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Thoughts on this talented artists opinion.


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The greatest musicians this dumb ass world has ever witnessed, were tore up.. So was a guy we name a holiday after, come to think of it.


This young lady, is messing with the right to speak ones mind... educated or not, it's none of her business.

You don't have ideas, ideas have you

We see the world, not as it is, but as we are. "One mans food is another mans poison". I defend your right to speak hate. Tolerance to a point, not agreement

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The greatest musicians this dumb ass world has ever witnessed, were tore up.. So was a guy we name a holiday after, come to think of it.


This young lady, is messing with the right to speak ones mind... educated or not, it's none of her business.


I think it's salient to remember that "the internet" is mostly a bunch of teenage boys and grumpy old bastards in their bedrooms.



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The greatest musicians this dumb ass world has ever witnessed, were tore up.. So was a guy we name a holiday after, come to think of it.


This young lady, is messing with the right to speak ones mind... educated or not, it's none of her business.


I think it's salient to remember that "the internet" is mostly a bunch of teenage boys and grumpy old bastards in their bedrooms.




Hey! I'm NOT that old :laugh:

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The greatest musicians this dumb ass world has ever witnessed, were tore up.. So was a guy we name a holiday after, come to think of it.


This young lady, is messing with the right to speak ones mind... educated or not, it's none of her business.


I think it's salient to remember that "the internet" is mostly a bunch of teenage boys and grumpy old bastards in their bedrooms.






you have spyware ? ;)

Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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Is the monkey breaking the law or the beggar? Also the tone of that accordion, is fascinating.. are there any samples I can download for my future as an old grumpy organ grinder?

For unknown reason, the net is working for more than fifteen minute,,, wonder of it all.

You don't have ideas, ideas have you

We see the world, not as it is, but as we are. "One mans food is another mans poison". I defend your right to speak hate. Tolerance to a point, not agreement

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Thinking you can control your critics by criticizing them is crazy, IMHO.


As for criticizing musicians doing their best to explore new (for them or me) ground, about the worst thing I will ever say is Not my cup of tea, but good luck, unless they ask for more specific feedback.

Kawai KG-2C, Nord Stage 3 73, Electro 4D, 5D and Lead 2x, Moog Voyager and Little Phatty Stage II, Slim Phatty, Roland Lucina AX-09, Hohner Piano Melodica, Spacestation V3, pair of QSC 8.2s.


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I don't think this video is for the trolls, though. I think it's for us -- artists and appreciators of art. What kind of tone do we want to take, what precedents do we want to set, in how we communicate with other artists in the borderless world of online content creation?


There are always going to be trolls, of course (online and in, uh, meatspace) and we have to prepare ourselves for those deliberately rude responses if we want to continue making art.


But I think we music lovers, as appreciators of the craft, would never go up to a performer after a concert we attended and say "I think you suck." So shouldn't we measure ourselves and think twice before we give in to the easy pull of negative internet comment culture? When we're confused or challenged or turned off by stylistic choices, and our response is to tell the musician responsible that they are a bad artist, who benefits?


That's not to say we can't engage with artists who we disagree with, but I think there's a way to truly engage, and then there's the tenor of "I don't like it so screw you" (a tone I hear all too often). It's easy to detach and dehumanize. But I think the future of the arts and of human society demands that, before we speak up, we ask ourselves: what kind of community (or communities) do we want to foster?

Thank you for a thoughtful post that was a pleasure to read.

Yamaha P515 & CK88, Pianoteq, Mainstage, iOS, assorted other stuff.

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I support the artist in the video and like what's she's been doing in her videos. If anything she might still a bit naive about the internet world and the 800 pound gorilla that abound. First it was the telephone and people started becoming jerks because they weren't speaking face to face. Now the internet and they don't come in contact with who they talk to/about at all. So many trolls that don't know any about the forum or topic just post negative crap to get a rise out of people. So posting on the internet you have to wear asbestos underwear and have skin as thick as a rhino, and it can still get you down.


As to the artist and her videos I like that she's from a hardcore classical background, but exploring other styles and sharing the experience with publicly. I like she not so hung up on classical and tradition and she experiment with play classical pieces and other styles. I think she is a very creative musician kind in her sharing of her experiences exploring music.

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This is the Classical player who "played" blues, right.

I'd go back and reread the comments but I don't remember enough to search, but I do remember that I was less impressed than others.


I used to use a sig here about music being part math and part magic, and my preference for the balance to lean towards the later. I thought her Blues playing sounded too "learned", too math and not enough magic for my tastes. It lacked authenticity to my ears. She had all the notes, but little of the feel. Like a paint by numbers Mona Lisa. I also thought she gave off the an aura of her opinion of herself being even larger than her considerable skills as a musician. I don't recall being a troll. I just didn't care for it. I listened to several other of her videos and enjoyed most of them much more.


The internet is the tool she has chosen to find her audience. To think that those who don't like her creations must be ignorant, or just don't understand is imho unbelievably arrogant (which happens to be the same way she came off to me in the Blues vid). Newsflash: There are assholes on the internet! Grow up and get a grip.

Hell, I play Country music most days. Can you imagine the negative comments I'd get if I posted any of that online :freak:


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... I thought her Blues playing sounded too "learned", too math and not enough magic for my tastes. It lacked authenticity to my ears. She had all the notes, but little of the feel. Like a paint by numbers Mona Lisa.
I expressed a similar opinion in that thread.

I don't recall being a troll. I just didn't care for it. I listened to several other of her videos and enjoyed most of them much more.
I wanted to say earlier that just because some people make critical or negative comments, does not mean they are trolls. Of course there are trolls out there, but making negative comments does not necessarily mean a person is trolling. Sometimes it's just a person's honest opinion.
These are only my opinions, not supported by any actual knowledge, experience, or expertise.
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This is the Classical player who "played" blues, right.

I'd go back and reread the comments but I don't remember enough to search, but I do remember that I was less impressed than others.


I used to use a sig here about music being part math and part magic, and my preference for the balance to lean towards the later. I thought her Blues playing sounded too "learned", too math and not enough magic for my tastes. It lacked authenticity to my ears. She had all the notes, but little of the feel. Like a paint by numbers Mona Lisa. I also thought she gave off the an aura of her opinion of herself being even larger than her considerable skills as a musician. I don't recall being a troll. I just didn't care for it. I listened to several other of her videos and enjoyed most of them much more.


The internet is the tool she has chosen to find her audience. To think that those who don't like her creations must be ignorant, or just don't understand is imho unbelievably arrogant (which happens to be the same way she came off to me in the Blues vid). Newsflash: There are assholes on the internet! Grow up and get a grip.

Hell, I play Country music most days. Can you imagine the negative comments I'd get if I posted any of that online :freak:

Nathan nailed it.

While I support this classical pianists creative, playing outside her native sandbox, adventures... I also agree with Steve Nathan to the letter. There IS arrogance going on.

And one can be arrogant and creative, right? In her case it is masked by her sweet manner, that Steve originally saw through.

But I DO honor her spirit to go into other genre's entirely foreign to her... I DO... BUT the attitude has to go. Keep posting your music dear, but do not expect criticism to go away, especially when you tell them to not do it!


Just imagine the bandstand Charlie Parker was famously laughed off of, which led to his practicing gargantuan hours to produce the incredible magic he produced.. Imagine this young artist Ms Sol, sitting in on that bandstand. It is an absurd and unfair comparison, because she is not claiming to be a jazz/blues musician ( at least I hope not) , but imagine what would happen to her.... for a taste of reality... THAT environment, "the bandstand", is where that true genius Bird was spawned... a no BS environment .

A long time ago I knew an intense older jazz musician who would be roughly Parker's age... he told me a story about a blind musician sitting in on a bandstand in San Francisco ( "Bop City" was the name he mentioned ) - He said to this blind musician... I don't care if you blind, you still can't play... get off the bandstand! That sort of bluntness is what Parker dealt with. it is reality, in my opinion.


Her complaining about crtics of her music on YT, gets into a political area, we are rightly banned from discussing on a music forum.


I have said it before, please consider listening to the courageous, imperfect , but on balance, perfect thoughts/ wisdom of Jordan Peterson.

You don't have ideas, ideas have you

We see the world, not as it is, but as we are. "One mans food is another mans poison". I defend your right to speak hate. Tolerance to a point, not agreement

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Merry Xmas!



This person was a fraud... and always will be a fraud. Because Hiroshima and Nagasaki came to mind when I heard the first seconds of "it", that does not mean that she is an artist in any way.

Postmodern slime.



You don't have ideas, ideas have you

We see the world, not as it is, but as we are. "One mans food is another mans poison". I defend your right to speak hate. Tolerance to a point, not agreement

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