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If I were evaluating the value of continuing the forum or not, one of the criteria I would look into is the level of activity. If there is not a sufficient level of activity to warrant continuation, I would probably shut it down.


We had better increase the number of new posts. In addition the posts should have some substance. Birthday notifications ain't gonna' cut it.

If you play cool, you are cool.
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I don't have a problem with the business decision to shut it down. If that needs to be done, it needs to be done.


My problem was the lack of warning. Every other message boards shut down I've been a part of has at least given the members time enough to obtain/recover things like contact info, photos, recommendations, advice, etc. they may have no other access to.

Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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So would I. But if it really is a drag on the company finances, they either have to monetize it or shut it down.


I'm just saying that if it is the latter, they should at least give members fair warning. Anything less than a week or so is just going to guarantee bad feelings which may lead to commercial backlash.

Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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I can't help but think that the abrupt shutdown and brief interim with no notifications sent out to members have all contributed to the recent extremely slow times here on the GPF. Things were already slow for a number of reasons, but lately it seems to me to be very low-traffic.

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Good point- like p90jr, many forumites may have believe the shutdown was a feat accomplished, and it wasn't coming back.


Hell- I checked a few times after the shutdown and fave up myself. The only reason I came back at all after that is because Caevan sent me a message.


Perhaps we need to get the word out a bit more...

Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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And a number of FB posts that would otherwise have been GPF posts.


I understand the business side of shutting down this forum - but a smart business plan would consider the positive PR this forum creates. Just looking at profit and loss can sometimes be deceiving. There are other things to consider in the big picture. Building a broad based positive image is something that takes time and the benefits cannot be measured just by profit/loss.

But unfortunately most businesses do not see it that way.



The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it." George Orwell


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I have no objections to the placement of advertising in the margins of this site. There's always the possibility of more than a few looking into the products being advertised(especially if the ads are for PEDALS! :D ) But in all seriousness, If it keeps this outlet for opining or inquisitiveness available, I've no objections.


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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But if it really is a drag on the company finances, they either have to monetize it or shut it down.


Naw, they need to conceive a way to avoid any such drain, something that the company seems to have a history of not doing well.


Examples ?

They never maintained a safe archive of their original print issues.

Much that material was lost, at least per their communication here several years ago.


Other music publications regularly market compilations ( both print & digital ). That doesn't seem to be done much by GP.


I can understand that dealing with mucklehead & / or ransom-oriented hackers is difficult & a hassle but to close the site for financial reasons seems simply lame.


We are talking abt the original gtr oriented publication, possibly the original pop music instrumental-focused publication ( I can only recall an English mag from the 1960s BEAT INSTRUMENTAL that came before.



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As far as the lack of activity, an interesting thing is that the GP ed Office has been moribund for quite a while.

If they don't communicate except on the latest "hip" soc media, who do they blame for this site's lack of activity?



Next I'll chk out the "Back Alive" thread & double down on the "connectivity" threads...

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A couple reasons come to mind...


1. Those who received the message that the forum had closed simply took them at their word and have not returned.


2. A lot of traffic has been diverted to the facebook group.


A suggestion if it can be done: A moderator can send out a mass private message to all members informing them that the forum has reopened. Most folks have email notifications for PM's. So, it's worth a shot in order to gain back members.


"Treat your wife with honor, respect, and understanding as you live together so that you can pray effectively as husband and wife." 1 Peter 3:7


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Hopefully the Editors will read this thread. Looking at the GP "Archives" the last posting on Craig Andersons Sound Studio and Stage Forum was on 2/25/05 when they were closed down. The forum members were all saying good bye the same way that we are! They had 23,218 threads with 390,604 posts which must not have meant much to the powers that be?


So, give some consideration to the stats and what they are closing down now which is not limited to just our forum...


Keyboard Forum 51,440 threads with 929,841 posts


Guitar Forum 31,692 threads with 499,020 posts


Bass Player Forum 24,760 threads with 409,285 posts


Now ask yourself, does the number of threads and posts mean anything at all to GP? These are bread and butter stats based upon interested readers of our forums not even counting their interested subscribers and readers of their own GP magazine and newsstand sales...I can't believe they would pull the plug on so much exposure, but then again, they have done it before!


I have made suggestions to the editors with no response which can be read on the Editor's forum. One in which they could use YouTube to provide lessons for free to their readers on all printed lessons. My thread with video lessons has a great number of readers, yet it seems to fall on deaf ears. At any rate, keeping these forums on-line is a no-brainer IMHO. :crazy:


ps. I posted the above on the Guitar Player Editor's Office Forum... :cool:

Take care, Larryz
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The Facebook group kinda went dead, no new posts in a while. No need to keep it running except for the archives of members here in case this place goes south. I prefer this kind of forum myself. I check in to the Facebook group daily to see new member requests or any activity. I do not check into the other music players Facebook group.


I think the major reason they shut this one down was security issues. Not so much costs.

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I've also noticed another difference in recent times from when I first signed up......


The activity on the SONGWRITERS page is pretty much dead, while when I first signed up here it was as busy(active) as the guitar forum AND "Keyboard Corner". I used to divide my "forum time" equally between both IT, and this page.( no "app" required! :D )


And frankly, I'm at a loss to even hazard a wild guess as to WHY.


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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^ Yeah, I visited the songwriters page a few times and was amazed at the lack of interest. The postings are pretty sparse and many are just one hit wonders wanting a critique (to which no one responds)...I was hoping to see more dialog and recognized a few of our guitar player forum members on that forum and on the Keyboard and Bass forums as well. :cool:


ps. I think I'll paste my phone "App" thread on the songwriters forum and see what happens...

Take care, Larryz
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I read almost every day but rarely post as I have interest in guitar but so much else going on I only play maybe an hour a week so don't have much to contribute and rarely post. I hope this forum does continue as I feel a lot of things in common with you guys. Plus your discussions keep me up to date on how guys still very active are doing their music etc. Jim
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