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Vox VX50 KB anyone?


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Yes I"ve got one and I"m pretty happy with it. It serves me well mostly at rehearsals and also few gigs. It"s very light and easy to carry, though quite powerful. For example I use it as a monitor in a Carlos Santana cover band, so in a quite noisy surrounding, and I hear myself very well. There"s also a line output to connect it to the front PA to get additional power if needed.


It"s sounds particularly good with rhodes, wurlis and organs, a bit less with acoustic pianos, but still acceptable.


So a good value for money in my opinion. I"m even thinking about getting an additional one to setup a stereo monitoring system for gigs.

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Yes I"ve got one and I"m pretty happy with it. It serves me well mostly at rehearsals and also few gigs. It"s very light and easy to carry, though quite powerful. For example I use it as a monitor in a Carlos Santana cover band, so in a quite noisy surrounding, and I hear myself very well. There"s also a line output to connect it to the front PA to get additional power if needed.


It"s sounds particularly good with rhodes, wurlis and organs, a bit less with acoustic pianos, but still acceptable.


So a good value for money in my opinion. I"m even thinking about getting an additional one to setup a stereo monitoring system for gigs.


Agree completely with this comment. It's a great little amp, especially if you're happy with a little vintage coloring of the tone. The value per dollar and per pound is remarkable. It cannot keep up with a loud rock band, that's why I have 2 (also for the stereo effect). 2 Voxen are still under 20 lbs and $500.


One of them makes for a good onstage monitor, if a mono sound is acceptable.

Gigging: Crumar Mojo 61, Hammond SKPro

Home: Vintage Vibe 64


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I think the Behringer B208D is probably better (more neutral, louder) for less money ... but it's 15 lbs instead of 9 lbs, and has only a single input, so they don't really address all the same needs.


The idea of a pair for stereo is appealing, 18 lbs total for a stereo setup.

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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The Behringer B208D imo is not better than the Vox, I have tried three of the vx50 amps (bass, guitar and keyboard models) and they all sound great, only downside is that they are not available in a battery version.


I had a pair of B208D powered speakers and the PreSonus Eris that I have now sound so much better than the Behringer which btw are cheap and nasty in the plastic used in their construction.

Feck u

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The Behringer B208D imo is not better than the Vox, I have tried three of the vx50 amps (bass, guitar and keyboard models) and they all sound great, only downside is that they are not available in a battery version.


I had a pair of B208D powered speakers and the PreSonus Eris that I have now sound so much better than the Behringer which btw are cheap and nasty in the plastic used in their construction.

I would certainly expect the PreSonus to sound better than the Berhinger, as would any of a number of other low cost speakers designed for home/studio use. That's a different category from something more ruggedly designed for transport like the Vox or Berhinger.


I don't think the Behringer is great. You're still not going to get a wonderful acoustic piano sound out of it. But like I said, I think it is more neutral and plays louder than the Vox. But even though I've played through both, I did not directly A/B them, so I can't rule out that my memory is playing a trick on me. I'd be curious to hear from anyone else who has played both.

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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Also is doesn't look as funky as the VX50KB lol ;-) But it could nonetheless be a good solution for a more affordable system. Weight is still not too bad. Thanks for the hint!


You can get Alto TS308, TS310 and 312 in that price range (the 312 is a bit more though ...).

Alto TS3 series


These are good,- and not only for rehearsals and quick jams.


Nonetheless I like the look and compact design of the VOX coax speaker amp design.

It might have a special sound for mono audio output instruments and I wonder how a Minimoog D would sound thru it when cranked up.





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Thanks also for this info, as I'm looking to get a second active speaker to compliment my Yamaha DXR10 and create a powerful stereo monitoring system for big stages. Looks like the TS310 could do the job for a much lower prince than the Yamaha!! Interesting.
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  • 1 month later...
  • 5 months later...
A few months later, how are these amps working out? A pair in stereo seem like a nice combination, provided there"s enough fidelity for AP. Any verdicts out there?

Used my VX50KB through the Christmas season for small parties, concerts and performances; it's definitely a keeper. It's my go-to for a light weight amp/built-in mixer. Just for the size alone, I find myself reaching for, before anything else. I'd get a 2nd one, but I'll wait until the original price comes down; with all the shipping problems the price went up from $200 to $300.


The Alto TS308 and TS310 are (currently) in the same US$250-300 price range as the small Vox - but they are a big step up and are a lot of bang-for-the-buck. At US$300, I think the Altos are a better buy, especially if you need the volume and power; but I also feel like the Altos need a mixer with an equalizer. My QSC k8.2s sound solid out of the gate, but I feel like I have to tame the sound of the Altos.


If you don't need that kind of volume/power the small Vox is a very nice go-to, especially at the original US$200; and it's good-looking amp.




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  • 1 month later...

I just bought a second one, as soon as I saw it was again on stock (it was not available for several months...). I want to use my two units for stereo monitoring on stage. I hope I will have the opportunity to try this monitoring setup soon 🙏.

I think this little amp is quite powerful: I just used it 2 weeks ago in combination with the SV2 for a video recording session in a small room, just beside the drum kit and the bass amp, and it was enough for hearing myself comfortably. I even had some reserve, as I didn't want to push the volume too high, in order to avoid starting a loudness war 😁

Let's see how this works on a real stage...

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  • 1 month later...

So last Thursday, I tried for the first time to use 2 VX50KB for stereo monitoring on stage, and that was really great 😁

Man, it feels good to have a real stereo piano sound on stage 😁😁

As well The EPs with a real stereo auto pan effect cut through really well.

The stage was quite large, and I had the drums and a singer’s monitor close, but I could hear myself well though.

And I was not at the maximum gain and volume on the VX50KBs.

So works pretty well 👍

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7 hours ago, jejefunkyman said:

So last Thursday, I tried for the first time to use 2 VX50KB for stereo monitoring on stage, and that was really great 😁

Man, it feels good to have a real stereo piano sound on stage 😁😁


Just the kind of review I was waiting for! Questions:


1. How far away did you put the speakers from each other?


2. How far away were they from where you were standing?


3. Did you have them flat on the floor or were they elevated/tilted? Were they behind you (facing out) or in front of you (facing in)?


4. Were these also responsible for allowing your bandmates to hear you, or do they hear the keys from separate monitor feed from FOH? If the former, do you think it was loud enough for your bandmates to hear you on any of the size stages you play, or might you be inclined to send them some kind of additional feed if it were a larger stage where they were farther from you?


5. How many keyboards (or other sound sources) were you using? Did they go direct into the Voxen, or did you have a mixer in between?


6. How did the audience primarily hear you? e.g. did you run feeds off the Voxen to the FOH mains?


When I tried playing through just one, I felt the piano sound wasn't satisfying. I wasn't expecting EV ZXa1 quality, but it fell short a bit much for my taste. But I've wondered if the advantage of stereo would compensate, such that the sound of two Voxen would get total piano satisfaction closer to the level of a single ZXa1. That is, maybe the tone still isn't as nice, but in terms of overall enjoyment, maybe that's balanced by the spaciousness and//or the ability to use stereo piano samples without the sonic compromises that can come with collapsing them to mono.

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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Hey Scott, a lot of questions 😂 But I’m happy to answer them 👍 In the attached video, you can have an idea of how I set the Voxen. They were basically just surrounding the SV2 and pointing at me. I put them on a small stand which I bought at Thomann. 

I think my bandmates were mostly hearing the keys from their own monitors. Maybe also just a little bit from the Voxen, but they surely are not powerful enough to be used as monitors for other band members, especially on larger stages. 

I was using only the SV2, directly plugged in the Voxen. I could easily use a second keyboard as there are 3 inputs on the Voxen, with each their own independent gain setup. 

The audience mostly heard me from the FOH.


Your problem with one single Vox is due to how the piano tone collapses in mono. I hear also the same when I’m just using one at rehearsal (even though it is not too bad)


With 2 Voxen in stereo, the piano sound is exactly as it should be, and very satisfying to play.


The drawback is of course that you have more stuff to setup 🤷‍♂️

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1 hour ago, jejefunkyman said:

Hey Scott, a lot of questions 😂 But I’m happy to answer them 👍 In the attached video, you can have an idea of how I set the Voxen. They were basically just surrounding the SV2 and pointing at me. I put them on a small stand which I bought at Thomann. 

Ah... you have them set up kind of like giant headphones!




Funny, that's one stereo setup I never even thought about! Thinking "Leslie," the most "unusual" stereo setup I've considered was to put them next to each other, angled apart. Not the most effective for other stereo sounds, though still possibly giving you some of the desired spaciousness, and possibly avoiding that piano-collapsing-to-mono issue.


1 hour ago, jejefunkyman said:

The drawback is of course that you have more stuff to setup 🤷‍♂️


Yeah. I've come up with lots of rigs that seem really appealing in my studio, but suddenly seem less so when it comes time to pack it all into the car.



Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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Yes to me that’s the most natural stereo monitoring setup 🤷‍♂️ How else would you do it?


I always put my monitor speaker on the side when I just have one, so I just thought ok, let’s put the second one on the other side 😂


 Regarding my comment for the setup, I think it’s not that bad actually because the Voxen and these little stands are really light. 

It was the first time I did it, so probably that’s the reason why I found it a bit more complex than usual.


I guess it’ll get better with time, as I get more used to it 😉

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