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P90, Looks like you have a Tele and it sounds like you like B-Benders. Check out the B-bender gizmo for a Tele in Caevan's "Ash the World Turns" thread. Looks like an easy addition to the Tele sans any modifications. It can be taken back off easily and transferred to another Tele if you ever decide to sell yours. Pretty positive comments on it. The only negative I heard was you have to slide your hand back past the bridge to engage it. I like playing with my palm over the bridge pups so this wouldn't be an issue for me. It sure beats the other B-bender Tele complex stock systems that come on B-bender Teles for an easy mod... :cool:




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Take care, Larryz
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Lately I've been exploring older pedals new to me-


atm I have been enjoying a Boss CE-3, which online opinions say is 'too bright" but gets me close enough to JC-120 territory to mind much, especially considering EQ options and live use realities-


Also enjoying an old Zealux delay pedal, precursor to the Caline/Joyo models, and pretty darn good imo. Lots of useful settings, and it can do this cool repeat "dance" where playing with the Repeat and Time controls can be pretty amazing for Radiohead-type effects, smeary semi-tuned and a little messy if you wanna. Cheap and worth a search imo.


Also, a Kmise Vintage Overdrive, a super-cheap pedal that can sound surprisingly good.


I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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Do I put this at the beginning or at the end of my signal chain?


[Video: "The Gadlin Mystery Pedal (I Don't Know What This Pedal Does)"]


I do know what that "pedal" does. And you need to put that as far from your signal chain as you possibly can- and try to find some Sonic Lysol, to boot! ;)


atm I have been enjoying a Boss CE-3, which online opinions say is 'too bright" but gets me close enough to JC-120 territory [not] to mind much, especially considering EQ options and live use realities


I think that, barring unpleasant tinny-ness, that being "too bright" could almost only be a good thing. Many- most?- chorus pedals sound plasticy, murky, like dulling dark goopiness to my ear. For years- decades?- I was put-off chorus pedals, and chorus-effects in general by any means. If your CE-3 is clearer and brighter than some, that's a plus.


One of the few chorus pedals that I do find tolerable, actually like and even use from time to time is the old original AC-cord powered TC Electronic Stereo Chorus/Flanger, which has a 'hi-fi' full frequency range suitable for any instrument; you would love it for bass, as well as guitar. It shines for pristine-clean tones, but also adds a cool meanness to overdrive and distortion.


Also enjoying an old Zealux delay pedal, precursor to the Caline/Joyo models, and pretty darn good imo. Lots of useful settings, and it can do this cool repeat "dance" where playing with the Repeat and Time controls can be pretty amazing for Radiohead-type effects, smeary semi-tuned and a little messy if you wanna. Cheap and worth a search imo.


Also, a Kmise Vintage Overdrive, a super-cheap pedal that can sound surprisingly good.


Sounds like you're having a LOT of fun there lately! :rawk::D:thu::cool:


P90, Looks like you have a Tele and it sounds like you like B-Benders. Check out the B-bender gizmo for a Tele in Caevan's "Ash the World Turns" thread. Looks like an easy addition to the Tele sans any modifications. It can be taken back off easily and transferred to another Tele if you ever decide to sell yours. :cool:


And you say you CRS... ! :D:thu:


Can the Jeff PRO be configured to be a B Bender?


probably not...

[font:Verdana]at least one person in the comments asked the same question, and I'm very curious, too.[/font]


I'm guessing that p90jr's right, "probably not"; that would likely require a hex-pickup and separate processing for each string individually.


I'd love to be wrong...



Personally, for me, I think that digital whammy-bar sounds awful for clean and acoustic guitar tones. ESPECIALLY when going up in pitch, even with overdrive and distortion. The further up, the higher, the worse and worse and worse... I find ALL digital pitch shifters and transposers to sound horridly chirpy and flinty and cheaply fake when going up, particularly an octave or more. I don't like it, Sir! I don't like it at all! :D


I vastly, 1,000% prefer analog octave sounds, so superior, up OR down- and very much so when going an octave up. Even clean! (Les Paul, anyone? Yeah, I know he didn't do that live in real time, but still... )


It- the "Virtual Jeff"- doesn't sound so bad for going down in pitch, though, particularly with overdrive and distortion.


Doing faux TransTrem chord moves with the "Virtual Jeff' there just sounds dorky. Mechanical marvel though it was, bending chords up and down like that with the real thing (the Steinberger TransTrem) got old, REALLY fast. I missed the garbly weirdness of non-uniform pitch change among strings and notes within chords when using a Strat or Floyd Rose style whammy, too! That's part of the charm.

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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The Fart Pedal will probably find a market, but the "fun factor" is likely to wear off quickly. How long can anyone really listen to that? Maybe an otherwise entertainment-deprived 9 or 10-year-old.

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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Scott, that's a very realistic sounding and funny pedal. I would put it at the rear end of the signal chain LoL! When you are forced to play a tune that you do not like, it would be a great way to end a song that stinks...I would have called it the Woopie Cushion! :stooges:
Take care, Larryz
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The Fart Pedal will probably find a market, but the "fun factor" is likely to wear off quickly. How long can anyone really listen to that? Maybe an otherwise entertainment-deprived 9 or 10-year-old.

Scott, that's a very realistic sounding and funny pedal. I would put it at the rear end of the signal chain LoL! When you are forced to play a tune that you do not like, it would be a great way to end a song that stinks...I would have called it the Woopie Cushion! :stooges:


Aaahh, the topic lingers...


There's apparently some electronic device that has those sounds recorded in it, for playback on demand- my Step Son had this ridiculous card game, a 'gag gift' that he'd gotten from some relative for Christmas ages ago, that included a goofy plastic green cloud creature that would make EXACTLY the same sounds heard there, down to the two-way switch. Looks like this:



Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Do I put this at the beginning or at the end of my signal chain?



You know this needs to be paired with the usual suspects- a Korg Miku, a EQD Rainbow Machine, a ring modulator. Flanger. Reverb.


Humanity has almost reached the point where guitarists can be full-on foley artists!

Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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Do I put this at the beginning or at the end of my signal chain?


[AmosHeller's "The Gadlin Mystery Pedal (I Don't Know What This Pedal Does)" video]


You know this needs to be paired with the usual suspects- a Korg Miku, a EQD Rainbow Machine, a ring modulator. Flanger. Reverb.


Humanity has almost reached the point where guitarists can be full-on foley artists!


Except that this pedal doesn't actually process your signal; I don't even think that anything is triggered by your signal hitting its input- it appears that it simply starts putting out prerecorded fart-sounds when you activate it via its footswitch, with controls for volume and selection between two varieties of... overall texture.


It's a safe bet that its enclosure houses the internal components of this Mattel game toy,




with the addition of a footswitch for off/on, a status indicating LED, and a more typical toggle for the... worse and worser options...




That's cool; overall, it sounds very good, and I can easily imagine getting some great results from it if I put the time into figuring out just where, when, 'n how I'd want to use it in my own music, and/or given covers if I were in a covers band again.


I was surprised that its Hammnond B-3/Leslie sounds were not all that impressive! Those sound very tinny, flinty, chirpy, cheesy, digital and fake, all in bad ways. Judging by those sounds presented in this video, it's beaten at that game by both my own attempts with an analog octave-up/down fuzz and a feedback inducing device (for limitless sustain and harmonic-overtones) fed through a Boss RT-20 Leslie-sim pedal, and the B-3 sim modes of the Electro-Harmonix B9 and C9 pedals fed through that Boss RT-20.

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Do I put this at the beginning or at the end of my signal chain?


[AmosHeller's "The Gadlin Mystery Pedal (I Don't Know What This Pedal Does)" video]


You know this needs to be paired with the usual suspects- a Korg Miku, a EQD Rainbow Machine, a ring modulator. Flanger. Reverb.


Humanity has almost reached the point where guitarists can be full-on foley artists!


Except that this pedal doesn't actually process your signal; I don't even think that anything is triggered by your signal hitting its input- it appears that it simply starts putting out prerecorded fart-sounds when you activate it via its footswitch, with controls for volume and selection between two varieties of... overall texture.


It's a safe bet that its enclosure houses the internal components of this Mattel game toy,




with the addition of a footswitch for off/on, a status indicating LED, and a more typical toggle for the... worse and worser options...


All I"m hearing is that it needs to go first in the signal chain, REPLACING the guitar!



Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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If someone gave me one of those Fart Pedals, I'd go trade it in for whatever I could get, and be glad to get any value out of it. Still, having said that, I have to wonder if they'll become collector's items at some point?


I suspect Caevan is correct, that the box uses your input signal as a trigger for the pre-packaged sounds, rather than "processing" them into gaseous emissions. FWIW, I have no desire to dig into my various Synths & MFX to see if I can emulate that sound with anything else, although I suspect it can be done.


Sadly, the Miku Stomp has been discontinued, and they're showing up on Ebay & Reverb for absurd prices.


If you're looking for a fun Sound Mangler, let me recommend the Catalinbread Bicycle Delay, inspired by Dr. Hoffman's LSD-fueled bicycle ride, back in 1943. Forget about dialing in a nice Tap Tempo sound, or looking at your BPM charts to sync the Delay Time to a beat; it won't happen. Put one of these in line AFTER the Rainbow Machine, and well, as Helios Creed suggests, make sure you've tuned up before the hallucinogens kick in.


If, OTOH, you're looking for weird runaway repeats, or pitch-bent echoes, this is your new friend. I have two of these, one for my main pedalboard, and one for my Ambient 'board.


The "Lucidity" knob controls Mix, the "Reflect" knob controls Repeats, and the "Expanse" knob controls Delay Time, although I use the word "controls' rather loosely. The Expanse knob works backwards, with the longest Delay Time setting being fully CCW. It is possible to center the "Mood" control for a more-or-less conventional Delay sound, but it's a razor-thin margin you're trying for. One of the former Catalinbread folks used the word "precarious" to describe that Noon setting on the Mood knob, and I have to agree with that.



"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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...those Fart Pedals... I suspect Caevan is correct, that the box uses your input signal as a trigger for the pre-packaged sounds, rather than "processing" them into gaseous emissions.


I don't think it even does that- I think it just starts playing those sounds when it's switched on. In that video, it seemed that it simply replaced whatever you had going into it (in that case, I believe it was a loop of bass playing?) with those canned fart-noises. It sounds and functions 100% EXACTLY the very same as that Mattel game toy- I've actually got that, out in the garage, one of the boys received that game a few years ago as a gag-gift for Christmas.


FWIW, I have no desire to dig into my various Synths & MFX to see if I can emulate that sound with anything else, although I suspect it can be done.


I don't doubt in the least that you have many other things to productively occupy your time! Watching the dishes dry would even suffice! Not to mention making music and interesting sounds...



If you're looking for a fun Sound Mangler, let me recommend the Catalinbread Bicycle Delay, inspired by Dr. Hoffman's LSD-fueled bicycle ride, back in 1943. Forget about dialing in a nice Tap Tempo sound, or looking at your BPM charts to sync the Delay Time to a beat; it won't happen. Put one of these in line AFTER the Rainbow Machine, and well, as Helios Creed suggests, make sure you've tuned up before the hallucinogens kick in.


If, OTOH, you're looking for weird runaway repeats, or pitch-bent echoes, this is your new friend. I have two of these, one for my main pedalboard, and one for my Ambient 'board.


The "Lucidity" knob controls Mix, the "Reflect" knob controls Repeats, and the "Expanse" knob controls Delay Time, although I use the word "controls' rather loosely. The Expanse knob works backwards, with the longest Delay Time setting being fully CCW. It is possible to center the "Mood" control for a more-or-less conventional Delay sound, but it's a razor-thin margin you're trying for. One of the former Catalinbread folks used the word "precarious" to describe that Noon setting on the Mood knob, and I have to agree with that.


Cool... :cool::thu:

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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I made the mistake of looking up the Fart Pedal . . .


Rather than being a one-off gag (in every sense) gift, it seems that there's a Kickstarter campaign to make this a real product. It allegedly will come with a series of "decoy" stickers to convince the unwary that it's a standard OD, or Chorus or something, at least until they turn it on.


I can't really imagine putting up $165US for this thing, much less spending that amount to inflict it on someone else. That seems like a good way to lose friends, or make enemies: "Hey, try out this new boutique OD! It's a GAS!"


FWIW, MAD Magazine was way ahead of this . . . I had the original magazine insert with this recording on it, when I was 8 years old.



"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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I found some great sounds sans belches in the Mad Magazine music. Loved the sax and guitar leads...I too was a Mad Magazine Fan WP! I was about the same age 9 or 10 back then...my favorite magazine of all time! :thu:
Take care, Larryz
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On the Boss SY 200, 14 minutes in & I still haven't heard a single sound I find useful or interesting.


Sounds like you've run across TWO fart pedals, Scott... :crazy::D

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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I made the mistake of looking up the Fart Pedal . . .


Rather than being a one-off gag (in every sense) gift, it seems that there's a Kickstarter campaign to make this a real product. It allegedly will come with a series of "decoy" stickers to convince the unwary that it's a standard OD, or Chorus or something, at least until they turn it on.


I can't really imagine putting up $165US for this thing, much less spending that amount to inflict it on someone else. That seems like a good way to lose friends, or make enemies: "Hey, try out this new boutique OD! It's a GAS!"


FWIW, MAD Magazine was way ahead of this . . . I had the original magazine insert with this recording on it, when I was 8 years old.




I was in 5th grade and my brother was in 6th grade. He brought that record from Mad magazine to our school lunch in the cafeteria. The principal, Mr. Johnson, would play the records we brought during the latter part of lunch if we were all good and sat boy girl boy girl. We were good that day and Mr. Johnson put It's A Gas on through the school PA system in the auditorium. My brother escaped punishment, partly by lying that he'd never played the record but thought it might be good and partly because Mr. Johnson had a very difficult time not cracking the hell up himself.



It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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On the Boss SY 200, 14 minutes in & I still haven't heard a single sound I find useful or interesting.


I made it around 20 minutes in, long enough to hear the Organ sounds. In fairness, I think they were intended to emulate the squeezy, cheesy Farfisa sound (think "96 Tears" or "Wooly Bully"), rather than the majestic Hammond sound, at least I hope so?


At the price, this is going to give a lot of players access to Synth sounds, in a plug-&-play format. It's hard to argue with that, on one level.


Just to be fair, I looked at the rather slim Manual, to see if the programming went deeper than the video suggested, like whether you could change anything in the Sequences and Arpeggios, other than the Rate or Tempo; no luck there.


There are some onboard FX, including Chorus & Delay, but I can't find the parameters for those? Still looking for more info, before I dismiss it completely.

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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On the Boss SY 200, 14 minutes in & I still haven't heard a single sound I find useful or interesting.


I made it around 20 minutes in, long enough to hear the Organ sounds. In fairness, I think they were intended to emulate the squeezy, cheesy Farfisa sound (think "96 Tears" or "Wooly Bully"), rather than the majestic Hammond sound, at least I hope so?


I have a Farfisa MiniCompact organ. It's a pretty lousy sounding organ. I prefer it to anything I heard in the SY 200 video.

Scott Fraser
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  • 2 weeks later...
[font:Verdana]If you use any pedals that feature control/expression inputs, you should watch this:[/font]



That"s some serious socket science.

Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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[font:Verdana]If you use any pedals that feature control/expression inputs, you should watch this:[/font]



That"s some serious socket science.


I like the idea, especially as it has a much smaller footprint than 4 EXP Pedals.


Let's see, 4 separate EXP Outs, so . . . I'd need 2 of them, to start with.

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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[font:Verdana]If you use any pedals that feature control/expression inputs, you should watch this:[/font]



That"s some serious socket science.


I like the idea, especially as it has a much smaller footprint than 4 EXP Pedals.


Let's see, 4 separate EXP Outs, so . . . I'd need 2 of them, to start with.

That"s an important concern.


I don"t own ANY expression pedals, but I"m finding I have a distressingly large number of pedals that could work with one. I"d have to RTFM to use the thing properly, but that might be the smartest thing to do.

Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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I don"t own ANY expression pedals, but I"m finding I have a distressingly large number of pedals that could work with one.


Distressingly? :laugh: I'd say that's a GOOD thing!


I"d have to RTFM to use the thing properly, but that might be the smartest thing to do.


Haahh! :laugh::D:thu:


I myself have at least a few stomps that are expression-pedal compatible- and maybe MIDI, too- that I have not taken advantage of, have not used with an expression-pedal or other controlling device. It might be a good thing to try, and were I gigging, I'd very likely find uses for expression-pedalry and other such.

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Thanks for posting that. No REALLY! My GAS list just got a little longer- that double fuzz sounds right up my alley.












Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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