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Let's hear it!!! Post your music here!

Dave Bryce

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I was thinking Ben Folds too and then there it was in black and white as one of your influences.


Good stuff (referring to YOUR music; although I do love Ben Folds too).

Steve (Stevie Ray)

"Do the chickens have large talons?"

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Originally posted by Mike Martin:

Ok, here is a tune....

Its not quite done...actually looking for advice on the beginning and ending. The mix isn't complete either but I'd welcome your comments.


Mike\'s Song



Nice Job. Really nice song. Love the pitch bend work at 1:56 and the gliss right after that - with the echo - that's mint!


I'd intro it with the stuff at 1:47 - 8 bars worth - then come in with the main section.


And I'd let it fade with a flurry of high notes on that lead synth sound.

Ted Chmura III - Composer

Music Song And Sound


Ludlow, MA

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ha cliffk, I doubt anyone would have trouble spotting your influences ^_^ Good ol' stevie.


Anyways, our band is in reform right now and is meeting with a new guitar player/singer tommorrow to see how he does. If things go well we should be recording before long.


In the meantime, here's some of my own stuff. This is all software, done in FL studio 4.1/6, just check it out and tell me what you think.



(I wrote the page in notepad too, btw)

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Finally got MySpace up this past 3-day holiday weekend. Only with old mixes so far; it took enough time just to get the site up. Plus I goofed initially as I didn't know MySpace Music was a separate site, so I had to do a balancing act once I got the music page up and have the two reference each other.


Then I found that hi5 has just added music, with up to 15 postings. But they don't allow one to reference the site elsewhere, so I can't legally tell you what the URL is. Though you can easily figure it out since they effectively prepend the artist/band name to the hi5 website address :-).





None of my more recent stuff from the past 18 months is posted, as I've been hyper-busy with recording projects for other people. But I've had a lot of time to let the older stuff sink in, and the particular stuff that I chose to post is not amongst the material that I plan serious overhauls of (additional overdubs, etc.).


Maybe rerecordings (where sloppy), and certainly mixing/mastering (everything is raw; no mixing/mastering at all!). That's where I've been spending my time the past six months, ramping up on those skills.


Even though the majority of the material is "acoustic", it was almost all recorded using keyboards :-).

Eugenio Upright, 60th Anniversary P-Bass, USA Geddy Lee J-Bass, Yamaha BBP35, D'angelico SS Bari, EXL1,

Select Strat, 70th Anniversary Esquire, LP 57, Eastman T486, T64, Ibanez PM2, Hammond XK4, Moog Voyager

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  • 1 month later...

After doing many crappy recordings, my band finally decided to put our gig money to good use at an actual recording studio to do a "real" demo. The results of our recording effort can be found here.


It is by no means perfect (a few tempo/timing issues here and there, among other things), but it is just a demo after all. The keyboard you hear is a Yamaha PSR-530 (hey- stop laughing!) The studio didn't have a Hammond, and an Electro is a bit beyond my budget at the moment, so I had to settle for the old Yammie. :rolleyes: Better than nothing, I guess.


Keep mind that everyone in the band is either 18 or 19, except for our drummer, who is only 15 years old.


Hope you enjoy the music!



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After 4 years of recording on and off (that's having twins for you!) Over Christmas I decided to get back in to music and finish a CD.

So now that I have finished 15 tracks I am still not sure about the whole distribution model.

I was thinking something like Cafe Press (on demand) rather than getting a batch produced (after all is more of a vanity project!)


Anyway I have 4 tracks ready to listen to.

More details on my download page


Please have a listen :)



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Got a new song up at http://www.putfile.com/stepay


Listen to You're Blue. I wrote it, and that's me singing and playing. I'm no singer. Recorded it so the band could hear it so we could play it. Not structured exactly like I want it to be, but it's close. Need to get rid of the buzz and pre-singing noise, but for its purpose it's ok.


Need to turn it up loud to hear it well.

Steve (Stevie Ray)

"Do the chickens have large talons?"

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Over at Another Forum At Which I Post, every so often we perform a collaboration experiment, wherein people sign up to be placed on a team with six or seven other people-- people sign up to write, to play an instrument, to mix, and/or to project-manage (i.e. be a point man). The teams are then allowed three months to produce a song. The wrinkle is that everything gets conducted over the Internet-- in rare instances are teammates within actual geographic proximity to one another.


Well, our fourth and latest experiment just completed (sign-ups for the next will be just after the start of the New Year), and sixteen of the seventeen teams this time out turned in a song apiece. I was only supposed to be on two teams, but wound up working with four. Have a listen...


Team Mercury, for whom I played unobtrusive ambient synths, shouted backing vocals, and served as point man. I was explicitly selected for this team. Our mix engineer is in Finland, but the rest of us are scattered hither and yon across the States and Canada.


Team Solar, for whom (at their point man's request) I stepped in with Rhodes and a Hammond when their original keyboardist had to bail out.


Team Progression, who had a song lined up but no lyrics. Their point man turned to me for those, and their lead vocalist massaged them in order to fit the song a little better.


Team Womb, which produced the theme song for the lead moderator's internet radio show (to be broadcast shortly). I was explicitly chosen to play keys (and a cunning tamboura sample) for this team. (The team's name comes from that moderator's pet term for the control room-- specifically, one which further enhances the on-the-job experience of engineering a record.) You're not likely to get the joke unless you also post there and know the three hosts of the show (at least their online personae), so just enjoy the music in that case....


May I also humbly suggest that the rest of the music is worth your while too. Gifted amateurs, semi-pros, and people who actually do these things for a living all rubbing shoulders and making some damn beautiful noise.

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Gee, a chance to pimp my music? Cool!


I currently have 6 tunes available online, with more to come by end of month (hopefully). All were up on my mp3.com page a couple of lifetimes ago. I was very active there for 2+ years, right up until it cratered.


All my tracks to date are produced in a rather idiosyncatic way. Everything is done with a Kurzweil K2500S. Additional instruments (Yamaha VL1, Roland VG8) are sampled into the Kurz sequencer. Once a tune is done, I have the Kurz sample it's own output. I then take the resulting stereo sample and resample in the Kurz again, processing it through the multi-band eq/compressor in KDFX. The resulting stereo sample is then output as an AIFF file for final tweaks in T-RackS.


This is obviously pretty strange, but it's been a necessary evil. Right after I left Kurzweil I launched an independent rep firm and never had the time to properly to set-up my studio.


I'm now retired from repping and putting much more time into my music. I fully expect to redo my tracks in a more traditional manner, expanding on the palette of instruments used. Given my weird approach I'm pretty happy with the outcome, but I'd welcome input from forum members as to ways my mixes/arrangements might be improved.


Link is in my sig below. TIA for your input...

Synth-cerely yours,


Lee Sebel


Legally download my emusic:


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Hey folks,

Mind having a listen to my tracks and giving some feedback?

The tracks on our myspace at the moment are poor quality live tracks, but you'll get an idea of our sound, songs, style and arrangments. We're recording our first EP in a couple of weeks, so will post an update here with new ones too.



Also add me to your myspace friends!

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Originally posted by StillFightingIt:

Hey folks,

Mind having a listen to my tracks and giving some feedback?

The tracks on our myspace at the moment are poor quality live tracks, but you'll get an idea of our sound, songs, style and arrangments. We're recording our first EP in a couple of weeks, so will post an update here with new ones too.



Also add me to your myspace friends!



I like the music! Very good for a live recording. My only suggestion is if you can, maybe change from JUST a piano sound to something else. For me, if I were to listen to a band for 4 hours, and I ONLY heard a piano sound coming from the keyboard player, it would be too much of the same thing; a little boring. A couple of those songs would be great with some killer organ in there instead of just piano. Anyway, decent energy with nice stops, tempo changes and chord changes. Nice piano playing too.

Steve (Stevie Ray)

"Do the chickens have large talons?"

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if anyones interested in checking out my songs,

check out the downloads page of my website...you can also see live footage with a backing band from a gig i done in dublin.

www.irishsongwriters.com - if you go to the writers page, you can hear a song thats not on my website.


one of my songs,'Midnight Sun', is available for download on www.downloadmusic.ie


Hope you like what you hear!

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