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Pianoteq iOS

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  • 2 weeks later...

Two years overdue now. I will try to reach out to Niclas Fogwall at Modartt and ask if there are any updates that can be spoken of here. Believe me, I want it too.




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Dr. Mike Metlay (PhD in nuclear physics, golly gosh) :D

Musician, Author, Editor, Educator, Impresario, Online Radio Guy, Cut-Rate Polymath, and Kindly Pedant

Editor-in-Chief, Bjooks ~ Author of SYNTH GEMS 1


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I think it sounds great, but everyone here knows that when it comes to piano sounds I'm not happy until i FUBAR my timbre anyway...


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Dr. Mike Metlay (PhD in nuclear physics, golly gosh) :D

Musician, Author, Editor, Educator, Impresario, Online Radio Guy, Cut-Rate Polymath, and Kindly Pedant

Editor-in-Chief, Bjooks ~ Author of SYNTH GEMS 1


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With an impending purchase I may no longer be using an ipad, but one hope I had for Pianoteq--since it isn't sampled--would be that it might work better in mono than my Modx pianos.   In stereo, I have no need to replace what the Modx gives me (unlike b3 organ!)

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4 hours ago, GovernorSilver said:

I have it on questionable authority that Pianoteq testing on IOS has been underway since around March



Thanks very much for the link. I’m going to see if I can verify that questionable citation by talking to my colleague at Modartt. To anyone outside this community, that would be just as questionable a citation. However, I’m hoping that the folks who read this forum would be more inclined to believe what I say. (I know, ha ha fat chance.)


In the meantime, reading through that one thread over there, I’m reminded why I hang out on MPN and avoid other music tech forums like the plague. Good grief. 

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Dr. Mike Metlay (PhD in nuclear physics, golly gosh) :D

Musician, Author, Editor, Educator, Impresario, Online Radio Guy, Cut-Rate Polymath, and Kindly Pedant

Editor-in-Chief, Bjooks ~ Author of SYNTH GEMS 1


clicky!:  more about me ~ my radio station (and my fam) ~ my local tribe ~ my day job ~ my bookmy music

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20 minutes ago, Dr Mike Metlay said:

Thanks very much for the link. I’m going to see if I can verify that questionable citation by talking to my colleague at Modartt. To anyone outside this community, that would be just as questionable a citation. However, I’m hoping that the folks who read this forum would be more inclined to believe what I say. (I know, ha ha fat chance.)


In the meantime, reading through that one thread over there, I’m reminded why I hang out on MPN and avoid other music tech forums like the plague. Good grief. 


Dr. Mike, you are a dedicated man indeed!


Looking forward to your followup(s).

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Thanks, guv. Here's hoping I don't get blocked or blacklisted... to be honest, on a hot topic like this one, this is a pretty big ask. OTOH don't ask, don't get, so....



Dr. Mike Metlay (PhD in nuclear physics, golly gosh) :D

Musician, Author, Editor, Educator, Impresario, Online Radio Guy, Cut-Rate Polymath, and Kindly Pedant

Editor-in-Chief, Bjooks ~ Author of SYNTH GEMS 1


clicky!:  more about me ~ my radio station (and my fam) ~ my local tribe ~ my day job ~ my bookmy music

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I’m kind of surprised that I didn’t see that splash page once I went over to their site. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that they haven’t gotten back to me yet. Lack of observation on my part does not equal any obligation on theirs.

Dr. Mike Metlay (PhD in nuclear physics, golly gosh) :D

Musician, Author, Editor, Educator, Impresario, Online Radio Guy, Cut-Rate Polymath, and Kindly Pedant

Editor-in-Chief, Bjooks ~ Author of SYNTH GEMS 1


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UPDATE: Niclas Fogwall of Modartt wrote back to me and said (in part) the following:


"We are closing the iOS beta test session very soon as we are fine-tuning a pre-release version. You may communicate that as you wish. In approximately a week, you will get early access to the iOS app so that you can check it out before the official release date."


So that's a GearLab sneak peek coming up. I have offered Modartt the option of participating in the review thread. We'll see what they say.




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Dr. Mike Metlay (PhD in nuclear physics, golly gosh) :D

Musician, Author, Editor, Educator, Impresario, Online Radio Guy, Cut-Rate Polymath, and Kindly Pedant

Editor-in-Chief, Bjooks ~ Author of SYNTH GEMS 1


clicky!:  more about me ~ my radio station (and my fam) ~ my local tribe ~ my day job ~ my bookmy music

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15 minutes ago, ninobeatz said:


I guess my post in the ABF wasn’t a a questionable citation after all. 😂🤣😂

 Pianoteq 8 has been released on iOS!!


It’s a “Get” with In App Purchases.  Awesome!  Anyone can give it a go and let us know how it performs on their iOS device.  iOS 11 or later. 

Yamaha CP88, Casio PX-560

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Well, so much for my getting it early… I was told that it wasn’t going to be released until a week from today, and that I would be getting a copy early to tell people about.


Oh well, I look forward to hearing what other people have to say about it. The timing stinks for me anyway, because I’m leaving for Berlin in several days, and I couldn’t have done a timely Gearlab about it.


(dB please take note; that’s now not going to happen. Better for someone else who has better piano chops to handle this one.)



Dr. Mike Metlay (PhD in nuclear physics, golly gosh) :D

Musician, Author, Editor, Educator, Impresario, Online Radio Guy, Cut-Rate Polymath, and Kindly Pedant

Editor-in-Chief, Bjooks ~ Author of SYNTH GEMS 1


clicky!:  more about me ~ my radio station (and my fam) ~ my local tribe ~ my day job ~ my bookmy music

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Very important heads up!


If you already have a desktop software version of pianoteq, the app will allow you to link it to your account and you get the full functionality of the software and all of your purchased libraries available in iOS. This is fantastic… Except….


 if you do this, it will use up one of your activation slots. Since you only get four with a purchase, you have to be extremely selective with which iOS devices you put it on. I’m going to be writing to Niclas about this and trying to explain that iOS devices are a little bit different, in that people frequently want to use the same software  on several of them. People are going to burn through their activations very quickly!


they really need to alter their activation scheme, so that devices can be removed and replaced rather than being permanently deactivated.


So: a cool feature, but also a caveat.




UPDATE: the guys at Modartt are reading this forum! I just got an email from them, explaining that the activation applies to all iOS devices you own. Excellent news there!

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Dr. Mike Metlay (PhD in nuclear physics, golly gosh) :D

Musician, Author, Editor, Educator, Impresario, Online Radio Guy, Cut-Rate Polymath, and Kindly Pedant

Editor-in-Chief, Bjooks ~ Author of SYNTH GEMS 1


clicky!:  more about me ~ my radio station (and my fam) ~ my local tribe ~ my day job ~ my bookmy music

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I was on the beta test team and have had it for quite some time now. TBH I only use the most basic of the functions using the Pianoteq Stage Model as I find it does pretty much what I need.


I found very little if any difference to the PC version. It ran rock solid on my iPad Pro (3rd Gen) alongside several other apps (some which are know to be slightly resource "hogging") no issues at all and the sound is very very good with a great hand to ear connection.


Stand-alone or in a host app, this is an excellent job by Modartt.


It's a little more expensive than other similar apps - but I dare to suggest it may well be the last piano app you'll need to buy!

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There is no luck - luck is simply the confluence of circumstance and co-incidence...


Time is the final arbiter for all things

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12 minutes ago, Radagast said:

I bought an older version several years ago.  I’m not sure if my license is still active.  I also don’t remember how to access my license.

Write to support@modartt.com (either by direct email or via their website's Contact Us page). They should be able to help you reset the username and password for their member site (called "User Area" in the topline menu). You'll find your serial number there and it will also list the number of remaining activations you have.


I am not sure how old a version of Pianoteq can be linked to the app. My guess, depending on how it's done, would be either "only 8 or maybe 7" or "any".




Dr. Mike Metlay (PhD in nuclear physics, golly gosh) :D

Musician, Author, Editor, Educator, Impresario, Online Radio Guy, Cut-Rate Polymath, and Kindly Pedant

Editor-in-Chief, Bjooks ~ Author of SYNTH GEMS 1


clicky!:  more about me ~ my radio station (and my fam) ~ my local tribe ~ my day job ~ my bookmy music

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