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Corona Virus thread

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Canadian border shutting down Wednesday.


US citizens excempt from ban "for the moment"

At a press conference this morning, Ontario's chief medical officer linked the US with China and Iran as major source countries for corona virus dissemination in Ontario. Our Trumpian provincial premier (think state governor) harrumphed at the same presser about closing the border to all Americans other than truckers and necessary business types. Later in the day, when asked about shutting down our southern border, our Prime Minister equivocated and said that everything was on the table. He'd been talking to Trump just before he addressed the media.

"The more a man looks at a thing, the less he can see it, and the more a man learns a thing, the less he knows it."

--G.K. Chesterton.  A lazy rationalization for not practising as much as I should

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I've seen a couple times now from apparent experts (if there is such a thing) that the virus cannot survive in weather over 80 - 83 degrees.

The last couple days here have been around that. Maybe that will help get rid of it in the wild.


Normally, I would not be all that concerned. I'm of the age where my immune system has had a lot of practice.

But, with all the chemo my wife has experienced, her immune system is non-existent. Her oncologist has indicated that she is very high risk.

So I have to be careful that I don't pass it to her.



I've had to climb into the caregiver saddle myself, so I sympathize with this double-whammy effect on both of you. The viral wave was way down the list of things you needed. I had a friend rise out of her chemo and hit the deck again, so take heart. Its a wretched experience, but the tools have been fine-tuned for quite a while, with surprising effectiveness. The use of leeches is pretty far back in the rear-view mirror. :laugh:

Absurdity, n. A statement or belief manifestly inconsistent with one's own opinion.
    ~ "The Devil's Dictionary," Ambrose Bierce

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Just read South Korea the outbreak is small because the government as soon as the news of the first people in China to get the virus government had a biotech company start working on a test kit. They didn't even have a sample yet they use AI with the information that had been published. The have setup drive-thru testing locations to check all their citizens. Also in Africa I believe Nigeria at biotech company their in two weeks created a test kit that works and inexpensive to manufacture.


The main issue I get from the articles is how long and expensive tests are the ones mentioned above only take minutes and inexpensive. The testing being used in US at this point takes days to get the results and can cost $400 or more for the test. This is really sad.

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I'm still goin in to work tomorrow. I work in a microchip fabrication plant, we're producing chips that will end up being put into an actual cell phone months in the future. Its a large place, I'd say there are over 100 daily workers in the plant. They've told all office workers or anyone who doesn't work directly on or supporting the production line to stay home, however they aren't stopping production at this point. Its worth noting that we are in a clean room while we're working and wearing gloves, face masks, safety glasses, and head to toe suits, all with the original intent of preventing any particles that could come from our bodies (from hair all the way down to breath condensation) from entering the air in the plant. In theory, this would mean an environment that has a low risk of transmission. However, that doesn't help with breaks, and the fact that people are taking the gloves off that they're working in with no hand wash station around, and putting their sweaty mitts all over everything. I've seen colds and flus go around the workforce in record time before. Starting tomorrow, depending on where/who we work with we have to enter and exit through specific doors and have a temperature scan each time we enter the building. That means in the morning we'll all be lining up together outside at the same time... At the moment there are no confirmed cases in my county, however there are also no test kits. There's 150+ cases in the state and I have to assume its circulating around undetected at this point, considering the lack of testing generally being done. I get the feeling that my workplace will shut down for nothing less than a direct government mandate stopping all business. I'm only 28, but there are three people in their 60s in my work group alone, and the workforce tends more towards middle aged (read: higher risk than myself) individuals. I feel like I'm part of a science experiment and I don't like it.
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Just read because the coronavirus is killing the stock market Apple is talking about buying Disney. Pretty slimy move to take advantage of a pandemic like that, but what a nightmare Apple owning Disney and all their properties.

The market is approaching a bottoming out point. You will see many opportunities for those with money to invest. It is not "slimy" or "a nightmare" unless you are biased against Apple. It is merely how the stock market factors into business and investing. Another way to look at that specific situation is that Disney could go bankrupt if not salvaged by one of a number of entities in a capable position to do so. In light of what is taking place and the topic of this thread Apple owning Disney is not the end of the world.

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In MO, 170 people have been tested and 164 came back negative. The 6 positive cases are self quarantine - I haven't heard that any are serious. Schools are all cancelled and gatherings of 50 or more are prohibited.. Yet I go to the grocery store and people are packed in like sardines fingering all of the carts, produce, etc. I think going to the grocery store is more dangerous now than it was before all of the precautions were put in place, which is something most people do far more often than go out to eat.


It's hard on musicians and people in the service industry, but I really feel bad for the people who have to cancel a wedding they've planned for 2 years. They don't even have the option to make sure people just are smart and take precautions so they can still have their wedding. Most of the time it takes at least a year to reserve the hall and all the other preparations, not to mention homeymoon plans. Can you imagine after years of planning having to cancel your special day and start over planning a couple years down the road?


On one hand I understand all of the precautions and in a lot of places and situations it makes sense, and many of the precautions have to be put in place because people are just stupid and refuse to take it seriously and be responsible. But I also don't feel like one size fits all and in a place with low population density and little to no cases, especially involving people who haven't travelled and take the right precautions, there should be exceptions.



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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I was at Costco a couple of days ago and the people that just have to touch and turn every rotisserie chicken looking for The One were still touching and turning every rotisserie chicken on the shelf.


Just last night, the woman in front of me at the grocery store check out decided she didn't want to buy the 2 bangs of white grapes she had in her cart, so the checker put them with the other items to be restocked. So after who knows how many people touched them to begin with, she puts them in her cart, the checker touches them, a stock person will touch them, and there they'll sit for the next person to get and have touched by another checker and bagged before taking home to their family, all while standing in a store packed so tight with people that it's impossible to practice any kind of "social distancing". But I can't sit at a table in a restaurant where the next table is 10 feet away.



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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It"s a global heath crisis, Dan. Sacrifices are made for the greater good. At the start of this crisis, it was reasonable to think if you haven"t traveled to China or been in contact with those who have, you were safe. That has changed.


Your narrative about the grapes illustrates the need to change behaviors perfectly AND going to a restaurant is not safe either. Exceptions to rules and preventative measures in healthcare is how people get sick.

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It"s amazing how quickly things are moving here. 24 hours ago I was preparing a cricket team for a finals campaign and a football team for a pre-season trial match. In addition I was at a conference where I had 20 face-to-face meetings lined up.


All of this has now been cancelled/postponed. I"m not complaining and am happy to comply (as if I have an option anyway) but goodness me it feels very strange.


I see a lot of music practice in my immediate future!

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How bad, and how quickly, this ramps up depends on whether this has been spreading asymptomatically. If it has, then any of those "healthy" people in those packed stores could already have spread it widely. All those people coming back and crammed together in the airport...yep. All those hundreds of thousands of people a day from everywhere that up until yesterday were roaming theme parks here in Orlando.... With a 2 to 14 day period before symptoms start up, we may not know for a while longer.


Heck despite my precautions and working from home, I have two workers in my kitchen installing cabinets...those cabinets have been in the garage already for a couple months and they will be ruined if not installed. Calculated risk to go through with this kitchen project, couldn't ask for a worse time. I'm staying away from them and will use gloves and disinfectant on areas they have been near, after they are gone. However, if they have it and especially if it's more "airborne" then them just being in my house could be all it takes, worst case.


Thought it was interesting, when they spoke to my wife this morning they said they'd normally have another person but he got called up by the national guard over the coronavirus. Not sure where or what he'd be doing, Florida is lagging behind the rest of the country in cases and in lockdowns....

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Here at work we have one big room with at least 750 people in it. They've been stressing the scope of the pandemic, and making sure we are doing all we can to try to prevent it from spreading. They sanitized the entire building this past weekend, and every day they're sending more and more people to work from home.


I tried myself Friday, but my computer was not quite fast enough. I just ordered a new one that more than exceeds the minimums, but it will be next week before I get it. By then I may be one of the only people left in the building,


We just got the notification that my church is cancelling all meetings and services, and will be sending the message through Livestream.


My wife is scheduled to help out answering phones at her hairdresser Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. That may cancel, and the majority of the patrons are older people that could be at risk.


As of now, my gig this weekend is a go, but that may change as it's at the Cocoa Beach Pier.


Just yesterday we got the first reported case in Brevard County, Florida.


Everyone just be careful, and stay safe

"In the beginning, Adam had the blues, 'cause he was lonesome.

So God helped him and created woman.


Now everybody's got the blues."


Willie Dixon






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The attitude of, well, people in MY neighborhood aren't dropping dead yet, so what's to worry, is how we got where we are right now. What's really alarming to me is how many people are still out there playing this down like it's no big deal, or that it's a big deal is some places but not others. There's a very close correlation between those folks and the current trend towards distrusting scientists and experts. As in, they're just a bunch of eggheads who go to conferences and hatch plots against . . . whoever, because that's what "experts" do.


Think about the profound perniciousness of a threat that can disable the only people capable of mitigating it --doctors, nurses, and health care workers. The gravity of that is mind-boggling.

Gigging: Crumar Mojo 61, Hammond SKPro

Home: Vintage Vibe 64


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Think about the profound perniciousness of a threat that can disable the only people capable of mitigating it --doctors, nurses, and health care workers. The gravity of that is mind-boggling.

Indeed it is.


How's this for mind-boggling: my wife tells me that one of her co-workers is way sick...but doesn't want to go to the doctor because then she'd the be one with the plague. Seriously. This lady even suggested that she was thinking about coming in to work to get her computer. :pop:


Another one of their employees just called in sick this morning, so I figure my wife's days of working may be about done.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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I just saw a great tweet by Max Brooks, Mel Brooks' son, about social distancing.


"If I get the coronavirus, I'll probably be OK," Max Brooks said. "But if I give it to him, he could give it to Carl Reiner, who could give it to Dick Van Dyke and before I know it, I've wiped out a whole generation of comedic legends."

"In the beginning, Adam had the blues, 'cause he was lonesome.

So God helped him and created woman.


Now everybody's got the blues."


Willie Dixon






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The attitude of, well, people in MY neighborhood aren't dropping dead yet, so what's to worry, is how we got where we are right now. What's really alarming to me is how many people are still out there playing this down like it's no big deal, or that it's a big deal is some places but not others. There's a very close correlation between those folks and the current trend towards distrusting scientists and experts. As in, they're just a bunch of eggheads who go to conferences and hatch plots against . . . whoever, because that's what "experts" do.


Think about the profound perniciousness of a threat that can disable the only people capable of mitigating it --doctors, nurses, and health care workers. The gravity of that is mind-boggling.


My thoughts exactly.


Here is some advice from Italians to themselves ten days ago. If you look at infection trends, the US and Canada are about in line with Italy, maybe even slightly ahead. Just stay home.




Another good article about the delayed effect of social distancing.


The COVID-19 cases appearing today are a snapshot of infections that happened about two weeks ago.


It takes about five days for symptoms to appear and another six or seven days for people to become sick enough to seek medical help.


So the cases being counted now were infected in the first few days of March.


And because it takes about 16 days for an infected person to get critically ill, experts predict Canadians can expect to see severe cases ending up in Canada's intensive care units in the next few days.


"In the next two weeks, even though we've put these controls in place, we're going to see an increase in the number of confirmed cases and probably an increase in the number of severe cases," said Dr. David Buckeridge, a professor of epidemiology, biostatistics and public health at McGill University.


The measures we take today save lives in two to three weeks. Watch the video of the Italians' advice again if you're unsure.

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Here in Crete (Greece), the supermarkets were limiting admission by ticket and we had to wait for two to come out before we could gain admission. In the AB (Greek chain) the queues to the cash tills had markers on the floor and you had to stand on the marker and had to wait for the marker in front of you to clear before you could move closer to the till. It makes good sense. We live in a small Greek rural village where everywhere is very quiet and we keep a low profile and obey the handwashing rules etc. As we are both oldies, we have no wish to leave this earth too soon! All except food shops and pharmacies are closed - bars, tavernas, and all other shops cloed. Stay safe my friends.
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I'm living in one of the hot spots in Washington -- Snohomish. We've had one set of restrictions or another for 2+ weeks and life eventually gets into a different groove after a while. Folks in our area are fairly civil. Financially, I worry most about people whose incomes have evaporated. (My son.)


My church gig, almost needless to say, is done for the next few months. Our church is live streaming with minimal music and musicians. The MDs right now are taking the lead in order to keep headcount and contact down.


If we learned one thing out here, it's keep COVID-19 out of the nursing homes and other care facilities for the elderly. Many deaths and active cases are directly attributed to just two facilities that are hit hard. Too many hot-spots like that will overwhelm the local hospitals and staff.


Stay healthy and, er, distant -- pj

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Lack of widespread access to testing is positively criminal. It's the only effective way for anyone to know whether they're at risk of infecting the people around them, and for some reason it's incredibly difficult to get tested. Even with a doctor's recommendation and confirmation of contact with someone who is COVID-19 positive I know people personally who have had to try for most of a week to cut through layers of bureaucracy to get tested. I don't see this as solid leadership. It looks like a reactionary approach more concerned about impact on the economy than on individuals, somehow failing to recognize that the two are inextricably interconnected. It's extremely likely we'll be following in Italy's footsteps before long.

Acoustic: Shigeru Kawai SK-7 ~ Breedlove C2/R

MIDI: Kurzweil Forte ~ Sequential Prophet X ~ Yamaha CP88 ~ Expressive E Osmose

Electric: Schecter Solo Custom Exotic ~ Chapman MLB1 Signature Bass

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This thread could be a valuable source of information. Given the weird times, I'm trying to be a bit less "letter of the law"...but I've just had to do a bit of editing to keep the thread from going off track. :argue:


I really do not want to moderate political discussion. At all. :redwall:


Please...refrain from any comments that could take this discussion in that direction. :nono:







:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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It looks like I was a bit prophetic. I found out this afternoon that the Cocoa Beach Pier is closing for 30 days. That's 2 gigs.


Good news, though. My new computer that will allow me to work from home should be here Thursday, so I'll go into work Friday, and finish at home.


My church has cancelled all services, and has closed both buildings. My Thursday Bible Study Home Group is going to try doing a Zoom Video Conference, so we can benefit from the fellowship, without any contact.


Taking this very seriously.

"In the beginning, Adam had the blues, 'cause he was lonesome.

So God helped him and created woman.


Now everybody's got the blues."


Willie Dixon






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One thing I have noticed is the click-bating for supplies. There are pseudo-news stories with headlines indicating where to find highly sought items. Of course they are sold out quickly if there ever were any on the other end of the link to begin with. If these were sincere efforts to get needed items to people the effectiveness and usefulness of such things is questionable. Do any organizations have integrity anymore? Let's run a public service announcement and take advantage of people at the same time.
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