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Carry-On 88-Key Folding Piano

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LOL - I was just going to share a link to a local CraigsListing for the same thing. I've never seen these before either.




There was something at NAMM 2019 that looks like it plays a lot better.




Here for the gear.

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They"re all pieces of poop (referring to models like the one shared by the OP) - I get hammered with ads for them on FB and Amazon. They sound like crud, play like crud. Useless as controllers. But apparently they sell to potential beginners or as a cheap gift.

Yamaha CP88, Casio PX-560

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"They"re all pieces of poop (referring to models like the one shared by the OP)..."


I'm not personally commenting on the action as I haven't tried any of them but to say they are ALL poop seems odd.

Have you actually tried any by the way, - as you are dissing them...


"Useless as controllers" - you know this from trying them?


"They sound like crud" - interesting as I believe that (at least one) doesn't make any sound.....


"...or as a cheap gift." - $900 - cheap - well must be nice to be "Mr Moneybags"...


They seem like they might be an option for those whose lives cause them to travel about with limited luggage space. I expect in that situation most people won't expect a Steinway action...or a Chickering...


I may be wrong, but IMHO to totally disrespect something should only be based on personal experience or, of that of someone you totally trust.




Edit: - "I get hammered with ads for them on FB and Amazon" - you can get ad blockers you know - maybe this has coloured your response - who knows...

Edit2 - For clarity I am actually replying to "ElmerJFudd" not the OP.

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"The product I posted lists for $99 (ninety-nine dollars) not 900."


Yes but the other one was quoted at 900 - either way apparently they are all crud - apparently.....


Edit - Sorry I was replying to "ElmerJFudd" actually - as I quoted his response..

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They"re all pieces of poop (referring to models like the one shared by the OP) - I get hammered with ads for them on FB and Amazon. They sound like crud, play like crud. Useless as controllers. But apparently they sell to potential beginners or as a cheap gift.


my wife offered to buy this as a xmas gift.


I said No.


Socks and underwear are more useful

Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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They"re all pieces of poop (referring to models like the one shared by the OP) - I get hammered with ads for them on FB and Amazon. They sound like crud, play like crud. Useless as controllers. But apparently they sell to potential beginners or as a cheap gift.


my wife offered to buy this as a xmas gift.


I said No.


Socks and underwear are more useful


Yes you must "just say No"


I expect extra underwear comes in handy for some, at a certain time.


Perhaps "Elmer" would need some after tinkling on his Chickering....


Edit - I suppose he might poop some crud on it - he seems rather preoccupied with that.

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Further advice for Elmer - the ads you get trolled with on FB (why would you go there?) and Amazon (likewise) are usually based on some previous browsing behavior if your "cookie" settings are wrong - so the fact you see ads for "cheap crap" (IYNSHO) may be telling - you know like those ads for incontinence products etc - so I'm told...


On a genuinely serious note - any beginners who might be foolish enough to stray here might be a bit upset to see their "cheap" xmas pressie that their hard pressed parents had bought them without consulting "The Oracle" a.k.a ElmerJFudd, (who presumably has a team of minions to move his Chickering when he nips away for the weekend), described as crap, a tad disconcerting. As I said previously as one of those referenced is not exactly "cheap", unless you aren't hard pressed financially, it might be seen as a bizarre comment.


I may have been unfair to assume that Elmer doesn't find taking his Chickering for a weekend tricky, well he might be able to fold it for travel, if he has a chainsaw and an angle grinder - shouldn't affect the tone too much.....


Also, I do hope that the gentleman who started the "Piano de Voyage" (it's French - from a place called "France" in "Europe" across the "pond" from where most of those here seem to reside) after being inspired by personal experience, doesn't feel you might have damaged his business with your "x spurt" review.


Before any other wise sage assumes that I'm a rude young "newbie", I'll enlighten you, I'm actually (just) in my 6th decade and have seen a bit of life in that time and I'm only rude when I think it warrants it.


I have been browsing this site for quite some years and had a previous login which I cancelled after reading a range of fractious exchanges between some "x spurts" on some pointless bollocks.


When I cancelled it, I was told by Dave that he was surprised I didn't think it was a very friendly place - some might like to take a step back and look at the threads - such class! So friendly! Not.

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Wow, "deldor". Chill, man. Just chill.

Ludwig van Beethoven:  “To play a wrong note is insignificant; to play without passion is inexcusable.”

My Rig: Yamaha MOXF8 (used mostly for acoustic piano voices); Motion Sound KP-612SX & SL-512;  Apple iPad Pro (5th Gen, M1 chip);  Apple MacBook Pro 2021 (M1 Max chip).

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So friendly! Not.

Chronology (condensed):

  • Morrisey posts an ad for a dubious product
  • Fudd offers a cynical sweeping generalization about such things, attacking the product.
  • Deldor launches into multiple posts attacking Fudd.

At least we can agree that there's someone in this series being unfriendly.

-Tom Williams

{First Name} {at} AirNetworking {dot} com

PC4-7, PX-5S, AX-Edge, PC361


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So friendly! Not.

Chronology (condensed):

  • Morrisey posts an ad for a dubious product
  • Fudd offers a cynical sweeping generalization about such things, attacking the product.
  • Deldor launches into multiple posts attacking Fudd.

At least we can agree that there's someone in this series being unfriendly.


Oh dear! I really suspect responding will be a waste of time but I'll give it a go...


Now, put your reading glasses on and actually READ what I wrote....


Are you sitting comfortably?


"Chronology (condensed):"


Yes Tom, you (conveniently?) missed the point about the other products referenced, before Fudds stupid sweeping trash of products he pompously assumes to be "poop" - perhaps I misunderstand, perhaps he is actually a silly child - I mean he did say "poop", right?


"for a dubious product..."


Yes I see what you did there...

Clearly you have tested this product and judged the suitability for the intended customer demographic, probably not young Fudd, or yourself, no?


I mean, I hope the people who make these products don't consider a description of "dubious" to be a suggestion that their products aren't "fit for purpose" in some way.




"... multiple posts...attacking Fudd..."



So let's have a look shall we...



Exhibit One:

"They"re all pieces of poop (referring to models like the one shared by the OP)..."


I'm not personally commenting on the action as I haven't tried any of them but to say they are ALL poop seems odd.

Have you actually tried any by the way, - as you are dissing them...


"Useless as controllers" - you know this from trying them?


"They sound like crud" - interesting as I believe that (at least one) doesn't make any sound.....


"...or as a cheap gift." - $900 - cheap - well must be nice to be "Mr Moneybags"...


They seem like they might be an option for those whose lives cause them to travel about with limited luggage space. I expect in that situation most people won't expect a Steinway action...or a Chickering...


I may be wrong, but IMHO to totally disrespect something should only be based on personal experience or, of that of someone you totally trust.




Edit: - "I get hammered with ads for them on FB and Amazon" - you can get ad blockers you know - maybe this has coloured your response - who knows...

Edit2 - For clarity I am actually replying to "ElmerJFudd" not the OP.




Kindly explain to the jury where Mr deldor has made a "personal attack" on Mr Fudd here please.


I suspect that the jury might consider "Mr Moneybags" as a humorous reference. YMMV.



Exhibit Two:

They"re all pieces of poop (referring to models like the one shared by the OP) - I get hammered with ads for them on FB and Amazon. They sound like crud, play like crud. Useless as controllers. But apparently they sell to potential beginners or as a cheap gift.


my wife offered to buy this as a xmas gift.


I said No.


Socks and underwear are more useful


Yes you must "just say No"


I expect extra underwear comes in handy for some, at a certain time.


Perhaps "Elmer" would need some after tinkling on his Chickering....


Edit - I suppose he might poop some crud on it - he seems rather preoccupied with that.



I accept that you probably consider this as a "personal attack" - it was intended as what us silly old Brits call gently "taking the mickey" - perhaps as an American (which I, perhaps naively, assumed you to be) you are unable to "get" that - I mean you guys think Monty Python is actually funny, right?


Never mind, someone had to I suppose.



Exhibit Three:


Further advice for Elmer - the ads you get trolled with on FB (why would you go there?) and Amazon (likewise) are usually based on some previous browsing behavior if your "cookie" settings are wrong - so the fact you see ads for "cheap crap" (IYNSHO) may be telling - you know like those ads for incontinence products etc - so I'm told...


On a genuinely serious note - any beginners who might be foolish enough to stray here might be a bit upset to see their "cheap" xmas pressie that their hard pressed parents had bought them without consulting "The Oracle" a.k.a ElmerJFudd, (who presumably has a team of minions to move his Chickering when he nips away for the weekend), described as crap, a tad disconcerting. As I said previously as one of those referenced is not exactly "cheap", unless you aren't hard pressed financially, it might be seen as a bizarre comment.


I may have been unfair to assume that Elmer doesn't find taking his Chickering for a weekend tricky, well he might be able to fold it for travel, if he has a chainsaw and an angle grinder - shouldn't affect the tone too much.....


Also, I do hope that the gentleman who started the "Piano de Voyage" (it's French - from a place called "France" in "Europe" across the "pond" from where most of those here seem to reside) after being inspired by personal experience, doesn't feel you might have damaged his business with your "x spurt" review.


Before any other wise sage assumes that I'm a rude young "newbie", I'll enlighten you, I'm actually (just) in my 6th decade and have seen a bit of life in that time and I'm only rude when I think it warrants it.


I have been browsing this site for quite some years and had a previous login which I cancelled after reading a range of fractious exchanges between some "x spurts" on some pointless bollocks.


When I cancelled it, I was told by Dave that he was surprised I didn't think it was a very friendly place - some might like to take a step back and look at the threads - such class! So friendly! Not.


Yet again Mr Tom, you have concentrated on what you perceive as a "personal attack" - the jury may note a little frustration in the tone it is true - but might also notice that, which Mr Tom has yet again failed to address in his reply, namely that despite the fact that Mr deldor did offer some genuine advice with regard to ad spamming, as I believe he also finds such things annoying.


He also made a point about how one product so, potentially fallaciously, dismissed as "poop" or "crud" (Piano de Voyage) by Mr Fudd, would appear to have essentially been launched by one individual.


Perhaps Mr Tom might, therefore, consider the description of his (untested by Mr Fudd at the time of his "review"?) product, as a personal attack.


Who knows? YMMV.


Mr Tom has also, of course, totally ignored any actual points made by Mr deldor........


Anyway, in conclusion M' Lud, I would suggest Mr Tom might like to learn to read a little more carefully, or not be such a sensitive little "pooper" (I expect that description is ok as it was used by HRH and Greatness and Font of All Knowledge - "Fudd")


I'm probably :deadhorse: here...


Done now - quite chilled (for the gentleman above who was concerned).


Over and out.



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"They"re all pieces of poop (referring to models like the one shared by the OP)..."


I'm not personally commenting on the action as I haven't tried any of them but to say they are ALL poop seems odd.

Have you actually tried any by the way, - as you are dissing them...


referring to models like the one shared by the OP

Yamaha CP88, Casio PX-560

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Deldor, please know that I hold no hostility toward you. I apologize for seeing the product and commenting in a shallow manner. I"ll elaborate. As a player and teacher of the piano keyboard I cannot recommend this product to a student because:


1. It is not velocity sensitive. All notes play the same volume regardless of how hard you strike the keys.

2. There is no attempt to replicate the swing of a piano"s hammer mechanism.

3. The keys press straight down, there is no balance point or fulcrum. The keys play like the keys on a computer keyboard.

4. The speaker system is very small and these tend to distort very easily when volume is set to full.


Now of the bunch - there are a lot of these on the market right now - This CarryOn88 looks like the best quality of the bunch in build, rechargeable battery, pedal input and headphone jack. I was surprised on closer inspection to see that it does have a mini USB connector to function as a class compliant midi input device to computer, though no 5pin midi ports. The market is full of little midi controllers much better features, with velocity sensitive keys and pads and other additional midi controllers like pitch and mod wheel, specific software integration developed by the manufacturer.


Hopefully a more helpful reply than it"s 'poop'. Sorry about that again. I guess I was a little edgy after another day in our covid lives.



Yamaha CP88, Casio PX-560

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Deldor, please know that I hold no hostility toward you. I apologize for seeing the product and commenting in a shallow manner................





:clap::clap: Bravo ElmerJFudd! :clap: :clap:




Kurzweil Forte, Yamaha Motif ES7, Muse Receptor 2 Pro Max, Neo Ventilator
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Hello Elmer, thankyou for your reply.


"They"re all pieces of poop (referring to models like the one shared by the OP)..."


I'm not personally commenting on the action as I haven't tried any of them but to say they are ALL poop seems odd.

Have you actually tried any by the way, - as you are dissing them...


referring to models like the one shared by the OP


Unfortunately there were 2 others (including the "Piano de Voyage") referenced by posters before your reply - I think many would have thought you were referring to all of them from the tone of your post. I wish to make absolutely clear that I have no vested interest in it, lest anyone thinks otherwise.


Deldor, please know that I hold no hostility toward you. I apologize for seeing the product and commenting in a shallow manner. I"ll elaborate. As a player and teacher of the piano keyboard I cannot recommend this product to a student because:


1. It is not velocity sensitive. All notes play the same volume regardless of how hard you strike the keys.

2. There is no attempt to replicate the swing of a piano"s hammer mechanism.

3. The keys press straight down, there is no balance point or fulcrum. The keys play like the keys on a computer keyboard.

4. The speaker system is very small and these tend to distort very easily when volume is set to full.


Now of the bunch - there are a lot of these on the market right now - This CarryOn88 looks like the best quality of the bunch in build, rechargeable battery, pedal input and headphone jack. I was surprised on closer inspection to see that it does have a mini USB connector to function as a class compliant midi input device to computer, though no 5pin midi ports. The market is full of little midi controllers much better features, with velocity sensitive keys and pads and other additional midi controllers like pitch and mod wheel, specific software integration developed by the manufacturer.


Hopefully a more helpful reply than it"s 'poop'. Sorry about that again. I guess I was a little edgy after another day in our covid lives.




I didn't imagine you did intend any offence to me, as we hadn't interacted.....


I am fully aware of all the points you make about the CarryOn88.




1. Quite obviously not, that doesn't necessarily make it of no use to all people though.


I don't think the intended, or targeted, market is a serious piano student somehow!


More a bit of fun, easily packed away by those with limited living space (a common thing these days), and at the price point, a possible way for a parent or grandparent to see if their child/grandchild has any interest in a keyboard instrument. My niece, now 22 years was a case in point from my own experience. Admittedly she did end up with a violin, which she plays today!


2. Again obviously not, but, as 1.


3. Ditto


4. Possibly, but not necessarily so, and as you stated it does have a headphone socket, but again, it's obvious really, and unless you have heard it, or have been given first hand feedback about it, not really that pertinent. IMHO.


Regarding the other features, most people are happy with a Class Compliant USB MIDI device, I don't expect they intend to market it to those wishing to connect to an original DIN MIDI computer interface, classic synth, or a module with only a 5 pin DIN Input somehow! Lol!


It's true that Mod and Pitch would have been good, but I expect the form factor would have made that difficult.


Regarding software, well I'm sure you are fully aware that with a Class Compliant USB MIDI board, that doesn't really matter one jot, with (quite a few!) bits of free software, and with a suitable USB Camera Connector can even be connected to the ubiquitous iPhone or iPad, which kids might find fun.


I agree, there are many other small inexpensive controllers that will have Velocity Sensitivity, Mod, Pitch etc. and will be better suited, but might be a space issue, for which that one, might be somewhat better possibly.


I understand that as a piano teacher that is rightly your focus, but as you obviously know, the world is a different place now and not many people, certainly here in the UK have room for an acoustic piano.

I also agree that if an acoustic is not an option, then very clearly the CarryOn88 doesn't fit the bill for a serious student!


BTW - my comments about your quite rare Chickering, and a method of folding it up, were just a bit of a wind-up, genuinely intended as a bit of fun...I can't imagine anyone would be tempted to try it, hopefully!


I think I was possibly a bit more concerned that the comments you made originally would be taken to apply to all 3 of the devices referenced by 3 posters inc. the CarryOn88, and that, as I mentioned, might be somewhat crushing to a kid or financially pressed parent who had acquired, or was intending to acquire one, over the forthcoming festive period.


Anyway, thank you for being generous enough to respond, and if I offended you then I apologise, that certainly wasn't my original intention.

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I think common sense should prevail here â is it not obvious when you see a product like this, with it's marketing aimed squarely at the beginner/hobbyist and a price point to match, what you're dealing with? What are you expecting for these prices? Plus, I can only imagine being that French guy spending time developing & building this product, paying for a NAMM booth and the expenses to travel there, etc. and to see his labor of love mentioned in a thread with other "poopy" products! His keyboard doesn't seem to be anything like the other ones described here. As far as those: for around $200 I would certainly not expect these cheaper guys to hold up as part of a touring rig, but the concept of a foldable 88-key keyboard I could bring to a local gig or jam session is pretty intriguing. I could care less about built-in sounds as I'd be connecting to my laptop. I'm also fine with an unweighted action though key travel distance and the evenness of the velocity response would be important to know before buying. I would only bring it to said local gigs to play a piano plugin, so no need for mod wheels, pitch bend or other controllers although a slider that sent CC #7 might be nice. I could always attach my nanoKontrol to it if I wanted more options in that department.


So, yes, cheap Chinese plastic product but if you understand and can live with the trade-offs, and are gentle with it, it might just be a cool & handy thing to have around in certain circumstances. I know I'll never carry a weighted 88-key controller to a gig ever again â but maybe I'll want to try a few gigs with more than my usual 61-key guy. This isn't on my list of "things I must have right away" but I'll be interested in seeing any reports from actual pro players that have tried them.

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Deldor, I was going to ask how your quarantine was going, but I think we know the answer.


Yes it's a bit, um...weird here at the moment.


I'm in a "Tier 2" area but that's just in the present hour, what it might be tomorrow, or the day after, or next week, or at Christmas, or the New Year, or, or, or and what that might allow - who the hell knows?.................. Most people haven't got a clue what the "rules" are now anyway. Feel like we might be being screwed here, actually.


Thanks for asking.

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Here in Greece we've just had our very tight lockdown extended until 7 January, so count your blessings! Rules are clear and enforced - you're only allowed out with a mask to supermarkets, doctor/pharmacist or for exercise, and a curfew 9:00pm until 5:00am. Is that jingle bells I hear? Nah!
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Here in Greece we've just had our very tight lockdown extended until 7 January, so count your blessings! Rules are clear and enforced - you're only allowed out with a mask to supermarkets, doctor/pharmacist or for exercise, and a curfew 9:00pm until 5:00am. Is that jingle bells I hear? Nah!


Hi Sospiri,


Genuinely sorry to hear that.


The difference here, I guess, is that things change daily, are for many, quite extraordinary given the official facts, which have been blatantly "changed" to justify the utterly and quite ludicrous "rules" which may, or may not, be legal.


Businesses are told they can open with tight restrictions one day and told another day they can't.


Large chains can open, selling goods which are identical goods sold by an independently owned store (which has passed all the regulations relating to "covid" precautions) but which in some cases, have been brutally "closed" by the local constabulary.


Pubs in "Tier" areas that can open, can only sell alcohol with a "substantial meal", which is not actually defined what that is and nor has any actual justification been given as to how a "substantial meal" makes any difference to how the "virus" moves about.... On one occasion a Scotch Egg was mentioned as being a substantial meal for some, and a g*vernm#nt minister said is was ok. The constabulary in some areas have decided it isn't (tell me how they decide what the law is against those actually making it) and tried to close pubs and fine them!


In Wales most (it may be all - I just don't know anymore) pubs can't sell any alcohol at all - in a, you know - pub.


Scotland is different again, but I haven't a clue what the rules there are.


Some kinds of, it must be said, "controversial" protests have been totally ignored by the constabulary in London, and others by, in some cases quite elderly people, have been crushed brutally in a way that has shocked people here in the UK.


This is not what happens in the UK, until now....


Again MSM report these in a way that is blatantly untrue, footage on Youtube and others proves this. Some has now been removed from Youtube with no explanation. It is an offence to even mention on social media, a concern about vaccines by those who have, it must be said, always taken vaccines in the past, but are concerned about the current situation.


There is a pub in Kent (Tier3) which cannot open at all, but a pub literally across the street, in West Sussex (Tier 2) can....Go figure, as they say!


I have heard small business owners on Talk Radio in tears saying they won't survive. No-one "official" is taking into account the shocking number of suicides, known about by people in local areas but completely unreported by MSM, such as the BBC....


Masks, well...


I fail (as do eminent scientists described as "outliers" by "some") to see how a mask worn for hours and soaked in the exhalations of the wearer, constantly touched and fiddled with, the wearer then handles and puts back goods on shop shelves, and depriving the wearer of vital oxygen, be healthy against not wearing one, is unbelievable.


We are bombarded every 15 mins or so, on radio programs, with "official" and chillingly voiced, "infomercials" about covid. I have come very, very close to smashing my iPad, which I often use to listen to radio programs online, on many occasions. We are being tortured.


The latest says people must open windows to let the virus "particles" out! That is complete and utter BS!


Currently where I am in the south of England the temperature outside is 4.5 C.


I wonder how many elderly (who are told they should sit near the open window) will die of hypothermia?


I apologise for this ramble and I guess it might be removed, but I genuinely fear what might be in-store for us in the not too distant future.


As you say "Jingle Bells" Nah - Santa is self isolating apparently..


Good wishes for the future.

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I know I'll never carry a weighted 88-key controller to a gig ever again â but maybe I'll want to try a few gigs with more than my usual 61-key guy. This isn't on my list of "things I must have right away" but I'll be interested in seeing any reports from actual pro players that have tried them.

I wonder about their playability on a stand, as opposed to on a table, i.e. where you're not necessarrily providing support at their folding/linkage points.

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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This key mechanism is lacking as a musically expressive instrument - even if just used as a controller for better sounding software instruments. For me, and all are free to disagree, I can see this being useful as a note input device for music notation software like Sibelius, Finale, Dorico, etc. but 88 of these keys? Why? It"s not a piano, you wouldn"t play piano rep on it. Why do we need 88 of these buttons? If compact and lightweight was the goal. One or two sections with an octave +/- button would do the trick and be smaller, lighter, more portable. And in that size, 25, 49 keys, there are plenty others to choose from that have much more playable actions. For note input I use a CME XKey. It also has a non-traditional key mechanism. But they decided to give it velocity and after touch for expression.

Yamaha CP88, Casio PX-560

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This key mechanism is lacking as a musically expressive instrument - even if just used as a controller for better sounding software instruments. For me, and all are free to disagree, I can see this being useful as a note input device for music notation software like Sibelius, Finale, Dorico, etc. but 88 of these keys? Why? It"s not a piano, you wouldn"t play piano rep on it. Why do we need 88 of these buttons? If compact and lightweight was the goal. One or two sections with an octave +/- button would do the trick and be smaller, lighter, more portable. And in that size, 25, 49 keys, there are plenty others to choose from that have much more playable actions. For note input I use a CME XKey. It also has a non-traditional key mechanism. But they decided to give it velocity and after touch for expression.

I hope you'll be apologizing for this needlessly informative post.

Now out! "Mind the Gap," a 24-song album of new material.

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This key mechanism is lacking as a musically expressive instrument - even if just used as a controller for better sounding software instruments. For me, and all are free to disagree, I can see this being useful as a note input device for music notation software like Sibelius, Finale, Dorico, etc. but 88 of these keys? Why? It"s not a piano, you wouldn"t play piano rep on it. Why do we need 88 of these buttons? If compact and lightweight was the goal. One or two sections with an octave +/- button would do the trick and be smaller, lighter, more portable. And in that size, 25, 49 keys, there are plenty others to choose from that have much more playable actions. For note input I use a CME XKey. It also has a non-traditional key mechanism. But they decided to give it velocity and after touch for expression.

I hope you'll be apologizing for this needlessly informative post.



Heck no. :laugh: I didn"t call anything poop! :lolol:

Yamaha CP88, Casio PX-560

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