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Rise Of Skywalker

Dave Bryce

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Rise of Skywalker has been the central question for my family this holiday season. My kids grew up with Star Wars, and every holiday season, if a new Star Wars movie is released, we catch it. However, they are getting older and this year, there was some push-back. #8 had not gone down too well with everyone. After some debate, we have agreed to give it a shot. I obtained tickets for a show tomorrow morning.


Personally, I am pumped. In some fashion, I hope Odysseus comes home. It's not fair to expect them to suture up every plot-point, but hopefully there will be enough context to wrap up the saga with a bow.



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After some debate, we have agreed to give it a shot. I obtained tickets for a show tomorrow morning.


I think you'll enjoy it. If my son (when he visits next week) wants to see it, we'll go. Even though I was disappointed by it's constant dish of nostalgia, it's not boring - and just zips right along. Things were wrapping up before I knew it.


My daughter is much more interested in Dwayne Johnson :D so we saw Jumanji The Next Level when she visited. That's another good choice for family - she was constantly laughing throughout.


I'm sure both movies will do well. This year is a great one for family cinema during the holidays.


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Ditto on John Williams! The first Star Wars movie I saw was Empire Strikes Back. While I enjoyed the story immensely, it was the music that truly inspired.

Actually wanted to be a movie score writer after that, but alas, that never happened.



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Indeed!! Even now, after too many viewings to count, that opening chord still give mes "goosebumps". Up there among the best soundtrack themes ever I reckon!

There is no luck - luck is simply the confluence of circumstance and co-incidence...


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Okay, I've seen the movie. I will refrain from detailed discussion until more have had a chance to see it, but I will say this much:


1) It is easily the best of the recent trilogy. Arguably better than #1-3. #4-6...we'll talk about that later. Go see it.

2) Sadly, I can't hum or whistle any new music from this one. Williams has done a very good job of supporting the movie, but nothing stood out and, frankly, so much of his work was buried under the sound of explosions, gunfire, and other mayhem that I'm not sure we had a proper chance to hear what he had to offer. Maybe someone will upload the soundtrack to YouTube. I have the original vinyl soundtrack album from the first (aka #4, bought new, thank you very much!) movie and could gladly sit and wallow in that music for any number of reasons: nostalgia, musical genius, etc. Until I've heard Williams's current music as a standalone effort, I'll withhold judgement.

3) Those who say the movie looks good are correct. It's a visual feast...but so is every other "superhero" movie these days (and make no mistake, this is a superhero movie), so I can't honestly say that it's above the norm in that category. The soundtrack? Okay, like many others here my hearing isn't what it once was, but dammit, 20% of the dialog was buried or indistinct. I have other family members whose hearing hasn't been subjected to the same abuse that mine has, and they agree that there are passages that are simply not clear. And, at least in my theater, it was too loud. Yes, some of this is undoubtedly "get off my lawn" old-fart-ism, but not all of it. Like concerts, I'm starting to worry that we should begin wearing hearing protection to movies. It sucks, but we've reached a point where we can beat an audience into submission sonically. "Hey, I must have had a good time...my ears are ringing!" Hearing loss is real, folks, take it from one who knows. There's no need to be so goddamned loud...other than the fact that if you're in a multi-theater (as we were) in the quiet(er) passages you can hear the theater next to you (which is also playing too loudly...natch). If they batter you with enough volume, you can't hear Jumanji or whatever they're showing on the other side of the wall.

4) Get your popcorn and go pee before the movie starts. It's frenetically paced, from start to finish.

5) Yes, the reviews, comments, and complaints about nods to previous movies are correct. Some of the touches were handled well. Some were annoying--at least to me.


More, I will not say...at least at this juncture.



I'm not interested in someone's ability to program. I'm interested in their ability to compose and play.

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Followed closely by 'Anybody got a dime? Somebody go back and get a shitload o" dimes!'


Blazing Saddles, yes?


Absolutely loved that movie. (Saw it about a hundred times in the theater...the only way you could see movies back then--no VHS, no Betamax, no DVD, no Blu-ray...nuthin'...and Blazing Saddles wasn't going to be on TV any time soon...)


No friggin' way that movie could be made in today's socio-political climate. More's the pity.


To wit:


"Rape, murder, arson, and rape."


"You said rape twice."


"I like rape."


Like I said. That movie would never get made these days.




I'm not interested in someone's ability to program. I'm interested in their ability to compose and play.

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That movie would never get made these days.

Not a chance. Sad, too - brother Mel picks on everybody pretty much equally. I got to see him give a talk on Blazng Saddles after a screening a few years back. That was a lot of fun. Carl Reiner showed up as well... :cool:


...but Mel wasn't in any Star Wars films - just one Star Wars parody. :D


See how I used The Force to steer this thread back on topic? :saber:






:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Attack Of The Clones was fun and to me Revenge Of The Sith is one of the best in the entire series.

I'd be more inclined to agree with you had Hayden Christensen not been cast. The brother didn't really work for me - looked the part...but not the world's greatest actor. :facepalm:

I wonder about that all the time. When Lucas did the prequels he had total control and most of those actors were delivering lines by themselves in front of green screens. That's hard for anyone and while others pulled it off to some degree, that's hard to do. That being said, I've not seen anything else Christensen did and no one seems to want him. Still I wonder how much was his fault.



"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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As far as the way some are reacting to what TROS is and isn't, I'm like, "jeez, it's a frakkin' space opera!" These movies are largely for fun and to look for lots more than that seems wrong to me. I get that EP 1 - 3 had a political subtext but still you're talking about stuff whose heroes are called Jedi Knights. The original film, as great as it was, was culled largely from existing movie and storytelling tropes that have been around for ages. Don't go looking for the meaning of life, go have fun.


One thing that strikes me about it all is that this story was told in three movies. It's gotten to the point where that may not be enough time. The Avengers story arc was told over eleven years and I don't remember how many films. Granted, not all of that was integral to the overall story, but it did (mostly) piece together. They could have had lots more to tell with this arc outside of the three film format. Trying to explain everything that way is pretty limited and challenging in this day and age. We're used to getting MUCH more.


I do have a question about a theory or something I heard about a critical scene late in the film but don't want to give anything away yet. Let me know when I can ask.

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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I do have a question about a theory or something I heard about a critical scene late in the film but don't want to give anything away yet. Let me know when I can ask.

I'd say we're okay. Just need a road marker.




We're past opening weekend. If you're this far into this thread at this point, you're on your own. :idk:







:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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I do have a question about a theory or something I heard about a critical scene late in the film but don't want to give anything away yet. Let me know when I can ask.

I'd say we're okay. Just need a road marker.




We're past opening weekend. If you're this far into this thread at this point, you're on your own. :idk:





You can also use the spoiler tag!


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Hey, where da white women at?


Sorry, but that trick only works on the weak-minded.

That movie would never get made these days.

Not a chance. Sad, too - brother Mel picks on everybody pretty much equally. I got to see him give a talk on Blazng Saddles after a screening a few years back. That was a lot of fun. Carl Reiner showed up as well... :cool:


...but Mel wasn't in any Star Wars films - just one Star Wars parody. :D


See how I used The Force to steer this thread back on topic? :saber:




Hey, where da white women at?


Sorry, but that trick only works on the weak-minded. :laugh:


I don"t know why I always find it particularly funny when Rey does that, from the first time in TFA, to her latest exercise. If I could have just one super power, it would have to be the Jedi mind trick.

D-10; M50; SP4-7; SP6

I'm a fairly accomplished hack.

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Thanks for the reminder about the spoiler tag!



So when Han appears to Ren/Ben on the remains of the Death Star after his fight with Rey and Leia is dead, do you think that was supposed to be Leia/Carrie that appears to him originally? I almost thought I heard that somewhere but I could be making that up. There was a lot of stuff after she passed about how they would handle it. It actually would have made a bit more sense if it was her appearing to him, not that Han/Harrison was a bad backup, but she had Force powers, he didn't (to that extent anyway).


"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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Another oneâ¦



I saw a review where the author complained that Finn was Force-sensitive, and thus it "took away" from him leaving the Stormtroopers on his own. I just saw the scene in Force Awakens where Ren is told about him helping the droid and the girl escape, and he knew it. I mean, they've been hinting at his Force abilities since that movie! Duh!!!


"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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I haven't got a clue who Rey is or why I should really care about her,

That's been my problem with everything starting with Ep. 1. I just couldn't connect with any of these characters, and they've never really given me a reason why I should. And when I saw the trailers for this most recent one, it just looks like yet another unwatchable orgy of CGI bullshit. I should care. The first one came out when when I was 12. I am the demographic. I should care, but I don't. I didn't leave Star Wars, Star Wars left me.


yeah yeah, get off my lawn, etc. :laugh:

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Thanks for the reminder about the spoiler tag!



So when Han appears to Ren/Ben on the remains of the Death Star after his fight with Rey and Leia is dead, do you think that was supposed to be Leia/Carrie that appears to him originally? I almost thought I heard that somewhere but I could be making that up. There was a lot of stuff after she passed about how they would handle it. It actually would have made a bit more sense if it was her appearing to him, not that Han/Harrison was a bad backup, but she had Force powers, he didn't (to that extent anyway).


That was the scene that stuck out in my mind as the best written of the whole movie - delivered by the two best actors of the whole series. That's a call back done right - taking something from a previous movie and turning it on it's head, rather than lifting whole plot points from the original series and re-purposing them.


This isn't a bad movie. JJ Abrams is a master craftsman, and it may be impossible for him to make a bad movie. I just wouldn't call it very inspired or creative - especially compared to the way the Avengers series wrapped up earlier this year.


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I didn't leave Star Wars, Star Wars left me.


The problem is not that Star Wars left us, per se, it's that Lucas changed the fundamental nature of the movies between the first trilogy (now #4-6) and the second (#1-3). In the first movies you, I, or anyone else could aspire to be a Jedi. All we needed was a Jedi Master to teach us the ways of the Force. The movies vicariously provided us with Obi Wan and Yoda as our teachers. We listened and learned. Then, without warning, in The Phantom Menace we were rather rudely informed that it was Nature, not Nurture, and if you weren't born with a high midichlorian count you need not apply at the Jedi temple. From then on we were pushed out of the classroom, relegated to the role of observers, not students; outside looking in, rather than being active participants. The Star Wars movies became superhero movies, with the characters performing feats that we could no longer hope to emulate.


Took the wind out my sails, it did.


It's no coincidence that the Marvel characters I admire most are Tony Stark and Dr. Strange...they're the ones who did it on their own, using their brains, rather than being born to it (e.g. Thor) or having their powers bestowed upon them by accident (e.g. Bruce Banner). They went to school, applied themselves, and became superheros by pure force of will. We once had that dream with Star Wars, then had it taken away forcibly (not Forcibly...). We were cast out of the school and it forever diminished us.



I'm not interested in someone's ability to program. I'm interested in their ability to compose and play.

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Went yesterday with my three children.... the wife doesn"t like Star Wars, but the rest of the family even more....

Fantastic show, great music, 3D was a great add on as always.....

Minor critic,...... during the pause we all 'guessed" the plot.... it was kinda obvious.


'Planet destroying weapons based on the same technique after the first death star","Sith Lords who refuse to distinct " 'Jedi forces on the brink of another collapse" has been overused somewhat..


But all in all a great fascinating evening !



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The first scene of 'Rise of Skywalker' doesn't happen where you think it does


I don't like all of what he says here, but I do like how he points out what Rey does and what Ren does that tie back to⦠well, you'll see. ;)

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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Another oneâ¦



I saw a review where the author complained that Finn was Force-sensitive, and thus it "took away" from him leaving the Stormtroopers on his own. I just saw the scene in Force Awakens where Ren is told about him helping the droid and the girl escape, and he knew it. I mean, they've been hinting at his Force abilities since that movie! Duh!!!



Finn never got around to tell Rey the thing that he said he wanted to tell her. Fan speculation is that his Force-sensitivity is that secret thing


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'Planet destroying weapons based on the same technique after the first death star","Sith Lords who refuse to distinct " 'Jedi forces on the brink of another collapse" has been overused somewhat..


I think one's enjoyment of Rise of Skywalker depends upon whether (or not) you're willing to embrace the retelling of the same old Star Wars story one more time. If you're good with it, you'll love it.


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The movie is a routinely excellent Hollywood rollercoaster thrill ride, but the story left me disappointed. Clearly, switching directors was a bad idea, as Rian Johnson sought to undo what JJ Abrams did, and here Abrams undoes what Johnson did. The story is incoherent and disjointed, obviously designed by committee.


Too many cringe moments, too. I was ready to love it the way I loved TFA and TLJ, but this didn"t quite do it for me.



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I saw SW:A New Hope in 1977 as a little kid. My uncle was still a kid himself at age 17 and was so hyped up about it that he got me excited to watch it. He's the one who took me to the theater.


My uncle later told me that Lucas planned to make 9 total movies, in 3 trilogies, so I had 8 more to look forward to. Life was gonna be exciting! The next 2 proved worth the wait, even though the 2nd one ending on such cliffhangers was hard on my elementary school-age psyche.


The prequel trilogy coincided with my transition from teenager to working adult. Just as my various childhood dreams, delusions, etc. dissipated, or were ripped out of my heart or whatever during this transition, the experience of the prequel trilogy corroded my childhood emotional attachment to Star Wars. I'd still make time to go watch the movies in the cinema, but the wide-eyed joy and anticipation of viewing the next installment of Star Wars was gone.


The sequel trilogy has been a pleasant surprise, just by being of better quality to my subjective experience than the prequel trilogy. I still make time for SW films when I can because I still have just enough attachment leftover from childhood. But I'm definitely not looking for the same level of quality I've seen in films by Kurasawa, Jodorowsky, Miyazaki, Argento, etc. They're just escapist action films to enjoy (or not, lol).


The sequel trilogy isn't perfect, but I knew they weren't going to be high art. All three films suffered from some messy writing, pacing being off, etc. But that's ok to me - I thought it was wrapped up fine in the end, and I don't even have a problem with the very last scene, which generated as many complaints as the previous scenes.




The horse-riding on the destroyers was hilarious, as was Ray and Kylo/Ben passing objects back and forth over "Force-net" or "Force-space" or whatever the heck that was. I also get a laugh from feeling the nerd rage over those same things.



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'Planet destroying weapons based on the same technique after the first death star","Sith Lords who refuse to distinct " 'Jedi forces on the brink of another collapse" has been overused somewhat..


I think one's enjoyment of Rise of Skywalker depends upon whether (or not) you're willing to embrace the retelling of the same old Star Wars story one more time. If you're good with it, you'll love it.

You"re right and i enjoyed it anyway.... though i was surprised at the lack of imagination in this final chapter

Instead of rehashed instant planet destroying weapons they could change a planets orbit with some generated pulse heading for their local star...getting hotter and hotter until they accept the rulership of the new order....to go back to normal orbit....


A Sith Lord can learn both sides of the force while his/her real sinister agenda isn"t infected by good one bit, while Jedi"s cannot explore the dark side of the force without becoming evil in less than minute....so to speak

A Jedi infiltrating in the very heart of the Sith order while maintaining his/her good purpose/agenda (hidden for the public also) could be a great mind f"k.






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One rumor I heard was that Rey and Ren would team up. The problem with the end of the Empire and the Sith at the end of Episode VI, this theory claimed, was that by only focusing on the Light Side of the Force, the Jedi neglected the Dark Side and that would always come back. In order to bring true balance to the Force, both the Light and Dark sides must work together. Sort of like The Enemy Within episode of the original Star Trek. I thought that would have been a cool idea. Oh well.

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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One thing I noticed about the light saber duels is that they were all assembled from quick cuts, with no extended takes - which can make action scenes so much more exciting. Here's an example from Black Panther that employs a weapon kinda sorta like a light saber :laugh: The extended take starts about 50 seconds in:




These things are complicated to choreograph, time consuming to film, and expensive. But I missed it. It's one more example of where Rise of Skywalker is a little behind the curve of where blockbuster films are these days.


.. and yeah I know that I watch too many movies like this :D

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Well that's the thing Jackie Chan said he was always about consistent fight scenes. Stuff like the above clip does and the Bourne movies kind of started have dumbed it down. It's very hard to take an actor and make them look like a Martial Artist. That's where Kenau Reeves had done so well. He does a lot of his own stuff.

"Danny, ci manchi a tutti. La E-Street Band non e' la stessa senza di te. Riposa in pace, fratello"






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