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hi my name is Cindy, and i need your help

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i am Cindy from Westminister Uni, in london.


I am in my final year and need to finish my distation and need your help.


Can you please answer a few questions for my survey.


Thank you and love you... xxx

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Hi Cindy, my name is Bill, perhaps I need YOUR help!




Feel free to ask any: Production/studio/mastering/talent questions if you will.


We may be able to figure it out. As for the help I need, you can certainly guess!!!

Bill Roberts Precision Mastering

-----------Since 1975-----------

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Hi, my name is Donna, and I'll be your love slave... HAHAHAHAHA...



Originally posted by Is There Gas in the Car?:

Crossposting on all the forums here.


xxx is that a clue or what?


Hey Cindy... get lost.



For a minute, I thought that read "Composting on all the forums" HAHAHAHAHA!!! I like that better!
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Originally posted by Tedster:

I'll be your love slave...

Oddly enough, I was just listening to a song called "Love Slave" about 15 minutes ago - no foolin' :D




"I prefer to beat my opponents the old-fashioned way....BRUTALLY!!!!"
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In the 3 months I was at Gibson Customer Support I must've received at least 30 - 50 requests for assistance on projects from Brits. Most requested specific information on manufacturing numbers, sales, etc. I had to tell them, one and all, that Gibson is a privately owned company and does not share any of this information with the public. Most simply went away, but a few thought they could argue their way into information. Yeah.. right. Like Henry and his financial department are going to hand financials they don't want made public to members of the customer support team. :rolleyes:

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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It's Wesminster anyway...that was as far as I got...
Label on the reverb, inside 1973 Ampeg G-212: "Folded Line Reverberation Unit" Manufactured by beautiful girls in Milton WIS. under controlled atmosphere conditions.
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Originally posted by Robman2:

It's Wesminster anyway...that was as far as I got...



But point taken.


Stone In A Pond



"Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick himself up and continue on."

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I'm terminally dyslexic as almost any of my posts prove, shit I mean...er, I mean shite, I even took the dictionary and looked it up....





Label on the reverb, inside 1973 Ampeg G-212: "Folded Line Reverberation Unit" Manufactured by beautiful girls in Milton WIS. under controlled atmosphere conditions.
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Originally posted by TheWewus:

Originally posted by nursers:

Exactly - it's spelt dissertation :rolleyes:

That's the true paradox here. Can you actually get a Doctorate without knowing how to spell the word dissertation?
Judging from some of the "academics" at the Hoover Institution...
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I don't buy it.

Judging by her homepage, she's conducting marketing research for her "non-profit" group, or whatever. And the survey even has "Rezpod MP3 Player" at the top. Total shite.


Legit university-affiliated research such as similar surveys, in almost all cases, have a "consent form" and a link to more info about the study and who is running the study.


This blatant marketing stuff pisses me off and makes academics look like idiots (we do that well enough ourselves, thank you) ! :mad:

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Cindy, a warning ,my love...


I think you'll find that if you are attending Westminster that you are not allowed to canvass people like this as my son also attends the college and in his final week so as I know the principle on a personal level, I can easily find out who you are so take a little advice and go and ask your fellow students for the info you are asking for and next time becareful who you approach....bet you didnt bargain being found out hey?

I think you'll also find that after a call from me to the principle that you are about to be found out big time...

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Originally posted by nursers:

That's Principal, Shars. Back to school for you :D

I'd have thought it would be Head Dean, oh well?!?!


Good on you Shars, tho I doubt that anyone there will have ever heard of this imbecile....

Fa Fa FA Fa fa fa fa fa FA fa FA FA
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Originally posted by Hanshananigan:

I don't buy it.

Judging by her homepage, she's conducting marketing research for her "non-profit" group, or whatever. And the survey even has "Rezpod MP3 Player" at the top. Total shite.


And this is wher "her" avatar is hosted:




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