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OT: Hang in there, brother Joe!!!!!

Dave Bryce

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As a curmudgeon who cannot bear the news.. May I ask a clueless question of any of you?

How much rain has fallen? And compared to a "normal" time period, how much extra rain?

And did I hear Joe suggest ( my interpretation ) the sewers are better able to handle water, say better than here in San Diego?


Are the big 18 wheelers able to travel in for Houston's needs... even a 7-11 is a God send

but their shelves would be desolate if the larger food stores and dept stores were not being supplied - so trucking in and out of Houston?


You don't have ideas, ideas have you

We see the world, not as it is, but as we are. "One mans food is another mans poison". I defend your right to speak hate. Tolerance to a point, not agreement

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Joe, glad you weathered the storm man!


I worry about the trees here if we get another Sandy....you know Huntington. Trees galore! I have some big Oaks on my property!


Anyway, the worst seems to be over...Gonna take Houston a long time to come back....I like Houston, nice town and people, took some software classes there about 5 years ago for a few weeks!



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Glad you are okay Joe. Also glad to see relief efforts from around the country. Just watched a report during lunch about the New Orleans navy. :)


Our church hired a tractor/trailer and announced Sunday that they are taking donations of diapers to take to Huston. My sister tells me that every Walmart in a three county area is now out of diapers. With the local diaper shortage in effect they decided to fill it on up with bottled water.

This post edited for speling.

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As a curmudgeon who cannot bear the news.. May I ask a clueless question of any of you?

How much rain has fallen? And compared to a "normal" time period, how much extra rain?

And did I hear Joe suggest ( my interpretation ) the sewers are better able to handle water, say better than here in San Diego?


Are the big 18 wheelers able to travel in for Houston's needs... even a 7-11 is a God send

but their shelves would be desolate if the larger food stores and dept stores were not being supplied - so trucking in and out of Houston?

Some places got around 50 inches in a few days. :freak: The storm is now pounding near the TX/LA border. I'm hoping it doesn't trash our LA friends at all, and I'd like it to just stop completely. I'm sure Beaumont, Port Arthur, Lake Charles, are in big trouble right now but I haven't checked for specifics.


Houston got more rain than we or most places ever get in a year.




The National Weather Service had to update its color codes to accurately describe the amount of rainfall we got.



Some supplies are getting in. Reports are of long lines at supermarkets and such, but we haven't been.


Joe glad you are OK. Glad the forum didn't break.
I try! Believe it or not, some of my neighbors were (jokingly) trying to blame me when the power went out yesterday! How do I draw such comments??? :idk::roll:


Joe, glad you weathered the storm man!


I worry about the trees here if we get another Sandy....you know Huntington. Trees galore! I have some big Oaks on my property!


Anyway, the worst seems to be over...Gonna take Houston a long time to come back....I like Houston, nice town and people, took some software classes there about 5 years ago for a few weeks!


We have lots of trees where I live too. I probably picked the neighborhood because of that, since I grew up with lots of trees. We've lost a lot over the years here, though Harvey only seems to have taken out a few so far.


Thanks again, you-all!

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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Here's a little blurb I saw on PBS last night:


Forecasters expect Harvey to dump 20 trillion gallons of water on Houston. That is equal to the amount of water that flows over Niagra Falls in 308 days.

Thanks for your regular updates, Joe. I'm glad to know that you've been spared the worst of it.


Hoping for the best for all concerned.





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Hang in there Joe. We're all with you. I've been following this thread ever since it started - hoping you would survive this record setting storm.


This is something I found on the NOLA website this morning:


Between 25 and 30 percent of Harris County - home to 4.5 million people in Houston and its near suburbs - was flooded by Tuesday afternoon, according to an estimate from Jeff Lindner, a meteorologist with the county flood control district. That's at least 444 square miles, an area six times the size of the District of Columbia.


That's just an incredible amount of land, and I can't even imagine 50 inches of rain. I know what Seattle and Portland look like with 1/10 that amount - which can actually close a few arterials.


Keep us updated when you can Joe.


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I've kept my fingers crossed for you this whole time Joe. (I know, hard to play that way :rimshot:).

Sounds like your experience is similar to ours in the 2010 Nashville flood. We stayed dry, lost power, phone etc (four days was all), and couldn't get out of our neighborhood until the water finally receded around us and "stuff" got cleared from the roads. The stories on the news are so sad and the debate around the Mayor's decision re:evacuation will go on for a long time no doubt.

SO glad you are OK.

Years ago I lived down 45 (Webster, Pasedena way). I guess the folks down there got hit hard. :(

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Thanks, Steve. I recalled the 2010 Nashville flood the other day when I saw some posts about organizations looking to help Texas musicians. That reminded me of the first flood I encountered here, the flood of October 1994. I had forgotten all about that one, maybe because it didn't have a name. But my wife's car got flooded so I should have remembered.


I'm not sure what got hit near Webster and Pasadena. It's been hard to keep track of what areas got trashed and what didn't, and there are some areas near the two reservoirs on the west side that are getting flooded as they release water from them to save the dams. There's *some* rain predicted for next week, nothing huge but they have to make sure whatever comes doesn't overflow those.


Today will be the first day we venture further than our immediate neighborhood so it will be interesting to see what's going on out there.

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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A doctor's appointment I had today was on, so we went to that, my piano lesson (piano teacher was fine, too), and a supermarket. On that trip we saw all of two things that really said something had happened.


First, we drove over Buffalo Bayou, the one the reservoirs mentioned above drain into. That sucker was full. A nearby road had some water on it as well.


Second, a huge old oak tree near Rice University was cut to the base, so I guess it fell. There was some damage to the roof and gutter of the house, but nothing appeared major.


Oh yeah, some businesses were closed because they had no power, limiting our lunch options. :D


It's funny, lots of parts of town are mostly fine. But some are devastated. The doctor said he had water in some of his first floor and his garage, one car was totaled. My primary care doc's house was flooded, and this is the second time her and her family's house has been flooded in the last couple of years.


Again, we are very lucky. :thu:

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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Heard a story related to me today about a recent widow who earlier this year finally got back into her home in Houston after the last flood there. It flooded again, and this time the water was up to the roof. I'm sure there will be no rebuilding this time. So sad what some folks are going through.

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I was in touch with a friend on Facebook who is a METRO train driver and who was off during the entire time because there were no trains running.


She took pictures of the Bayou and it was amazing from Friday just through Sunday the changes that went with it.


She said Highway 6 was closed and I-10. Are those opened now, Joe? I have not heard since Tuesday any more.


She recalled the "Tax Day" flood and said as scary as that was for her, this one was much worse.




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Glad to hear you're OK Joe. The footage shown on the news has been horrific and very upsetting.


We almost had an awful experience with Sandy; instead it was just really bad. Due of the storm surge the ocean breached the large barrier beach and went over a smaller barrier beach and made it's way to our yard. It got as close as 20 feet from our house (and about 40 feet from my Yamaha C3 acoustic grand which is on the ground level). So for a few hours we had oceanfront property! Our yard was wrecked and our boat was totaled, but most importantly our house only suffered minor wind damage and no one was injured.

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I was in touch with a friend on Facebook who is a METRO train driver and who was off during the entire time because there were no trains running.


She took pictures of the Bayou and it was amazing from Friday just through Sunday the changes that went with it.


She said Highway 6 was closed and I-10. Are those opened now, Joe? I have not heard since Tuesday any more.


She recalled the "Tax Day" flood and said as scary as that was for her, this one was much worse.



I don't know what the status of all the roads are. Things are constantly changing due to waters receding in some places and the reservoirs releasing. I figure that if I need to go somewhere I will check then.


I did see this story this morning.


Floodwaters wreck concrete median on Texas interstate


Yeah, Al. My Kawai grand and A-100 were fine but it sucked knowing that if water did get into the house, there was little I could do.

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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I saw that video last night. Amazing and heartbreaking.

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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You're making me feel guilty. The last two days have been about as normal as I could ask for. Some places we went were short staffed or things like that, but for the most part, my life and those I've encountered have been fine.


OTOH, some friends have been helping people and volunteering, and those stories have been rough.

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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Daniel Wade - how have you been?


We are ok. Got a little water in a couple rooms, but cleaned up quickly, once the water went down and the power came back on. I feel bad that I invited you out here to be safe, only to have it flood here also, but the house was built in 1927, (super rock solid) and had never flooded before. I'm glad that you were safe where you were.


Katherine was still in the hospital (8th floor at Methodist downtown) so she was in good hands, although the poor nurses had to work 24/7 4 days straight because of the floodwaters. They couldn't get out and replacements couldn't get in. I took them some doughnuts today, and instantly became Mr popular. Amazing how happy people get when you bring doughnuts.

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Is this a rumor... 350 alligators were released due to flooding.

Sounded like a science fiction horror show... snakes and alligators in murky waters.


Glad the worst is over for you.

You don't have ideas, ideas have you

We see the world, not as it is, but as we are. "One mans food is another mans poison". I defend your right to speak hate. Tolerance to a point, not agreement

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I took them some doughnuts today, and instantly became Mr popular. Amazing how happy people get when you bring doughnuts.


Even my wife (also a nurse) would have eaten a doughnut under those circumstances. Of course, preferably kale glazed :sick:.

You're a good guy Daniel - glad you too are OK.

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Good to hear from you, Daniel. I'm glad things weren't too bad for you. For a lot of places, this was their first flood, unfortunately. Hopefully it will be their last. And good that things went okay for Katherine. I imagine a lot of hospital staff had some long shifts. But at least they seemed to fix the problems the TMC had during Allison.


Joe, glad you are safe. If someone is looking for a local charity to donate to, any suggestions?
Thanks! My first response would be Houston Food Bank. I've done volunteer work for them in the past (and hope to again soon) and they are really super. I mean, check out their rating on Charity Navigator. You can find some other suggestions on the Charity Navigator site as well.

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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Here's a fascinating analysis of Where Harveys effects were felt the most in Texas, including a map. It also includes Lake Charles and the surrounding area.


In the Houston area, most of the "lines" of destruction are along the bayous.

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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Hey Joe.

Early this morning at our big chain supermarket

I paid my food bill with a card

before I could do so, I was offered a chance to donate to Harvey relief

I did so.

I would expect a lot of we Americans will be doing so.

Is the, as yet unknown bill, mega high, because of inflation or because the damage is unprecedented ?


Anyway I hope you are comfortable.


You don't have ideas, ideas have you

We see the world, not as it is, but as we are. "One mans food is another mans poison". I defend your right to speak hate. Tolerance to a point, not agreement

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Joe, Daniel


Glad you guys are ok!!! Can't imagine the devastation in the area.


Hang in there!


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