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Jacob Collier 9/19


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1. It's like a Snarky Puppy concert. 90% of the audience are clearly musicians themselves.


2. Jacob can fuck right off. Damn.


3. What the hell does he do the rest of the show that he hasn't already done in the opener? I think I'd grow numb after three or four songs.

"The Angels of Libra are in the European vanguard of the [retro soul] movement" (Bill Buckley, Soul and Jazz and Funk)

The Drawbars | off jazz organ trio

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Somewhat along the line's of analogika's post:


Collier gets a lot of attention on this forum and on the internet generally. Despite his epic talent and soulfulness, he fails to draw me in. I feel like everything he does is designed, intentionally or not, to exhibit the full range of his prodigiousness. It's always impressive, but doesn't allow my ear to find a comfortable place. It doesn't allow my brain to connect. It's tiring.


But perhaps I'm only seeing the flashy stuff that people post specifically because it's flashy. Maybe there's a more thoughtful, reposed segment of his work I haven't been exposed to yet.


Or maybe I'm just too old . . .

Gigging: Crumar Mojo 61, Hammond SKPro

Home: Vintage Vibe 64


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I have gotten ripped on YouTube for saying the same thing. I can't listen to him for more than a couple minutes. He totally loses my attention. It's all "look at my fantastic chops". Maybe I'm just getting old.

Boards: Kurzweil SP-6, Roland FA-08, VR-09, DeepMind 12

Modules: Korg Radias, Roland D-05, Bk7-m & Sonic Cell

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I have no stakes in the game, if you like him you like him, if not, ya don't. I've also had similar feelings to the ones the three gentlemen above expressed, however, I find there's quite a few gems you can pick out of his repertoire.

And - you could just try to enjoy someone young, immensely talented, having a relatively big audience that's willing to listen. I'd rather listen to him for the rest of my life than One Direction (yeah, I'm that out of touch... :freak: )


For your consideration, YMMV:





It's not a clone, it's a Suzuki.
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I completely appreciate his talent. It is good to see a younger musician with the chops he has. He is certainly more advanced than me on piano.


However, as some others have commented, he just doesn't connect with me. I do often get that vibe that Toano88 mentioned of "hey, look at how cool I am". So again, yes, I think he is immensely talented but I'm just not into his music. (and this has nothing to do with being old)


Gig Rig:Roland Fantom 08 | Roland Jupiter 80






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And - you could just try to enjoy someone young, immensely talented, having a relatively big audience that's willing to listen. ]


Oh, definitely! On that level, it's a great joy to see someone reaching a large audience based on just his talent and the inspiration that so clearly has a lineage to Stevie Wonder. No electronic beats, no looping (none that I've heard anyway). I wish him all the success in the world.


Still, for myself, and to borrow a quote from Amy Whinehouse, "I'd rather be alone with Ray . . ."


But those 2 songs you posted were definitely better. Gorgeous harmonies and very listenable.

Gigging: Crumar Mojo 61, Hammond SKPro

Home: Vintage Vibe 64


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Honestly, for me, he's a fabulous arranger... and of course the other aspect of his act is his multi-instrumental musicianship. Those two are enough to peak my interest and enjoy.

Admittedly he personally doesn't have a song I sing and remember - my favorite of his works are arrangements of other people's music.


I think he is well aware of the fact he needs to come into his own as a composer of original songs (at least to the extent that others would want to cover them, ones that resonate with non-musicians and musicians alike) and he is working on that. I think it's a common struggle for artists no matter how gifted or skilled in musicianship. Perhaps that material is yet to come, or not. He may be satisfied with a narrower audience. Time will tell.

But near 100k views in a day? We should all have such a narrow audience! right? :)




Yamaha CP88, Casio PX-560

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This is yet one more of those arguing whether Jacob Collier walks on musical water or not. I'll say that he definitely does. Those of you who are simply listening to his instrumental chops are missing the point. There are age old musical tools that he's using. One thing is voice leading. Like Duke Ellington or Bill Evans or J.S. Bach. If you play certain types of music you may have developed certain perceptions in this regard. There are also rhythmic things he does sometimes - many are beyond me. Like playing 7 beats against 4 beats (he does this sort of thing in a documentary "Imagination - Off The Charts" concert that was done at M.I.T. - easily found on YT).


Someone - even multiple someones - may not like what they hear from Jacob. Tastes vary. But I can dislike someone's music and still recognize the brilliance. I can also tell when something is over my (musical) head - say like Gustav Mahler. But with repeated listenings one's ears (musical mind) can grow. Now, if all you care about is getting the exact patch used in some Journey song and playing the part exactly like the album - you'll have no interest in anything I've talked about.


And a video about Jacob's use of microtonality and temperament. I don't quite grasp all of it. Need to keep learning and growing.






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So you've divided the musical world into those who play Journey note for note and patch for patch versus those who appreciate 7 against 4 polyrhythms. Nicely done! All that's left is for the rest of us to choose . . .


If I could speak for myself, I think where I stand is fully appreciating Collier's talents but also seeing in him perhaps too many symptoms of an attention-deficit-disordered world. It makes me wonder who is going to write the new soul standards that people will be listening to in 20 years? Listening to Collier inspires me to work harder on my chops, but it doesn't begin to answer that question.


Collier has so much talent and soul in his DNA. I want him to evolve into the sort of timeless figure he himself is inspired by, namely Stevie. On a meta-level, I wonder whether being a musician of his caliber in a world where every recording and performance can be instantly published makes that more or less likely.




Gigging: Crumar Mojo 61, Hammond SKPro

Home: Vintage Vibe 64


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I kind of like him better if I don't watch him. Maybe it's his mannerisms, maybe it's his youthfulness (sorry Jacob), but hearing that voice come out of that mouth/face/body doesn't seem right to me.


I think this is the best comment on the Tiny Desk video.


Angela Wu

1 month ago

Imagine the burden of being Jacob Collier, doing his best to translate all the things that played in his brain with only two hand and legs at a time

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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I actually don't see disagreement anywhere in this thread.


Exactly. You, I and a couple others have already we think his talent, abilities and soul are brilliant.



Tastes vary. But I can dislike someone's music and still recognize the brilliance. I can also tell when something is over my (musical) head - say like Gustav Mahler.



Yes, I've already said this.



. Now, if all you care about is getting the exact patch used in some Journey song and playing the part exactly like the album - you'll have no interest in anything I've talked about.


Ya know, Barnaby, it is possible to care about the above, AND care about all the things you mentioned. Music does not live in a vacuum. Yeah, I play some Journey song with the sounds they used. I also like to sit and riff on Rachmaninoff.


So, instead of lecturing us on your prowess, take your elitist bullish elsewhere.


[/twit filter engaged]



Gig Rig:Roland Fantom 08 | Roland Jupiter 80






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He is an amazing musician. He is young. If I could have played like that at that age, I'm sure I would have! So much fire, enthusiasm and having a genuine good time! It is infectious. The thing I got from the first clip is how much charisma he has on stage - that wasn't really evident in some of the earlier clips with Snarky Puppy - he was a guest on their show. But he can mesmerize a huge room by himself. Not many can do that AND actually play at the highest levels. He's the real deal.


Now, how deep do you think his music will be in 20 years after the need to be impressive wears off. He isn't going to be any less good.



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Despite being incredibly, if not freakishly talented, he is still young, and I think that shows. (I was young once too, so I am fully qualified to say that). He has done some amazingly innovating work on his shows, but I too think it borders on the ADD vibe. I'm curious to see how he evolves.


And on an unrelated note, the pants....nope, I don't like them. Vanilla Ice and MC Hammer went down that road 30 years ago. Hated it then, hate it now.




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I think he needs a 60 minutes savant episode.


I've given my opinion in previous threads, but while he is freakishly talented, I doubt whether he will ever get any mainstream recognition.

His voice timbre is horrifically annoying, so he needs to jettison this before any discussion;


I think there is a Heisenberg Musical Principal that once you identify a savant like prodigy, it flames out. The only exception I know about is Joey D.

J  a  z  z   P i a n o 8 8


Yamaha C7D

Montage M8x | CP300 | CP4 | SK1-73 | OB6 | Seven

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I find him fascinating. I don't like everything (including this particular performance), but I am intrigued by more than his "talent". We're not observing just a really talented musician. He couldn't be more "on the spectrum", imho. If I were trained in the field I would suspect a level of Asbergers that only comes along in the musical world very rarely. He exhibits none of the classic "Social Anxiety", but I've come to believe that that symptom comes from a broad brush diagnosis. The area of his brain where "Music" resides must be a large hotbed of electrical activity, and his ability to hear that deeply and that nuanced is (once again) fascinating to me.

I agree with others here that often his performance are hard to listen to for very long. Kind of like getting caught in the corner of the ring with Mike Tyson wailing on your head relentlessly! :laugh:

He may never calm down. Who knows. I've often said that I've spent most of my adult life "trying to learn to play slower". I would love to see what he'd do if he ever considered doing the same.

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I enjoyed the OP video, even if yes, he does come on strong at times. I find he's already much more accessible and connecting with audiences than he was when he first broke out.


Curious if those who found the video too much would feel the same standing in the room. I was definitely won over when seeing him live.

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I find him fascinating. I don't like everything (including this particular performance), but I am intrigued by more than his "talent". We're not observing just a really talented musician. He couldn't be more "on the spectrum", imho. If I were trained in the field I would suspect a level of Asbergers that only comes along in the musical world very rarely. He exhibits none of the classic "Social Anxiety", but I've come to believe that that symptom comes from a broad brush diagnosis. The area of his brain where "Music" resides must be a large hotbed o[/size]f electrical activity, and his ability to hear that deeply and that nuanced is (once again) fascinating to me.

I agree with others here that often his performance are hard to listen to for very long. Kind of like getting caught in the corner of the ring with Mike Tyson wailing on your head relentlessly! :laugh:

He may never calm down. Who knows. I've often said that I've spent most of my adult life "trying to learn to play slower". I would love to see what he'd do if he ever considered doing the same.

A thoughtful assessment, I couldn't agree more.

Yamaha P515 & CK88, Pianoteq, Mainstage, iOS, assorted other stuff.

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