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Let's hear it!!! Post your music here!

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Gee, I hadn't seen this thread before. I'll have to give all your music a listen when I get the time. If you want to hear mine, go to Learjeff.com .


If anyone wants to critique, I'm all ears -- I hope you can find stuff I don't already know. Like many amateur CDs, when I got sick of it I called it done. :) You don't have to tell me I don't have the greatest voice, or that my fingers fumble a bit on the guitar, cause I already know that.


If you tell me what BUGS you about it, what makes you less likely to want hear it again, I'd consider that a favor.


I'm a keyboard player first, but these songs were written on my acoustic guitar, and there isn't a lot of keys on it.


BTW, I'm generally available for internet collaboration (just for the fun of it), so if you like anything you hear and would like me to do some tracks for you, if I'm inspired by what I hear I'll be happy to -- just send me email using the address on my site. If you haven't done any internet collabs, no worries, it's pretty easy.

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ok...got to listen to your tune...sounds good Mag...especially like the piano parts


hmm...I'm thinking ArtistLaunch.com might be having some problems today due to hurricane Ivan...a lot of sites have been knocked out or slowed down because of power outages and the like.

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Check out www.andyedwardsmusic.com for the latest on The Andy Edwards Group - a new English Fusion trio which features Andy Edwards on Drums (Robert Plant), Mark Hartley on Bass (Funkpig - funkpig.com) and Dave Woodhouse on Keyboards (Quantic / Quantic Soul Orchestra - www.tru-thoughts.co.uk or www.quantic.org).


Check out the video of their performance of Weather Report's "Elegant People" in the Multimedia section and also the mp3's in the My Band section. Much more to come soon!!!!

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Originally posted by Magpel:

Here's a rough mix of a new song. It's kind of murky. I had intended to add acoustic guitar as part of the rhythm bed, but now I'm not so sure; think it might need cutting more than adding. TIA for any comments.


It's Here , and it's called Too Late for Echinacea.

I too, listened to the tune and it has that cool vibe a'la Tom Waits. Not what I usually listen to, but it's stylish and because of that - quite cool. And imo it even doesn't need that acoustic guitar part...
I am back.
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Hey,thanks Vlad! Your stuff is awesome, btw. And, yeah, the "rhythm bed" that undercuts the whole tune was deinitely an homage to the Tom Waits "bone machine" concept


Originally posted by Gulliver:

Originally posted by Magpel:

Here's a rough mix of a new song. It's kind of murky. I had intended to add acoustic guitar as part of the rhythm bed, but now I'm not so sure; think it might need cutting more than adding. TIA for any comments.


It's Here , and it's called Too Late for Echinacea.

I too, listened to the tune and it has that cool vibe a'la Tom Waits. Not what I usually listen to, but it's stylish and because of that - quite cool. And imo it even doesn't need that acoustic guitar part...
Check out the Sweet Clementines CD at bandcamp
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Well, I thought that I'd hung around long enough that it was time to share. Be gentle, but I would like feedback. Enjoy!!


Somewhere in the World


Fire At Will

**Standard Disclaimer** Ya gotta watch da Ouizel, as he often posts complete and utter BS. In this case however, He just might be right. Eagles may soar, but Ouizels don't get sucked into jet engines.
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OK Ouizel, sit down.


I'm listening to Somewhere. I like the song. Your voice isn't quite working on the high notes, but keep trying. Someone posted a good book on vocal technique that will help you extend your range and I need a copy too. Your voice sounds best in the harmony parts. How many takes did you do? I generally do 4 and use the best phrase from each take (this is called "comping"). BTW, I don't think the problem is the pipes, but how you're using them. You need to learn to use your diaphram and fill up your whole body with sound.


Beware long intros. A lot of amateur music has too long intros. That said, yours has enough changing ... it skirts the edge but I think it works.


Something else you should concentrate on is the rhythm section. I don't know whether it's the mix or the performance, or the rather straight and simple drum part, but the bass and drums aren't gelling into a single unit and pushing the rest of the song forward. The bass part sounds very well played but I can hardly hear it. Bass is critical for most pop music and deserves special attention. It's almost lost here. There's no dynamics in the drum part at all, sounds like a loop or simple sequence. Try tapping a drum part in using your keyboard! It takes a bit of practice, (and a fair amount of MIDI editing to fix the timing mistakes), but you'll naturally use dynamics and it will might a lot better.


Now let's listen to the guitar and piano. To some extent, both parts sound like parts you'd play when playing the instrument solo and singing the song, rather than two different parts that were crafted to complement each other. And again, very little dynamics, so they end up droning quite a bit.


I think there's a lot of promise here, but unless you're sick of the song, the best thing would be to go back to the drawing board and work on the arrangement a lot. Find more different ways to play the verses, so there is more variation. Not just playing different notes, but getting a different feel as well. (You've done that for the intro as opposed to the versus -- try playing like the intro at one point, and add more variation as well.)


So, I've only said you need to fix EVERYTHING. :( But I think it's worth the effort! Or else try thinking like this on the next one.

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OK, listening to Fire At Will now. Much better in many of the respects I mentioned above. Still, you need to punch the bass & drums up a lot more. Perhaps what you need is more mastering. This song also seems to want another instrument. If I have some time this weekend maybe I'll do a little mastering and add some B4 and see what it does.
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Too Late for Echinacea: way cool. :) Really, way cool. I especially like the contrast between the gritty tube distortion on vocals set against the pristine purity of all the instrumental tracks.


I can't reach andyedwardsmusic.com. I'll try again later.


The Edge -- very nice, though I'm not fond of the genre. Close-mindedness on my part, is all.

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First off, thank you for listening, and thanks even more for the critique! :thu:


Somewhere is a first run, "Ouizel didn't know how to mix" mix, it has a few mistakes, and everything is panned dead center and sounds muddy accordingly. I do plan on re-recording it, and I'll use the advice. I like the bass line (thanks for the complement btw) but, I'm really not a drummer. The drums are tapped into my keyboard, and not looped, but I need to sit down and plan the drums, and then either perform or program them and make sure the dynamics are there. I guess I'm having trouble making sure that the drums and bass are a cohesive unit. It's kinda odd, because when I play bass live I don't have that problem. I'll work on it.


Fire is a first run, "Ouizel is getting a clue about mixing" mix, and sounds a bit better. Less muddy.


If ya wanna play with it, that's cool. Just let me know first.


Thanks again!! :D

**Standard Disclaimer** Ya gotta watch da Ouizel, as he often posts complete and utter BS. In this case however, He just might be right. Eagles may soar, but Ouizels don't get sucked into jet engines.
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Yeah, the problem is you're not a drummer! I'm familiar with that problem! Just keep working on it -- I think tapping in (assuming you have a good velocity-sensitive keyboard, and ideally a weighted one IMHO) is the best way. What you need to do now is mostly listen more to real drummers and start to think like they do, start to use the kinds of variations and lead-ins that they do. I'm just beginning to tap into that myself.


Meahwhile, try some collaborations! There's a collab forum here (though I haven't visited there yet), and another good one at http://artistcollaboration.com . It's a great way to improve your skills while also getting great contributions to your songs.

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I already posted this link a couple of weeks ago in the Comp #9 thread, but I'm guessing a lot of you aren't reading that if you're not planning to contribute. So here it is for you guys who read THIS thread...


...My 1:59 ditty:


It's a tribute to Ray Charles and Count Basie, attempts to answer the musical question that no one asked: What if Brother Ray took a Basie idea and ran with it? Oh yeah, and in 2 minutes or less, LOL.


Give it a listen - I was going for an old school vibe, so little bits of wacky post-processing. Piano is an mdaPiano VSTi, everything else is Acid loops. LOTS of work chopping up those horns into something useable. I'm especially pleased with how that came out.


Sorry about the link to the site - they ( www.recordingproject.com ) have free hosting for this kind of stuff, but don't allow deep linking.


Feedback always appreciated. Well, almost always... :freak:

I played in an 8 piece horn band. We would often get bored. So...three words:

"Tower of Polka." - Calumet

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Hey Learjeff, I can't find the tracks on your site--except for the collab stuff Can you provide an interior link to your songs or at leas tell me what section they're in?


Since I'm on dialup at home, I only really get toparticipate in this thread when I'm onsite at the places I contract for. Wish I could be more involved as a listener...

Check out the Sweet Clementines CD at bandcamp
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This a short clip of a composition that I want to use for the KC Comp Vol. 9. It's a world beat/asian influenced piece.

The clip is very short so I'd like to get your impressions based on it. The entire piece is about 5 minutes. I have a couple of other compositions that are more of a jazz fusion style that I'm still considering of submitting instead, so your feedback will be appreciated. Thanks.


Gamelan Dream

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Originally posted by mojazz:

This a short clip of a composition that I want to use for the KC Comp Vol. 9. It's a world beat/asian influenced piece.

The clip is very short so I'd like to get your impressions based on it. The entire piece is about 5 minutes. I have a couple of other compositions that are more of a jazz fusion style that I'm still considering of submitting instead, so your feedback will be appreciated. Thanks.


Gamelan Dream

Mojazz, sounds very intriguing! :thu:
I am back.
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Thanks Mag and Jeff!!!!


I've used mda for straighter stuff too - still happy with it, but you're right, it doesn't hold up as well to close scrutiny. I like the GPO piano for that, but my PC really struggles with the resource issues...



I played in an 8 piece horn band. We would often get bored. So...three words:

"Tower of Polka." - Calumet

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Originally posted by Gulliver:

Mojazz, sounds very intriguing! :idea:


Originally posted by learjeff:


Gamelan Dream

Yup, nice texture. Sounds great turned up really loud :) It would be interesting to see how it develops. Reminds me a little of Phil Glass. Ever see Koyaanisqatsi?
The song introduces more multi-layered melodic motifs/rhythmic patterns, continually increasing the intensity amid the swirling harmonic overtones.

I've seen both Koyaanisqatsi and Poyaanisqatsi and Glass' score is a perfect match for the visuals.

Gamelan Dream is my musical impression of Gamelan ensemble concerts I've seen over the years.

And, I listen to it really loud with headphones, too. :cool:

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Okay then, I would like to hear some feedback about my KC#9 contribution, too (me too, me too ;) ).


I call this tune Go Stay (length is 1:47 minutes, MP3 file size is 2.5 Megabytes).


The drums took some time to track this time. I use a Roland HandSonic HPD-15 which is a wonderful device for anybody who loves to finger-drum. I try to play as much as possible at once, such as kick, snare, hi-hat pedal. I record these as MIDI, then overdub with cymbals, toms and stuff. Having a MIDI drum track, it is easier to glue the takes together than doing this with Audio tracks.


When the entire drum track was done, this time I recorded every single instrument to its own audio track, as if I recorded a real drum kit. I wanted the drums to sound as natural as possible. The HPD-15 sounds are very good already (IMHO) so I only did a little EQ and slightly compressed the kick. Only the snare sticks out quite a bit, and I could not get rid of that sort-of "afterglow" I didn't want to hear, so I applied a gate, followed by a little compression and a tiny bit of reverb.


I tell so much about the drums because I feel that they got quite nice this time :D


Everything else I did with my Yamaha S80 which has the PLG150-PF piano board plugged-in. I did some layering, having some of the layers at very low levels. The bass is also layered and got a little EQ on the low-end and the attack.


This is also the first time I bring in my Fender Strat. This is kind of a luxury thing since I'm not at all a guitar player. As you see, I use it more as an effect.


Most parts of the tune are from the first or second take. The solo I played in two parts (I spent a good Saturday afternoon to layout, practice and track it). I did not quantize anything this time. I MIDI-tracked everything in the first place because it allows me to easily try different sounds. I also find it easier to cut a MIDI part, glue it to another part and edit the transition than doing this on an audio track. As soon as a MIDI track is done I record it to an audio track. This way, I can operate the S80 in voice mode track-by-track, working around the limitations of the multitimbral S80 performance mode.


This was a long story. I hope you enjoy my little tune. Please let me know what you think about it.


Thank you very much!

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Originally posted by Roland Genske:

Okay then, I would like to hear some feedback about my KC#9 contribution, too (me too, me too ;)

I love the title Go Stay. I read it twice, everytime I see it. I have no choice! It's some kind of subliminal command!


Your piece sounds great through my Klipsch 2.1's. :D


The tempo's perfect. It's laid back while still moving forward. AHHH!! just as the title suggests! I get it.


Two criticisms: I'd use some other downbeat sound than the one we hear 3 times in the intro. It sounds faintly rude. LOL

And I just wish the piano solo was a bit more "in your face". Nice playing, but turn it up! :thu:

"........! Try to make It..REAL! compared to what? ! ! ! " - BOPBEEPER
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Gangsu, thanks for your review :) Initially, I had the solo louder but this somehow didn't feel right. Maybe this is not only a level issue. About that upbeat guitar krk in the intro, I admit it didn't come out exactly as I intended. I had that idea of a somewhat "insane" intro, however not too long so that nobody gets a change to zap away before the tune starts.
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