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OT: Just sent my little one off to school

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First day of Kindergarten.


Yikes. I'm 7,000 times more anxiety-ridden about it as he is. In fact, he's not woried at all, it would seem. He's been wanting to start school for a couple of years now. Loves to learn. Loves other kids.


So, I'm sure he'll be cool, but it's going to be a nail-biting few hours for me here. Waving goodbye to him was quite the experience.


- Jeff

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My little guy started school last Thursday. We knew this was a big deal for him. Surely, the biggest day of his little life. For a few days prior to that, he had an upset stomach and trouble sleeping. So did we. While my daughters are both outgoing and bold, my son is much more reserved and sometimes timid. We really, really want school to be a positive experience for the little people. Watching him go on the Bus was a real tearjerker.


Well, he loves it!


Today he got an Eagle Award! Its an award the teachers give out to Kindergarteners that do something special that day. He got it for having a Great Day. Or something like that. First one given out this year. I just got off the phone with him. The kid is ecstatic. Very very cool.


Hes got half days this week, and starts full day next week. Long days, but hell be good.


Sounds like your little guy will be just fine too! Sometimes its just tougher on the Dads. I bet he comes home smiling and happy. :thu:

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I'm absolutely sure he'll be fine.


That hasn't stopped me from gnawing off my nails, and he's only been in class for 15 minutes now. I'm literally sweating here, and not just because it's a hot day. Sheesh!


But the other 16 kids in his class are probably in similar situations. Nick's a friendly, outgoing kid with no fear of, well, just about anything. He'll be cool.


I, of course, won't be cool. But he will. :thu:


- Jeff

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Did you read my "pink backpack" thread a while back? It was aimed at daughters, but, I reckon, it applies to any kid daughter or son, going off to their first day of kindergarten, then, in what seems like only a few months later, watching them begin their first year as a senior in high school.


Welcome to the next phase of fatherhood, Jeff. Parent-teacher conferences, Christmas shows, band concerts, choir concerts, basketball games (or whatever sport a son or daughter takes up).



"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Jonathan started school a couple of weeks ago, also. Scary stuff. Homework, bigger kids around him, new rules. Dad and mum are on pins. Meanwhile he's having a blast.


Why do I think it's going to be the same way throught the first date, and high school and college and ...


Better get used to it. ;)



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Well my son just started 2nd grade yesterday and it doesn't get much easier. Just one of those moments when you realize how fast life goes. My daughter starts kindergarten next year. Can dating be far behind?! :cry:


It's just part of the ride Jeff. Embrace and enjoy every moment of it! :)

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Congratulations Jeff and little Weasel-boy! :thu: You're both gonna have a blast! (Says the father with a whole three weeks of experience! :D )


As previously mentioned on Ted's thread, Lilly began kindergarten 3 weeks ago. She's wanted to be at Akiva for almost a year, so the transition has been easy.. for her.


Oh, no. It's not been hard on Denise and I because she's growing up and in school. (Denise was surprised not to be overly emotional about it! :D ) It's just a heck of a drive to school, then work. When I have to pick her up I go back to work for another hour and a half. :rolleyes: Yesterday it was an 85 mile round trip in 4 stages from/to my front door. (Oye! Times like that I wish I was self employed like you, Jeff! )


She's been having a blast doing homework. Two days ago she spelled the word "runt" all on her own. (She's been watching Charlotte's Web a lot lately. ;) ) She's making up word games and jokes that I never would have expected from a 5 year old and they are learning about A/B patterns. Logic problems at 5! I pointed out while assisting her with homework that "daddy" (which she was spelling) had the same pattern as "Lilly" (which she's spelled for a year). I don't think they've learned there can be a "C" in a pattern, but she calmly told me it was an ABAAC pattern. :cool:


Yep.. I'm not a proud papa..! :D


I am glad that her class has all of 8 or 9 students. Their religeous part of the day is shared with the other class, about 18 kids. But most of her day is spent with a much smaller group. :thu:

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Well, he's back and had a great day. What we didn't know (but should have realized, duh) was that we know 5-6 other kids' parents who are in Nick's same class. I'd forgotten about a few neighborhood acquaintences that'd had kids about the same time as us, some five years ago. That'll make it easy for him to hang out with his new schoolfriends and so on.


Anyway, thanks for all the well wishes. I know it won't always be smooth sailing with the school part of his life (whose is?), but at least getting past the first day in one piece is a good start.


- Jeff

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Awwwwww. Do you know anything about Nick's kindergarten teacher, Jeff?


I'm skeptical about skool teachers. I had a handful of great ones (thank you thank you thank you!) and a bunch of mediocre ones and quite a few who were out to make my life worse instead of better.


How do you explain to a kid that this is how people are? Anyhow, good luck Jeff and enjoy the experiences with your son.

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Just think Jeff, if you were in Scotland he would have started proper school a year ago (I think, he's 5 right?) Plus if you were in Scotland you wouldn't be sweating, it's too cold!


Anyway, I'm sure he's bigger than all the other kids plus he's a hockey fan, he'll be OK!


Best of luck my friend, and my friend's kid :thu:

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Originally posted by flyscots:

Just think Jeff, if you were in Scotland he would have started proper school a year ago (I think, he's 5 right?) Plus if you were in Scotland you wouldn't be sweating, it's too cold!

Yeah, but if he was in Scotland, would he be employed? :D:P
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Originally posted by Jeff Da Weasel:

First day of Kindergarten.


Yikes. I'm 7,000 times more anxiety-ridden about it as he is. In fact, he's not woried at all, it would seem. He's been wanting to start school for a couple of years now. Loves to learn. Loves other kids.


So, I'm sure he'll be cool, but it's going to be a nail-biting few hours for me here. Waving goodbye to him was quite the experience.


- Jeff

The kids first day of school! Probably harder on the parents than the kids. I still get a tear in my eye when I look at the picture of my little girl on her first day of school with that back pack that looked way too big. Now, she's talking about what kind of car she wants and which boy she likes the best. I kinda miss that first day of school.



Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.

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Well, same thing over here. Little Andre is right now 20 months old and will start his afternoon kindergarten in January. We took him for a first-ever visit to the school and... well, he walked into the class, sat beside one of the kids, was given some plastic dough they were all playing with and acted just like he had been doin' that everyday! Now talk about kids being readier now than we used to be "in our time"...


I think of everything that can go wrong. Then I think of everything that can go right. Then I reason that his life and story will be only his own, and I can only do so much to protect him of whatever I believe can hurt him. Right now I pray for his success in the sense of being loved. And happy. After all, that is what we all want, right?


All my best wishes to the little Weasel kid :thu: !

"I'm ready to sing to the world. If you back me up". (Lennon to his bandmates, in an inspired definition of what it's all about).
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