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Hugh Hefner dead at 91


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Well, other than giving us vicious males some occasional exhilaration, he has at least the merit of having published that enlightening interview with Wendy Carlos about her sex change... and some passing considerations about the music industry.
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Although Hugh Hefner didn't do all that much to change Western culture over the last forty years or so, he remained a figurehead for the movement that he founded. His defense against repression and narrow-mindedness was needed to maintain the gains that he made during the '50s and '60s, and arguably into the '70s. With him gone, I expect that the forces he fought against will once again try to take over our society. It won't be instantaneous, but over the next five to ten years, it would not surprise me to see attempts to make contraceptives harder to get, more conservative clothing, attempts to remove nude and sexual content from the web, etc.


Was he the only person responsible for the loosening of restrictions in society? Of course not. But he was clearly at the forefront, leading the way. I don't know that anyone else will have the strength and charisma to take his place. I fear that the years ahead will grow darker now that he's gone. We'll look back in the years ahead and rue his passing.


Thanks, Hef.



I'm not interested in someone's ability to program. I'm interested in their ability to compose and play.

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Although Hugh Hefner didn't do all that much to change Western culture over the last forty years or so, he remained a figurehead for the movement that he founded. His defense against repression and narrow-mindedness was needed to maintain the gains that he made during the '50s and '60s, and arguably into the '70s. With him gone, I expect that the forces he fought against will once again try to take over our society. It won't be instantaneous, but over the next five to ten years, it would not surprise me to see attempts to make contraceptives harder to get, more conservative clothing, attempts to remove nude and sexual content from the web, etc.


Was he the only person responsible for the loosening of restrictions in society? Of course not. But he was clearly at the forefront, leading the way. I don't know that anyone else will have the strength and charisma to take his place. I fear that the years ahead will grow darker now that he's gone. We'll look back in the years ahead and rue his passing.


Thanks, Hef.




this topic might not last long.


Hef proceeded or encouraged Americas sexual revolution in the early to late 50's. Back in 1960 divorce was still forbidden, that is not socially acceptable.


This belief was challenged in the classic movie " A Summer Place ".


The movie was controversial at the time.

Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

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If this topic lasts more than four hours see a doctor...

I believe Playboy mag & it's affiliates were but a fraction of his amazing empire. His early sixties show was one of the first to have diverse guests from entertainment to politics.

You don't know you're in the dark until you're in the light.
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If this topic lasts more than four hours see a doctor...

I believe Playboy mag & it's affiliates were but a fraction of his amazing empire. His early sixties show was one of the first to have diverse guests from entertainment to politics.


you are on that slippery slope ;)

Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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Got to say the dude was a huge jazz fan. I appreciate what he did with the Playboy Jazz Festival and all of the great musician interviews he put in the magazine, like the great one from the early 60's with Miles Davis.


Also dug that he was a pipe smoker.

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Really weird as I loaded in Rig at the Palms yesterday I asked myself "Wonder what Hef is up to".

His grand opening at the Palms years back brought in the very finest large gathering of trim I ever saw.


Few people get to enjoy life as much as he did.


Magnus C350 + FMR RNP + Realistic Unisphere Mic
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you are on that slippery slope ;)
Why? Because in his sentence he used the word politics???? Does the word politics offend you? He didn't talk politics he simply used the word in a sentence. JHC......

57 Hammond B3; 69 Hammond L100P; 68 Leslie 122; Kurzweil Forte7 & PC3; M-Audio Code 61; Voce V5+; Neo Vent; EV ELX112P; GSI Gemini & Burn

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you are on that slippery slope ;)
Why? Because in his sentence he used the word politics???? Does the word politics offend you? He didn't talk politics he simply used the word in a sentence. JHC......


none of this bothers me 1 bit !

Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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He also bears some responsibility for the increased divorce rate.


Wonder how many families his magazines have destroyed?


The Internet would be a good place to finger point ;)

And cable TV

Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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He also bears some responsibility for the increased divorce rate.


Wonder how many families his magazines have destroyed?


Not as many as some would claim.


My grandmother managed to get divorced back in the '30s. She had very good cause, but the tables were tilted against her. The divorce rates needed to be higher than they were; they were artificially low. Too many people were forced, by law, by custom, or by peer pressure, to stay together when they shouldn't. Marriages aren't always good. To ignore the suffering of women or men in bad marriages is not a good thing. Ignoring something; pretending it doesn't exist, doesn't mean it isn't there. People always speak of the pain of divorce. True, it usually is painful. But to ignore the legitimate pain of those who are trapped in marriages gone bad? Hmmm. Not good. Not good. To waggle fingers at people and tell them to "work it out" isn't a solution--it's an attempt to sweep the problem under the rug.


Or, as my mother put it when I was going through my divorce, "Marriages should be harder to get into and easier to get out of."


+1 Mom...good call.



I'm not interested in someone's ability to program. I'm interested in their ability to compose and play.

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He also bears some responsibility for the increased divorce rate.


Wonder how many families his magazines have destroyed?


Not as many as some would claim.


My grandmother managed to get divorced back in the '30s. She had very good cause, but the tables were tilted against her. The divorce rates needed to be higher than they were; they were artificially low. Too many people were forced, by law, by custom, or by peer pressure, to stay together when they shouldn't. Marriages aren't always good. To ignore the suffering of women or men in bad marriages is not a good thing. Ignoring something; pretending it doesn't exist, doesn't mean it isn't there. People always speak of the pain of divorce. True, it usually is painful. But to ignore the legitimate pain of those who are trapped in marriages gone bad? Hmmm. Not good. Not good. To waggle fingers at people and tell them to "work it out" isn't a solution--it's an attempt to sweep the problem under the rug.


Or, as my mother put it when I was going through my divorce, "Marriages should be harder to get into and easier to get out of."


+1 Mom...good call.






This is accurate history.

Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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He also bears some responsibility for the increased divorce rate.


Wonder how many families his magazines have destroyed?


The Internet would be a good place to finger point ;)

And cable TV


Sure, but he pre-dated all of that by decades.



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He also bears some responsibility for the increased divorce rate.


Wonder how many families his magazines have destroyed?


The Internet would be a good place to finger point ;)

And cable TV


Sure, but he pre-dated all of that by decades.



Libido also predated Hef and the 50's.

Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

My Soundcloud with many originals:

[70's Songwriter]

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Or none of us would be here...


I sometimes speak metaphorically of Grog The Caveman, being the genius who discovered alcohol (whether naturally fermented wine or mead [hence my choice of the name Grog]) or the inventor of music (perhaps a hollow log that he was fond of drumming on) or whatever thing I happen to be grateful for at the moment.


Although I doubt Grog invented sex, I do credit him with a high libido...and I'm proud to call the man my ancestor. He, like Hef, was a trailblazer.




Footnote: It's interesting to speculate as to whether Grog was a gear head. Did he keep a collection of different-sized drum-logs for different pitches? Did he notice that oak sounded different than elm? Did his wife fuss and fume over his instruments taking up too much room in his...wait for it...man cave? Inquiring minds want to know...

I'm not interested in someone's ability to program. I'm interested in their ability to compose and play.

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He also bears some responsibility for the increased divorce rate.


Wonder how many families his magazines have destroyed?




I was never a swinger, but my then-wife initiated the separation and started seeing other men without my knowledge or consent.


I'm not shedding any tears over the loss of a man who encouraged adultery to people such as my (now ex-)wife, and has the gall to call it liberation. I had a few of his magazines but I destroyed all of them during the divorce. So I am of the opinion that Hef and others like him bear some responsibility for increased divorce rates, and I am not open to dispute on that.

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He did bring Jazz more into the forefront of Pop culture, increasing visibility for many Artists.


Although the Playboy Jazz festival, later on, was way too commercial for my taste, again at least these annual shows gave people a wider exposure to, and a greater appreciation of the music.


I played many "casual functions" and shows at the Mansion over the years - they ranged from political, charity, to just straight up show biz gigs. Often, before he got older and stopped always attending, he'd frequently hang and mingle with the band/orchestra if he dug them. He always made it a point to make you feel welcome and appreciated.


A lover of music that swung. RIP.




2005 NY Steinway D, Yamaha AvantGrand N3X, CP88, P515







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I don't blame Hugh Hefner for my divorce. I blame my wife. She's the one who made the choices that led to our divorce, not Hefner. Hefner always advocated communication and honesty. My wife chose to close down and keep secrets. Hefner always tried to remove the stigma associated with sex. My wife chose to carry that burden.


Hefner did it?




People make decisions every day. They need to own up to their mistakes. By the same token, others need to put the blame where it lies. In my case, I, the courts, and (eventually--it took a while) my ex all said she was to blame.


And, yeah, anyone who was as strong a supporter of jazz as he was deserves credit.



I'm not interested in someone's ability to program. I'm interested in their ability to compose and play.

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Footnote: It's interesting to speculate as to whether Grog was a gear head. Did he keep a collection of different-sized drum-logs for different pitches? Did he notice that oak sounded different than elm? Did his wife fuss and fume over his instruments taking up too much room in his...wait for it...man cave? Inquiring minds want to know...


For a relatively new guy and a bass/guitar player to boot, you're fitting in here rather nicely.





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