyone. Not the best audio quality, but it allows worldwide participation and keeps Dave's responsibilities to a minimum. I also like the 4 to 5 minute time limit idea to get as many pieces on as possible. I think the format should be any style of music, it will be much more interesting that way. I also feel that the works should all be original compositions to ensure a lack of future legal nastyness.


I'm inclined to thinkhis is definitely the easiest and probably fairest method of making this happen.


Maybe we should do this first, then start a thread to vote for the ones that I will do a hard copy CD of...everyone gets, say, three votes. Top 15 make the CD, which I'll be glad to burn. Whaddaya think? Too competitive?


JL is right on about the original composition thing, as well. Plus, I agree with him that the pieces should be strong in the keyboard arena, but other instruments should certainly be allowed as well. After all, some of us are multi-instrumental...or at least, we think we are... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Yo -


I transferred this post from the PART II thread, so we could continue the discussion here...


Okay, here's what I had in mind. I'm not looking to do this for any other reason than to make a nice little compilation for all of us. I'm not trying to get signed. I'm not trying to sell discs. I'm not trying to have a competition - maybe some of you missed the part where I said that if we have more than one CD's worth of material, we make another disc. I just thought that it might be nice for those of us who take the time to participate in this forum to have a collection of the music made by each other. That's all. I know I'd sure like that.


So, I don't want to judge anyone's music. I don't consider myself worthy of judging anyone's music, nor do I thnk anyone else is. Elther you like something, or you don't. Some people like some things, some people like other things (see the RAP thread, figure A). This is what led to my original two suggestions:


1) You guys send me stuff. I put the stuff in the Masterlink until I have a CD's worth of stuff. Then I burn a bunch of CDs, and send them to anyone ON THE FORUM who wants them. One track per person. Try and keep them around four minutes. If there's more than one CD worth of stuff, I do a second disc. My only problem here is that it might end up costing me a bunch of time and money if too many people want them. Maybe, if anyone who sends me a track also sends me a dollar or two to cover the discs and the postage, that would work, but I'd rather not solicit cash from people unles you guys are comfortable with that, because I have NO wish to make any money off of this, or off of you guys - I just wanna cover my expenses. As far as the folks outside the country go, I'd probably leave a few slots in reserve so they have time to get me their stuff, too. I do have a feeling that this will end up being two discs or so. Also, I don't think that I'd wanna do artwork, or take the time to do labels...way too much of a time expenditure, and the labels and cartridges for the printer cost some serious cash.


2) We do it on MP3.com in something resembling the manner that I described on my original post in the other thread. Then, there's no money or postage or time involved.


Let's agree on one of these two options first, then we'll figure out the particulars from there, okay?





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

2) We do it on MP3.com in something resembling the manner that I described on my original post in the other thread. Then, there's no money or postage or time involved.





Hey Dave,

If it's gonna be MP3 (I'm still not convinced of the quality, but whatever...), how do we get you the material??? email??? Do you have a DSL line??? I'm a littile confused...(well, not just a little, but that's another story), wasn't the "Let's Hear It" post for people with MP3 sites??? I do know how to drop a CD in the mail, which seems simple enough, and it sounds better.


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Originally posted by steadyb:

If it's gonna be MP3 (I'm still not convinced of the quality, but whatever...), how do we get you the material??? email??? Do you have a DSL line???


I think MP3 is a good place to start. It's still a LOT better than cassette, and that was good enough for poeple for a bunch of years, wasn't it? http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif


...and yes, email would probably be the way. I have cable modem. But please please please DON'T START SENDING ME STUFF until we decide that this is the way that we're going to do it, okay?









:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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The MP3c idea seems fine to me Dave...indeed it seems it will be the only way to keep this simple for all.


I think a lot of us have webspace we can store our MP3s on so hopefully this will keep the emails you have to receive to a minimum. I'll just send you a download link for my tune...hopefully those who do have the means to do this will. There are also a lot of free webserver spaces out there (Homestead.com, etc.) that can be used by some of us. Maybe with this effort you'll only have to get 5-10 emails with attached MP3s.


Just trying to make it a bit easier on ya.


Also, once the MP3 site is all set and the cutoff date for submissions has passed...I'd like to volunteer to burn CD copies for those who want it saving them from having to pay $6.99 +shipping. I wouldn't be worried about the material costs (I just bought 50 CDRs for $7.99 and plan to buy more next week)...just postage which in most cases would only be $1.00 or less. Just something to consider for later.




This message has been edited by Steve LeBlanc on 05-20-2001 at 01:11 PM

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Hey, should we all provide detailed info on the song we submit? (instruments used, recording process, players, time it took, etc.) It might prove to be worthwhile to all involved from an education standpoint. We could all learn how the others here do what they do.



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Mmm, I don't like to play devil's advocate, but something comes to mind: If we're gonna start with mp3s anyway, what's the point in putting them on a CD? If we decide that we're satisfied with mp3 quality, they could be just collected in some space on the web, then everybody would be free to make CDs out of them for personal use.

Otherwise, it would be easy enough to send a CD/R with our piece to Dave, retaining the highest possible quality.

Just thinking...



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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

[bI have cable modem.






Me too!


Changes the way you look at the net, eh?


Remember the Music!



"I may be a craven little coward, but I'm a greedy craven little coward." Daffy Duck
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Originally posted by marino:

Mmm, I don't like to play devil's advocate, but something comes to mind: If we're gonna start with mp3s anyway, what's the point in putting them on a CD?


I think that we should use the MP3s as a starting point. This would effectively give us a place to collect all of the potential tunes, plus allow for the poeple outside of the country to be able to submit their tunes easily as well.


Then, as I said in my other posts, we can start a thread where we can all cast votes. I have suggested that we could each select three tunes. The 15 (or so) that get the most votes can then either be arranged into a 'virtual" DAM CD which could be ordered directly from the MP3.com site, and/or they could also be submitted in their uncompressed form to either myself and/or Dr. Leblanc, who will make CDs of the uncompressed files to be sent to the folks who want them.


If there is enough demand, we can make a second volume as well.


I'm open to better ideas...





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

I'm open to better ideas...





I think you're idea is great. Let's lock down the guidelines and get rolling on sending in the tunes. Otherwise we'll be discussing this forever.



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I'm gonna proceed as if everyone is fine with this.


I have already created the site on MP3.com. Send me one of two things:


1) An MP3 file...please include any info that you'd like associated with the file. Info includes the genre, a brief description of the tune and any notes on the tune that you'd like posted (please keep these as short as you can as well...). Please don't send lyrics to songs unless you feel that it's absolutely necessary.


Also, MP3.com asks whether it is alright for them to distribute your tunes, with you getting credited, and paid (where applicable). Please let me know if you want to have this happen or not. I also need to know what MP3 software that you used to create the file.


2) A URL that links to a file. Also include any info with this option as well.


Remember - one file per person, and no longer than four minutes.


This may take a while to do - I tend to get kind of busy, and it takes some time to get tunes approved by MP3.com. Please be patient.


We'll wait a month or so before we move on to the next phase in order to let people have a chance to submit stuff, and for all of us to listen to the music submitted. Let's set a June 30th deadline for submission of material.


Right now, let's just get some tunes up there.


Send them to me at:




Thanks! This should be some fun!





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Whyhateus:

I'm down I can hook a song just let me know when and where.


All the relative info is three posts above this one, brother Why.


I am accepting MP3 files right now. So far, I have received a grand total of one. Send 'em on in, people!


One other small note: The files need to be in stereo, and the bit rate should be 128kb/sec, or MP3.com will not upload the files.


Also, for those of you unfamiliar with MP3.com, it takes a few days for them to clear the tunes, so they won't show up right away. The site that I put up on Sunday is still not cleared. Please be patient...







:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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So far, I have received a grand total of one.


Okay, now it's two.


It's gonna be an awfully short compilation... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif


Seriously - is everyone writing a new piece just for this project? Remember, if you wanna use an existing previously posted MP3, just point me to where it lives, and I'll take it from there.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

if you wanna use an existing previously posted MP3, just point me to where it lives, and I'll take it from there.


Please diisregard this...


It'll be better if you just email me the files directly:







:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

So far, I have received a grand total of one.


Okay, now it's two.


It's gonna be an awfully short compilation... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif


Seriously - is everyone writing a new piece just for this project? Remember, if you wanna use an existing previously posted MP3, just point me to where it lives, and I'll take it from there.






Go to http://www.mp3.com/trax_mx and follow your heart's content while choosing "LLEVAME" (Pop) or "WAKE UP" (Electronica)


Thanks !


Músico, Productor, Ingeniero, Tecnólogo

Senior Product Manager, América Latina y Caribe - PreSonus

at Fender Musical Instruments Company


Instagram: guslozada

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Go to http://www.mp3.com/trax_mx and follow your heart's content while choosing "LLEVAME" (Pop) or "WAKE UP" (Electronica)


No way, Gus...you've gotta choose which one you want to represent you, mi hermano. They're both great tunes!


Also, I need for you to email it to me directly, please, along with any notes that you want on it.







:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Thanks, guys. Just got the ReGurgiTron file, so we're up to three now.


If only theMP3.com people would finish approving the bloody site...I guess I'm being punished for not being a Premium Artist.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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