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Olympics discussion thread

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I'm really out of the loop as to who is gonna win what this time round.


What do you think of those Greeks eh!? Their two best medal hopes fail to take a drugs test then end up in hospital after a motorcycle 'accident.' I'm very suspicious. Apparently there were no police or ambulances at the scene yet the two athletes ended up in hospital (are they still there?) Also, they went to a hospital 15 miles away when there is one nearby.


Maybe one of the fishing boats has just come back into the harbour, there is definitely a strange smell around.


It's a shame such a big sporting event has to have this controversy hanging over it though.

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Originally posted by flyscots:

It's a shame such a big sporting event has to have this controversy hanging over it though.

Even if there was no controversy the media would find something to exploit...


NBC boasts all these thousands of hours of coverage...but if the opening ceremonies is any indicator, at least half of the coverage is commercials!!!


I used to love watching the Olympics...when they actually showed the sports!! Now it's just mini-dramas and sponsors and commercials...errrr!!


And yes...the swimming between the Aussies and the Americans should be something...of course I'm routing for Mr. Phelps...though both he and Ian Thorpe are amazing to watch in the water!


I just hope all the controversy and sensationilazation is only about drug doping, personalities and unfair gymnastics judging as opposed to hatred, violence/terrorism...


Go USA!!!





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Ok...first day of swimming has Ian Thorpe with a gold and his team-mate grant Hackett with a silver in the 400 Meter free...the US got 3rd.


In the 400 IM American Michael Phelps won gold with a world record and his team-mate Eric Vent won his second consecutive silver in this event. (As a side note, I was the massage therapist for Tom Dolan before the last Olympics...he is an American who won the 400 IM with a world record in 2000)


Australia won the gold in the women's 4x100 meter free relay with the USA close behind getting the silver.


This looks to be a very exciting Olympics in swimming...at least for the US and Australian teams for the most part... ;)

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Thats for sure. The US and Australia are the two swimming super powers.


As far as interest in whether sport is amateur or pro, I find a lot of the amateur sports have a greater level of skill than the pro ones (think diving, gymnastics, swimming). ;)

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Originally posted by Dan South:

I don't think that any of these new guys are going to surpass Spitz' medal count.

What's scary is that the gold medal winning times of Mark Spitz wouldn't even make Olympic qualifying today....it's incredible how these swimmers get faster and faster every year!
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Ian Thorpe is absolutely incredible. His swimming blows me away. Watch how slow his stroke is compared to the other swimmers. The other guys are scrambling, but Thorpe has these huge, slow, efficient strokes, along with powerful kicks and brilliant push-offs.


Michael Phelps is very impressive, too. The 400 IM was amazing. Holy cow! WR time!


This is a fun Games, already! :thu:

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Yep Thorpe's stroke is amazing. What is really mind blowing to watch is when he really puts his foot down. It hasn't happened so far this games but he can suddenly speed up and it's unbelievable to watch...
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I get a kick outta the fact that they call him the "Thorpedo". :D I saw, what was it, the 800 meter last night. What kills me is how unwinded he seemed after it. Like, man, I swim one pool length at a land turtle's pace and I'm dead.


It's fun to think about countries, and root for your own country, but overall, it's about watching excellence from any country.


BUT...who the hell's idea was it to make those two guys from the U.S. men's gymnastics team change their routines on the high bar two days before the event? :mad: WTF? Couldn't someone have seen that coming? I'd be crying FOUL...and who's the guy that fell flat on the back of his head and then couldn't compete on the pommel horse 'cuz he was dizzy. That sucks. If they're gonna make two athletes change their routines two days before the show...then make everyone do it. Who's fault was it? That Japanese judge? Or the U.S. men's coaches who didn't read the fine print?

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Originally posted by antimatter:

OUCH! The Dream team looks like a nightmare!


Mens USA Basketball team loses big to Puerto Rico 92-73 :eek:



Bad news for Larry Brown and Co.


Hey, it says that Puerto Rico has a population of 4 million. There are probably that many Puerto Ricans in Nueva York! :D


Congratulations to Puerto Rico for a well-earned victory!!!


¡Viva Puerto Rico!



The Black Knight always triumphs!


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Originally posted by nursers:

My prediction: Aussies will get more medals in Swimming than the US ;) Ian Throrpe will also get more medals than Michael Phelps :P

Yeah, but they just bought them from your website, right? :P

A serious question: weren't the women's uneven bars closer together in the old days? I remember them swinging with their arms extended and hitting the other bar at their waist, bending and rebounding (and explaining why it wasn't a men's event :eek: ). But now they clear the bars fully extended. Or are there two separate setups/events?


"Eccentric language often is symptomatic of peculiar thinking" - George Will


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Living in Detroit, I can get Olympic broadcasts from NBC and CBC. However, CBC seems to broadcast largely only when Canadians are competeing. And sometimes won't show the competitor's performance! Canucks ain't changed since Gretzky's cry-athon in Winter olympics.


but so far the highlight for me was the opening ceremony. In spite of NBC's insistance in "paying the bills", the performances and presentations were the best I've seen in 30 odd years of viewing these things. After all the presumtuous hoopla about the Greeks not being able to "pull it off", I'd say the ceremony basically told those nay-sayers, "Well, FUCK YOU, TOO!"


So far, I've only been able to catch the "odd" sporting events. Like men's beach volleyball, where the US trumped the Aussies. I won't gloat, though. Australia played an awsome game. I usually watch the women's beach volleyball, but today was the first time I actually paid attention to the GAME! ;)



I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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Originally posted by whitefang:

Living in Detroit, I can get Olympic broadcasts from NBC and CBC. However, CBC seems to broadcast largely only when Canadians are competeing. And sometimes won't show the competitor's performance! Canucks ain't changed since Gretzky's cry-athon in Winter olympics.





Wow, a post about Canadian gingoism....now that's a hoot. Take a second and really watch an American broadcast of a sporting event, notice any bias?


Look, I admire the American ability to create mythology and drama about themselves. This is one of the glues that holds a society together.


Canada has an incredibly small population in comparison, less then that of the state of California. Plus we are spread out over a land mass that is larger then the US.


The fact that we cling to our underdog status, and that we are the only country who actually cares about hockey is insignificant and could be seen as an hommage/immation to what we see on a nightly basis, watching American TV (which smokes Canadian programming).


Bottom line, give us our 15 seconds of fame, you have the rest of eternity.

There is no substitute.
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Originally posted by whitefang:

Living in Detroit, I can get Olympic broadcasts from NBC and CBC. However, CBC seems to broadcast largely only when Canadians are competeing. And sometimes won't show the competitor's performance! Canucks ain't changed since Gretzky's cry-athon in Winter olympics.


but so far the highlight for me was the opening ceremony. In spite of NBC's insistance in "paying the bills", the performances and presentations were the best I've seen in 30 odd years of viewing these things. After all the presumtuous hoopla about the Greeks not being able to "pull it off", I'd say the ceremony basically told those nay-sayers, "Well, FUCK YOU, TOO!"


So far, I've only been able to catch the "odd" sporting events. Like men's beach volleyball, where the US trumped the Aussies. I won't gloat, though. Australia played an awsome game. I usually watch the women's beach volleyball, but today was the first time I actually paid attention to the GAME! ;)



Maybe the sponsors are paying NBC more than CBC. Ever think of that?


Well, what do you know? Mark Spitz' record of seven gold medals in swimming is safe for another four years.



The Black Knight always triumphs!


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Hey, it says that Puerto Rico has a population of 4 million. There are probably that many Puerto Ricans in Nueva York!


Congratulations to Puerto Rico for a well-earned victory!!!


¡Viva Puerto Rico!


Never been to N.Y. but your quote seems about right! :D


Hooray for the little guys!!!!


Congrtas to all small countries!!!

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Had time to watch just a little bit of the men's gymnasts on rings last night, damn that never fails to impress me, wish I had arms like that!

Also heard that most of the events in Greece are empty! Greece can ill afford a financially-failed Olympics. I wouldn't think it was terrorist-related, the 2002 Winter Olymps were packed and that was quite soon after Sept 11. I wonder why the Grecian Olys are so poorly attended? :confused:


"Eccentric language often is symptomatic of peculiar thinking" - George Will


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All I know, Mr. Cole, is what I see. and what I saw the other night was the U.S. women's beach volleyball team over Canada's by five points in the second set. The game was only half over, then they broke for a commercial. THEN when they came back, they were showing pre-recorded footage of two Canadian girl divers winning their BRONZE medals! I never DID find out the results of the volleyball game.


And to Mr. Montreal...the U.S. men's BVB duo took the next two sets! ;););)


Anyway, many of you have lost bragging rights in the prediction department. After all the talk about Thorpe or Phelps winning that big "swim match", it turned out NEITHER ONE took gold! But I've seen the broadcasters make the same goofs.



I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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Originally posted by Dan South:

Mark Spitz!


Mark Spitz!


Mark Spitz!


I don't think that any of these new guys are going to surpass Spitz' medal count.



Spitz is the first name that popped into my head when Olympic swimming was mentioned. :cool:

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You know... no one cares about any of these sports for 3 years and 11 months between the games. And now we actually care?


When they add Sport Dancing and Trampolin to the Olympic events.... you know that they are reaching. Both those things are physically demanding, but then again, so is building a new porch.


These Olympics were brought to you by McDonald's and Procter and Gamble.

There is no substitute.
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Originally posted by nursers:

So who's watching?


My prediction: Aussies will get more medals in Swimming than the US ;) Ian Throrpe will also get more medals than Michael Phelps :P

Did you watch the men's 4 X 200 Meter relay? That was great, man. Thorpe almost pulled it out, but not quite, you gotta admit that was a great race. Ian Thorpe is an amazing athlete.
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I've got 2 questions...


1) Is it true that the Americans were booed in the first two events, and at some point where they played the Star Spangled Banner? I didn't start watching until a day ago or so.


2) Music. I was watching stuff like the beach volleyball ( :thu: ) and they would play lil snippets of music in between plays and stuff, much like baseball, american football, or any other sporting event, right?


But we're in Athens, *and* we're talking a very multinational audience, both attending firsthand, and then especially broadcast around the globe.


Why is the song selection played in the indoor arena taken from American Pop Culture? Why not Greek? Or Italian? German? A mix of everything?

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